Devil In Disguise [Darkiplier...

By Actual_Angel

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You've finally made it to your senior year in highschool. Unfortunately for you, you've been forced to change... More

Chapter One: First Day
Chapter Two: Detention
Chapter Three: Theater
Chapter Four: Did We Just Do That? *shitpost smut warning*
Chapter Five: Date Night
Chapter Six: OwO What's This
Chapter Seven: Conflicting Feelings
Chapter Nine: Markiplier Manor (Part One)
Chapter Ten: Markiplier Manor (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven: The Fight
Chapter Twelve: It's Over
Chapter Thirteen: Regret
Chapter Fourteen: Take A Break
Chapter Fifteen: Falling Apart
Chapter Sixteen: Jealousy
Chapter Seventeen: Shattered
Chapter Eighteen: The Investigation
Chapter Nineteen: Fear
Chapter Twenty: Sacrifice
Chapter Twenty One: Infected
Chapter Twenty Two: Your Final Choice
Chapter Twenty Three (Stay): Burn
Chapter Twenty Four (Stay): Wake Up
Chapter Twenty Five (Stay): Merry Chrysler!
Chapter Twenty Six (Stay): Something's Changed
Chapter Twenty Seven (Stay): One Last Chance
Chapter Twenty Eight (Stay): Together Forever
Chapter Twenty Three (Leave): Back From the Dead
Chapter Twenty Four (Leave): Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Chapter Twenty Five (Leave): A New Hope
Chapter Twenty Six (Leave): Blank
Chapter Twenty Seven (Leave): Put On Your Masks :)
Chapter Twenty Eight (Leave): End Game Part One
Chapter Twenty Nine (Leave): End Game Part Two
Chapter Thirty (Leave): The End.

Chapter Eight: The Musical

2.2K 91 199
By Actual_Angel

"You okay?" Ethan said as soon as he saw your face in the doorway. He ushered you in, inviting you to take a seat on the couch. "What's wrong?"

"Although I really want to, I can't tell you." You wished you could, especially seeing the genuine concern on his face, but you couldn't put both yourself and Dark at risk. "I'm just here to hang out."

"(Y/N), listen." Ethan's expression grew more serious. "You can't bottle your feelings up like this. You're gonna explode eventually."

Ethan paused, searching your face for any sign of giving in. You stared back at him with a deep frown, but said nothing. You knew he was right.

"You wanna know the reason why my parents are never home?" Ethan began and you nodded reluctantly. "They're living with my brother back in Maine. They always liked him better than me, so they decided to send me here on my own. Sure, they come by once a month to check on the things, but they don't care about me. I try to fill the house with people so I'm don't feel alone all the time and I pretend to be all bubbly and happy, but I'm not. I'm not happy, (Y/N)."

"Oh, Ethan." Your heart broke for him. You pulled him into a hug, holding him closer than before. "I never knew. I'm so sorry."

"I didn't bring this up to make you sad or anything." Ethan pulled back, looking thoughtfully into your eyes. "I just don't want you to feel alone like I do."

"Ethan..." You muttered softly, looking hopelessly into those puppy dog eyes he was giving you. Dammit, he looked so smol and vulnerable. How could you resist? "Okay, you have to promise not to tell ANYONE."


"Okay." You sighed, folding your shaking hands in your lap. You just had to come out and say it. Like ripping off a band-aid. "I'mhavingsexwithDark."

Ethan paused for a minute, taking time to both figure out what you said and then process it.

"Mhm." Ethan hummed while nodding. He didn't look too surprised. "So what about it is bothering you?"

"Well other than the fact that it's illegal and he's my teacher," You tried to break the tension with a bit of joking. "I keep getting warned by other people about dating him, but I really like him." You weren't quite ready to say the big boi L word just yet.

"Then go for it." Ethan said with the utmost confidence. "If it ends badly, I'm here for you, (Y/N). Always."


Ethan helped you study and practice your lines in preparation to the musical. You seriously doubted that Kathryn would magically come down with a gut-wrenching sickness because that would be a convenient plot device, wouldn't it?

Everyone seemed to be getting into character during rehearsal and you even got to meet some cool, new people that hadn't been coming to normal practices. Your friend group just seemed to continue to grow and you loved it.

After Friday night practice, you forced Dark to give you the address to his apartment so you wouldn't need to rely on someone to take you there. Luckily, it was only 15 minutes away from your own home.

After parking your car and greeting Mr. Oliver on the way in, you went straight to Dark's room without any interruptions. You knocked lightly on the door, waiting patiently for Dark to let you in.

He swung open the door and stepped aside. He was wearing a tight fitting black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. You wondered if you'd ever get over how pretty he was. Once you were inside, he took your hand and guided you to his couch.

"What would you like to watch?" He asked as you curled up next to him, laying your head on his shoulder.

"Porn." You said sarcastically, hoping to shock him.

"If you insist." He replied without missing a beat. You thought about calling his bluff, but decided against it.

"No no no no, I was kidding." As much as you liked Dark, you did not want to watch porn with him.

"As was I, my dear. You think I'd really show you my porn collection?" He flashed you a sly smile. You rolled your eyes at him and laid your head back on his shoulder.

"Anyways, how does It follows sound?" He turned on the t.v. and pulled the movie up on Netflix.

"Ooh, I've heard that was spooky. Let's watch it!" You replied excitedly, since you had been wanting to watch it, but never had the chance to. You wondered if the big bad Darkiplier would actually be scared by anything.

He started the movie and all the lights in his apartment shut off. He let out a huff of annoyance, but didn't do anything about it. Apparently he was used to things like this happening.

You both seemed to be getting in the movie since both of you actually did jump at some of the jump scares. You thought it was especially funny when Dark jumped. He didn't like it when you laughed at him.

As the monster banged on the door in the movie, someone banged on Dark's actual apartment door. You two jumped again, but it only took a second for Dark to move from fear to irritation. He got up and swung open the door to find no one out there. He growled and slammed the door shut. He unpaused the t.v. and you laid your head in his lap. He didn't seem to mind.

As It Follows played on, you heard something in Dark's apartment smash, followed by shuffling towards the couch. Two men popped up behind it. One holding a microphone and the other holding a camera.

"I'm Jim and this is my associate Jim." The man with the microphone said to you. "Why exactly are you-"

"Get. Out." Dark growled with a nasty scowl on his face. Damn he is scary when he's angry. Microphone Jim pouted, but another dirty look from Dark got them to finally leave.

After they were gone, Dark shifted on the couch so that he was laying behind you with his arm wrapped around your waist. As cliche as it sounded, you did feel less spooked when Dark held you.

"Ooh how exciting!" Wilford muttered from the end of the couch as the monster fell into the pool.

"Wilford, leave." Dark demanded, even more irritated when the Jims came in. "Inform the others that the next person to enter this apartment dies."

"Dark!" You scolded him, shooketh that he'd even say such a thing. Actually, you weren't that surprised, but you weren't sure how serious he was. He clamped a hand over your mouth to prevent you from arguing further. You tried to lick his hand to get him to take it off, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"But, Dami-"


And so Wilford left. Dark removed his hand from your mouth and you turned your head to glare at him.

"Are you really going to kill someone?" You hoped he would say no. Even if he was going to, you doubted that he'd admit it.

"Of course not." He assured you. "But they fear me enough to heed my warnings."

"Why?" You asked, but he pressed one of his thicc fingies to your lips. He shushed you and started the movie once more.

As soon as the movie finished, t.v. shut off on its own and the lights flickered back on.

"That was a good one, Darkipoo." Anti said as he literally hung from the ceiling. Dark moved you so that he could get off the couch. Shadows unfurled from his finger tips and tangled themselves in Anti's vibrant green hair. With the flick of Dark's wrist, Anti was yeeted to the ground. "Ooh, I always loved the dominant side of you. I bet the lass does, too."

Your eyes widened and your face flushed at what the little green imp was implying. Before Dark could smash his skull in, Anti burst into a fit of giggles and glitched out of Dark's reach.

"Hey, doll?" Anti stood on the back of the couch, his face hanging upside down in front of yours. "Just so you know, Dark's ticklish." He smiled mischievously at Dark before finally leaving.

"Were you two," You not to make this super awkward, but you had to ask. "Uh, in a relationship before?"

"No." Dark grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Anti is simply trying to antagonize me, as usual."

"Oh I see." You nodded while an idea popped in your head. You patted the seat next to you for Dark to come sit down. As soon as he did, you sat on his lap and kissed him. While he was distracted, you reached up and tickled his neck. He involuntarily let out a giggle and grabbed your wrist tightly in his hand.

"Don't." He said with the utmost sincerity. Of course, you weren't going to listen to him. Your other hand went and poked him in the side. He laughed again and grabbed that wrist as well. He pinned you on the couch easily, taking both of your wrists in one hand.

"You wanna play that game, darling? Alright, let's play." Dark tickled you with his free hand, making you thrash underneath him, trying to get away.

"Dark... please... stop." You said between giggles, hoping that he would let you go. He was laughing just as much as you were.

Finally, after continuous pleading from you, he stopped. You two stared each other in the eyes and you felt something in your chest. Something that was invoked by his gentle black irises, by the amount of time you had been spending with him. You just wanted to be with him all the time you were able to, you felt so happy, so complete.

Oh fuck. Its love. You're in love. You hadn't been able to admit it before, but you know it's true. You were so in love with him and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You are so boned.


You paced the length of the stage, peaking out from behind the curtain. Guests were starting to arrive now and the play would begin shortly. Kathryn had come down with a nasty stomach bug and hadn't been to school in a few days. You didn't want to do this, but you had to. The show must go on.

"Hey." Ethan rested his hand gently on your shoulder. He sure did look like a little cutie in his Link costume. "I know you're nervous, but you're gonna do great. I promise."

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and of course all other configurations of being." You heard Wilford's voice from in front of the curtain. "Oh boy do we have a good show for you tonight!"

The beginning music interrupted his talking and so you got in your place. Wilford disappeared from the stage, the lights went on, and the curtain swung open. You were met with hundreds of eyes all focused on you and you nearly froze. When it was time for you to sing, your body went into autopilot and began to perform.

"Oh, oh, oh woke up today feeling
the way I always do." You sang with a fake smile on your face. Your nervousness disappeared as you sang on and you found that you actually really enjoyed performing.

As the song came to a close, you managed to spot Mr. Fischbach sitting in the middle of the theater. You gave him a wide smile and he smiled right back.

"Baltimore and me!" The music cut and the audience roared with approval. There was something so energizing about performing in front of a live audience and you were definitely excited to do more.

During intermission Ethan and you finally had a chance to talk.

"You make an awesome Tracy." Ethan said, smiling widely at you.

"And you make an awesome Link." You shot back, giving Ethan a big hug. Wilford came up to the two of you, grinning softly as well.

"As much as I wish Kathryn was here, I must say that you are doing a splendid job." He clapped you on the shoulder and wink wonked at you. "Ethan, you could be better."

Wilford walked off as Ethan gave him an offended look. The blue boy rolled his eyes and did a double take upon seeing something behind you.

"Kathryn!" He screeched, running over to her. "What are you doing here? You're sick!"

"The show must go on." She muttered with a lazy smile, swaying a bit as she walked. She was probably high on cough syrup. "Don't worry, (Y/N), I'm not here to steal your thunder. I just wanted to watch."

"Oh okay-"

"We're back on!" Wilford ushered you out of the way and pushed Wade and Bob out to the stage. The curtains opened again and everyone back stage snickered at the two. Wilbur and Edna's duet scene was one of your favorites to rehearse.

Although they said and did everything right, you could tell Bob was hating his life right now and Wade didn't seem to be doing much better. The amount of relief on their faces after their part was done was almost comical.

As much as performing was fun, playing the lead role was exhausting. You were happy to finally have reached the last song of the musical: "You can't stop the beat."

Tyler held an envelope in his hand as (Y/F/N) stood next to him with a fake smile. Damn, she played such a good Amber. Tyler was a decent corny. He's a bit stiff, but he's Tyler.

"I'm proud to announce that Amber Von Tussle-"

"Is about to get out danced." You interrupted with a sly grin, looking down into the crowd as the crew lowered you down to the stage. You were afraid the pulleys would break and send you crashing down, but they didn't.

While you sang, you thought about how you hadn't spotted Dark throughout the whole musical. You were hoping that he'd come, but maybe you just couldn't see him.

You all put in maximum effort to make this final number one to remember. At the end, you and Ethan did the big ole smoocheroni and the curtain closed, indicating that the show was done. The crowd roared with approval as the whole cast stepped in front of the curtain, as well as Wilford. You all took a bow, smiling widely at the applauding audience. As nerve wracking as it was, this moment made it feel one hundred percent worth it.

After Wilford let all of you go, you trotted happily out of the the theater. You thought someone was next to you, but you initially ignored the feeling.

"(Y/N), wait." Mr. Fischbach's voice caught your attention. "I wanted to say how wonderful you were tonight."

"Oh, thank you." You gushed with a wide smile. Mr. Fischbach smiled back, but there was something off about it. "You okay?"

"Of course." His smile fell and his expression changed into something more serious. Now that you looked at him up close, his eyes were sunken in, accompanied with bags beneath them. You were a bit worried. "Why do you ask?"

"You just look really tired." You realized there was nobody else in the hallway except the two of you. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Positive." He gave you a gentle smile. He glanced at a clock on the wall behind you and his eyes widened. "Wow, it's getting late. You're okay to get home, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Fischbach." You replied with mock sarcasm. He really was a nice guy.

"You can call me Mark when we're not in school." He winked at you, clapping you gently on the shoulder. "See you later, dear."

With that, he turned and left as you watched him walk down the hall. The closer you looked, the more you realized he had a slight limp. You hadn't noticed that in class and you wondered what happened.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice said behind you. You whipped around to see Dark and he looked pissed. He sure was fear inducing when he wanted to be, but you weren't scared...right?

"Dark, you actually made it." You gave him a weak smile, trying to defuse the situation. That angry looked still remained on his face.

"You and Mr. Fischbach seem to be getting along quite well." Dark took a step towards you and stared down at you intently. Why was he so upset? "Anything you'd like to tell me?"

"Oh my god." A sly smile crept on to your lips. You knew exactly what was wrong. "First you were jealous of Wilford and now you're jealous of Mark?"

"There is nothing about that fool would invoke jealousy. Especially from someone like me." Dark asserted, trying to retain his intimidating image. You started to laugh.

"Not buying it, Darkipoo." You teased, trying to get him to loosen up a bit. It didn't work, he just seemed to get more agitated.

"I believe it would be in your best interest to avoid Fischbach." Dark said clearly, a blank expression coming over his face. "He does bad things to good people."

"He's still my teacher, Dark. I have to be around him, whether you like it or not."

"(Y/N)." Dark said bluntly, grabbing your chin in his hand. He bent down so that your faces were only inches apart. "Don't argue with me. I know what's best. Do you understand?"

You blushed at the sudden power display, trying to keep your thoughts clear. His black eyes staring into yours was enough to make you lose focus from your original declaration.

"Do you understand?" He asked a second time, squeezing your chin for emphasis. You pushed his hand off of you.

"I know you mean well, Dark, but Mark-"

"Mr. Fischbach." Dark corrected.

"Mr. Fischbach is just my teacher and nothing more, but I still have to talk to him." You placed your hands on Dark's cheeks and shook him a bit. "You're the one that I want, you big dummy. You don't need to worry about him stealing me from you."

"I know." Dark gave you a rare smile that was reserved only for you. "I should apologize. At times, my emotions get the better of me."

"It's okay, you goof." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. "I love you, anyways."

You both stiffened at the words that just came from your mouth. You hadn't meant to say them, they just kinda slipped out. Dark's hands on your waist pushed you away from him so that he could look at you.

"What did you just say?" He didn't seem to be asking out of shock, but rather out of the need for confirmation.

"I-I'm sorry, it just slipped out. I didn't mean-"

"(Y/N)." He stopped your rambling and cupped your face with his hands.

"Yeah?" You glanced back up to his black irises. Something indescribable swirled in them, something that looked ever so familiar.

"I love you too."

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