Toy [Zarry]

By Akshaya_1Dlover

1M 29.6K 31.7K

Toy [noun] - A person treated by another as a source of pleasure or amusement rather then with due seriousnes... More



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By Akshaya_1Dlover

A/N: Well this chapter is a little over due and I'm sorry for that but I've just been a little busy, but not to worry, I am here with a new chapter, woohoo! ;D


The picture is of what Zayn and Harry are wearing for the wedding, I think they look pretty hot! ;) So check that out! ------->>>>>

I have nothing interesting to say this time, oops so I'm sorry! I also find it awesome how a few of you tell me that you enjoy reading my author's notes because it makes you laugh, thanks ahaha!


This chapter is dedicated to @KingCommenter becasue they actually truly loved this book and they told me why and I swear my heart was just melting as they bought up things in the past that happened in Toy and got me feeling! :') ♥

If you want a dedication, then tell me something funny that happened to you in your life, I want to have a laugh ;D

Fact: I am running out of facts >_<

Enjoy my little Toy Soldiers \(♥o♥)/



-1 week later-

Today is the day of Niall's and Liam's wedding, the day where their love is bound together by a ring, the day they're legally united as one.

A day Zayn wishes he has with Harry one day...

"Tommy stop squirming babe, dadda needs to get your shirt buttoned up" Zayn instructs while kneeled down in front of his son to get him ready.

Sticking his lower pink lip out, Tommy shuffles his feet "We go party?" he questions while smiling brightly at Zayn.

Zayn smiles "Hmm, something like that pumpkin. Dadda's friends are getting married so we are going there to celebrate and watch them get married" Zayn explains while patting down Tommy's shirt as he was dressed.

Tommy was wearing a Pronto Uomo Couture black tuxedo, the buttoned up white shirt was accompanied with a black bow tie, something Harry insisted on Tommy having. The trousers were straight leg trousers with a centre crease. The black vest was silk and the jacket was polyester with the sleeves rolled up to his wrists to reveal a bit of his white shirt. And to finish his look, he wore dress shoes.

"I look good" Tommy says observing himself in the mirror while moving his curls about on his forehead so they set better around his face.

Chuckling softly, Zayn nods "You look beautiful pumpkin, no run along downstairs so I can get ready" Zayn instructs while Tommy screams exiting the room, probably running down to play with the new toy cars Zayn bought him.

Zayn smiles lovingly at his son as he begins to dress himself from the suit which was laying on his bed. Zayn wore a simple white shirt with straight slim trousers and a black blazer, but he had a black, white and grey printed foulard around his neck, giving the edge of a chic look.

"Come on dadda, let's go, daddy is already ready!" Tommy whines as he bursts through the draw, tugging on the trousers at Zayn's knee to get him out of the room.

Tommy was never patient, expecially when he was ready and dressed.

Spraying his cologne, Zayn chuckles picking Tommy up, placing him on his waist "Okay bub I'm ready, we can leave now" he says softly while Zayn closes the bedroom door and carefully walks down the stairs making sure he didn't miss a step.

"Go to daddy" Zayn says placing Tommy on the floor while Zayn grabs the gift bag, containing Niall's and Liam's wedding present.

Zayn exits the house as Harry follows with Tommy on his hip while he goes to the back to buckle Tommy up while Harry sits in the passenger seat while Zayn climbs into the driver's seat.

Starting the engine, Zayn pulls his seatbelt on "Harry, can you pass me the navigator please" Zayn says holding his hand out as he ajusts the rear mirror.

Harry reaches into the compartment while typing in the address for their venue as he hands it to Zayn without a word being said.

"Thanks" Zayn mumbles while hooking it up to the car and pulling out of their driveway.

It's been like this the whole week, Harry not saying a word to Zayn, just completely ignoring his other half to the best of his ability.

Zayn knows Harry was stubborn but this was just too far. Considering that it should be Zayn who should be angry; also Zayn is making an effort because he never wants their relationship to turn back to how it was before.

A dark horrid passed.

"We are going to the beach Tommy" Harry speaks out, because yes, Niall's and Liam's wedding was happening on the beach.

Clapping his hands excitedly, Tommy cheers "I like the beach, build sand castles daddy?" he questions hopefully.

Harry chuckles "Yeah, sure. But only if you behave at the wedding, okay babe?" he says.

"Yes, I behave" Tommy says while leaning back into his car seat with a wide evident grin on his face as he looks out of the window to see the trees and buildings lessening the more they drive.

Turning the corner, Zayn taps his fingers agaisnt the steering wheel as he hates sitting here in silence with Harry, it's the worst. He has so much to say but what's the use if Harry doesn't even care.

Zayn sighs "When are you going to talk to me?" he pipes up finally gathering enough courage to face rejection.

"Don't start this now" Harry states lowly, glancing out of the window, not daring to make ehyecontact with Zayn.

Frowning, Zayn breathes out deeply because he knows this is affecting him as much as it's affecting Harry...but it's also affecting Tommy, seeing his parents not cuddled on the sofa together while he plays with his toys is noticeable for the toddler.

Zayn couldn't help himself but allow his eyes to wonder over towards Harry's attire. It was truly breath taking. He was clad in the same trousers and blazer as Zayn but his blazer wasn't buttoned like Zayn's. Harry's short however matched Zayn's foulard.

So it was kind of a couples outfit.

"We are here" Zayn announces as the tires reaches the sand from the tarmac road.

Tommy attatches his hands and cheek onto the window looking at the beauty of the beach, he's never seen it like this. It was empty, meaning no kids besides the guests, with fairy lights hanging from tall white pillars which hand ivory, silk, draped shits hanging from corner to corner.

There were no chairs, which was weird for a wedding but then again Niall and Liam did mention that they wanted a wedding of simplicity.

They all climb out of the car making their way over towards the family and friends all gathered around near the foot table, which contained small appetisers which Tommy gladly helped himself to.

"This is nice" Zayn says, but Harry wallks off to talk to people he clearly didn't know, but Zayn just shrugs and picks Tommy up.

Zayn walks over to Jake who was waving at him "Hey mate, I'm guessing this cutie is Tommy, I'm Jake" he says while ruffling Tommy's curls.

Giggling loudly, Tommy smiles "That's me, I Tommy, I like that" he says poking at Jake's hanker chief which was a bright orange silk, a complete random colour compared to his navy suit.

"Well you can have it if you want buddy" he says pulling it out while handing it over to Tommy who takes a hold of it happily.

Zayn smiles "What do you say to Uncle Jake, Tommy?" he questions with raised eyebrows.

Turning to look at Jake, Tommy grins "Thank you" he says while pulling Jake into a tight hug while squirming out of Zayn's grip as he wanted to be on the floor.

"Look daddy, look what Uncle Jake gave me" Tommy squeals as he shoves the orange hankerchief into the air so Harry could see.

Harry furrows his eyebrows "Uncle?" he mumbles to himself with a deep frown.

Biting his lip, Zayn waves at Jake "You didn't need to do that mate, Tommy likes a lot of things and I now think his favourite colour is orange, he has this toy tiger at uh yeah" Zayn rambles on then blushes.

"Oh no it's fine, I have plenty of bright coloured hanker chiefs" Jake confirms winking as both boys laugh loudly.

Zayn smiles "I can't believe they are getting married" Zayn gushes.

Running his hand through his quiff, Jake nods "Same here mate, I mean I thought you and Harry would be the first ones to get married" he mumbles while frowning, but quickly replaces it with a forced smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Uh well, Harry's not into the idea of marriage" Zayn mumbles while looking over in the direction of his lover and his son, Harry was currently chasing Jake around on the beach.

Jake frowns "Why not? I mean if I was with someone like you, then I would definitely marry you without a question of doubt" Jake whispers, tracing patterns over Zayn's cheek bones.

Shrugging his shoulders, Zayn sighs heavily "Well he said marriage is just for show and it's pointless" Zayn explains.

"Well do you want to get married?" Jake questions curiously as he pulls his hand away, burying it in his pockets.

Zayn smiles at the though "Yeah I guess I do, especially because we have Tommy as well. I mean I don't want to be the next Kourtney Kardashian" Zayn teases, trying to lighten the mood.

Shaking his head as he chuckles, Jake smiels adoringly towards Zayn "Well if you want to get married, then that should be a more than enough reason for Harry wanting to marry you as well" Jake comments while shrugging his shoulders.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the grooms will be arriving now, so please make your way over to the front, form a bath for the grooms to enter please" the priest announces while everyone goes to the front, Zayn waving to Jake as he goes over to Harry and Tommy.

Tommy smiles and kisses Zayn's cheek.

Music starts to play while Niall and Liam both causally walk through the isle and straight through the front, sending a thumbs up in Zayn's direction.

"We are gathered here today" The priest begins to say his speech but Zayn's mind drifts off to the though of him and Harry standing where Niall and Liam are right now.

Imagining how it would would feel to be bound together by the law, something homosexuals never could do years before. Zayn wants Harry to walk down the isle, or even the other way round. Zayn wants speeches made at the wedding, Zayn wants to cry while they cut the cake and laugh at the old memories on a sideshow being played on the background.

Zayn wants all of that, but Harry doesn't.

"I do" Niall says and before Zayn knows it, the vows have been exchanged and Liam's and Niall's lips were pressed together in a sweet soft kiss as they pull away resting their heads against one another's.

The priest smiles "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you make kiss each other" he says with a small chuckle.

Pecking Niall's lips again, Liam smiles "I love you Niall James Payne" he whispers while everyone coo's at the newly wed couple.

Niall smiles "I love you too baby" he says and hugs Liam tightly.

"No I would like the best men to make it to the front and share their speech to the family and friends gathered here" Liam calls out while pointing over at Zayn and Jake.

Walking over to the front, Zayn clears his throat "Uh hi" Zayn says awkwardly causing everyone to laugh, his eyes drift over towards Tommy who was smiling brightly and then to Harry, who was also surprisingly smiling. "I've never been good with these things so please bare with me if I make a fool of myself. When I was three years old met a very cute, charming amazing and life changing guy, Niall Horan. He wasn't like anyone else, definitely not. His metabolism rate is the fastest I've seen yet, I've told him all the junk he eats will soon catch up to him, so be warned Liam!" Zayn says winking at Liam as the people chuckle. "But I can't imagine myself standing here today making a speech for anyone else, Niall's not my friend, he's a brother, he was always there for me at my worst and best and I'm glad to say I have him in my life. Please use protection today guys, and remember to take it easy, you have your whole life for sex, so it doesn't mean you have to do it for eight times tonight" Zayn smirks as Harry covers Tommy's ears. "I hope you have an amazing future, I love you guys" Zayn says while running to his his two friends as everyone claps and coo's.

Niall wipes a tear "Thanks Zayn, I love you too" he says pulling away.

"Well I don't know how I'm going to beat that. But what the heck! So I haven't knows Liam and Niall for that long, it's only been a few years. I moved from America to London and I was honestly scared out of my life but my brothers welcomed me with open arms. I remember seeing Liam and Niall at college and the way they would look after one another was just the cutest thing ever, it always made me want a relationship like that. Where I could care for the one I love and give them everything" Jake says locking eyes with Zayn the whole time as Liam and Niall lean into each other's sides with a smile. "I hope you continue like this and I hope you are forever stuck in the honeymoon stage. But please don't call me and tell me about what happens tonight, I would like my ears to stay clean without any dirty words" Jake teases. "Safe sex and I love you both" he says as people clap while Jake goes and hugs the newly wed couple.

"Me and Niall would love to stay and chat but we have to catch our flight" Liam says sadly as everyone waves at them while congratulating them while they run down the beach heading into their car.

Tommy runs to Zayn "Did good" Tommy admits while wrapping his arms around Zayn's legs.

Smiling down at Tommy, Zayn smiles "Thanks bub, it means a lot to me" he admits while kissing Tommy's hair.

"I go to Uncle Jake" he says while waving at Zayn and running to Jake while Zayn walks over to Harry.

Harry looks up at Zayn "You did good up there" he compliments while scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Raising his eyebrows, Zayn smiles "Thanks, uh you look really good" Zayn blurts out, flushing a deep crimson as he sees from the corner of his eye Jake and Tommy building a sand castle.

"Thanks, so do you...and I'm sorry" Harry apologises while pulling Zayn into his strong arms, hugging him.

Zayn's heart flutters "I forgive you Harry" he says while pulling away to kiss Harry.

They both missed one another's touch, craving the need for it for too long, but they pulled away before things became too hot.

"I always feel like I'm in the honeymoon stage with you" Harry whispers while they rest their forehead against each other's.

Knives pierces through Zayn's chest knowing he and Harry will never get married, so he will never know how the honeymoof stage would really feel like.

Zayn can only dream...and hope.



I'm sorry if you think the wedding was rushed, I didn't want this to drag on "/

How did you find the speeches? Sorry I'm crap at them, hahaah! ;P

Harry forgave Zayn! :)

But Harry doesn't like marriage :(

If you want a dedication, then tell me something funny that happened to you in your life, I want a laugh ;D

Thoughts on this chapter? :)

Who's team are you in and why? :D

What do you think will happen next? ;D

Tell me what you think :) x






Instagram: Akshaya_Ox

Add me on Kik: Akshaya_1Dlover

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