Jealousy ||⚣ ~Namseok


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"Hello. I'm Kim Namjoon." The guy said coldly with a lollipop in his mouth, turning it a few times. -/- Sta... More



1.8K 60 36

6:30 ..

Byeol walked me home after the incident and put a bandage on my nose. I washed the blood off of my face and had replied to some group texts.

💞Fluff humans💞
Binnie: Hoseok, are u okay??

H0PESE0K: I'm fine, don't worry!!

Binnie: Sure, if you say so. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

I slipped my phone back into my jeans and threw all the blooded tissues away.

"Agh, I'm sorry Hoseok I really have to go now!" Byeol said after looking up from her phone.

"It's fine, don't worry. Thanks for walking me home!" I said giving her a smile.

She gave me a hug before she left and i groaned in pain, since it actually did hurt like a bitch.

I ran upstairs to get my rats and put them on my shoulders. I walked back downstairs, grabbing my house keys from the dining table. I made sure that my rats were comfterable on my shoulders and opened the front door, closing it after I walked out.

I closed it and walked through my neighborhood walking to my sisters school, since my dad works till late. My rats would just quietly sit on my shoulder, maybe walking down my arms so that they could sit on my hands. I looked around my neighborhood, seeing that a empty house had been taken. I saw a familiar figure, Kim Namjoon.

"Yah! Joon!!" I said waving happily.

He looked at me, facepalming not soon after he saw me.

I chuckled; "You better come here to apologize!! My nose hurts like a motherfucker."

He crossed the street and stopped in front of me.

"Are those rats?!"

"What about them?" I said, trying to figure out his expression.

"They look cool, they just sit on your shoulder like that? And I'm sorry."

I nodded, "It's okay, and yeah they do." Namjoon softly patted the rats and said he had to head back.

I waved at Namjoon and he showed me his middle finger, waving it around.

"Yah! Don't be mean!" I shouted across the street, I saw one corner of his mouth curl up.

"Go away already!!" He said playfully, I laughed and stuck up a thumb.

I walked further, getting closer and closer to my sisters school.

I walked through the gates of the school and not soon after saw my sister run to me, she stuck out her arms as I went through my knees.

She hugged my waist and smiled happily.

"Hi, Hobi!!!"

"Hi Laura!! How was your day?" I said with a big smile while she stood up again and fixed her skirt a little.

"It was really fun, I played with Sol today! She told me about her cat and dog."

"Awh, cute. Let's go home!"

She nodded rapidly, holding my hand.

I smiled.


3:30 P.M.

I had gotten home for a while now and I put my rats back in their cage, letting them rest.

I gave my sister some food and we watched some TV and Netflix together.

After a few hours I began to make dinner, Laura's favorite food;Kimchi.

I made a bit extra for my dad so that he could eat it later when he got home, since he works till late to get enough money for the both of us.

After we had eaten we watched a few series and It had began to get late for Laura, so i decided to put her in bed.

I helped her brush her teeth and ruffled her hair after it, as she playfully ran to her bedroom, smiling widely to me as she stood in the door opening.

She laid in bed and i put on her Hello Kitty light next to her bed on her night stand. It lit the room up in a beautiful purple light.

I sat next to her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. I brought my hand through her hair and smiled to her.

"Goodnight Hobii." She said giving me a soft smile.

I smiled brightly,"Goodnight Laura."

I stood up, closing the door behind me.

I walked back downstairs, hearing one of my cats meow loudly. I giggled, picking the pearl white cat up, named Snowy. Not soon after the other cat came running towards me too, Blackberry. I walked to the couch, tapping on my lap, letting Blackberry jump on my lap as Snowy laid on one leg, Blackberry on the other.

I put on a fun show and watched till I got tired.

Which was till 1:45 A.M.

My dad comes home a hour later, I was too tired to wait so I didn't wait.

I slowly stepped up the stairs, my legs feeling like 2 sacks full of potatoes.

My mind wanted to think about bad things, that would make me feel broken once again.

The hallway was dark, i softly tiptoed through the dark hallway. I entered my bathroom, fastly putting on my pajamas, washing my face and lastly brushing my teeth.

I tiptoed back, a beautiful dark sky from outside filling my room with light, making me feel less sad as I thought about some things, that I never told anybody.

I grabbed my diary, writing my day.

Hi Diary,

The guy is definitely no uke... I think?
But he's nice, and I wanna try to get close to him.
I don't know if I'll succeed though.
I feel down again, I'm thinking about things again.
Dad is probably gonna get home drunk again.
I know it's hard for him, but it's hard for me and Laura too.
I wish she was still here...
I miss her.

Your Hope.

I closed my diary, looking outside, seeing pretty stars fill up the dark sky.

I always loved watching the stars late at night with her.

I miss her so much...

Not noticing I had been looking at the sky for that long, I heard a door open.

I sprung up, hearing the door slam close.

I walked to the stairs, hanging over the stair leaning.

"Yah... Salbina, why did you leave?! Huh?! Why!?" Dad shouted as he threw one of the vases on the ground.

Laura gladly couldn't hear anything since she has special earphones that would keep her from hearing dad come home.

I looked at him, as he pulled his hair harshly.

A sharp pain in my chest wouldn't stop after seeing my dad hurt like this.

"Salbina.. Why does it hurt so much?"

My eyes widened, my heart having a sharp pain. My eyes started to get glassy, I let myself step back, leaning onto the wall, not soon after letting myself fall through my knees.

After hearing my dad sob for a while, i stood up, taking a few breath's. I looked through my window seeing Namjoon stand in his room, wanting to close the window.

He looked at me with a shocked look.

I gave him a weak smile, letting myself fall on my bed after I did.

I grabbed my phone and put my earphones into my ear, also plugging them into my phone. I put my Spotify playlist on shuffle.

I hugged one of my favorite stuffies tightly, not wanting to let it go until I felt happy again.


6:30 ..

I woke up to an annoying ringtone, I opened my eyes, having blurry sight.

I looked at my phone.

I accepted the call and brought my phone to my ear.

"Goodmorning sunshine~!"

"Hello Bin, wassup?"

"Wanna walk to school together?"

"Sure, sure. By the park at 7:30."

"Kk, cya!"

"YeeYee, bye."

I hung up, standing up from my bed.

I fastly opened the curtains, only to see a few sunlight strikes come into my room, and a cross the street there was Namjoon, walking his really big black dog. It reminded me of him, also big and dark. The dog had a dark aura just like him, it looked like the dog could attack you randomly, anytime.

He looked at me with a confused look, because of yesterday night. I just gave him a smile and waved at him happily. He looked even more confused now and i just thumed up at him letting him know that i was okay now.

I walked away from the window and quickly jumped into my shower.

After I finished showering, I had chosen my outfit; blue washed jeans, a black hoodie, and some puma platforms which I fell in love with after seeing a kpop idol with them.

I walked out of my bathroom and picked up my iPhone from my bedstand, after doing that I quickly hopped down the stairs.

"Goodmorning Hoseok." Hoseok's father said with a soft smile.

"Good morning!" Hoseok said happily his thoughts wanting to think about yesterday but he quickly blocked the thoughts.

I quickly made myself a sand which a and told dad and Laura that I was going early today, they both nodded as I planted a kiss on their foreheads.

I grabbed my long coat and quickly put it on while I grabbed my school bag.

I opened the door and quickly walked out, needing some time alone.

I grabbed my phone out of my jean pocket and sat on a bench in a park nearby, I plugged my earphones in my phone and put on my music.

I put my knees up, burying my head while my arms leaned onto my knees.

I thought about last night, seeing my dad devasteded like this hurt me. He comes back every night, drunk and shouting things that broke my heart. It had gotten badder since the last days..

Tears prickled in my eyes, the sight of my mom laying on the ground, blood coming from everywhere.

Hoseok shivered at the sight. The beat of his music made the sight go away. Tears fell down his cheeks. He buried his nails into his palms, he wanted to leave this world. He wanted his dad to be happy and he wanted for Laura to have a mom, he wanted to give dad a good job that gave him enough money.

He wanted happiness for his broken family.

He felt a light tap on his shoulder.


Kim Namjoon

I looked up from my phone to see the pink haired guy who I punched yesterday sit on a bench, his face was hidden between his knees who he had pulled up.

I walked up to him and heard him sniffle.

'He looked sad yesterday... Maybe he's sad because of that now too?'

I tapped his shoulder as he looked up with broken, sad and teary eyes.

He quickly wiped them away with the sleeves of his hoodie but the sadness didn't leave his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me while his voice cracked a little.

"I saw you on the bench, u looked sad.. So I came here to comfort you. If u wanna talk about it, i'm here for you. Even though I punched u yesterday."

He chuckled through his tears.

"Thanks.. I mean i think it'll help if I talk about it with someone.." He said.

I nodded.

He then began to tell about his mother dying, and his dad coming back home drunk, shouting fucked up things. And that he just wanted his family to be happy.

He began crying again after telling me everything.

I heard from people that he always smiled and had a bright personality. Now I get it. He put on a mask, not wanting to worry people around him. Since he put on a mask, he had no one to tell his sad story to.

"I'm gonna go get some cigs." He said, his eyes not looking the same they did yesterday.

His eyes turned dark, I had seen it before.

The person who had the same eyes was depressed and soon after gave up living.

'I need to stay close to him.'

I ran after him.

He walked into a convience store and grabbed a Marlboro pack.

He gave his money to the cashier and after he had walked out he sticked one of his cigarettes in his mouth.

"Can I have ur lighter?" He said.

I nodded my head.

"How do you know I smoke?" I said while I lighted Hoseok's ciggarete.

"You just look like you do."

I also grabbed a cig and wanted to light it but Hoseok had already gotten close to me to light my cigarette with his.

He breathed it in heavily, puffing it out after a few seconds.

"Hm, you've done this before huh."

He nodded.

"I have had a dark past." He said.

I studied his face.

It totally looked different then yesterday, he had a happy expression in class yestetday. But after telling me his story he probably buried himself a cave he never wanted to come out again.



I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pockets when I heard it ring.


"Hi, Hoseok. I suddenly feel really sick.. I'm not coming to school today, so I can't come with u, sorry.."

"Its okay, get better soon Bin."

"Hey Hoseok why do you sound so sa-"

I hung up before he could say anything more.

I inhaled my ciggarett deeply, letting it go through my throat, into my lungs.

"Let's go to school." I said as I stood up.

Namjoon hurriedly ran over to me and walked with me.


We walked into the school gates, not soon after Byeol looked at me and ran over.

My cigarette was still between my two fingers while I took a few puffs.

"What happend?" She asked me worryingly.

"Don't wanna talk about it." I said coldly.

I wasn't in the mood to talk.

She looked at Namjoon, Namjoon pulling her back a little.

My heart stung, a voice in my head began talking to me.

'He doesn't like u, ur a bother to him.'

'How pathetic, I only come back when Jr depressed, u just got trough it and now I can finally come back. Ur so weak, I knew it.'

I harshly pulled onto my hair and ran further away from Namjoon and Byeol.

I locked myself in one of them school bathrooms, sticking up another cig.

I pulled my black sleeve up and quickly stung my cigarette into my arm, as I did that before too.

"Hoseok?" I heard Namjoon's voice say.

I opened the door of my stall and looked at Namjoon who was looking at my arm.


KIᗰ ᑎᗩᗰᒍOOᑎ

I noticed burn and cut marks on Hoseoks arm, some were new, some old.

I studied his face once again, and noticed he had so expression but deep in his eyes u could see sadness. He was broken.

"What or who broke you like this?"

"Everybody who cares about me." He said, giving me a weak smile before he walked past me, bringing his head down to look at the floor.

I turned around, looking at him walk through the school hallway.

Byeol had hidden in front of the men's toilets and heard everything.

She looked confused.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

I shook my head.

She nodded at my response and walked away.

"Hoseok!" I heard a older voice call.

I quickly jogged to the voice and saw that Hoseok still had his cigarette in between his fingers.

"Why are you smoking in school?!" A teacher asked him rising his voice.

I noticed that Hoswok's body shook at the risen voice.

I pulled him away from the teacher, bowing to the elder.

I grabbed Hoseok's arm and jogged outside.

"Smoke your cigarette here u dummy."

He was still looking at the ground, puffing smoke out of his mouth.

Not soon after he walked away from the school, out of the school gates.

I decided to follow him.

"Go away."

I stopped my steps and left him, well, he thought.


ᒍᑌᑎG ᕼOᔕEOK
!trigger warning!
I walked up to some random though dudes and asked if they wanted to fight.

They smirked at me and one began punching my face, my face hung to the side and I smirked, liking the pain.

I punched the guy back, wiping blood away from my lip with my thumb.

He now also smirked at me.

"U look hot." He said.

Another guy began to punch the other side of my face.

"He indeed does look hot." The dude said.

After a while my face was ruined and had gone sore.

I blacked out before I realised it.


I woke up, having blurry sight. I began to see clearly after a few seconds.

I saw the four guys look at me, all with wide smirks.

"It was a bad idea coming to us baby." One of them said while they all walked closer to me.

My clothes were taken off and my wrists and ankles were tied together. A cloth was tied around my mouth, making me not being able to make any noice.


One of the guys grabbed my hair and made me sit on my knees, turning me around to look at a stone wall. My knees hurt since we were just in a cold alley where probably no one would come.

I was completely naked and felt the guys eyes travel over my body. Tears prickled in the corners of my eyes.

They pulled my body up a little by my hips, holding my hips tightly. As they left my hips I felt huge handprints in my hips.

My ass was now open to the guys.

One of them roughly stuck a finger in my ass, my body cringing at the feeling and my back was now completely arched at the pain.

After moving his finger a little he stuck another one in.

I loudly shouted into the cloth, it of course getting muffled.

My face was wet with tears and blood.

My back was still arched, but a guy hardly kicked my back, making me relax my back.

The guy harshly moved his fingers back and fourth, my screams never stopping.

I then heard the sound of a zipper go down, not soon after I felt something hit my asscheek.

I harshly shook my head while tears never stopped.

His fingers left my ass and not soon after I felt a dick inside of me, my head shot up, and my scream could now be heard clearly.

"Shut, the, fuck, up." The dude said while he now harshly moved his dick.

The cloth had fallen out of my mouth and my screams could now be ears clearly.

"Dude his ass is bleeding, shouldn't we just stop?" I heard one of the guys ask.

"Shut the fuck up." The guy now even moved faster.

He moaned as he quickly pulled out and walked to my face, pulling my face up and opening my mouth by sticking his dick harshly in my mouth. I felt a warm liquid e my mouth, my body cringed.

I gagged as he hit his dick far up my throat.

He pulled out and punched my face. My body was weak and fell down like a block.

The guy who asked if they shouldn't just stop now opened my legs.

"Fuck this, ur too hot."

I shook my head once again.

His dick seemed to be even bigger since it hurt even more then before.

My screams now were louder then before.

My body started shaking, probably going into a shock.

He pulled out and came onto my belly.

"Thanks for this." One of them said.

My body was still shaking. My sobs loudly galmed through the alley and the guys left.

My body curled into a ball.

'Didn't it feel good? U must've secretly liked it.'

The voice in my head had began talking again.

I shook my head and pulled onto my hair. Loud sobs left my mouth.


KIᗰ ᑎᗩᗰᒍOOᑎ

"Fuck!" I cursed myself for losing Hoseok out of my sight.

It had gotten dark already and I began to get really worried.

I suddenly hear loud sobs.


The sobs got even louder. I walked into a dark alley grabbing my iPhone to put on flashlight.

"D-don't look.." Hoseok whispered through his sobs.

"It's okay." I said while I put on my flashlight.

There he laid, naked, his back to me. His wrists and ankles were tied. I saw blood lay close to his ass.

"Fuck! This is all my fault!" I said, tears prickling in the corners of my eyes.

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