Pink Skies (Dean and Sam Winc...

Oleh OzzyBlack22

218K 6.1K 595

"Well Jack called for me, " Rania told them. "I did not, " Jack said looking at her with accusing eyes. "Ye... Lebih Banyak

Pink Skies 2
Pink Skies 3
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Pink Skies 19
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Pink Skies 21
Pink Skies 22
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Pink Skies 24
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Pink Skies 1

19.9K 348 10
Oleh OzzyBlack22


Jack and the others came into the bunker. They all sat down tired from the hunt of an entire nest of vampires. Sam was injured badly as was Mary as Dean and Bobby helped then down the stairs into the bunker.

"Jack can you get the medical kit, " Sam asked through gritted teeth,his leg was slashed open, not deep, but deep enough to cause him great discomfort.

"Hurry up and get it!," Dean yelled in worry about his brother and Mom whom he struggled to keep safe always. He continued to fail and he had long ago accepted that he would always be fighting to keep them safe. Yet at this rate, he doubted that it was at all possible.

Mary tried not to show too much pain seeing how much fear was in Dean's eyes and guilt filled Jack's. This was her only family and she prayed that someone would come and be great help to them. Her weary eyes followed Jack's retreating figure seeing the invisible burden he carried.


Jack went to get the medical kit, he felt a heaviness in his heart,he felt guilt. Mary told him previously about God, whom she had been teaching him about, despite how Dean protested. Jack was not weak, yet he was not at his full potential to be helping them hunt, which made him feel bad. What use was he if he always hurt someone or couldn't protect those he loved. He hated it, wanting to be quick and not miss this moment Jack fell to his knees. Placing his head against the cold concrete floor, he placed his hands together and sighed.

"God, I know I'm not worthy to ask for help, " he began. "My dad is Lucifer and He goes against you, but God I'm different, " he prayed licking his dry lips in nervousness. "I need you to send someone, " he prayed thinking of his birth, his dad, Dean getting taken over, Mary fearing their safety and Sam trying to keep them all together.

"Dear God, send someone or something for protection and love, and can you give a sign to me that it's from you?," he asked, "Let it bare your mark so I know that it's you, " he prayed. Opening his mouth to continue he felt something yank him to his feet and shake him. Seeing Dean's angry face just inches from his.

"My mom and brother are injured and your in here playing a damn game?," Dean yelled the question.

"No I was praying," Jack said as Dean shoved him laughing.

"God doesn't answer prayers, if he did they wouldn't be injured, now c'mon," Dean yelled grabbing the medical kit he shoved Jack out of the room his rage and fear controlling his instincts.


"Ugh, not again, " a voice called out into the darkness as a elegant figure began to rise from the darkness. She wore a large grey Victorian dress,her long pink hair fell to her bare feet. Rubbing her eyes she stretched out her body in confusion.

"Someone called upon me," she told the figure that resembled a more darker version of her personality. The figure rolled their eyes considering they already knew that and held a paper of specific things to do before sending her to earth. The figure was tired and wanted rest,yet she was too important to ignore, whoever prayed and had God give them instructions concerning her, must really be desperate and salient.

"I figured that, and to save myself time, you can go to them, " the figure snapped. First it was Castiel who was awoken and now her yet at someone's dire request. The figure read the paper that they were given, once she's awoke, to send her back immediately and to brand her with a crest.

"Great more shit to do," the figure mumbled as they snatched her up
grabbing her roughly by her thigh, she screamed as she felt a hot burning sensation upon her thigh. Soon she flying down through the night sky in a bright pink ball,being cast back down to earth.


A loud whistling sound, similar to the sound of a missile, filled the night air.
Plummeting into the hard earth she laid down in shock as her dark eyes looked up into a night sky. Stars shined brightly confusing her as the dark blue starry sky began to bleed into a bright pink. Getting up slowly she noticed that she was in a corn field, the crater she formed was at least eight feet wide and ten feet deep as she crawled out as she saw a flashing light coming her way.

"Who is that?," an older male asked angerily as she stood on shaky legs in confusion.Her eyes looked down, seeing a pink cord attached to her hand. Knowing it was in the spiritual realm and not physical she decided to follow it to the other end. Shifting to all fours, she ran the opposite direction of the light. Yet as her eyes looked at the world as it was now, she was confused and scared. She could not remember who she was, all she knew was she was called and longed to serve whomever it was.

Short but there is more to come. Vote, comment, share and happy reading.

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