The Jon Solo Chronicles Book...

By RaideroftheLostVader

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The third book of Jon Solo's adventures. Now fourteen-years-old, Jon is still haunted by loosing his father... More

Cast List
Chapter 1: A 14-Year-Old Boy and Two Droids Plodding Through an Endless Desert
Chapter 2: Jabba the Hutt
Chapter 3: Han Solo Returns
Chapter 4: The Dungeon
Chapter 5: Sentencing
Chapter 6: Sarlacc Pit Showdown
Chapter 7: Back to the Falcon
Chapter 8: Regrouping with the Rebels
Chapter 9: Complications
Chapter 10: Goodbye, Dad
Chapter 11: The Miracle
Chapter 12: Rebel Briefing
Chapter 13: Flying Casual
Chapter 14: Arrival on Endor
Chapter 15: Speeder Bike Chase
Chapter 16: Ewok Ambush and the Golden God
Chapter 17: The Ewok Village
Chapter 19: A Dream Meeting
Chapter 20: Rebel Recon
Chapter 21: Into the Trap
Chapter 22: Bringing Down the Shield
Chapter 23: Death Star Down and Leia's News
Chapter 24: Funeral for a Jedi

Chapter 18: Story Time

256 9 4
By RaideroftheLostVader

"Ow!" Jon cried out. The pain of his broken rib had returned-with a vengeance.

"We'd better get that rib of yours looked at," said Leia.

"Leia, how?" asked Han. "These little fur-balls are cute and all, but they don't look like they have a lot of medical knowledge, especially when it comes to treating a fourteen-year-old human boy's broken rib. Besides, I don't have a med-scanner or any other supplies with me. I forgot to bring them."

"I have medical supplies, Han," said Luke. "After Jon broke his rib, I was about to start helping him, but then the Ewoks caught us."

"I've got my own med-pack, too," said Leia. "It's in that hut over there. Follow me." Leia headed off towards the hut she'd indicated. Jon, Han, Chewie, Luke and a crowd of curious Ewoks trailed behind her. The interior of the hut was small and sparsely decorated. Instead of a bed or a cot, a sleeping roll was lain across the floor in the center of the hut.

"Lie down there, Jon," said Leia. He did as he was told.

"What happened to your poncho?" Leia asked, noticing the stain for the first time. "That's not blood is it?"

"No, Mom, it's actually puke," Jon replied. "On the way here, I threw up because of the pain." Leia dug through her med-pack until she found a pair of scissors, which she used to cut through both Jon's poncho, and the shirt underneath it.

"Don't worry, Jon," said Leia. "I can get the Ewoks to make new clothes for you."

"Is that where you got this dress from, Mom?" asked Jon.

"Why, yes, it is, Jon," said Leia. "The Ewoks also brushed and styled my hair for me. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Jon said happily. "You look like a princess from the holo-vids I used to watch and the stories Dad would read to me when I was little. Of course, you actually are a princess." This caused Leia to laugh.

"Now," she said, "which rib is broken?"

"This one," said Jon, pointing at his left side.

"And where did all these cuts and bruises come from?" asked Leia.

"Um, those actually did happen when I jumped from the speeder bike," said Jon.

"I'll need to clean those cuts," said Leia. "Because we wouldn't want them to become infected." She dug through her med-pack again, this time pulling out a med-scanner, bandages, disinfectant spay and a thermometer. Leia passed the med-scanner over Jon's midsection. It beeped immediately, indicating his broken rib.

"The best I can do for you right now, Jon, is bind up your ribs with these bandages," said Leia. "I also don't think it would hurt if I checked your temperature, too. She held up the thermometer. "And of course, I really need to clean those cuts. Now, sit up."

Jon sat up. Leia unrolled the bandages, then wrapped them around her son's torso. The next thing she did was apply disinfectant spray to the various cuts and scratches on Jon's body. The stinging sensation of the spray caused Jon to gasp, grunt and grit his teeth.

"Sorry if that hurts," said Leia. "But I'm all done now. Just let me take your temperature." Jon opened his mouth to allow Leia to put the thermometer in it. A few seconds passed before the thermometer beeped, and Leia took it from Jon's mouth.

"You are a bit feverish, Jon," Leia observed.

"An infection could have possibly set in this early," said Han, coming over to Jon's and Leia's sides.

"It's not an infection, Han," Leia told him, looking at the med-scanner. "Jon's just got a mild case of shock." Jon and Han exchanged worried looks, no doubt remembering what had happened when Han had gone into shock back in the med-center.

"Jon will be fine," said Leia. "All he needs is some rest."

"And new clothes," Jon added. He sat up, shivering slightly.

"Yes, of course. I know that, son," said Leia. She went off to talk to several Ewoks. Han, Chewie and Luke knelt down by Jon.

"Here, you can have my poncho, Jon," said Luke. He took off his poncho and handed it to Jon, who put it on. "And you can you keep it if you like."

"Thanks, Luke," said Jon. "But are you sure I can keep it? I mean, wouldn't you want it back eventually?"

"Yes, I'm sure," said Luke. "It's yours, Jon." There was a reason Luke wanted Jon to have his poncho. Unbeknownst to the boy, or any of Luke's other friends-including Leia, his own twin sister-Luke was planing to leave soon to confront Darth Vader, his father.

"That was very nice of you, Luke," Han told him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, Han," said Luke.

"And how do you feel, Jon?" asked Han.

"Better," answered Jon. "I just wish Mom and those Ewoks would hurry up with my new clothes." Han spotted an Ewok who was holding his camouflage trench coat coming into the hut.

"Oh, I was wondering where that thing was," said Han. He went over to the Ewok, and took the coat. Upon coming back to Jon, Han put the coat around his son's shoulders. Jon put his arms through the trench coat's sleeves, but it was slightly too large for him. Han started chuckling.

"What's so funny, Dad?" asked Jon.

"I'm just remembering how, when you were really little, you'd dress up in my clothes, which were all too big for you," said Han.

"Ok, I'm back," Leia said as she reentered the hut. A crowd of ever-present Ewoks followed her. She was holding a green shirt and a matching pair of green pants.

"Here you go, son," said Leia as she handed the clothes to Jon.

"Thanks, Mom," said Jon. "I guess I should go put these on. But I need a place to change. Or else, could you all leave while I get dressed?"

"Sure, Jon," said Han. He, Chewie, Luke and Leia walked out of the hut. The Ewoks stayed, until Jon shooed them away. Standing up, he removed both Han's trench coat, and Luke's poncho. Then he took off his pants. He quickly put on the new clothes.

"Mom, Dad! You can both come back in now!" Jon called. Han and Leia rejoined their son in the hut.

"Those look good on you, Jon," said Han. "How do they feel?"

"Pretty good, Dad," said Jon.

"Well, I just want to make sure," said Leia. And then like countless mothers all over the Galaxy, she proceeded to give Jon's clothes a thorough inspection. She tugged on the sleeves of his shirt, and the legs of his pants.

"The shirt seems fine enough," she said afterwards. "But the pants look a bit roomy in the crotch." Jon's face flushed scarlet in embarrassment.

"Mom! Could you say crotch a little louder?!" he whined. "I don't think the entire forest moon of Endor heard you!" Han laughed loudly. "Shut up, Dad! Stop laughing!"

"This also happened back on Jon's birthday," said Leia. "When Mon Mothma and I gave him new clothes, he tried them on. Mon and I fussed over them. We both made comments about the crotch of Jon's pants. And he went 'Mom! Mon! Could the two of you say crotch any louder?! I don't think everyone in the whole Rebel Alliance herd you!' And relax, Jon. There's nothing wrong with these pants. I was just making a little joke."

"Yeah, well, it wasn't very funny," Jon said bluntly. But even as he said these words, a tiny smirk played on his lips. "Come on. Let's get outta here." He and his parents left the hut. In the center of the village, C-3PO still sat upon his throne. Around him, several seemed to be preparing for a meal.

"Oh, there you are, young master Jon," said 3-PO. "And I see you've gotten new clothes. But are you feeling all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, 3-PO," said Jon. "So, um, what's going on here?"

"Have you forgotten about the Ewok's banquet for me?" asked 3-PO.

"Oh, no!" Jon groaned. "Are the Ewoks still gonna eat us?!" He gestured collectively at himself, Han, Chewie and Luke.

"Not at all, young master Jon," said 3-PO. "You, your father, master Luke, Chewbacca and the princess will now be the Ewok's guests."

"Oh, well, that's good, I guess," said Jon.

When dinner was served, it was root stew. It was the best the Ewoks could do on such short notice, now that their meal had turned into guests. Jon looked at his bowl of stew with trepidation. This would be the first thing he'd had to eat since breakfast on the Falcon before coming to Endor. He was starving.  But this root stew didn't look very appetizing. In the end, though, Jon's hunger won out. He reluctantly ate the root stew. And then he had to struggle to keep it down.

"You don't seem that crazy about the Ewok's root stew, Jon," said Luke. "But I happen to think that it's not as bad as the root stew Yoda used to make for me on Dagobah." He smiled.

"Hey, what happened earlier?" asked Han. "The way 3-PO started floating in the air like that. The Ewoks were spooked outta their minds. And I was just confused."

"Luke lifted 3-PO using the Force," said Jon. "Right, Luke? Isn't that what happened?"

"Well, yes, Jon," said Luke. "I did use the Force to levitate 3-PO into the air, and then set him back down on the ground again."

"Ha! I knew it!" Jon exclaimed smugly.

"Wait a minute," said Han. "I thought you didn't believe in the Force, Jon. Because that's what you've always told me. And you know damn well that I think the Force is just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo."

"The truth is, I've believed in the Force ever since I first met Luke and Obi-Wan," Jon admitted. "I just never told you, and pretended I didn't because I knew how you would react, Dad. I thought you'd be disappointed in me if you knew I believed in that 'mumbo-jumbo,' as you call it."

"I'm not disappointed in you Jon," said Han. "But if I remember right, that Ben Kenobi fella said you weren't Force-Sensitive, or something like that. I guess he meant that you can't even use the Force."

"I know I can't use the Force," said Jon. "But I still believe in its power. And I know it's real."

"Ok, fine," said Han. "Believe in the Force all you want, son. Just don't start asking for a lightsaber. You've got your training blaster. And once you turn eighteen, I'll get you a real blaster." This was the same promise Han had made to Jon on his thirteenth birthday, the day he'd been gifted with his training blaster.

"Besides, I don't even know where I'd be able to get a lightsaber from," said Han.

"But lightsabers are so cool!" said Jon. "I mean, just look at Luke's!"

"Listen, I'll tell you what, Jon," Han relented. "If you really want a bladed weapon, maybe I can look into getting you a vibroblade. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, I guess that would be ok, Dad," said Jon.

"And if your father gets you a vibroblade, Jon, I can probably teach you how to use it like a lightsaber, said Luke.

"Really, Luke?" asked Jon. "That would be awesome! Thanks!"

"Well, Leia, I'm not even sure if Jon will actually be getting a vibroblade yet," said Han. "But if he does, what do you think about it?"

"If Jon can stay safe, I'm fine with him having a vibroblade," said Leia.

"Thanks, Mom," said Jon. "But now I wanna ask you a question."

"Of course, Jon," said Leia. "What is it?"

"What happened to you after I jumped from the speeder bike?" asked Jon. "And how did you end up here?"

"After I told you to jump from the speeder bike, that Scout Trooper shot at me," Leia explained. "I fell off my bike, and watched as he crashed his own bike into a tree, which killed him. Then I fainted. I came to when I felt someone-or something-poking me. Wicket, come here." The young-looking, brown-furred Ewok with the red hood from earlier came bounding over to Leia.

"Everyone, this is Wicket," Leia introduced. "He found me lying on the ground, then jabbed me with a spear until I woke up. I guess we startled each other. He really got alarmed when I took off my helmet."

"Luke found it at the wreckage of the speeder bikes," said Jon. "But go on, Mom. What happened next?"

"I won Wicket over by sharing a ration bar with him," Leia continued. "Then a blaster bolt appeared out of nowhere, scaring both of us. There was another shot. Wicket scurried underneath a long. Two Scout Troopers apprehended me. They wanted to take me back to their base. Wicket struck one of them with is spear, which allowed me to begin my own attack. I knocked him out with a branch, took his blaster and used it to shoot a his companion, who was attempting to escape on another speeder bike. After that, Wicket brought me back here to the village."

"Hey, Wicket, thanks," Jon told the Ewok. "I owe you one, because you saved my mom's life." He and the others finished their dinner. That's when 3-PO came up to them.

"Master Luke, Chief Chirpa is insisting that I tell the tribe a story," he told Luke. "But how do I do that? What stories do I know? I'm an interpreter, not a storyteller!"

"Well, 3-PO, we've all be on tons of adventures since we met," said Jon. "Why don't you tell the Ewoks some of those stories?"

"Thank you for the suggestion, young master Jon," said 3-PO. "I shall try my best." The golden droid returned to his throne. Jon, Han, Leia and Chewie found seats among the Ewoks coming to hear the story. Luke remained standing.

3-PO began the story. Most of it was told in Ewokese. But Jon would occasionally catch words in Basic. These included 'Tattooine'; 'Princess Leia'; 'R2' and 'Darth Vader.' As soon as 3-PO said that name, he imitated Vader's breathing. It was just one of several sound effects the droid added to the story. Another phrase Jon understood was 'Death Star,' followed by both the roar of a TIE fighter, and a zap sound. 3-PO next mentioned the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. He said Vader's name again, then made a sound like a lightsaber. He was suddenly interrupted by R2's whistling.

"Yes, R2, I was just coming to that," 3-PO said in Basic. Then he resumed telling the story in Ewokese. He made a sound that Jon didn't immediately recognized, but thought might have been the trash compactor on the first Death Star. 3-PO next said something about 'Master Luke', before making the sounds of an X-wing and an explosion. Obviously, he was relaying how Luke had destroyed the first Death Star. The Ewoks all gasped and exclaimed in surprise.

The next part of 3-PO's story was about how the Millennium Falcon had flown to Cloud City. 3-PO paused. It was almost like he knew Jon, Han, Leia and Chewie wouldn't like to hear what he had to say at this moment. He said something else about Vader, once again copying his breathing.

"Han Solo!" he exclaimed.

*I know where this is going!* Chewie brayed. 3-PO had said something about Carbonite, adding the sound of Cloud City's Carbon-Freezing machine. Han began to look uncomfortable as the memories of that day came back to him. Leia rested her head on Han's shoulder, and Wicket snuggled his leg, purring as he did so.

3-PO moved onto a new part of his story, now talking about the Sarlacc on Tattooine. After the droid gave a closing remark, Chief Chripa, Logray and other Ewoks conversed among themselves.

"What's going on?" asked Han.

"I don't know," said Leia.

"Should I start getting scared?" Jon asked to no one in particular. Chief Chirpa stopped talking. He shook his arms in the air. An Ewok started playing a drum. Chief Chirpa then said something else to 3-PO.

"Wonderfull!" the droid exclaimed to his friends. "We are now a part of the tribe!"

"That's what I've always wanted!" Han said as an Ewok hugged him.

Luke's eyes darted from side to side. He felt a specific dark presence. He knew he had to act now. With the others distracted, this was the perfect time to get away. He headed towards the bridge that led out of the village. But someone had noticed Luke's departure. It was Leia.

"Hey, Luke just left," she told Jon. "And it's got me worried. I'll just go check on him. It shouldn't take long."

"Ok, Mom," said Jon. Leia followed Luke, unawares of the family secrets that were about to be reveled to her.

"Well, short help's better than no help at all," Han told the Wookiee, standing up. Wicket had once again latched on to Han's leg.

"I guess Wicket's taken a shine to you, Dad," said Jon.

"Well, that's just my luck, isn't it, son?" asked Han. "Hey, where did Luke and Leia go?"

"Well, Luke just up and left all of sudden, and Mom followed him to see what's up," said Jon. "I hope they'll be back soon."

"He says the scouts are going to show us the quickest way to the shield generator," 3-PO told Han, Jon and Chewie as he came up to him.

"Good," said Han. "How far is it?"

"Um," 3-PO stammered.

"Ask him," Han prompted. 3-PO turned and began talking in Ewokese. Han tapped him on the shoulder. The droid turned to face the man.

"We need some fresh supplies," said Han. 3-PO brought his attention back to the Ewok. Then Han tapped him on the shoulder again.

"And try to get our weapons back," he said. 3-PO had barley turned around when Han touched him a third time.

"Hurry up, will you?" Han asked impatiently. "I haven't got all day." Jon rolled his eyes in exasperation.

It actually didn't take very long for the Ewoks to return everyone's weapons to them. Han checked his blaster before buckling its holster around his waist. He grinned as he felt that familiar wait at his thigh. Upon being reunited with his bowcaster, Chewie cradled it like a long-lost child.

"With my broken rib, I don't think it would be a good idea to buckle on my holster, Jon said, taking his training blaster into his hands. "But I am glad to have this thing back. Hey, Dad, I'm gonna on put my blaster in the hut I was in earlier."

"Is that where you wanna sleep tonight, Jon?" asked Han.

"Well, yeah, Dad," Jon replied. "I might as well. I'll be right back." He quickly put his blaster in the hut.

"Don't you think you should actually start getting ready for bed, Jon?" asked Han. "With your injury and all, getting a good, full-night's sleep would definitely help you heal faster."

"But I wanna say goodnight to Mom and Luke, and they still aren't back yet," said Jon.

"Yeah, you're right, son," said Han. "Luke and Leia do seem to be taking longer than I thought they would. Maybe I should go check on them. You stay here, Jon."

"Ok, Dad," said Jon. He watched as Han went after Luke and Leia. But he, himself, was curious. He crouched down near the bridge, but was careful to stay hidden.

"Hey, what's going on?" he heard Han ask.

"Nothing...I just want to be left alone for a while," said Leia. Her voice sounded strained, like she was on the verge of tears.

"Nothing?" Han repeated curiously. Jon could just barely see him walk closer to Leia before sitting down on a railing. "Come on, tell me."

"I...I can't tell you," said Leia. Jon could no longer deny the tears in his mother's voice. What had happened to make her cry like that?

"Could you tell Luke?!" Han asked accusingly. "Is that who you could tell?!" Jon was scared by the tone of his father's voice. He thought Han had gotten over his jealousy of Luke. But now, it had seemingly returned, stronger than ever. And what was this thing Leia had told Luke that she couldn't discuss with Han? Would she even want to tell Jon about it?

"I..." Leia cried in anguish.

"Ah," Han sighed. He turned away from Leia, starting to walk back into the village. He got very close to where Jon was hiding, but he didn't notice his son. Then he halted, turned around and went back to Leia.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Hold me," said Leia, wrapping her arms around Han.  She leaned up against his chest, finding comfort in his strong heartbeat and gentle breathing. He, in turn, ran his hand through Leia's hair, putting his cheek on her head.

Jon felt that he could no longer stay hidden. Standing up, he approached Han and Leia.

"Mom? Dad?" he asked quietly. Han and Leia turned around to look at him.

"Oh, hello, Jon," said Leia. "Come here." She pulling Jon into a hug, with Han hugging his son from behind. The last time all three of them had hugged like this was back on Bespin last year, right before Han had been frozen in Carbonite.

"It's ok, Mom," Jon comforted. "Don't cry. Don't be sad I don't like it when you're sad."

"Thank you, Sweetheart," said Leia.

"No problem," said Jon. "Hey...where's Luke?" Jon looked around, but he could see no sign of his friend.

"I've been wondering that myself," said Han. "Leia, what happened to Luke?"

"Vader's here on Endor," said Leia.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" Jon exclaimed. "How did Vader even found out we were here? Did someone sell us out? Or was there a problem with the code?"

"No, Jon, we haven't been sold out, nor was there a problem with the code," said Leia. "But Luke and Vader can sense each other's presences." Leia fell silent as she realized something. She was Luke's sister, which also made her Vader's daughter. Luke had told her she had the powers of the Force. Suddenly a lot of things started making sense. The way she had known where Luke as on Bespin, hearing his voice in her head, and that feeling she'd gotten that told her Han was alive after she thought she'd lost him forever. Those were times where she  had been using the Force, and she hadn't even realized it until just now.

"Well, Luke's gone off to confront Vader," said Leia.

"What the Hell?!" asked Jon. "Why?! Is Luke looking to loose his other hand? Or does he have a death wish?! And I know what you're gonna say, Mom. You'll tell me that Luke can handle himself, he'll be fine and not to worry. But I am worried. Luke Skywalker is more than just my best friend. He's the closest thing I've ever had to an older brother."

Leia cast her eyes down at the ground when Jon had said that word. The man her son looked up to as an older brother, and had been a friend of hers for the past four years, was now revealed to be her actual twin brother. And what's more, Darth Vader was their father. Learning she had a brother filled Leia's heart with joy. But the fact that she and Luke were the offspring of a man-no-monster, who had destroyed her planet, imprisoned her, killed an old man and done everything in his power to hurt her, Luke, Han and Jon on multiple occasions, disgusted Leia. Luke had said that their was still good in Vader. He was trying to bring him back to the good side. Leia couldn't allow herself to believe this. Part of Leia wanted to tell all of this to Han and Jon. But another part of her was afraid of how they might take the news. As she thought back over the past four years,  she came to the conclusion that Han was both a better father-and person-than Vader ever could or would be. He cared for his son, and the other people he loved. All Vader had ever shown Leia was hatred, which was mutual on her part.

"Jon, you really need to go bed now," Han said, snapping Leia out of her thoughts.

"Ok, Dad," said Jon.

"I also think I should change your bandages, Jon," said Leia. "You know, just in case."

"Good idea, Leia," agreed Han. He, Leia and Jon went back to the hut. Jon removed his shirt, letting Leia change his bandages. Then he lay back down on the bed roll to allow her to check his temperature.

"Oh, good," Leia said as she took the thermometer out of Jon's mouth after it had beeped. "Your fever's broken, Jon. And according to the med-scanner, your rib is on the mend. I'll do this again tomorrow. Now, try to get some sleep." Jon put his shirt back on. Leia used the poncho and trench coat as makeshift blankets to cover Jon.

"Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad," said Jon. "And tell Chewie, R2 and 3-PO that I say goodnight to them, too." Silently, he also said goodnight to Luke, wherever he was now.

"Goodnight, Jon," said Leia.

"Sleep well, son," said Han. Then he left the hut with Leia, and fell asleep.

End of Chapter 18.

1.) Jon, despite not being Force-Sensitive, has always believed in the Force, and knows it's there. I wrote him to be like that from the beginning. This just happens to be the first time he's actually said that out loud. And the way Han reacts, accepting Jon's beliefs, albeit, in his own way, implies how his own views on the Force are changing. I figured it would be best to set that up now, in Return of the Jedi, so I can expand upon it in The Force Awakens.

2.) Another hint of foreshadowing for TFA I added to this chapter was the mention of a vibroblade. These are bladed weapons within the Star Wars universe that have been fitted vibro-generators. Jon will use be using one of these in TFA, TLJ and Episode IX, as one of his main weapons, along with a blaster, of course.

3.) The scenes on the bridge were some of the hardest I've written in this series so far. I had to figure out how much of Leia's conversation with Luke, and subsequent argument with Han, which ends with the famous "Hold me" scene I wanted Jon to hear. As you can see in this chapter, he heard nothing of the Luke and Leia scene, and everything of the Han and Leia scene. Then I had the three them all in a family hug, which had previously done in ESB, prior to Han being  frozen in Carbonite. Yes, this is something that I'll once again repeat in TFA. The sad thing is, though, it will be the final moment Jon ever spends with both Han and Leia, who, by then, will only just have been reunited. Because we all know what happens to Han. As far as the rest of ROTJ goes, Jon is going to find out that Luke and Leia are twins, and that Vader was their father near the end. And on that note, I guess I should mention here that this chapter is the last time we'll see Luke until the end of the book.

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