By ValeNelson69

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Prince's inspiration to write songs and compose music has fizzled, leaving him concerned where the rest of hi... More

Chapter 1 - This Man
Chapter 2 - More Than Tickled
Chapter 3 - The Lie
Chapter 4 - Too Special
Chapter 5 - The Meet
Chapter 6 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 7 - Jealous vs Territorial
Chapter 8 - The Devil in Horn-rimmed Glasses
Chapter 9 - Rome
Chapter 10 - Orvieto
Chapter 11 - Marissa Arrives
Chapter 12 - A Million Days
Chapter 13 - Overachiever
Chapter 14 - The Sweet Sting
Chapter 15 - Flatlined
Chapter 16 - Publisher Knows
Chapter 17 - Bernadine
Chapter 18 - Confessed
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Breakfast With The Girls
Chapter 21 - A Piece Of Paper
Chapter 22 - The Sick
Chapter 23 - 👀Fuck Forever👀
Chapter 24 - "Prin..."
Chapter 25 - The Aftermath
Chapter 26 - In Agreement
Chapter 27 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 28 - Never Sew A Patch of Regret
Chapter 30 - Your Heart Is Too Too Big
Chapter 31 - Reconciliation
Chapter 32 - Word Association
Chapter 33 - Juliette Dubois
Chapter 34 - Just a Few More Minutes
Chapter 35 - 1+1+1 is 3
Chapter 36 - You're My Moon
Chapter 37 - Bloom

Chapter 29 - Rock Her World

673 46 163
By ValeNelson69

Shuffling through the freshly fallen snow, Noelle giggled and admired the fluffy scatter as her boots swished through the freshly fallen snow. The powdery weather prohibited Noelle from fancying herself up but it was a weeknight and most likely would prove to be a slow, low attended evening at the restaurant. The whiff of sweet Italian bread billowed through the courtyard making here antsy to slather some with butter and partake of its gooey goodness.

Upon entering, beautiful memories surged back of the night Prince and Noelle stumbled upon the Firecave restaurant. She remembered he wanted to make reservations while she lured him to be spontaneous, just explore to see what they'd find and it was a gem.

The table they shared was free so she asked the waiter if she could sit there and he accommodated her request. Choosing to sit in Prince's chair, she thought about what all he said and did that made her feel special that evening. The tender touches, sensual talk and the way he gazed at her longingly all made her wonder if they could ever get back to such a special place again.

Once seated, she was able to focus on the reminiscent smells of the restaurant. A glass of water and right out of the oven warm, crusty bread was set on her table. Drawing back the cloth of the bread basket, the aroma weaved its way and she enjoyed her accentuated sense of smell because of her pregnancy. As the pat of butter melted into the soft dough she anxiously took a bite while the creamy overflow dripped along her thumb and she chased it with her tongue.

"Mmmm." Restraint needed to be a necessity she could already tell or she would easily consume this basket of bread before having her evening meal.

The specials and full menu of decadent pasta and sauces were tempting but she was already determined to watch her caloric intake to support a healthy pregnancy, not prohibiting the occasional splurge, which for her was dessert.

Silly thoughts entered her head as the idyllic atmosphere started to take its toll. Imaging Prince walking through those doors would have put her in a state of euphoria...and be the perfect new beginning to their story. Only Gabriel knew she was here though, so there was no chance of that happening. No longer wanting to keep her best friend in the dark, she resigned herself to give Marissa a call in the morning and tell her everything but swear her to secrecy.

Veal marsala sounded good, along with a salad and then maybe she'd take a peek at the dessert tray. After ordering her dinner, the fireplace flames kept her company as the sparks snapped and crackled and she thought about how her life was going to change and how she was going to tell Prince about the pregnancy.

Then again, she thought, what if he never got in contact with her? Hardly thinking she could just call him up and say 'Hey! I'm pregnant with your baby.' If he ever did come back, she wanted it to be because he loved her and not because of the baby.

As soon as the waiter set her plates on the table her nerves kicked in and she could hardly eat. In the middle of what seemed like an intense nervous breakdown, a wave of heat passed over her. Was it the fireplace? Hormones? A little of both? Nausea too, perhaps she waited too long in between snacks and meals or isn't eating enough protein.

After taking a few big bites of meat and her side of pasta a doggie bag was in order and the waiter brought her a free dessert.

"I'm concerned, was everything ok with your meal?" Inquired the waiter.

"Oh gosh yes. I'm just very tired and I'd like to go back to my place and maybe eat a bit later." She pleasantly reassured the waiter it wasn't the food, paid the bill and gather her back and purse for the trek back to her villa.

A massive snow was no longer pretty. Slipping and sliding ever few steps made her very uneasy and afraid she was going to fall. Once a shuffle now turned into a trudge and she just wanted to get home.

About midway through the courtyard, she began to cry. Snow was pelting her face to the point that she couldn't see, the hood of her coat was no longer sufficient constantly blowing off her head and then filling with the wet heavy snow.

Several steps later, the soaked, brown bag that contained her food broke and there was her dinner strewn and quickly disappearing in the cascade of crunchy slush. Striving to salvage something of her dinner she finally gave up when her foot skidded and she tumbled to the ground.

"Es-tu ok belle?" [Are you ok beautiful?] She heard from a man with his face covered bandit-style with a scarf.

"Oui ... merci, je suis tellement bête." [Yes...thank you, I am so foolish.]

"No...no...comment auriez-vous su? Le temps a changé si vite." [No...no...how would you have known? The weather changed so quickly.]

As they rose and his sultry eyes met hers, she knew it was him. Forever branded in her heart he was and she quickly grew ashamed for sleeping with Gabriel.

Ever so slowly Noelle eased his scarf down to reveal that facial hair...and those lips.

"Geezus..." In barely a whisper, she had such mixed feeling with him being here. For now she just wanted to take him in.

Smooth, creamy lips with just a hint of color and gloss, she missed those on hers and nether.

Unbelievable to think, but Prince looked as awful as she did with wet hair, mascara and eyeliner running down his cheeks from the crushed ice chips plummeting from the sky. Even with no alcoholic beverages consumed, she wondered if she was drunk...is he really here?

"I feel so foolish Noelle. I was so wrong for springing leaving on you like I did. There are just no words that describe the feeling I have when I'm with you and it's been unbearable without you."

What about Tamar? She thought. He didn't look miserable performing with her.

"How did you know where to find me?"

"Does it matter? Let's get you home you're gonna catch pneumonia."


"Yeah baby?"

Saying his name aloud and having him reply was a necessity, much needed confirmation that he was really here. While they paused to share a loving gaze, he was befuddled by her lack of words.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Inquiring through the peek of his scarf with a broad smile only his eyes could convey.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, let alone you." she confessed still in shock at his presence and ability to find her in this dastardly weather.

"Those make the best surprises sugar." He reassured while wrapping his arm around her waist and guiding her in the direction of their villas.

Arriving back at her villa, he took her keys and opened the door. Stepping into the laundry area, they quietly began to strip out of their wet clothes.

A harsh tug on her boot caused her to lose balance and stumble against the washing machine.

"Whoa girl. You need to be careful. This tile is slick. I don't need things to get ugly with little mama taking a spill." Concern written all over his face caught her off guard.

Shiver after shiver he watched her struggle to unbutton the tiny buttons on her now sheer blouse that was soaked at the top imparting the information he already knew, lil baby. Worried about her getting sick, he immediately snatched her hand, pressing his lips on the back, and hauling her to the bathroom where he gently turned the faucet handles to draw a hot bath.

Not a word passed between the two. Flailing his hand under the water to ensure it wasn't too hot a quick pivot revealed her still at battle with the blouse while he gathered a washcloth, bath salts and a bar of soap from the shower.

Ready for her, he took charge easily popping the buttons on the uncooperative blouse, clutching her to him and showering her with shy kisses on her cheeks and neck careful to not overstep and take her lips or he would have an awful time stopping.

"Can you hand me that clip on the counter please?" He had missed the song in her voice, the slight giggle that was present no matter what they were talking about.

"Sure." As she step in the bathtub and gradually descend, he took her in using his peripheral. Loved seeing the trail of fresh nuances of their baby on her body, a mildly puffed abdomen and her already abundant breasts with light pink nipples, now even more swollen and evident with darker areolas and pert nipples.

They had only been apart a little over a week and a half, but not visually seeing her in that time frame made it easier to notice these slight subtleties that their baby decided to share. How far along is she, he wondered.

Hurriedly he washed his face, exited and left the bathroom door halfway ajar in case she called for something he could hear her. Snooping around her villa, he came to a room where a puff pile of sat on a u-shaped table with medium sized sewing shears. Looking over his shoulder, as if he might get caught, he stepped further into the room conscious of the squeak in the floors lest giving away his busybody behavior.

On one side of the table a collection of sewing supplies took his attention. "What's she doin?" He murmured eyes scanning through needles, threads and batting. Eyes traversing to the other side of the table saw cut up squares of familiar patterns of fabric which he found strangely attractive.

Over on a sitting chair and ottoman he finally saw all of his blouses that were missing from her loft. Breathily he acknowledged the cuteness of her bringing them here to wear.

Until he picked one up.

The back of every blouse was cut up which clearly explained his crazy attraction to the squares on the table. "Wha...she...why...she...she cut up my fucking blouses...my fucking tailor made clothing. She cut up my favorite Versace. Well ugh...this is..."

Bringing Prince back to earth was the acoustic gurgling of water draining from the bathtub. Blouses bunched together, he placed them back on the chair and tiptoed into the living area and then into the kitchen.

Pursed lips surveyed the contents of the refrigerator grasping the carton of eggs, milk, spinach, mushrooms and red pepper. A copper skillet hung above him which he tossed onto the burner and began chopping the vegetables.

Even though Noelle's bedroom was a ways from the kitchen, her fragrant moisturizer swirled and tickled his nose. The mere smell made him feel home again and he was ready to claim his rightful place with her.

Four eggs cracked over a bowl, a splash of milk, a few spices and the whisk went to work. The snap of the vegetables beckoned a stir as he reduced the heat and poured the egg mixture into the skillet.

"Hi." She beamed wearing some pretty pajamas, leaning on the center island, cutting a slight sliver of sharp pecorino cheese and feeding it to Prince.

As his full lips partook of her offering, his hand grasped onto her wrist and absorbed her curves into him. Kissing her forehead he asked, "You make me cozy." He laughed at his own words. "I mean are you hungry?"

Surprised at the flavor that danced in his mouth, "Mmmm...that is good...creamy." He sweetly commented with a wink while stirring the eggs to a happy fluffiness but thinking about making her cream.

Plating the eggs, he flopped four slices of bread in the toaster oven and turned the dial.

In a comfortable silence they hustled around the kitchen each doing their contribution to a late night meal. The small kitchen was tight causing the estranged lovebirds to initiate a new mating dance of elbows poking, behinds and hips bumping to which Prince tightly squeezed her waist with apologies and feet gently nipping at the other's heels.

Unsatisfied with those touches, it was evident they both wanted more but maintained decorum thinking a long conversation was in order prior to becoming involved again intimately.

A damn good plan it was, until Noelle reached inside the oven for the toast. As she yelped, almost instantaneously Prince grabbed her hand. She could have been a fiery blaze and she wouldn't have noticed nor cared. Full, soft lips around her red burned fingertips had her immediately responding to his touch.

"Can you wait to eat?" With his lips still flush to her fingertips his question posed trying to be sensitive to the little one that has taken over.

But he was...hungry.

And while waiting for her answer he decided to snack on her neck and nibble her lobe. Easily rendering her lounge sweater to the floor, lips and tongue were madly on the hunt to please their souls.

With delight he mused keeping an eye on her erratically rising and falling chest. Fingertips effortlessly one by one slipped tiny satin covered buttons through holes, easily and slowly parting the silky camisole, that he could have pull over her head with little difficulty but instead had a desire to savor their reunion.

Lightly sucking and nipping on her collarbone she knew speaking up was a necessity, before anything they needed to have a conversation about what happened.


"Hmm?" Attentive but determined to continue overindulging. A rough thumb brushing over her nipple was like a direct line below.

"Bab-bay...we should talk."

"If that's what you wanna call it, ok."

He never skipped a beat.

Enough buttons had been released, permitting his sucks and kisses to admit passage and swallow up her overflowing fullness.

"Geezus gawd have mercy on your soul until I'm done with you...mmmm..."

Noelle tried to start unbuttoning his blouse, but he surprised her with one violent tug. Pop after pop the buttons plinked across the Italian tile floor. He would have her cut this blouse as well and add it to her project he viewed earlier in the back room.

Thoughts started to overwhelm Noelle. Him not knowing about Gabriel. Her sudden news about the baby. Guilt is an ugly and all consuming emotion.

Wet lips traversed to her other breast to show equal time. Weaved fingers through his hair gathered him closer as she tried to climb him like a stripper to her pole.

"Things...something happened while we were apart. I can't love you like this without..."

Mashing his lips against hers he parted briefly to inquire, "Do you love him?"

Shaking, she realized he knew...everything.

Their eyes sought each other as he slurped her nipple into his soft mouth and bit her just enough to hurt so good.

With a harsh swallow she brought him tenderly to his lips. "He's a good man."

She felt a little indebted to him for helping her out. Was she in love with him? No.

"I didn't ask if he was a 'good man.' Did he suck on your folds?"

"Baby don't do this...please." Imploring him to cease in his inquisition. As she eased apart the teeth if his zipper.

"Tell me." He hissed not allowing her to touch him.

Regressing from him, she didn't like how she was feeling, naughty...dirty, but he wouldn't allow her to pull away.

"Yeees." Shaking her a bit. She hesitantly confessed while tears quietly dripped effortlessly as if to absolve herself from the acts she allowed Gabriel to perform on her.

"Did you come? How many times?" A terse tone communicated his aggravation at the thought of him touching her.

Those questions unearthed her. It was too much. That night with Gabriel she just assume forget but he was making Gabriel the center and not her.

Wouldn't a man in love, who came to her and said he was foolish...

Who obviously already knew about Gabriel...

Who wanted to woo her back...

Wouldn't he only be only focused on her?

"Why does this matter? What you're asking isn't healthy." She shoved him away but he jostled her right back into his arms while untying her bottoms with one quick drag on the ribbon.

The silky material freely cascaded to the floor with no panties to be found causing her to take in a gasp, now a victim to his advances she was bare.

Hardened peeks jutted through her camisole gently tickling his chest hair. Hooded eyes watched her uncomfortable downward gaze.

He wanted her to know he trumped any man she had ever been with.

No other man should ever lay his hands on her.

His heart ached knowing what a good girl she was, her decision to be with Gabriel was a desperate attempt to forget his foolish actions.

She was his girl.

But he couldn't let his jealousy go.

"How many I asked you?" Insistent as an impervious hand descended over her hip, palmed her cheek and swirled around her smooth thigh until Prince cupped her precious mound.

"Tw- twice..."

"Fucking amateur. Did you let that dirty dick inside you uncovered?"

Now she was mad.

Noelle felt like they were right back where they were the night he left.

Shoving him with all her might, he stumbled but expeditiously caught his balance while she pulled her pajama bottoms up.

"Don't talk to me that way." Hollering so loudly that Prince understood he was playing a dangerous game with her.

"I thought you came here because you love me..." Barely able to keep her composure at his awful questions.

"...but your mind isn't on me at all." She exclaimed with a hurt she could almost not support mentally.

Both of them panting.

"Ya know...I should know by now, with everything I've been through, getting back together never works."

Both of them with twisted expressions.

Her anger this time was too much. She hated how love never work for her. Snatching the locket from around her neck, the one Prince bought her in Orvieto, she threw it at him and watched it pop open once it hit the floor. A lavender piece of paper scattered away from the locket.

What she didn't know was he was about to rock her fucking world.

Hello my lovely purple doves. I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend. Mine has been tiring but a blast with my family.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thoughts on what this next chapter will bring?

As always, thank you for the follows, reads, funnies, comments, and thoughts shared. Even if you're ghosting👻, all that matters to me is that you're enjoying the story.
Love you all! 💜💋

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