The Night That Changed My Lif...

By carhnival

212K 1.1K 290

"If you get rid off me, what do I have left to love? You or your spirit that lives in my heart, forever." More

Wrong Decision..
Telling Him
Pain Is Demanded To Be Felt
Back To School
Janitor's Closet
Best Friend
Back Together
Someone New
Back Together
New Home
Saved A Life
No More
I'm Sorry
New Heart
Best Mistake
Q & A
Motel 66


3.7K 28 3
By carhnival


Sorry for having a authors note at the start, just wanted to say, comment below if you guys want my instagram and twitter, if so just comment anything...and yeah, enjoy >.<


I woke up at the break of dawn, I stretched making a loud un human noise, I rubbed my eyes and walked to the bathroom, I washed my face and took a good look at myself in the mirror.
"OMG" I yelled, I was bending closer to the mirror and looking at myself
"Is that what I look like? God damn...ugly as fuck" I said to myself, my hair was all in a messy bun, by messy I ment a zoo. I grabbed a comb from behind the mirror brawer and brushed it until it was strait. I brushed my teeth and I was ready. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I searched around the kitchen cabinets for frosted flakes and a can of arizona tea. 
"Morning Tash" Cameron yawns from the couch.
"Your up early" I shouted back at him whilst pouring milk into my bowl of cereal.
"What do you have for breakfast" cameron says as he gets up and walks to the kitchen, siting himself on the counter near the stove. He looks at me while I was making my breakfast.
"Got eggs?" I looked up at him and gave him a 'bitch please' look. He jumped of the counter and swung the fridge door open, he dug his head deep in the fridge, I could hear cans and glasses moving from inside the fridge. I took a small peek at what he was doing. But what I saw was beyong compare, his pants were half way down his ass, I could see his buttcheek.
"Um Cam" I said as I quickly looked back at my cereal. I had shivers down my spine and my teeth cackled. 
"What is it?" He pulls his head out from the fridge with a bowl of frozen grapes and a bottle of chocolate milk.
"You might want to pull your pants up"
"Wha-" He turns back looking at his upper down, he quickly places the food on the counter and pulls his pants up.
"Well thank you Mrs.Grier for telling me that" He gave me a small smile. I just laughed it out. Today was the day I was going to pick Nash up from prison, I was hella excited.


"Hey Natasha, could you hurry up a little please? Nash is probrably waiting his ass out right now." Cameron yells from downstairs. 
"HANG ON!" I continue "10 MORE MINUTES" I grabbed some cloths out from my bag, I slipped on a grey hoodie that Nash wore for his Ask Nash 2 video, he gave that to me a few weeks ago. I wore a pair of  black skinny jeans and dark blue vans. I did my casual makeup. I grabbed my phone from it's charger and ran downstairs. 
"Let's go" I said as I ran across Cam and jumped into the car, I was pumped to meet Nash.
"HURRY YOUR ASS UP" I yelled at Cam. he starts to jog towards the car, he threw his baggage at me. Oh, did I mention we were also heading to the airport? It was for magcon. I didn't have anything with me except my purse because I was going to buy everything there. 
"You got Nashs bag?"
"Yeah, just drive please" Cameron starts the car and we were off to the polie department.


I was waiting in the hallway along with Cameron, my arms were folded. I could see many other prisoners sticking there hands out trying to touch me but didn't matter, they couldn't touch me anyways. 
"Please wait here, Nash will be out in a second" A policer officer says as he flips through the pamphlete that he had in his hand. We nodded our heads. He walked towards the end of the hall, he pulled out his keys and unlocked it, I saw a figure walk out of it. It was Nash, a huge smile came appeared on my face. I started to run towards Nash and Nash was running towards me. I opened my arms and we crashed together, he was hugging me tightly, I wrapped my legs around his waist, he spinned me around, I pulled back a little bit and brushed my lips into his, my hands were on his cheeks, we were kissing for a good 2 minutes, he asked for entrance and i gave him permission. 
"I missed you so much" I mumble whilst we were kissing. I could feel him smile. I jumped of Nash and gave him a smile. Cameron was right next to Nash, he was giving us a smile. He was feeling a little bit embaressed, his cheeks were pink. We started to walk out of the long hallway. Nash grabbed my hands and held them, we were walking hand in hand until we reached the car. I sat at the back with Nash.
"Nash, I love you" I said as I laid my head gently on his lap, his fingers were playing with my hair. 
"I love you more" He answers back at me. He bends his head down to kiss me then he pulled back up. We soon fell asleep. I woke up to Cameron shaking me gently on the shoulder. 
"Wake up, we are here" I rubbed my eyes and lifted myself up. I wasnt sleeping on Nashs lap, I was on the car seat.
"Where's Nash" I searched around the car and took a good scan outside.
"He's inside, a hourd of girls ran to him and he ran into the airport. He's checking our passports in right now so we better get going"
"Okay" I sat back up and re-do my makeup. I was ready. 

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