Broken Souls (Glass Touch 2)

By ShannonBraithwaite8

46 9 0

Caitlyn Young's life has changed drastically within a matter of weeks. After a battle between dark angels and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 11

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By ShannonBraithwaite8

Caitlyn P.O.V

When I woke up that morning, the day before all seemed like a blur. I remember all of it but not chronologically. I must've been too tired to keep up with anything that happened yesterday and I was too groggy to really think about it today. So instead, of thinking too much. I stumbled out of the extravagant bed with the white canopy draped over it and practically tumbled down the hallways and stairs.

I couldn't avoid thinking however when I looked at the balcony which made me think of seeing Aaron and how he told me I could possible have an ability that hasn't been around for centuries. It made me shiver knowing that for whatever reason I was chosen to have something so powerful when there were other people that deserved it and could handle it much better than me.

When I was walking down the corridor that led to my room I thought about the frazzeled itialian girl I ran into yesterday and how I'd never learned her name. I silently wondered if she was a permanent resident or just another guest like me. I was bound to find out soon.

When I walked down the stairs and into the empty dinning room. I thought about Amar and Daniel and Verena and Lamia. I instantly cringed when Lamia's name came to my mind then sighed. Something was off about her and I wasn't sure if Vernea and Daniel could sense it or not. I didn't feel as bad around Amar as I did around Lamia. Amar gave me a peculiar feeling but not nercessarily a sickening feeling like Lamia gives me. for some reason, I feel like she can get inside my head without me knowing it.

That was when it hit me in waves. My fear of Lamia my confusion about the girl and the shock that came from not knowing I wouldn't get to see Aaron too much for god nows how long but also knowing I have an ancient power. I started to feel faint so I held onto one of the dining chairs for support. My vision was getting blurry with tears but no noises came out of my mouth.

Then Amar interrupted my mental breakdown

I saw his silouhette before I even looked up. When I did he was standing awkwardly in the doorway, his hands folded respectfully behind his back and his head tilted down slightly, yet his gaze did not move from mine. I silently wondered if he'd seen me about to have a panic attack,

"I didn't mean to disturb you" he stated then stood straight up and started to spin on his heels in a hurry. "I'll go."

"You don't have to go." My voice was louder than I'd wanted it to be. He looked over his shoulder at me with concern in his eyes. I let out a deep breath, then slowly let my fists open. I needed to stop being so anxious. Things could be worse. "You can stay. I'm sorry."

He nodded solemnly then hesitantly walked over to the seat at the head of the dining table. We didn't make eye contact for a few minutes then he finally looked up at me.

"You haven't seen much of Italy have you?"

I shook my head. His accent was so thick that it was almost hard to understand him, but it was also start of charming.

"Do you want to see Verona today? You've only seen the bridge." He said

I was about to nod my head yes,  but I realized something. Going to Italy had been one of my dreams since I was a kid . I didn't want to pass it up but Verna and Daniel had said something about staying low for a while keeping me out of harms way. I don't understand why I have to be protected like some special snowflake, but I definetly didn't want to risk anything in case they were being serious and not just overreacting. I sighed and looked up at him.

"Wouldn't that be dangerous for me? According to Vernea and Daniel, I'm supposed to ...ya know...stay low profile. They don't think I should be out so much." I explained,

Amar chuckled lowly then shook his head and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm sure a small tour of Vernea won't get you in trouble." He began then laced his fingers together on the table. "I swear we'll be careful. You just can't tell them. Okay? Can you be read In an hour?"

I gulped I wanted to trust him so badly I thought about it for a second. I was so grateful that Vernea and Daniel cared that much about my safety, but when I thought about it was a small walk around the town going to hurt me? I'd be daydreaming about Italy all my life and this was probably a once in a lifetime chance. I wasn't about to pass that up.

"Alright... but if something happens, I blame you."

Aamar rolled his eyes crossed his arms and smiled,

I ended wearing a baggy sweater with leggings and my usual vans. I wasn't really accustomed to the weather here. In charlston it was proberlly in the mid 60's at this time of year. Here however I hadn't really had time to pay attention to the weather yet so I took a jackt in case. I tied my hair into a bun put on some mascara and headed downstairs.

In the foyer Amar was talking to the same girl I had run into yesterday. They were standing under a beautiful chandelier with emeralds and diamonds hanging from it's golden beams. Her smile was radiant and her positive aura practically filled the room. When she saw me, her smile faded, not in a mean way, but in  a surprised way. Her hair was tied into a fishtail braid and she wore a short white nightgown.

"Caitlyn I'd like you to meet my other sister ma." Amar began.

"We already briefly met."I inturrepted him. For some reason, I felt drawn to her but yet repelled by her at the same time.


She looked at me almost shy, but yet again. I couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on with her. We stood there for about a minute in an awkward silence then finally Amar opened the limestones doors that seemed to be yards tall.

"Are you coming?" he asked.

I nodded and followed him and when I looked back over my shoulder, I saw Marissa grinning at me

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