Broken Souls (Glass Touch 2)

By ShannonBraithwaite8

46 9 0

Caitlyn Young's life has changed drastically within a matter of weeks. After a battle between dark angels and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

1 0 0
By ShannonBraithwaite8

Caitlyn P.O.V

Flying was the most frighteningly exhilarating thing I'd ever done in my life. I wanted to scream as the wind whipped past my ears, but I just couldn't. I was afraid....but it was a rush. At one point Daniel had flown so close to the ocean that his wings skimmed the water. Little drops of water flew up at my face and dried within seconds.

It seemed like we landed within seconds of being in the air.

The ground beneath me felt odd after being in the air. It felt boring and I wanted to go up again. Never in my life had I felt something so exciting other than when Aaron's arms were around me. I silently wished I had wings so I could fly wherever I wanted to and not care where I ended up.

When I looked up I was awestruck by the sights before me.

The water was beautiful under the fluorescent light of the full moon. The grass beneath my feet was vibrant and green. I could see old looking buildings in the distance, dividied by cobblestone streets. In the distance there was a long river followed by a stone bridge about fifteen feet above the water. It only stretched to the other side of the city and it looked very strudy. Underneath the bridge, canoes passed by and the people in them looked very entertained and happy.

The lights were pretty too. Lights were strewn back anld forth between each building. I stepped forward onto the cobblestone path and peered into the alley like street where smiling people were walking and enjoying their time together. They were speaking In different languages though I heard faint English too.

I looked up at Verena who was brushing herself off after the flight.

"Where are we?" I asked her.

She looked atme and smiled. Together the three of us walked slowly into the street. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"You my friend are in Verona Italy." She informed with a smile.

The second the words came out of her mouth, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I was excited to be in Italy. I'd always wanted to go to Italy. But I had family back home and I didn't lnow where Aaron was and there were just too many loose ends that needed to be tied up.

Though the city was wonderful

For some odd reason it almost felt familiar like I'd been here before but a long long time ago. It almost made me feel sick. I took at seat down on a bench sitting outside a store. I didn't know what the store was. I couldn't read the sign.

"That's not the reaction I expected." Vernea muttered sitting down next to me. Daniel took a seat to the left of me. "Is something wrong?"

I shrugged. "I dunno....just dizzy." I sighed feeling exhausted.


Daniels voice was sharp and serious, urgent. I looked up to see Verrena and Daniel exchanging glances from across the bench. No other words were spoken. It was as if they used telepathy to communicate and I silently wondered if angels could do something so incrediable.

I was also wondering what exactly thy were 'talking' about.

"What?" I asked them. I already knew what would happen though, they would dismiss it and keep whatever it was away from me just like Aaron used to do. They should know by now that that wont work. Aaron tried to keep everything from me but he just couldn't,

"Nothing," Daniel snapped defensively. Just as I had expected, "Come on they're meeting us at the Villa. "

"What Vila?" I asked. We all got up and began moving again.

"Villa di felicita" verena said in perfect Italian. "Which means the Villa of Felicity. Felicity is another name for Heaven."

I swallowed. Her answer was interesting but it didn't exactly answer my question

"Where Is that?" I asked her.

She pointed ahead,

"There's a small bridge up ahead that leads across to a small steam that branches out from the Aidge River. We cross that bridge and the Villa is there." Verema explained.

"Who's meeting us there?" I asked.

"Caitlyn stop asking questions." Daniel commanded.

I sighed in irration. I was so, so tired of things being kept from me. Aaron and Daniel and Verna and everyone else keeping things from me. they all thought lying to me was keeping me protected but I didn't see the purpose. They wouldn't even tell me what they were protecting me from. Don't I at least deserve to know that much? I sighed and tilted my head back looking up at the lights strewn back and forth between the small stone buildings. The lights releaxed me. everything might be crumbling in my life right now but at least I could witness beauty. Yes the city was beautiful... but nothing could compare to the beauty of Aaron when his wings were out and there was a smile on his face,

God I missed him...

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