Forever and Ever (Ryan x Gold...

By Fanfictioner72418

46.2K 699 622

After the daycare is closed down for a year, and Tina leaves for a while, only Goldy, Ryan, and UnicornMann s... More

Chapter 1 - Ryan
Chapter 2 - Goldy
Chapter 3 - Ryan
Chapter 4 - Goldy
Chapter 5 - Ryan
Chapter 6 - Goldy
Chapter 7 - Ryan
Chapter 8 - Goldy
Chapter 9 - Ryan
Chapter 10 - Goldy
Chapter 11 - Ryan
Chapter 12 - Goldy
Chapter 13 - Ryan
Chapter 14 - Goldy
Chapter 15 - Ryan
Chapter 16 - Goldy
Chapter 17 - Ryan
Chapter 18 - Goldy
Chapter 19 - Ryan
Chapter 20 - Goldy
Chapter 21 - Ryan
Chapter 22 - Goldy
Chapter 23 - Ryan
Chapter 24 - Goldy
Chapter 25 - Ryan
Chapter 26 - Goldy
Chapter 27 - Ryan
Chapter 28 - Goldy
Chapter 29 - Ryan
Chapter 30 - Goldy
Announcement 2
Chapter Hang on, I'm losing track, it's 32 - Goldy
Chapter I'm about to give up on numbers 33 - Ryan
More Announcementsssssssss
Chapter Something - Goldy
Chapter 35 - Ryan
Chapter 35 Part 2 - Ryan
Chapter 36 - Goldy
Chapter 37 - Ryan
Chapter 38 - Goldy
Chapter 39 - Ryan
Chapter 40 - Goldy
Chapter 41 - Ryan
Chapter 42 - Goldy
A/N (LOL It's not an update)
Chapter 43 - Ryan
Chapter 44 - Goldy
Chapter 45 - Ryan
Chapter 46 - Goldy
Chapter 47 - Goldy
Chapter 48 - Ryan
Chapter 49 - Goldy
Chapter 50 - Ryan
Chapter 51 - Goldy
I've been tagged (Intense screeching)
Chapter 52 - Ryan
Chapter 53 - Goldy
Chapter 54 - Ryan AND Goldy
Chapter 55 - Ryan
Chapter 56 - Ryan
Chapter 57 - Goldy
Chapter 58 - Ryan
Chapter 59 - Goldy
Chapter 60 - Goldy again

Chapter 31 - Ryan

521 11 3
By Fanfictioner72418

       Although I did still feel insulted from the way Goldy had talked to me, I remembered that it wasn't her talking, it was the potion. I probably shouldn't have insulted the girl back though, because Tina was right. Being mean to Goldy probably wasn't going to help me get back with her. If we are apart right now. I didn't really know. All of these thoughts were going through my mind as we ran through the portal. But I have a complex brain that is apparently able to think through weird feelings such as running through a portal and getting teleported. 

       "WOOOAAAAH!" We all yelled. Once again, except for Sabre. I swear he was just rubbing it in our faces that the chicken wasn't fazed by the feelings of the portal. "BOOGA BOOGA!"Sabre screamed. I laughed. "Booga booga?" I repeated. Sabre sent me a grin. "Yup!" He replied. I realized that Unicorn wasn't here. He was probably still sitting in the basement doing "superhero things". Finally, I looked around. We were in the Murder Mystery lobby. I loved this game. Suddenly, we got teleported to a different area. It was the area with the globe and the secret passages, and the altar. I was standing in the jungle room by the secret passage. I sighed. I was a croissant. 

       "Goldy, how do you feel now?" I asked the girl. She had spawned in next to me. "What do you mean?" Goldy asked. "Do you still have a crush on Tina?" I asked her. The girl shot me a withering look. "Yes, you know that already. Do you have to gloat about figuring it out?" She asked. My heart sank. "Frankly, I'm surprised that you're still talking to me," I told her. "Me too," The girl said with a smile. I hesitated, confused. Goldy pulled out a sword and hit me. I was too shocked to even say anything. 

         I followed Goldy as she ran down a hallway,  map out. "Tina, where are you?" She asked. "I'm by the globe!" Tina replied. Goldy quickly ran out into the open. "Hey Tina!" She called, spotting the tiger girl. "Hey, Goldy!" Tina replied. "Are you the detective?" Goldy asked Tina. Tina pulled out a bow and showed her. Goldy grinned, and pulled out a sword. Tina smiled back. "Sabre... where are you?" Goldy sang. "Nowhere!" The chicken replied. I restrained a smile as I saw where he was hiding. Sabre was hiding behind the altar, half hidden by the fire. 

          Goldy pulled out her map again. She rolled her eyes when she saw where Sabre was hiding. The girl ran ahead with Tina right behind her. Goldy picked up gold as she headed toward the altar. I wondered why she was doing that. Finally, the duo got to the altar. "Sabre," Goldy started. "Sabre, you have to go in the altar," Tina cut her off. "What?" Sabre asked. "You have to go in the altar!" Goldy repeated, pulling out her sword. "AAAAH!" The boy screamed. "Do it now, or else I'll kill you. DO IT NOW OR ELSE I'LL KILL YOU!" Goldy instructed with a teasing laugh. Sabre tried to parkour out of his hiding space and jump over the two girls. Goldy whirled around and threw her sword at him. The sword hit him and he disappeared. Goldy turned back to Tina, who smiled at her. "Good game," The girl said, and jumped into the altar. Tina stood there, shocked, as ice spread out from where she stood and took over the area around her. 

       We played a couple more games. Sabre won two of them, Goldy won one of them, and I won one of them. It was time for the final game. We spawned in the map with all of the ships. I forgot what it was called. Suddenly, I remembered something from a long time ago. Something that snapped Tina out of the potion's effects when I liked her. "Goldy, where are you?" I called. I was the murderer, so I didn't need to worry about Goldy killing me if I got too close. "I'm your detective!" Sabre told us all from somewhere nearby. I made the educated guess that he was the detective. I know, I am a genius. I ran out of the main room, to see Goldy running toward it. I caught her before she could run past me. I held onto the girl's arm. She twisted around to look at me. "What is it?" Goldy asked, annoyed. I held her as she tried to flinch away from me. We were awfully close, and it was kind of weird, but I ignored that. I grabbed her hands in mine, and stared straight into her eyes. "I love you," I told the girl.

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