Stranger's Love

By billo776

38.3K 2.4K 380

Suman is an aspiring wedding gown designer who's stuck with the legal guardianship of her one month old nephe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Goodbyes are hard)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

1.9K 147 28
By billo776

Part 4

The next day Suman was getting ready to leave to see Shravan Malhotra ! She didn't care if she had an appointment or not she was going to wait there until she met him! She was changing Araav's diaper "Listen chikku were going to meet your potential daddy , so please bare with me"

She saw her nephew looking at her with his beautiful brown eyes " Don't look at me like that ,your father needs to take responsibility as well .I feel like everything just dropped on me like I'm just ... never mind "

"I'm still going to make sure we meet but , I have a career I need to concentrate on and I can't do this on my own .Rashna maasi is no help , and to be honest I don't think I can trust her with you .I don't have anyone close to me that can guide me .So we need to do this ok ?"

Aarav just gave her a smile , he loved it when she talked to him even if he didn't understand,  her sweet voice always soothed him .She changed him and cleaned his face , prepared a milk bottle and grabbed the baby bag . She went down the elevator holding the baby seat from the handle some neighbours looked on confused.

"Oh ! I'm just babysitting" she said in a nervous smile walking out the door

The sun shined brightly with a warm breeze hitting her face making her inhaled deeply calming herself .She sat him in the car and buckled him securely  and played few lullabies on her phone making him happy . She sang to him yesterday and he seemed to enjoy it a lot!

Suman drove through the highway pensively and kept glancing back at Aarav who was quiet . She finally made it and walked in the modern building landing in the main lobby , she was impressed at how clean and fresh it looked everything was colour coordinated and organized. There was leather couches in the lobby and another section on the upper floor which seemed high edge with glass rails and walls.

She came to the receptionist putting Aarav's baby seat on the counter

"Hi I'm really hoping to see Shravan Malhotra today ."

"You're the one who called yesterday ?"

Suman nodded "yes I really have to see him today"

The receptionist was already annoyed of her and rolled her eyes . "He's in a meeting right now and he is fully booked for the day ,so unfortunately he won't have time to see you .."

Suman was getting frustrated "listen I'm not leaving until I meet Shravan Malhotra! It's very important that I see him today ."She stated adamantly

"You're welcome to wait but you're just wasting your time"

"You're really no help ! Do you always look this miserable?" Suman said offending the receptionist and taking a seat, the room was empty only few people waiting . It didn't seem as busy as the secretary made it seem

Suman looked at Aarav who was moving uneasily in the baby seat, she took him out cradling him in her arms which made him cue cutely. She waited occasionally reading a magazine and holding chikku's hand smiling at him.

Two hours passed and the baby went to sleep, but the wait went on . She smiled lightly at some clients waiting just like her .

One hour later the office seemed empty only the secretary was typing away glaring at Suman .

Suddenly she saw the adjacent door open , three men walked out . One looked older ,the other one seemed young but friendly and there was Shravan Malhotra walking out dressed perfectly with his white ironed chemise, wearing an black blazer over . She was about to speak when Araav started waking up squirming. Just perfect! She thought!

"Excuse me !!"

Shravan turned around seeing a young woman holding a baby cart with a napkin bag over her shoulder. She had long hair clipped at the back , dressed in a nice light pink summery dress .

"Yes ..."

"Your baby is disturbing the office" the receptionist said rudely

"Laura , why don't you do your job and let me handle this" he said not pleased with her

"Sir she's been waiting here for three hours refusing to leave I told her you were busy but she ..."

"You made her wait three hours  ? She has a baby with her Laura, it's not easy to wait that long with a infant ." He was genuinely feeling bad; he had a niece and knows it can be hard sometimes for the parents

Suman was taken aback she didn't think he would stand up like that for her .

"She doesn't have an appointment I told her your book till next month but she decided to wait it out"

Shravan looked at Suman who was looking at him pleadingly "Listen this is really important"

He could see that this woman drove a long way with her baby and didn't want to let her hanging she waited all this time , the minimum he could do is meet her .

"Listen Mam , it will be my pleasure meeting you but you have to give me fifteen minutes .."

Suman smiled  "sure no problem."

He nodded going to his office , the younger lawyer stood behind her his name was Pushkar

"I'm free if you want I can listen to your case ..."

"No I need to meet Mr.Shravan"

" Ok ,but  if you have any other problems , I'm Pushkar I also work here as a lawyer ." He said giving her his card , he freshly started as a lawyer and was excited to embark into this career .

She nodded smiling seeing  his friendly face  "thank you" she sat back down and started rocking the baby chair making Aarav settle down but he was still squirming in his seat .

"Mam , please come in" Shravan said politely holding the door for her

"Umm my name is Suman Tiwari" she walked in sharing a brief gaze with him

He smiled amused "ok Welcome to my office Mrs . Tiwari .."

She sat on the chair opposite his office table "umm Miss Tiwari" she corrected

Shravan didn't know why but this girl was making him smile more and more .

Aarav was now crying loud , she excused herself picking him up in her arms "chikku I told you to behave your crying too much" she started rocking him in her arms

Shravan leaned against his chair watching this young woman taking care of her baby . He somehow found it endearing .Her lips pursed struggling to open the baby bag .

"Here let me help .." he opened the zip as she grabbed the baby bottle

"Thanks" her voice waved with a slight nervousness ,she was sure she looked like a mess and his intense eyes looking at her didn't help .Araav started sucking on the bottle calming down

"So how can I help you today ?" he asked

"Sorry about all this ..I just have some news for you .."

Shravan folded his arm on the desk listening attentively

"Well there's a chance that ...this baby is yours" she could feel the anxiousness dip in her stomach, he was a rich wealthy guy , a lawyer who can easily put a defaming case on her ! She wasn't sure how he was going to react.

Shravan was quiet for few seconds and then started laughing shaking his head "Look I'm flattered, but I don't think I ever met you and I don't remember sleeping with you" He cleared with an impish smile

Suman cheeks flushed and Chuckled nervously "no no no ,you're getting me wrong , my sister Urvashi she met you at Regis bar in New York...and maybe from there ..."

Shravan frowns his brows confused "Wait wait you think that me and her hooked up ? No way !"

"Don't you think there's a chance?"

Shravan remembered Urvashi but he knew his limits !  "Listen Miss Suman, You're assuming things without any real proof .You have no evidence "

"Urvashi's friend Laila was there that evening she told me the last guy she was with was you ..."

Shravan shook his head "so you just walk in my office telling me that just because I met your sister at a bar this baby is mine?!"

"Well then Tell me do you or do you not remember my sister Urvashi ,black long wavy hair , toned ,tall very pretty .."

"I do remember her but I didn't do anything with your sister .She was flirting with me and got pretty drunk that evening so as a gentlemen I dropped her to her hotel but left afterwards Trust me nothing happened between us"

Suman wasn't convinced "I want to do a DNA test ,I'm sure like every other guy you found her hot and .."

"Look I am not the father of this baby .I was in my senses that night and definitely not into your sister at all !" He cleared firmly

"His name is Aarav ," she moved away the bottle putting the baby carefully over her shoulder and patting his back to make him burp , it was coming automatically to her

Shravan watched on "look I can't help you sorry.  If you don't trust me that's your problem"

Suman wasn't going to give up "You're a lawyer right ?"


"Sometimes you need to find proofs right ?"

"Right "

"So prove me wrong if you have nothing to hide ..." she challenged

He looked on as she raised her brows making him angry!  Who did this woman think she is making him responsible for the baby

"Listen Miss Tiwari if this is your way of getting financial support by accusing  me of being the father of this baby which supposedly is your sister's, then don't waste your time because I don't have time for cheap tricks ..I know you girls really well ,you see a rich guy and would go to any extent to get money from them " he warned staring sharply in her eyes

Suman Frowned her brows staring unbelievably "what! You think I'm doing this to get money out of you ?"

He chuckled sarcastically "why else would you do this ?"

"Certainly not for your money! I don't need your stupid money ! You don't know me and it's unfair to label all the girls as gold diggers because you had bad experience from your ex's! I am capable of surviving on my expenses understand! I'm not desperate for a guy like you ! All I know that the last guy my sister met was you so I 'm just trying to see the possibilities! I'm not a type of girl who would run after a guy just for his wealth or do a cheap stunt as you're making it seem! I have self respect Mr.Shravan Malhotra !" her voice was firm yet stern , making Aarav very quiet .

Shravan was taken a back for a second looking on surprised, suman realized she got carried away and pursed her lips feeling that she crossed the line

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude" Her voice settle calmly "Listen I'm sure with your success and affluence girls run after you like food flies .But I'm not like that ! I have no Interest in all that , for me what really matters is the kind of person you are ...either your driven by your success or your emotions " She cleared almost making Shravan speechless as he saw such honesty in her eyes

He took a deep breath softening towards her as he stared deeply in her brown eyes .He could see that she was not putting a facade and appreciated that about her..

There was a moment of silence before she spoke

"Argh not now !" she looked  up at the ceiling exasperated smelling that Aarav needed a diaper change .Shravan didn't know why but this made him chuckle,  this girl was really something! The tension in the room started fading away

"I'm so sorry about this , do you have a bathroom here ?"

"Not in here "

"How much more time do I have with you ?"

"less than 5 mins"

"Damn it ! I won't have time to change him and come back"

"you can change him on that table " Shravan said opening his window as  she installed a cover taking out the napkins and a clean diaper.

"This is the last one chikku please don't dirty it before we reach home"

Shravan stood there with his arms crossed watching her change her nephews diaper . ..

"Look I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you, I'm not desperate to put up an act and pretend that the baby is yours just to get money out of you or spousal support whatever you call it .I'm genuinely just looking for the father and you were the first one I had to start with. Also If I was here for your money I wouldn't be asking you for a paternity test " she explained

Shravan leaned against the wall with his hand in his pocket ,she was right it wouldn't make sense if she wanted money from him because she was asking for paternity test to up out the options .

" My sister put all the responsibility of taking care of him on me , I'm his legal guardian . She just dropped him off to my aunt's house with a letter!And I can't reach her I don't know where she is , it's just so overwhelming!"She said glancing around for a garbage, he slid it by her side

"Thanks , I was never a mom before so I have no experience how to take care of a baby , this is my third day and I'm so tired" she didn't realize but she's been talking all along and Shravan could only listen and empathize-with her . He could see she looked tired and genuinely concerned

"From what I'm seeing looks like you're doing pretty well " he noted

She glanced up before buttoning the jumper seeing the baby moving his legs 

"I know buddy I should have changed you before" she cleaned everything up and kissed Araav while picking him off the table .Shravan eyes softened on her , seeing her interaction with the little one .

" Look I apologize for doubting your intentions .You really seem genuinely worried and I get it ." Shravan explained as her eyes smiled seeing he understood her situation

"It's ok ..I know this is all very complex" she said getting up with the baby

"All I'm going to say is that what you're doing for your sister is remarkable, not everyone would do what you're doing. They would probably put the baby for adoption or foster care"

"I would never do that! I couldn't! Poor guy what's his fault in this. Urvashi needs to step up and face her responsibilities"

"Maybe she thinks you're more fit to take care of him" Shravan reasoned as she looked up his tall frame .

"Maybe ,but if you're the father you will let me see him right ?"

Shravan rolled his eye "I am not the father and if your proven wrong then What ?"

"I will continue my hunt , the father also needs to take responsibility for him!"

She was getting ready to leave placing her nephew in the seat as he gurgled cutely .Shravan chuckled seeing the baby staring at her innocently

"does he always look at you like that?"

Suman smiled nodding seeing Araav's eyes twinkling at her "I'm sure he thinks I'm his mom.."

"Well he seems to like you."

Suman found this change behaviour of Shravan odd but being genuinely nice , she was little nervous meeting him but he put her as ease after their argument . He didn't look so stern especially coming from a law background.

" Thank you for your time and really sorry for this mess.." talking about the diaper change

"Don't worry about it, need help?" He pointed at the baby seat

"No it's ok thank you ,the only help from you is to consider the DNA test for My satisfaction "

"You're really not going to take my word for it are you ?"

"I don't fully trust you yet ..not until I have proof"

Suman gave him a wary look and grabbed the bag putting it over her shoulder .She was breathless by the time she walked out outside . Shravan didn't feel right and sent one of the watch men  to help her .

"That didn't go so bad right chikku? Poor Guy looks like he's had his heart broken by a gold digger and thinks all girls are after his money"

"If he's your father I think you will be in good hands" she said buckling Aarav securely seeing him purse his lips "Don't make that face, I promise I will make sure we're still in contact" she said winking at him with a sweet smile and sat in the driver seat .

Shravan sat down on his chair lost in his thoughts .

"What was all that about? Custody battle?" Pushkar asked sitting opposite his cousin trying to figure out the reason of that lady's visit

Shravan smiled "Nope ,a case that I've never seen before"


She heard a knock on the door and wrapped Aarav in a cute duck towel covering him and opened the door .

There stood Shravan Malhotra dressed casually in a black t-shirt and jeans . Araav was lingering over her arm happily loving the warm air hitting his feet

Suman eyes widened slightly embarrassed wearing g her pink shorts and white tan top with her hair in a loose braid .

Shravan chuckled seeing her wearing bunny slippers yet found it cute

"Hi ,I'm here to take you and Aarav for the DNA test "

Suman stood at the door surprised before the baby's gurgling  brought her back .

"Uuhhh now?"

Shravan nodded "now or never .."

"Wait how did you get my address?"

"I have my ways"

Suman chuckled "right ..well you could have just given us a rendezvous"

"I just thought it's easier if we all just went together" he explained yet an excuse to meet her again

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