Heal - Natsuki X Yuri Fanfic

By trashfeline

150K 4.1K 10.3K

Natsuki and Yuri both have their own private issues, but they both very much like being the lone wolf. That... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Extra Holiday Chapter

Chapter 5

10.3K 255 876
By trashfeline

    Natsuki felt her eyes open a crack. She was super warm but super comfortable at the same time. Where am I? Natsuki opened her eyes more and was met by breathing directly on Yuri's neck. Hmph. Well, back to sleep. Wait.


    Natsuki felt her face burn as she blinked. Holy fuck! Natsuki felt Yuri's chin on her head and her arm gently resting against her waist. What the fuuuuuck.

    Natsuki moved her head from out of the crook of Yuri's neck. Yuri's bandaged arm was behind Natsuki's head, her fingers holding to her hair. Natsuki looked at Yuri with a flustered and confused face, but realized that she was sleeping soundly.

    Yuri was breathing softly from half parted lips, and her skin seemed to glow as bits of light snuck into her bedroom from the half closed blinds. Her hair was still beautiful as always, falling against her face and on her bed like a tidal wave of dark purple.

    Natsuki noticed her own hair was down, Yuri must've taken her ribbons and clip out. Her theory was right as she glanced over and saw it on Yuri's bedside table. Natsuki hated her hair down and instantly wanted to fix it, but the only thing she could fix was her gaze on Yuri. Natsuki knew it was probably weird but... woah. Natsuki's heart soared and her face felt like it would melt from blushing so much. Had Yuri cuddled her all night long? Why?
    Natsuki didn't get much time to think, she froze as Yuri's eyes fluttered open. Yuri blinked a few times, parted her lips slightly as to talk, but she was in a drowsy haze and didn't say anything. Yuri didn't react at first, but she looked down and saw that she was still holding tightly onto Natsuki's waist. She immediately recoiled, slipped clumsily, and hit the ground with a loud thud.

    "Oh my God Yuri, are you okay?" Natsuki immediately sprung up and reached a hand out for Yuri to take.

    "Owch," Yuri mumbled crossly, but took Natsuki's hand and heaved herself from off of her floor. Her hand is so soft... Yuri realized that Natsuki had woken up before her which meant that she had figured out that Yuri had cuddled her all night. Shit.

    "A-ah!" Yuri exclaimed. "I'm sorry if I got too close, I tend to do that out of habit with pillows and such... I-I mean you're not a pillow or anything! I mean you are pretty soft but-" Yuri stopped as she realized she had said way too much.

    "Yuri, it's fine." Natsuki laughed. "Don't beat yourself up over it."

    Yuri was standing over Natsuki, their hands still entwined even though Yuri was fully capable of standing. Yuri let go with an anxious swipe.

    "We, uh... we should probably get something to eat." Yuri didn't wait for Natsuki's response, she quickly tiptoed down the stairs into the kitchen.

      Yuri decided she would make pancakes for the two of them. She quickly made up the batter and threw it onto a skillet. Natsuki sat at the table, silently watching Yuri cook.

    Natsuki felt herself in a trance watching Yuri's movements. Natsuki couldn't help herself, every movement Yuri made was so graceful and Natsuki felt the heat of a blush crawl up her cheeks. She watched every hip sway, hair swish and arm swipe with full content. It was like she was being hypnotized.

"Jeez Natsuki, take a picture if you like it so much. It'll last longer. I can feel your gaze burning into me!" Yuri giggled, not even turning to see Natsuki's reaction.

"I-I was watching the pancakes, dummy." Natsuki puffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Sure," Yuri smiled and went back to making the pancakes. Natsuki felt her hunger rise as the smell of the pancakes wafted throughout the whole kitchen.

"Ah, Yuri, the pancakes smell so good!" Natsuki dreamily said. A plate was slid forward to her.

"It smells good, but let's see if it actually tastes good!" Yuri smiled again, and sat next to her. Their shoulders brushed against each other, and Natsuki blushed lightly.

Natsuki took the syrup sitting on the counter and pretty much soaked her pancakes with it.

"Ew! Natsuki, that's so gross. You're going to get a stomach ache!" Yuri laughed and drizzled the syrup lightly over her fluffy pancakes.

"What can I say!" Natsuki took a bite of the slightly soggy pancakes. "I really have a sweet too- holy fuck. Yuri these are amazing!" Natsuki pretty much shoved the whole entire pancake down her throat.

"Really?!" Yuri blushed. "They're just normal pancakes!"

"I haven't had pancakes in forever though!" Natsuki talked with her mouth full, crumbs were everywhere. "Thanks!"

            "Ah," Yuri wasn't sure what to say for a moment. "You're welcome, Natsuki, I'm glad you enjoy them."

           The rest of the breakfast was silence, but a good kind. The kind where you are next to someone you totally trust.

           But Yuri was putting on a facade.

           Yuri was pretty much freaking out inside her brain. She had not forgotten what had unfolded last night, seeing Natsuki as a pretty much living corpse. Yuri glanced over to Natsuki. Her arms were really really skinny, and her face seemed to sink in a bit. How had I not noticed that before?

           Yuri was also very confused at the same time, Natsuki was scarfing down her pancakes at the speed of light. Yuri figured she starved herself, but that didn't explain the bruises on her ribs. Or the fact that she was eating her pancakes in the first place.

           "Hey, uh, Natsuki?" Yuri swallowed hard, she felt like her throat would give out on her and crack into small pieces, choking her.

           "Yea, what's up?" Natsuki put her fork on her plate, she was already finished.

           Yuri took a deep breath, her hands were shaking. She wasn't used to confronting people like this.

           "Uhm, do you want me to pack you a lunch for a few weeks?" That was not what she was planning on saying. Yuri was planning on asking about the bruises on her, but apparently her brain decided to change her mind for her. I guess she would have to go with it.

           The table was silent, Yuri looked over to Natsuki. Her jaws were parted slightly, as if she was going to say something, but nothing came out. Yuri felt uncomfortably hot and itchy for a moment.

           "Why?" Yuri sure wasn't expecting that question whatsoever. Yuri looked at Natsuki once again, and she felt hurt. Natsuki looked confused with a twinge of sadness.

           "Ah, w-well... I just thought you looked super hungry and honestly a bit skinny. N-not that being skinny is bad! I'm... im just worried for you. I never see you eat lunch or anything, so I guessed that you need some." Yuri was a stumbling mess, and she was messing with her hair like crazy.

    "Yuri, you don't have to do that," Natsuki stuttered, waving her hands back and forth nervously.

    "Please, I insist. You need to eat, I..." Yuri gripped Natsuki's thin arm with her soft fingers. "I can't stand to see you so... frail."

    "Yuri, please let go of my arm." Natsuki winced in pain as she gripped a bruise on her arm. "I'm fine, really. I just have a high metabolism." Yuri let go of her arm softly, dragging her fingernails against Natsuki's shirt. Natsuki felt her heart pound faster as Yuri gently locked her fingers with hers. Yuri's hand was significantly larger than hers, she thought with a blush. Yuri squeezed her hand and sighed.

    "S-sorry for overreacting." Yuri looked away, seeming to hide behind her long hair. Yuri started to part her fingers away from Natsuki, but Natsuki felt the urge to do something.

    Natsuki grabbed Yuri's hand tighter so she couldn't let go.

    Yuri immediately snapped her gaze back to Natsuki, then down to Natsuki's hand tightly wrapped around hers. Was she... was she holding on?

      The air in the room seemed immediately thicker than before. Natsuki's magenta eyes stared hard into Yuri's, her mouth was parted slightly. Yuri felt like she was going to pass out, how did the room get so hot so fast? Yuri realized it was her own body creating the heat, she was blushing scarlet red.

    Natsuki's other hand drifted to the bottom of Yuri's shirt. Natsuki seemed to be in a haze, her face was scarlet just like Yuri's. She held on tightly to the hem, her soft hands holding onto the fabric. Yuri felt dizzy, her head was buzzing but she didn't tell Natsuki to stop. She didn't want Natsuki to stop.

      Yuri leaned in, she could feel Natsuki's hot shaky breath near her lips.


      Natsuki jumped wildly, snapping out of her trance. She fell backwards and hit the floor with a thump. The chair she was sitting on clattered to the floor with her, and she stifled a groan.

       Natsuki looked up to Yuri, she was completely frozen. Shit. Yuri was trembling slightly, her whole entire face and neck was as red as blood. Did I... did I break her? Oh god.

       Natsuki hauled herself off of the ground, her knees felt wobbly. She felt herself starting to fall again, the wind rushing past her.

       It suddenly stopped. She winced, preparing for the next shooting pain to go through her as she hit the kitchen floor, but it never came.

      Natsuki opened one eye.

      Yuri had caught her.

      Yuri's hands were firmly placed around Natsuki's back, and she stood over her just slightly. Natsuki grabbed onto her shoulders, trying to hold on for dear life even though Yuri had a firm grip around her.

      Yuri still looked very flustered, her eyelashes were batting and her face was still as red as ever. Natsuki could hear her breathing, it was shaky yet warm. Natsuki wasn't sure how long they had stood there in that awkwardly long pose, but she didn't mind at all. She was able to see Yuri's face closer than ever. Her sparkly eyes, long nose, luscious lips, pieces of hair drawn across her head and poking out of their normal dainty fashion, and her red face full of fluster. Natsuki looked at Yuri, she noticed her collarbones with a hard blush. Her skin was porcelain and looked as soft as a feather. Fuckkk, collarbones are so my weakness. Natsuki wanted nothing more than to bite softly int- WOAH. Natsuki wanted nothing more than to shove herself into Yuri's arms and feel her worries melt away.

      Yuri was fine with this predicament also. She was able to see Natsuki's hazy look again. That light blush scattered over her cheeks... Wait. Were those small freckles? Yuri felt her heart beat faster as she saw small freckles lightly dotting over Natsuki's face. They were almost impossible to see, but this close, Yuri could see every freckle. I want to press my lips on every single one. Yuri gulped at what she had just thought. She couldn't help it though, she kept staring. Her pink hair was ruffled slightly, and came down to her shoulders curling at the ends. Her eyelashes were long and oh so beautiful.


     Yuri helped Natsuki up once again, bashfully letting go once she was fully standing. Yuri quickly grabbed her fallen chair and placed it back up again.

     "S-sorry." Yuri couldn't even look Natsuki in the eyes.

     "You say sorry too much," Natsuki rolled her eyes. Natsuki tried to play it off like nothing (typical natsuki) but inside, Natsuki felt her heart twist and jump at the same time.

Natsuki quickly grabbed her phone off the counter, wondering who had texted her so suddenly and snapped her out of her weird trance.


     Natsuki rolled her eyes. Of course it had to be Sayori.

     Natsuki: What now?

     Sayori: yay :D Monika gave me really exciting news!

     Natsuki: What was so important that you had to text my phone like a maniac. i was in the middle of something

     Sayori: What were you doing?? ^^

     Natsuki: none of your beeswax. what did Monika say

     Sayori: oh yea

     Sayori: she said that our club is gonna be participating in the festival this year!!!!  Isn't that exciting? Now that we have MC we're an official club in the system

     Natsuki: well alright

     Sayori: you don't sound excited!!!! I'm pumped!!!

     Natsuki: you always are excited and pumped, sayori

     Sayori: haah, tru. Well I gtg now, ttyl natsuki <3 :3

     Natsuki gave out a snort. Natsuki wasn't sure if she really was excited for that. She always loved the festival, but hosting one of the classrooms sounded like a lot of time that Natsuki didn't have. Yuri still stood awkwardly, her eyes peeled to the floor.

     "Sayori just texted me," Natsuki swallowed back her own awkwardness. "Monika said that we're an official club now thanks to MC, and that we're gonna be participating in the festival. Sayori sounded pretty excited."

     Yuri's eyes lit up, and she cracked a smile.

     "That sounds wonderful! I've always wanted to be a part of the festival more." Yuri said back, pretty much instantly forgetting her awkwardness just a few seconds before. Natsuki felt grateful for that at least, but she wasn't sure if Yuri was just faking it.

"I'm guessing I'll have to make cupcakes," Natsuki rolled her eyes.

"They are really good though... I mean! Damnit." Yuri had just admitted to liking Natsuki's cupcakes, and Natsuki let out a smirk.

"I thought you always said they were too sweet for your liking... and that you would like a cup of tea better!" Natsuki snorted at her, smiling wickedly.

"Okay, okay, I might have just did that to you to make you angry." Yuri giggled a little bit, and Natsuki gasped.

"Who would've thought! Bookworm Yuri being a little cheeky fighter!" Natsuki slapped her hand to her heart like she was shot.

"You really pissed me off sometimes, I had to get back at you a little bit at least..." Yuri was still giggling a little bit, covering her smile with her hands.

"You little asshole!" Natsuki gasped, but laughed right afterwards. "I always knew you liked my cupcakes, though, no one can resist them!"

"You looked like a kicked puppy when I told you that, Natsuki. I see right through you!" Yuri retorted. Natsuki rolled her eyes for what felt like the seventh time.

Both girls laughed for a little bit, talking about how they would always squabble like birds. No wonder Monika and Sayori got fed up with them! For once, both of them felt at peace. Just two people laughing and sharing memories, unaware that both had massive crushes on eachother.

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