What Lies Within_A Victubia F...

By TheLegendaryCrazyB

15K 278 30

Queen MangaMinx rules a kingdom known as Victubia. Her life changes completely when an intruder breaks into h... More

What Lies Within_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 1)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [Epilogue]
Part 2 & 3!
2,000 Votes On Wattpad AND 20 Facts About Me?

Chapter 15

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By TheLegendaryCrazyB

Chapter 15

Queen Minx P.O.V

Dlive. It was fucking Dlive. How could he do this?

“Minxy Moo! Let’s see Krism for who she really is!”

I started shaking in fear and anger. He walks over to Krism with the syringe full of this green liquid and injects it in her neck. Instantly, Krism screamed in pain and it echoed through the room. My heart was breaking at the sound of her in pain. Her body started to change. Her body darkened and was glowing a red mist. Her red eye was bleeding and pure red while her other eye was black. I got worried when she started to walk slowly towards me

“Minx-I-I’m not in control. I n-ahhh” she cut herself off by her scream.

She started shaking uncontrollably and I was worried that she was going to do something bad with this power. She can't control it that well and now that her powers are in Dlive's control, we were screwed if we didn’t do anything. Luckily, we had to do our plan now in order to save both her and us in one piece.

"Now!" I yell out, signaling everyone.

Pewds and Ken tackle 2 guys at once, I killed the remaining guards and Cry said this spell and it caused Dlive to be thrown out the barricaded window, smashing down to the floor.

"Guys watch out. Krism isn't herself..." I warned the group as Krism walks towards us.

Every step she took, the floor shook. She walks to the window and tears the wall off and picked me up bridal-style. Then she jumps down to the ground and put me down. Is this Dlive in control?! I push myself off of Krism and I landed on the floor. Cry jumps down and tackles Dlive, punching him to the floor and Dlive fighting back. I look at Krism and I notice that her brown eye was back to normal.


Krism P.O.V

My powers would sometimes grow weak, giving me the chance to have my body back in my control for a while. When Dlive was thrown out the window, he was distracted and I was able to have my control after I put Minx down. I felt my power slowly rising back so I had one chance to say what I wanted to say at that moment.

"Minx. Whatever I do right now. I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm not controlling this. If you have to, I need you to kill me. I love you Minx. I-" My body was on fire and my ears were ringing. My mind felt as if it was smashed down and taken down. I fall to my knees, wanting it to stop. My vision blurred and my body stood up. I wasn't in control.

Dlive controlled me to grab Minx up in the air. I told myself to stop. Thankfully, my friends tackled my controlled body and pinned me down. But my powers were multiplied so my strength was insane. I stand up and threw them off me. I grabbed Ken and threw him at Mark and Yamimash, making them fall down together. My head was turned to the right, where I see Pewds protecting Marzia. I tried everything to bring my body to a stop but it was numb and I couldn't move anything. My mouth opened, my throat was on fire, and I spoke words that weren't mine.

"I shall destroy all of Victubia and I shall destroy Queen Minx. I shall-"  

I got insanely angry when he mentioned Minx. I heard the high pitched noise again and I screamed in pain. I smacked Pewds a couple yards and was about to attack Marzia now. But something...someone tackled her. It was Minx! I saw the three scratch marks on her back, breathless and in pain, she protected her friends. I had enough. I fought with all my energy and I cried but then, when I thought all hope was lost. My body returned. My mind was back and my body started to shrink back to my original height and my body cooled down but everything hurt. The liquid must have finished. Now is my chance...

Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! Why? Because I spent a lot of time on this story and I want you guys to enjoy it as much as possible. Please, comment or message me directly about what you thought about this chapter. I already wrote the enitre story down so I might not add or delete anymore things but feel free to tell me your idea on my story. -Brenda


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