By Connor4ever

5K 130 15

harry isn't an ordinary 18 year old he has a horrible back story which leads him to live by himself while his... More

Bumping into you
catching up
weekend at louis
love sick
Some ones in the house
Clear things up (not an update)
end of the weekend
Something more
Big problem
Mum wasnt there
The dating game 1
Cuts heal hearts.....thats another story
Eat your too skinny
Best birthday ever?
The big plan 1
the big plan 2
Back again
Say your just a friend
The big uh oh
Not update
Not update still
Whats going to happen
Our movie
Im here
How it feels
Its not my weekend...but its gonna be my year
Finally awake
Are you serious?
'Tis the season
Merry birthday, happy christmas
Finally christmas
Nothing is fine
whats going on?
the date 1
the date 2
hormones suck
the aftermath
i just wanna be happy
the after-aftermath
silly love songs
Clear things up....again
One hell of a dinner pt.1
one hell of a dinner pt.2
new story?
Make things right
its time
parenting & feelings
authors note
taken away
stressed the f*** out!
adventures of baby sitting
city of love?
happy endings?
baby dont cry


164 6 0
By Connor4ever

(Harry's p.o.v.)

school what does that word mean to hell i hate it so much all that goes on is me getting beat up picked up things thrown at me the only places i get to get away are music and video design cause in those classes you get to do your own thing and i get to end my day as they are my last 2 periods of the day. yes i have 2 electives cause im a good student but thats only because my good friends mostly niall push me to do my work it angers me but at least i know they care for me.


''hey guys its little flower harry who still hasn't blossomed'' logan says and i keep my head down and he snatches my flower crown ''hey give it back'' i say reaching for it but he holds it up too high ''guys it talks'' he says pushing me down to the floor causing my binder i was holding to fall and everything falls out of it.

''oh is the flower baby going to cry if he doesnt get his crown back'' josh says and i g to pick up my papers but i get kicked in my stomach and i fall over and hold my stomach ''come on cry you little flower baby'' logan yells at me now theres a crowd around us and i manage to stand up just to get pushed back down.

''please stop''i say ''h he said please'' josh says and i get punched in the face right where my eye is ''your nothing your a worthless little orphan why are you still alive'' josh says and punches me again and i feel blood run down my chin.

''why dont you just kill your self no one wants you here your so called ''friends'' just pitty you you little worthless piece-'' he gets punched in the face ''wow you face is hard'' louis says standing there smiling ''tomlinson..what the hell was that'' josh says wiping the blood from his mouth.

''leave him alone okay'' louis says ''why do you care why haven't you stopped me before-oh thats right you got kid napped by daddy'' josh says and louis helps me up but gets pushed and i fall on the floor.

''ouch that probably hurt didn't it flower baby'' logan says kicking me then he gets punched in the face by louis ''dont do something you'll regret boys'' louis says with a really pissed off face.




''saved by the bell'' i whisper but louis herd it and chuckles ''well go'' louis says and every one leaves and he helps me up and we pick up all of my things and he smiles and places the pink flower crown on my head.

"come on lets get yo cleaned off then head to our classes'' he says and takes us to the bathroom but he stops at the girls bathroom and on it is written-


''shit'' he says and grabs a marker and scribbles it out and we walk into the bathroom ''okay stay still'' he says and cleans off the blood round my mouth and my now swollen eye ''why dont you fight back harry'' he says and i shrug ''cause I dont know how and im scared to'' i say and he just nods.

'' okay what class do you have'' he says ''math''i say ''okay well i'll walk with you'' he says and we start to walk ''what class do you have'' i ask him ''i dont know i still have to go get it from the principals office'' he says ''oh okay well we're here'' i say and we walk in.

''mr.styles why are you late'' mrs.petters asks ''sorry i had him my name is louis tomlinson i asked him the way to the principals office im new'' louis says ''oh yes louis mrs.tomlinson's son'' she asks and he nods.

''okay well harry take your seat and you head to the office'' she says so we do as told and i take my seat next to niall.''okay class get with a partner and work on the packet'' she says and niall hands me a packet ''harry what happened'' he says.

''logan and josh'' i say ''why do you need to be alone in the mornings harry it isn't safe'' he says but i just work on the packet with him ''i just need to niall being constantly watched gets annoying i just need my space thats all'' i say and he nods.

''do you get number 6'' i ask him and he looks at it ''yes you have to divide 24 by 16 and square it to the nearest 10th'' he says and i shake my head and do that and show it to him ''yep'' he says amd something hits my head and i see it was a piece of paper that says 'open me'.


well lucky me ''what was it'' niall asks and i hand it over to him and he looks up ''harry you cant be by yourself after school'' he says ''what choice do i have i dont see you guys for the rest of the day after 4 period'' i snap at him and he just looks down and i grab his hand.

''im sorry ni'' i say and he looks over to me and smiles and so do i ''oh look at the faggot couple'' josh says ''we're not dating'' niall says and i pull my hand pack ''what was that nerd'' josh says.

''i said we're not dating'' he says again confused ''niall stop'' i say to him ''yeah listen to your boyfriend nerd'' logan says and niall turns back around to face me and we continue to work.


finally music then video design today has been worse than any other day i've been beaten up more, picked on more then usual, today at lunch food was thrown at me so i left and now im here no bullies, no picking on, no judging its amazing and i feel someone tap on my shoulder

''hey stranger'' they say and i turn around and see louis and he sits down next to me ''you have music''i say ''yep i never thought you would take music i thought you would take like art'' he says.

''nope music is the thing i love'' i say and he smiles "that's cool well do you mind telling me what the assignment is about" he asks and I continue writing in my notebook.

"you have to write your own original son due not to day but next Friday but knowing you being new Zach will give you till the next Friday" I say.

"ok well is that what your song write now" he asks and I nod and criss cross my legs on the chair that is in the corner in the back if the music room no desks no tables barely any chairs just the floor instruments and bean bad chairs.

"earth to Harry" Louis says waving his hand infront of my face and I look up and he leans back on the bean bag chair.

"hhmm" I say "did josh and or Logan beat you up again" he says and I look down "during gym" I say and I look back up and he looks pissed "are you okay Louis" I ask "yeah I just really fucking hate them they're so annoying" he says and I nod and start to write again.

" I don't really write songs I really just play instruments or sing" Louis says and I look up at him with wide eyes "I love to write songs every one does how do you not like to write songs" I say and he messes with his thumbs.

"I don't know how to write a song" he says and I look at him and smile "what" he says "I could help you" I say and he smiles "thanks curly" he says and I laugh at the nickname "so why do you wear flower crowns" he asks.

"they're my mums she used to wear and make them all the time it's like I sti have a piece of her with me" I say and he nods "now people we have a new person joining us today his name is Louis Tomlinson the son of the principal and brother of my wife Lottie who is also the video design teacher here" Zach says and he gestures to Louis to walk to the front of the class room "hey" Louis says "so Louis who are you" Zach asks.

"Who am I I'm Louis Tomlinson the one who got kidnapped by his father when I was only 15 and he was horrible I was gone for four years he would make me have sex with people for money and no not just girls but guys too. Um I'm into punk rock music I love to film filming is my life I have tattoos a piercing I wear beanies it's hard for me to be alone with someone I barley know all because of my dad I was recently found on Sunday and my family is rich but I really don't like it. I have three really good friends Liam Niall and Zayn well scratch that four good friends if you include my good pal Harry curly styles over there" he says pointing to me and I laugh.

"yeah and to sum it all up I'm a rich punk rock guy who likes punk rock music filmig music and has had a hard life that's who Louis Tomlinson is" he says and I clap leading the class to clap."that was interesting thank you for Sharing that with us" Zach says "yeah and I need to talk to lottie about you guys being married she never told me" Louis says.

"oh and if you eer hurt my sister you'll end up 5 feet under the ground" Louis adds and I try not to laugh but can't help it and he sits back down in the bean bag chair "nice speech Lou" I say and he laughs "yeah thanks" he says and the bell rings and I pack up and he's standing at the door.

"what class you have next curly" he asks as we walk "video" I ask "same oh perfect time to talk to lottie" he says "you sister is really nice....she's my personal councler your mum assignned her to me for help" I say.

"well that's good but try living with the beast" he says and I laugh and we enter the room and I sit down on the bean bag chair farthest away from every one and closest to the door and Louis pulls one next to me and sits down "hey Louis" lottie says.

"your married" he says and she laughs "yeah sorry" she says and walks to the front of the class room.

"okay people we have a new assignment you are to make your own movie it will be something to work on at home for the rest of the year and the last fall week of school that Monday it will be due you may edit it here some days but for class we will have our own assighnment's" she says and she leaves us to think of ideas.

"hey Harry why don't you and I make a documentary about our life's" he says "like together" I say "yeah I have a camera you can use that is brand new" he says and I nod "sounds fun" I say and we smile.

"Harry" lottie says sitting down next to me with a bean bag chair "hi lottie" I say "so how are you feeling today" she asks "okay but today it's been getting worse the beating the picking I don't know why it just has gotten worse" I say.

"well did you take your 2pills today" she asks "yeah like I do everyday" I say."ok well do you want to talk about any feelings" she asks "I don't know the things that they are saying its kind of getting to me again and I know it's all true I am worthless and deserve to die" I say and I hear Louis gasp.

"why do you think that Harry" Louis says "Louis-" lottie says but Louis interupts her "Harry your not worthless nor deserve to die I mean the little amount I've known you you've made me happy and you heloing me right the song dude if anything your amazing you deserve to live Harry don listen to what those shit heads have to say they're stupid and don't know what they're saying" Louis says and I wipe my tears away and leap at him and hug him crying.

"thank you Louis" I say and he rubs my back "it's all true curly" he says and I smile and pull away from him "okay boys well I should get going work on your movie or talk either or bye" she says and leaves.

"well curly what do you want to do" Louis asks "I don't know stay here forever so josh and Logan can't get me" I say and look down "after school they'll be waiting for me" I say and I look up and Louis lays back "oh don't worry they won't hurt you" he says.

"how do you know" I say and he sits up and fixes my flower crown "cause my curly headed friend I'm going to be with you and if they even try to lay a hand on you I will violently hurt them" he says "is there any other way" I say and we laugh.

"hello lottie" zayn says walking in "why hello zayn what brings you here" lottie asks "not wanting to be in math" he says and she chuckles and he walks over to us "hey guys" he says "zayn if I have to go to my classes you have to go to yours" I say.

"nope it doesn't work that way Harold" he says "my name isn't Harold it's Harry" I pout shoving my face into Louis bean bag chair "oh look what you did to curly" Louis says pulling me onto his lap and I shove my face into his neck and he laughs and I feel him reach forward "fuck" zayn says and I laugh.


It's the end of class we have 15 minutes left and the whole time I've been on Louis lap with his arms wrapped around my waist "so I was thinking we should all head to me place after school hang out a bit maybe you guys can spend the night it's a 4day weekend" Louis says.

"that sounds good to me I'm sure Liam and Niall will agree" zayn says "Harry" Louis says "sure why not" I say."so meet you guys at my house" Louis says and we nod "hey Harry if you want I could just pick up Niall and Liam and Louis can go with you to your place" zayn says.

"um if it's ok with Louis" I say "whatever" he says and the bells rings and I get up and so does he and Louis and I go to the back of the school to get his skate board and I get pulled back by my hair "hey flower baby missed me" josh says and he just holds me by my hair and I hold my head.

I fall to the floor when Louis punches him in the face and he grabs my hand and we run as fast as we can and we stop when we know they aren't behind us "shit man" he says and I laugh "that was a rush" I say and he nods and we walk to my house.

"so this is the house" he says and I nod and start to pack a bag "hey don't forget the crowns" Louis says handing me my flower crowns and I put them in the bag and he lays down on my bed "oh this bed it comfy" he says and I laugh.

"yeah this is my mums old room" I say "so you don't mind I Gemma comes" I add "of corse not" he says sadly "what wrong Lou" I ask him.

"I had a sister her age we were really close I would always take her to the park or hang out with her" he says "what happened to her Lou" I ask him sitting down and grabbing his hand.

"one day I took her to the park and she was playing on the play ground and I was watching her then there was a bang and she fell and thick red blood surrounded her and I held her and saw the life leave her eyes and my dad kidnaped me" he says and sits up and I put my other hand ontop of his.

"I'm so sorry" I say and he nods and stands up letting to of my hand "so are you done packing" he asks and I shake my head and grab the rest if my stuff and shove it in the bag.

"dude that was your whole room'' louis says ''i know i dont have a lot of things 4shirts,2 pairs of pants, 1pair of shorts, 1pair of sweat pants, a brush tooth brush and paste, a brush, deodorant, 1pair of shoes, and in those 2 boxes are every thing i care for'' i say and he nods.

''well lets get going'' louis says and i nod and we start to walk to his place until we bump into some unwanted people ''why isnt it fancy seeing you two here'' logan says ''come on harry lets go'' louis says and i keep my head down and walk until someone stops us.

''where do you think your going'' josh says and pushes me back and i keep on looking down ''look up pussy'' he says ''dont call him that asshole'' louis says grabbing my arm and dragging me away but i get yanked back.

''why dont you just go fuck off tomlinson'' josh says holding me by the sleeve of my shirt ''why dont you listen and just back the fuck off'' louis says and i get shoved onto the floor.

''ok come on tomlinson lets go'' josh says and louis helps me up ''you know how to skate'' louis says and i nod ''ok get out of here'' he says and i shake my head ''no'' i whisper.

''GO HARRY NOW'' he yells and i skate away and look back and see him fighting every one and i wipe the tears from my eyes how could i just leave him there alone to fight 4 guys.

i stop the skate board at the light and look back and see louis getting hit in the face so i call zayn ''hey harry whats up'' he says and i cry ''harry whats wrong wheres louis'' he says again.

''we ran into josh logan and the rest and louis gave me his skate board and told me to go but i cant leave him alone im at a light by the mini mart by my house zayn help please'' i say ''okay i will just get out of there head to my place okay go im on my way'' he says and i start to skate again not wanting to look back.

once i get to their house i knock on the door and niall answers and i hug him ''harry its okay zayn said he got louis they're on their way okay'' he says pulling me inside and i drop all my things and pace back and forth.

''harry your pills you have to take them'' liam says giving me some water and i take out my pills and get 2 and put them in my mouth and swallow them with water and the door opens and zayn and louis walk in both beat up and i run over to them and hug them and louis chuckles.

''hey curly'' he says and i pull away and hit his arm ''hey what was that for'' he says holding his arm ''because you scared me'' i say ''zayn what happened to you'' niall says walking over to zayn touching his face.

''i had to jump in and help my buddy'' zayn ays and niall hugs him and he hugs back ''okay well lets head to my place now shouldnt we'' louis says and i nod grabing my stuff.

''thank you louis'' i say and he wraps his arm around my neck ''it was nothing curly'' he says and we get into the car ''lets go'' zayn says driving off.

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