City of Heavenly Fire: My Ver...

By EmmaKMCalypse

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Clary is getting tired of everyone. She is becoming distant from everyone but one person. She is having to wa... More

I'm So Sorry
Weapon of Choice
The misunderstanding
Authors note
Chunky Monkey
Movie Day?
The Truth Comes Out
Family Bonding
The Dress and Parabatai
Messages unknown
I Just Did
No Way I'm Staying Down
I Want To Remember
If I Want Anyone It's You
We Are Screwed
Not An Update
Are You Saying...
Are you sure
So Light
Quiz of 15 questions
Quiz answers
Emotional Behavior
Emotions Hit The Fan
I'm Lost
I Am Found
I Don't Understand
Not an Update, But a Proposition
Words Can Mean Everything
The Proposal
Someone Listens
Everything Is Coming Together
What Is Going On
Today Never Happened
Today Never Happened Clary's POV
Authors Note
What A Real Man Looks Like
The Wedding
Pregnancy Hormones =)
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
A Day of Unwanted Events
Claiming Defeat
Shock and Amazement
Not an Update
Idris Visits
As Luck Would Have It
Another Story???
An Oblivious Night
The New Story
The Finale
Angels Stick Together
New Story


530 9 2
By EmmaKMCalypse

***Hello my beautiful readers! I know it has been forever since my last update and I am so sorry! I tried to make this one long but not so long that it took away from the final chapter. Yes, I said it. Final Chapter. The next one I publish will be the last chapter of this book, but do not fret, there is another story in process. Well, technically two stories in the process. I will be alternating between the sequel to this one, as well as a mundane version. I will post on here as soon as I have finished up some final details on the mundane story. But I shall not pester anymore and give you all what you have been awaiting! Read on at your own risk!

Magnus was resting his head on Alec's chest, listening to his breathing and feeling his soft heartbeat through his skin. He was sleeping which made it more steady and easy and soft. Curling himself around Alec, Magnus inhaled his scent and felt a sense of protectiveness and love fall over him. He nuzzled his face into Alec's chest and felt his heartbeat on his cheeks, eyes, lips, and nose.

Placing his lips over his heart, Magnus kissed him sweetly, swallowing his heartbeat. Alec reached a hand down and cradled Magnus's head and brought their lips together and they were kissing sweetly with a soft yet burning passion. Magnus felt his heart kick into overdrive and it sent him into a frenzy. He pulled himself up and laid his lean body over Alec's toned one. And from there they fell into love all over again.

Clary stood up, cradling her baby belly with one hand and the other on her lower back. Her hair was down to her waist now and was eight months pregnant and there was no sign of Sebastian. She was getting frustrated being in Idris. It wasn't that she didn't love being there and in her and Jace's amazing home, it was just that she was starting to get a little home sick. She missed Taki's, Java Jones, and even Forbidden Planet. All of the things that she was familiar with.

With the thoughts of the geeky atmosphere that she loved so much, with the stands of comic books and the shelves of her favorite manga's, she took her plate over to the sink. Jace wasn't far behind her. His golden eyes watching her wherever she went, even if it was just a slight movement, like blinking.

Jace was increasingly worried about Clary and the baby because there was still no attention from Sebastian, and rather than take that as a good sign like most of the other Shadowhunters, he knew better and knew that it was him just trying to get them to make a mistake and then pounce.

His closeness was sweet and made Clary feel safer, but it was starting to get on her eight months, hormonal, pregnant nerves. He could be standing on the other side of the house and she could pretty much feel him breathing down her neck. When he stood up to approach her, Clary turned and glared at him.

"Okay." She put her hand on her hip and her right hand on her belly, rubbing up and down. "I love you. I really do," her eyes were striking and pinning Jace in his place. "But you really need to back off a little bit. I swear, even when I blink you seem to think something is wrong. Stop. I'm starting to feel smothered."

Jace just opened his mouth and closed it back up. He slowly sat back down into his chair and watched her. "I'm sorry." Jace clasped his hands together. "It's just that when I'm not watching you, I feel like something bad is going to happen. I mean think about it. Every time I haven't been around you, Sebastian has attacked you. So, if you aren't in my line of sight I get a little anxious. I have to be close to you, I can't risk it."

Clary sighed and walked over to Jace, putting her hands on his shoulders and settling herself into his lap comfortably. Jace just looked up at her with his beautiful amber eyes that devoured her and made her insides stir. Smiling, she leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips and pulled away so their lips were only a millimeter apart. "I get that. I really do, but you can't protect me and this baby from everything, Jace. No matter how much you want to. It isn't that easy. And when Sebastian shows up, we'll be ready. I know that there are risks. There always are, but you can't watch me all of the time."

"I can try though," Jace said sweetly and leaned back into her lips and kissed her again. "Or we can just keep doing this. You don't seem to complain about this."

Clary giggled through their kisses and wrapped her arms around Jace's neck, pulling him in closer and threading her fingers into his hair. The couple pressed together so tightly Clary felt they might merge into one whole person.

Jace had reached up and pulled the straps of her dress down and off her shoulders and started kissing on her neck and shoulders, to her collarbone and her chest. Clary's head fell back as she let Jace touch her in only a way that he was allowed to touch. She let him pick her up and carry her up the stair, even though it was an awkward position with her watermelon belly. But she didn't care, and neither did Jace.

Jocelyn sat at the large table at the Lightwoods manor with Luke next to her, holding her cold hand tightly and Robert and Maryse across from them. "I think it's time we come up with a better way to protect the children. I don't think Sebastian is going to make his move until the baby is born, and he'll take Clary with him while she is still vulnerable." Maryse spoke with her voice strong and unwavering. "I asked Magnus to come down here as well because he is capable of creating the wards to prevent Sebastian from getting into the Herondale manor. I also asked Isabelle, Alec, and Simon to come as well because sadly there is no way we can keep them out of this either. Isabelle and Alec are deeply concerned for their niece or nephew, and there is no way in hell to stop those two. And I assume the same is for Simon, but he is also a good choice to protect Clary because of his mark. No one will try to attack him, and if we're lucky, Sebastian will try and he'll die in the process."

"You act like we haven't been thinking of the same thing," Jocelyn said. "I mean, it's my daughter we are talking about. As well as my grandchild."

Robert stood and glared at Jocelyn. "Yes, she is your daughter, but Jace is also our son, and that baby is our grandchild too. And we have considered Clarissa our daughter from the day that Jace told us he loved her. We could never treat her any different. So, don't act like you are the only one who cares, Jocelyn."

Jocelyn tightened her lips together, knowing how much he said was true. "So, what do you want from us. Clearly, we have already thought the same things. What can we even do? They don't want us at their house, that much has been made obvious."

"That's because they don't want your hovering, Jocelyn." A voice perched from the hallway making them all turn. "They let us go over there," Isabelle continued. "It's because we don't try and force anything on them. Not to mention they like talking to us because they know they won't face judgement and feel like they are any less."

It was no mistake. Isabelle never really like Jocelyn, and she clearly wasn't warming up to her at all. Isabelle formed an opinion about people fast and it was very hard to change her mind. With Clary, at first, she didn't like her, but that was because she was a girl who caught the attention of everyone around her. She was just a small mundane girl who could see them, but she had to admit, even then, Clary kind of fascinated her. But over time, she realized how courageous and incredible Clary truly was.

She was willing to dive head first into anything on sheer guts because it was for the people she loved and she had a conscious that could only be described as independent, strong, loving, and almost fearless. She didn't care what happened to her, as long as the she accomplished her mission. And that was something you never found. Especially in a mundane, or a Shadowhunter with no training.

Clary was definitely an exception. And when she risked her life over and over again for Isabelle's family, that was all she could do to love her too. Clary was just an easily loveable person.

"Isabelle," Alec stopped her from saying anything else. "No need to be rude about it. We all want the same thing. We want to make sure that Jace, Clary, and the baby are safe."

Magnus came in next to Alec with their hands clasped. Bringing Alec's hand up to his lips, Magnus kissed the back of it and smiled. "You are such an adult Alexander."

Alec blushed a bit, but brushed it off as Simon trailed in and they all settled into their seats at the table. "Okay. So, what's the plan?"

Clary curled herself up to Jace tighter and snuggled her face into his chest. Jace just smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. He rested his hand over her stomach and felt the baby kick around and it made Jace's smile broaden. He reached out with his other hand and pressed his hands on either side of Clary's belly, cupping the baby in his hands. All he felt was warmth in his body, and Clary's skin turned slightly transparent as well as his. Him and the baby were sharing their heavenly fire and it made Jace happy that he could bond with the baby in some way already.

He traced his fingers over Clary's stomach and watched as little lines drew over her skin, watching the heavenly fire make trails in her body, and he watched as the baby tried following the line too.

Clary had been sleeping for about an hour already and it made Jace smirk watching his beautiful redhead sleep so peacefully, and it sprung a memory into his head.

Of course, Jocelyn was trying to keep them apart, so she got Clary one of those pregnancy pillows that shaped to her body. And Clary, being Clary, didn't want to hurt her mother's feelings, took it. But that afternoon when Clary took her nap, she struggled so much. It was so uncomfortable for her and she couldn't sleep at all. When Jace went in to check on her, he saw her shifting around as much as she could with her big belly. He actually stood there watching her for about five minutes and at the point that she discovered he was there it was because he couldn't hold in his laughter when she threw the pillow on the floor.

She looked to the side and glared at him. "How long have you been standing there?"

Jace smiled at her, "Only about five minutes."

Clary only narrowed her eyes at him and gestured for him to walk over to her, and of course, he complied. But before Jace could even lean down and kiss her forehead, she had reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt, and threw him onto the bed. It took Jace by surprise, as it would anyone, but he accepted it and laughed when Clary curled herself around his body. Her legs had intertwined with his and her head was on his chest. Her belly rested perfectly against his strong body. Jace kissed the top of her head and kissed her cheek next as she dozed off in a matter of seconds.

And ever since that moment, Jace knew that she was not going to try that stupid pillow again. And Jocelyn was mad, nothing new, but neither cared.

Jace was cradling Clary in his arms when she stretched her arms out and turned lightly over to look at Jace as she opened her eyes. Jace of course, was looking right back at her with love in his eyes. He gave her the stare that only she ever got and was for no one else.

Clary smiled up at him and kissed him softly on the mouth, when a piece of paper floated down onto their laps.

Jace groaned and pulled away from Clary and reached down to look at the paper. It was addressed to him and was from Jia.


I appreciate how busy you are with Clary and preparing for the baby, but I do need to speak with you urgently. There is some news on Sebastian and I wanted to speak with you about it first as you and Clary are the ones who know him best. But I don't want to burden Clary with any more stress. If you could come down to my office in the Accords Hall in an hour, it would be fantastic.


Jace read the letter to himself and decided to keep Clary out of it. Clary, who was looking up at him questioningly, just waited for him to speak.

"It's from Jia. She wants me to come down and discuss theories on Sebastian with her. I have to head down here shortly. I'll get ahold of Isabelle and Alec to come by that way you aren't left alone." Jace was speaking as the letter turned to ash into the air. He slowly stood up and reached down, grabbing his jeans and putting them on.

Clary sat up and looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You're going to actually leave me here?" Clary was smirking at him. "You know, with Alec and Isabelle? Without your eyes lingering?"

Jace rolled his eyes at her. "Look, I know that you think I'm being over protective, but I don't really think I am. I think I'm acting as any other person in this situation would. But, if Jia wants to talk to me and want my input on where Sebastian is, I'm gonna take it. Because if she is asking, it means that they are taking it seriously and things will be done about it." Jace pulled his shirt over his head and went to the nightstand to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write a letter to Isabelle and Alec, knowing they would probably be together.

Clary reached down and grabbed her dress, standing up and putting it back on she smiled and walked around to Jace's back. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his back, listening to his heartbeat. "I know that you care, and I know that if she's asking then they are taking it seriously. I'm just surprised that she wouldn't come here knowing how you are." Clary tightened her arms. "It just seems strange to me considering she is the Consul, and the Clave has never really cared about anything we have said before."

Jace sighed and turned, finishing the letter and sending it. Turning so fast that Clary didn't even have time to blink before he kissed her. And she didn't really have time to respond when he pulled away. "Yeah, but this is also the same woman who told our parents that we are more like adults than most other actual adults are. And the same woman who stood up to Jocelyn."

Clary tilted her head in defeat. "Fair point. I'll give you that, but I don't know. I just can't shake this feeling that something strange is going on. I just can't put my finger on it."

Jace looked down at her seriously, "Well, Isabelle and Alec will be here in case anything strange does happen. And probably Magnus and Simon too. The Angel knows that they won't stay away either."

Clary giggled, "You make that sound like a bad thing."

Jace smiled back at her with a chuckle and pulled her into his arms closer so they were chest to chest. He was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

Pulling away, Jace narrowed his eyes. "Well that was a lot faster than I thought it would be." Now he was getting the feeling that something was wrong. He grabbed his seraph blade off of the nightstand and pulled Clary behind him slowly down the stairs and to the front door.

They walked slowly, but surely. There was no chance for error right now, not with Clary and the baby at risk. And reaching the front door, the knock occurred again. Jace made sure Clary was completely blocked from any firepower and he opened the door with his blade in his left hand. And on the other side of the door was Isabelle, Alec, Magnus, and Simon.

"You have got to be kidding me," Jace said sighing and putting his blade down. "A little warning next time if you guys are coming over. I mean I just sent the fire message, so you guys were clearly on your way here."

Letting Clary step away from behind him, the others stepped inside, each one taking turns hugging Clary. And Jace pulled them all into the kitchen to sit down and talk while Jace explained the situation.

Isabelle was sitting with Clary on the couch while the guys were in the kitchen. Jace had left about twenty minutes prior to head to see Jia, and he didn't like leaving either. He was telling them consistently to not let Clary out of their sight. Now here they were, Clary and Isabelle talking about how protective Jace was being, while Simon and Alec helped Magnus ward the manor.

"No," Clary said brushing her long hair out of her eyes. "He is driving me crazy sometimes. I mean today was different. We actually talked about it and that helped, but somehow, we always find ourselves back in bed. I mean, I'm not complaining about that part, but I feel like that's his way of making me shut up."

Isabelle chuckled, "I think that's both a way of making you shut up, and a way to keep stress out of your body." Isabelle reached out and put her hand on Clary's stomach. "Think about it. He loves you and this baby to no end. And he knows that stress is bad for you two, so in order to keep you in his sight and to keep you healthy, he carries you off to Heaven."

Clary laughed at her and put her hand over Isabelle's to move it to the spot that the baby was currently kicking. "I guess you're right," she sighed.

Isabelle was about to speak again when she heard something coming from the back of the house. Standing up, she uncoiled her whip from her wrist and she went to the noise.

Jace jumped off of the horses back and stretched his legs. Tying the horse up, he went into the Accords Hall, in search of Jia's office. Walking down the halls, people inside were staring at him as if he had sprouted a second head. Probably because he was still just a seventeen-year-old boy who was walking around the offices. Typically, that was something that only legal adults did, because Clave members actually cared about adult opinions, not children, even one that went through what Jace has gone through.

Ignoring them, he found himself at Jia's office door, knocking twice he opened the door. She was sitting at her desk with Robert and Maryse in front of her. Jia stood up and addressed Jace curiously. "Jace?" Her voice was full of questions. "What are you doing here? I thought that you'd be with Clary."

Jace's widened his eyes, "I got a letter from you saying you wanted me to come down."

Jia shook her head, "Jace I never sent you a letter today."

Jace was completely confused and shook his head, making his blonde curls bounce frantically. "If you didn't send it..." He paused when it clicked in his brain. "Clary." Jace turned sharply and ran full force out of the building and to his horse.

Jace made it back to the manor in a short ten minutes, working the horse more than he should have. Leaping down and leaving the horse untied and in the open, he ran up the steps. The door was kicked open, splintered wood scattered around. Pulling two seraph blades out and holding one in each hand, Jace went in to inspect and find the woman he loves. The couch was stabbed and torn in spots, the walls had blood on them, and the glass coffee table was shattered into pieces. Jace stepped up his pace, checking the kitchen and the upstairs, he found nothing but wreckage. When he opened the back door and looked outside, he saw bodies on the ground. Taking off in a run, Jace ran and scanned the bodies, many of them were dressed in red and black gear; Endarked warriors. Some had whip marks, others had arrows protruding from their bodies, black powder on their wounds, and some even had scorch marks in the shape of hands and feet. And on the ground, blowing around was salt. But looking down Jace spotted a gray sweater with black jeans and combat boots. His bow was lying next to him, and his quiver behind his back, almost every arrow broken.

His eye was blackened and mouth bloody. Jace kneeled down and reached out for him. He was still breathing and was waking up, but before Jace could try and talk to him, he heard a cough. Turning sharply, he saw Isabelle rising up from the ground, her red dress ripped and blood stained. Her arm had a whip impression around it as if someone had grabbed it and yanked back on it as she struck out at them. Her cheek was bruised and blood ran from her temple, but when she saw Jace and Alec, she took off in a run to them.

Following shortly behind her came Simon, he was trying to get to her, but he was limping as if he were not healing properly. Isabelle collapsed next to the Parabatai, and Simon came up a second after her. "What happened?"

Jace looked up at him angrily, "Seriously! I should be asking you that blood sucker!" Jace stood up and looked at Simon with such fire in his eyes, he could light Simon on fire just looking at him. "Where the hell is Clary?"

Simon shook his head, unknowing of what to say. "I don't know."

Jace was about to attack when he heard Alec cough and turned his attention to him. Alec was rising up from the ground and looking around frantically. "Magnus! Where is Magnus at? He was protecting Clary in a ward. Where the hell is Magnus at?"

Simon looked down at him, "I don't know. I know that Sebastian said something to Clary and then next thing I knew, she was unconscious and inside of some box. Magnus went after them."

Jace stood up and grabbed Simon by the collar. "Where did they go? What direction?"

Simon pointed out at the opposite direction that Jace was facing, and before he could say anything, Jace was running.

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