Lucky You (BTS x Reader x Got...

By koisorayume

237K 9.4K 3.3K

The reader, a normal college kpop fan, wishes one night that she could meet BTS. To her surprise, they actual... More

A Day in the Life
Come Again?
Pepper Spray
The Interview
The Ultimate Favorite
Pillow Fight! (The Ultimate Favorite Pt. II)
Black Card
Sunflower and Ferret
Fake Angel
Feeling Your Shoulders
Real Angel
Pastries and Panties
Just a Fan
Dumb and Dejected
Drunk and Dumb
Dumb and Numb
Jealous Hearts
Such a Bean
The Best Answer
Not a Chapter
Bam Bam and Brunch
Be Mine
The Sun Sets
An End


7.1K 276 98
By koisorayume

Sorry for being late! My laptop broke last week. I've got a new one now! Enjoy a chapter that is twice as long! Thanks for reading and being patient!


"Ki-kiss?" You stutter out.

"That's what I said," he gives you a boxy grin. "You said I could get a prize."

"Yes , but a kiss is..." you let your mind wander. I can't believe I have a chance to kiss one of my favorite idols! This chance may never come again. You fangirl for a moment before grounding yourself. He closes his eyes and leans forward, waiting for you to kiss him. His puckered lips are so tempting... You don't do anything for a moment and he opens on eye to look at your flustered face. You are looking at the ground and playing with the hem of your hoodie. He chuckles and stands up straight again.

"I'm just joking," he shrugs. You don't hear him. You suddenly kiss him on the cheek and now it's his turn to be flustered. You quickly turn around and start walking toward the car. He's stunned sill. You look over your shoulder at him.

"Come on," you walk a little slower to give him a chance to catch up.

"(Y/n) just kissed me!" He says a little too loud for your liking. You hush him and walk a little faster. He jogs to catch up with you. "You kissed me," he pokes your cheek and you pout to hide your embarrassment.

"It was on the cheek!"

"Still a kiss! Wow, I can't believe you actually did it. You know I was joking right?" Your body is on fire. He was joking? You grow silent. Taehyung notices the tension growing and decides to cut it with a phrase to lighten your mood. "I liked it, though." Your mood lifts, but you are even more embarrassed. You look away from him and try to feign the confidence necessary to survive the situation.

"Of course you did," you shrug and look the opposite direction. At first Taehyung is confused, but then he catches on.

"Ah, are you embarrassed?" He asks knowingly.

"No." You don't turn to face him. He hums in acknowledgement before leaning toward you and gently pressing his lips to your vulnerable neck. Your hand flies to your neck causing him to quickly retreat and put his hands up in a surrender. Your eyes search his face for an answer, but there isn't one. Just a boxy grin and smiling eyes. You want to continue interrogating him, but your phone vibrates. You pull it out to see a message from Dusk.

Roomie: Go to 5711 Cadbury Lane.

You look at the message questioningly. You should be used to her short ways by now. You glance back at Taehyung who is leaning near you to see the message. You jump back, clasping your hand over your neck. You look at him with wide eyes and in a ridiculous defensive stance. He laughs. You think you hear him say 'cute' in between his chuckles, but you aren't sure. You decide to disregard the thought. He's playing around again. You continue walking toward the car. Once inside, you're bombarded with questions.

"What took so long?"

"Where were you?"

"No fair, I wanted to shop with (y/n) too!"You feel overwhelmed and decide to only answer the first question, which was posed by BamBam.

"We were shopping, but Yugyeom and Taehyung had a fashion contest-"

"Who won?" Asks Jungkook suddenly interested for some reason. You roll your eyes as you start the engine.

"As I was going to say, Yugyeom won, but both outfits were nice."

"Oh, sorry," Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, ashamed to have interrupted. You smile at him and his concerns melt away. You set your focus to set the GPS up on your phone, but you choke when you hear Taehyung.

"But I was the real winner. Right (y/n)?" HE asks confidently. You cough violently before you're able to catch your breath. Jungkook leans over from the passenger side to gently pat your back. You appreciated his soothing efforts. The boys in the back seat didn't.

"What do you mean, hyung?" Jungkook looks back at Taehyung after you calm down. You look in the rear view mirror and warn him with your eyes not to say anything. He opens his mouth, but you squint at him causing him to huff.

"Nothing," he sighs. "Yugyeom won." Before any more questions can be asked, you change the conversation.

"Well, we better get going!" The false excitement drips from your voice. The car ride was filled with laughter and joking, but you didn't know there was a growing tension beneath the laughter.

When you arrive to Cadbury Lane, you drive for about ten minutes on the lane, but one side is forest and the other is fully gated. You call Dusk.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"The entire lane is gated. Are you sure this is the place?"

"Keep going," she says, so you continue. After another few minutes you come to a huge gate with intricate designs. It opens when your car pulls up so you drive in. Once inside you see that the entire premises looked something like Eden with trees, plants, and fountains. You drive around the roundabout and spot the car that held the other ten boys. You get out of the car and the boys follow your lead.

"Is your friend rich?" BamBam asks.

"I didn't know," you shrug. You hesitantly walk up the staircase decorated with stone vases with plants you can't quite see in the darkness. The door opens and you see a butler there.

"Hello, miss. I'm Bart, butler of the Cadbury family. I will be assisting you this evening." He steps to the side to let you and the boys enter, asking if he can take any jackets. "Miss Brooke is waiting in the dining room. 'You may enter after washing your hands,' she says." Brooke? You wonder, but don't ponder the thought too long. He leads you all to a small room that has a toilet and a sink. Once you all have washed your hands, Bart leads you to the dining room. Your eyes first take in all the food on the table before seeing the older boys and Dusk sitting.

"ARE YOU RICH?" You exclaim now being too full of questions. She chuckles and stands to walk to you.

"Rich is relative," she states. You want to ask more, but her eyes say not to. As you all settle in to eat, you notice things about Dusk that you never noticed before, like how she sits up straight and eats so quietly. You're caught up in your thoughts about Dusk when you are called from a seat across from you.

"So, we've met (y/n), but (y/n) hasn't introduced us to you," Namjoon says. You drag your eyes to him then let them fall back on Dusk.

"Well, I don't think I know enough to introduce her," a hint of sadness strikes your voice. Dusk looks at you before meeting eyes with the rest of the boys.

"I'm Dusk, my real name is Brooke. If you call me Brooke, I will end you. I'm (y/n)'s roommate. We don't speak often." She takes another bite of the food. "I'm nineteen, (y/n) and I are the same age." She seemed to specifically avoid information on her family.

"Same age?" JB repeats, all the boys coming to a realization at the same time.

"Then you have to call me oppa!" Yugyeom exclaims.

"Call me oppa first!" Jackson says pointing at his face.

"We all know who the real oppa is," Taehyung slides in nonchalantly. You glare at him, but he shrugs. This doesn't go unnoticed by the older guys.

"What do you mean TaeTae?" Jin asks. When he doesn't answer, you switch topic again.

"Look, we aren't in Korea, so I'm not calling anyone oppa."

"But you bowed to us earlier," Youngjae points out. All the guys nod in agreement.

"That was different! I just wanted you all to know how sorry I was!" You get embarrassed.

"All right, all right," Jin says trying to diffuse the situation. He picks up a noodle from his plate. "What do you call a fake noodle?" Everyone is silent.

"What?" You ask innocently. You hear groans.

"An impasta!" He looks around the table, everyone is groaning but you, Jimin, and Youngjae who found his joke hilarious. Jin laughs and everyone bursts into a fit of laughter. Dusk then clears her throat.

"Well, as fun as this is, I'm tired. It's best we retire for the evening." She stands. "Bart will show you to your rooms. (Y/n), you'll have to share with me." You stand and walk with her. You don't want to ask about her family, but you are insanely curious. She seems to read your mind.

"I don't really like my family that much," she begins suddenly. She looks at you as you both enter her humongous room. "They're really stuck up and superficial. Not to mention manipulative." Your eyes show your empathy and she, surprisingly, tries to lighten the mood. "But they always have good food," she says as she walks into the bathroom. You stand awkwardly in the room, unsure of where to sit. "You can sit wherever," Dusk shouts from the bathroom. You move to sit awkwardly on the couch. When Dusk emerges, she looks totally different. Her face is bare and without the dark make up, she has a much more dainty appearance. Her face looks like a delicate and expensive vase. You had never really seen her bare-faced before. She was gone before you woke up and came back after you went to sleep- if she came back at all. She's pretty with and without makeup. Why do I have to look like a potato? You contemplate for a moment.

"You can use the shower, if you'd like." She sits by her vanity and brushes her hair.

"Oh, okay," you quickly search through your bag. Crap, I forgot my pajamas. "Um, I forgot my pajamas, you look at Dusk. I'll skip the shower tonight." You look at Dusk with a shy smile. She walks to her closet and digs about for a bit before pulling out a nightgown. She then walks over to her dresser and pulls out a pair of panties. She tosses them to you and you look back at her surprised.

"Don't worry, they're not used." She flops on her bed.

"I couldn't, they look expensive."

"Don't concern yourself. They're things I'll never wear." You nod hesitantly and go to take a shower. You and Dusk share the bed, but it's big enough to feel like you're sleeping alone. You both fall asleep, but you have a weird dream. You're back in Got7's practice room. There you see seven guys practicing that look just like Got7. All of them turn to face you at the same time. Unlike the first time you appeared here, there is no alarm. JB calmly approaches you, gets on one knee and kisses you hand. All the other guys get on one knee as well.

"Hello miss," he says. Your face is on fire. "I hope you have been enjoying yourself." He looks up to you with a devilishly handsome smile. You pull your hand away.

"You're not JB!"

"No, I am not. We are merely taking their form while your wish is being fulfilled."

"What wish?" You yell stepping back. He stands and walks toward you.

"Your greatest desire..." his voice falls to a low growl. "I think you know the one." When your back hits the wall, he blocks you in with his arms. "Or maybe you don't." He laughs as he leans in.

"Don't!" You scream. You hear people coming down the stairs. The Mark in your dreams pushes JB away.

"It's best you go," he says putting a finger to your forehead and pushing you backward. He smiles as you fall. Fall? Wasn't there a wall here? Suddenly you jolt awake in the bed. You place a hand to your head. It feels hot where Mark touched. You shuffle out of bed and head downstairs to get a glass of water. When you reach the kitchen, you see Jinyoung sitting in the kitchen. You watch him for a while as he ruffles his hair in frustration. You walk up to him and gently place a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright? You ask softly. He turns to look at you, but doesn't say anything. "Jinyoung?" You sit next to him.

"Ya, what are you trying to do? Seduce me?" He raises an eyebrow. Confused, you look around and remember that you're wearing a short nightgown. You look down and see that it hiked up when you sat down, showing your upper thigh.

"Don't look!" On hand pulls the silk down and the other hits Jinyoung's shoulder. He scoffs.

"You're the one who's going around wearing 19 and up clothing!" You burn up, but redirect the conversation back to him.

"So are you okay?" You ask again.

"Yeah, I'm just.... this is so strange. This doesn't make sense at all," he runs a hand through his hair, letting you glimpse his handsomeness. You've got to hold it together.

"It really doesn't. I don't understand either, even though I caused it." You start to feel guilty again for your ignorance. "Sorry," you squeeze out. He hums thoughtfully.

"I'll accept your apology if you call me oppa." He smiles at you in a sinister way. "If you don't, I will not accept your apology." You can tell he's joking and you humor him with a giggle.

"Sorry, oppa" you emphasize the oppa and even try doing aegyo.

"Aish, you're too cute." He hides his face in his hands. It's too dark in the kitchen for you to see his red ears. "How can you be sweet one moment and spicy the next?" He turns his head slightly to peek at you. You had leaned toward him again allowing him to see a bit down your nightgown. "Aish!" He exclaims as he puts his blanket that was over his shoulders around you. "Don't let anyone else see you like that." You look at him curiously. You pulled the blanket tighter remembering your scantily clad body. Your face heats.

"Right," you say.

"You know," Jinyoung begins. "We may be stars, but we aren't immune to females. We are men too." Before you can really think about what hes said, he gets up and starts walking back toward his room.

"Goodnight," he says without turning around.

You sit in a daze for a moment before continuing to get a glass of water. You find a water bottle in the fridge. Once you grab one, you are shocked to hear someone else.

"Indeed, we are men, too." 

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