Falling For Sadie

Par BlueEyesBrownHair

806 27 14

"Nothing in the world is ever an accident, Logan, nor a coincidence." She’s intelligent, guarded, and doesn’t... Plus

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Note to all readers!!

Chapter Ten

30 1 2
Par BlueEyesBrownHair

Lost in thought, Logan couldn’t decide whether he wanted to move closer to her or farther away. Not really wanting to do either, he stayed exactly where he was. If he was lucky she’d waltz right past him.

As if on cue, he heard footsteps heading in his direction. Staring straight ahead at the dark colored bookshelves, he leaned as casually as he could against the shelf behind him, attempting to act like he hadn’t just been eavesdropping on the librarian’s conversation. Seconds later, Sadie stepped delicately passed Logan. She appeared to be on her way to one of the study corrals.

“Hey, fancy seeing you here.” He smirked. She whipped her head around fast enough to have given her whiplash.

“What are you doing here?” She spat. She was not happy with Logan being here, that much was clear.

“What I can’t come to my school library?” He smirked. She was cute when she was mad.

“No. This is not your forte and you can’t be here.” With that she spun on her heel and strutted away, quite huffily.

“Aw, come on, babe. This isn’t my forte? I have a research paper that’s due tomorrow and I need to do it.” She kept walking away, completely ignoring him. “Hey will you please talk to me?” He was basically pleading her. He had followed her to the study corrals and they were alone in one of the small enclosed places. Honestly, if the situation was in any way different, he would have been making out with her right then. Damn she’s cute when she’s pissed. “What’s wrong? Why do you hate me so much?” He took a step towards her and she looked up into his eyes. Her moss green eyes met his crystalline ones and his breath caught when he saw that her eyes weren’t just green. They had flecks of blue and gold in them. “Why?” He murmured, still stepping closer.


The paper-thin distance between her and Logan quickly caught Sadie’s attention as soon as he murmured, “Why?”

“Because.” She squeaked out, her voice cracking and making her sound nervous. She couldn’t focus with him so close. Attempting to clear her mind a little more, she stepped back. Her back hit the wall opposite the doorway which caused panic to rise to the surface. She forced her expression blank. I can’t let him see that he has an affect on me.

“Because why?” He smirked, having noticed that she moved back. “Are you nervous Sadie Falls?” He taunted.

“Not from you I’m not.” She spat. She found out that she had made a big mistake when he stepped forward. Instintively she went to step back, only then remembering that her back was pressed to the wall.

He chuckled. “Are you trapped? Nowhere to run to? Nowhere to hide? You’re little boyfriend can’t get you, can he? He can’t tell me to back off and not talk to you when you’re trapped.” Sadie’s eyes flicked to his predatory stare, as she noticed that it was boring into her full bottom lip. Anger flooded out the nervousness that she’d been feeling, as his words sank in. Adam had told him to stay away from me and not talk to me? Why doesn’t he listen to people? Why is he staring at my mouth? Why is he taunting me and pissing with me anyways? Is this just some crazy, stupid cat-mouse game to him?

She opened her mouth, about ready to yell at him when a thought popped into her mind. Instantly she closed it and formed her soft, pink mouth into a gentle smirk. If he wanted to play a game, then he wouldn’t be winning it. She placed her hands on his muscled chest and shifted her hips forward, closing the slight gap there. Her smirk grew into an almost-grin when she heard his breath catch.

“Now who’s the nervous one?” She murmured, while watching his clear eyes dance between her mouth and her eyes, she leaned forward and gently fanned her breath against his lips. Instantly, his arms were around her. She smiled, happy that she had gotten a reaction from him.  It’s time to turn it up a notch. She opened her mouth a little more and bit down, ever so slightly, on his plump bottom lip. Hearing his soft gasp at the disciplined bite, she moved her pelvis against his, just enough to evoke a slight moan. She had him. She had to just do one more thing to seal the deal. Pressing her mouth to his finally, he reacted quickly, as if he had been waiting for this moment the entire time that she was teasing him. Moving his hand up to her neck, he supported her head. She could feel herself slipping into the kiss, yearning to deepen it because the feel of his lips was almost too much to just take in a small amount of. Yet, she forced herself away from him long enough to press her mouth to his ear, unknowingly giving him access to her neck.

“Why don’t you listen to people?” She purred into his ears, halting his soft kisses to her neck. “Why do you push them, and taunt them and just piss with them in general?” He had lifted his head a few centimeters, but that was just enough for him to completely remove his mouth from her throat. He was still listening. “I might have nowhere to hide and nowhere to run to, but I’ve got you right where I want you.” She purred one last time in his ear. At this his head jerked up, however Sadie had been fully expecting it.

“Is this some kind of game with you?” He asked her, his voice thick with emotion. She smirked up at him. He had no idea what he did to her, but she could tell what she did to him.


“Is this some kind of sick fucking game to you?” He asked her again, this time his voice free from the emotion that had thickened it just seconds ago. He was getting impatient. It wasn’t his fault that what she did to him had such an effect and she acted like it meant nothing to her. Maybe he was wrong, maybe she was just like all the other girls. Only using him to get popular. Hey stupid, if that was the case then she wouldn’t have constantly been rejecting you. Oh, right.

“No, but it’s some kind of game with you. I know you Logan.” She smirked up at him. Goddamn it! Why does her smirk make me want to kiss it away? Am I becoming a girl all of a sudden? That’s what they would have in some teenaged girl’s fantasy love story. The girl would kiss the smirk off of the hot bad boy. No matter how attractive she looked like that though, could keep the anger from those last four words down. Him being Mr. Popular, people always thought that they knew him, but nobody did. Not even his so-called friends.

“You don’t know me.” He hissed, stepping away from her. He had to back up to clear his mind. Her proximity was getting to him, especially after with what having just happened still swirling around, fresh in his mind. She looked relieved for him to back up. Why would she be relieved to be away from me? She was as just into that kiss as I was.

Logan watched Sadie gather up her books that she had sat down at some point and head towards the door of the small study room.

“Where are you going?” He asked, helplessly, after her.

“Away from you.” She simply responded. She was almost to the door and if Logan didn’t stop her now then she’d be gone and he probably wouldn’t see her anymore that day.

“Why? Was the kiss really that bad?” He chuckled. Who was he kidding, anybody who kissed him loved it. “Because I’m pretty sure it was perfect. Just like life.”

She stopped in the doorway. With just turning her head, she laughed harshly and said, “Logan, nothing’s ever perfect. And nobody’s life is ever perfect. Not even yours, because guess what Peters, everyone has problems. Even you.” With that she faced forward and wove through the many bookshelves, her long swinging brown ponytail disappearing from sight. Although the only thought going through Logan’s mind was, How does she know?


Hours later, Sadie sat on her bed with her phone in hand, talking to Kyla about everything that had happened recently. She found out that some pretty crazy things had happened up in Maryland as well. All of which mainly pertained with Sadie’s frenemy, Bridgette Tanner.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean the ever innocent Bridgette actually set someone’s hair on fire in chemistry?”

“Yeah. And now she’s suspended for two weeks.” Kyla sputtered. It was hard to get a word in between the two of them because they were both dying of laughter. Sadie rolled over onto her stomach, attempting to calm down her laughter. She had caught up almost completely with Kyla and now they just had one more thing to discuss. Logan and Adam.

“Soooo…” Sadie trailed off once Kyla was done guffawing.

“What?” Kyla asked suspiciously.

“There’s this perfectly stupid guy that’s totally cute and completely arrogant. He wants me. I’d be like a pawn to him though. And then there’s my boyfriend, who is totally sweet and amazing and everything that I could ever ask for in a guy, except he’s thoroughly clingy and is absolutely suffocating.” Sadie sighed into the phone, glad that she had at last gotten that out to her best friend.

“Well sounds like you have a predicament.” Kyla laughed. Sadie could hear her smirk through the phone. The thing was, Kyla had always been the one to have boy problems, Sadie had always been the one that was off studying, where Kyla could come cry on her shoulder about the latest jerk that broke her heart. Now, the tables were slightly turned.

“Yeah, and a major one too. I’m supposed to be going to a party tonight with Adam and I’m pretty sure that Logan is going to be there.” She was now babbling and didn’t stop until Kyla’s voice finally broke through her thoughts with a nearly earsplitting, “Sade!”

“What?” Sadie grumbled.

“Who is Adam and who is Logan?” Kyla asked sweetly. Oh, right. My friend has a horrible case of dementia. Besides, I haven’t talked to her in about a week.

“Adam is my boyfriend and Logan is the arrogant asshole with the incredible smile and breathtaking kisses.” Sadie slipped before she even realized it.

Breathtaking kisses?!” Kyla shriecked making Sadie groan. “Sade, you have a boyfriend and you kissed another boy? You and I must be a lot more alike then we ever thought. I think I might have rubbed off on you and you just wanted to wait until you came across some hotties to get your hands on, because, let’s be frank, there aren’t any hotties up here in MD. I mean, or something. Jeez, girl, you go get em.”

“Ky, you’re helping absolutely none right now.” Sadie groaned into her phone as she slithered to the far side of her bed and flung herself halfway off.

“Sorry, dearie, but you have to admit that it’s funny. You were always so stuck in books and crap whilst I was out partying and living it up. Now, you’re out partying and living it up, whilst I’m still out partying and living it up. It’s like we’re even more best friends then we were--.”

“Kyla. I’ve already told you about them. Anyways, I’m sorry but I have to start getting ready. You’re helping me, so get off the phone and get on Skype ASAP.” Sadie cut off, her finger already hovering over the “End Call” button, just waiting for the “Okay, bye.” from Kyla.

“You have? Oh well, kay, bye.” Kyla giggled. That was the thing about Kyla, she was always giggling. She was perky and overly confident. She would have been the perfect girl for Logan. Except that Logan only seemed to be after Sadie. Pressing her poised finger against the touchscreen, she grabbed for her laptop and logged onto her Skype account. Moments later, both girls were face-to-face.

After carefully sorting through what seemed like thirty outfits in an hour, Kyla jumped up from her computer chair in glee.

“That one! You have got to wear that one!” Sadie looked down at her outfit. Simple black maxi skirt, baggy white tank that read: Hipsta Please., a black bandoo bra underneath, and, lastly, a light wash distressed jean crop-jacket. Kyla sat back in her chair and Sadie looked up at the sound that it made. Kyla was studying her intently, but Sadie knew that she wasn’t going to change her mind about the outfit. She knew that look. That was The Accessory Look. “Wear your grey beanie with it, use your wand on your hair, and your feather chain ear cuff.” She studied Sadie a little more. “On second thought, ditch the skirt and go with dark ripped skinny jeans.” Once Sadie was changed, Kyla did another once over. “Perf.” The two best friends grinned to one another. Sadie’s phone started buzzing right then.

I’m on my way beautiful. Be there in just a sec.

Sadie grinned and looked up at Kyla. “That was Adam. He’s going to be here in just a sec, he said.” She responded, sliding her phone into her back pocket and stepping into her Chuck Taylors.

Kyla grinned to herself. “You look so good tonight. They’re both not going to be able to keep their eyes off of you.” Kyla winked at Sadie making her stomach flip-flop at the thought of Logan seeing her and not being able to keep his eyes off. “I guess I’ll go since one of your princes are on their way.” She teased, blowing a kiss and leaving the video call. Sadie reached over and shut the screen of her laptop. She couldn’t get rid of the sudden nervousness of being seen like this. It wasn’t like she was in something revealing, hell she’d worn this to school in Maryland before. But this isn’t Maryland. She thought back to just two hours ago and how she had realized that Kyla and Logan would be perfect for each other. She could set that up. They could meet each other, have at it with each other, and Logan would be out of Sadie’s hair. Sadie just couldn’t do that to Kyla though. She knew how Logan was, even with just being there for a few months. She just knew his type. Or maybe you just want him to yourself. The far, annoyingly honest part of her brain whispered. Scowling at the thought, she looked at herself in the mirror and fixed any last minute things. Satisfied that she was done, she heard Adam’s car pulling into the drive. Perfect timing.


“Logan Micheal Peters!” Logan’s mother threatened through the intercom that blared into his room. “Get down here. We need to talk.” Groaning, Logan stood up and walked to the small electrical box on the wall.

“Coming, mom.” He muttered after pushing the small square button.

“It’s mother to you Logan.” Marianne replied sweetly. Man, she must be pissed.

“What the hell did you do this time?” His fourteen year old sister scowled from the doorway. Apparently their mother hadn’t had the decency to make the call to his room, but rather had made the call to the entire house. Great.

“How the hell am I supposed to know? Besides, even if I did know it wouldn’t be any of your business, Mack.” Her scowl deepened at her nickname, but it did the trick and she disappeared back into her room. He hated being mean to his sister, but dammit sometimes she just prodded a little too much.

“Yes, mother?” He mumbled, stepping into the family sitting room where his mother was standing, hands on hips.

“Jack told me that you’ve been slacking off at off-season practice. Why is that Logan?” His mother got straight to the point. Like always.

“I’ve just had a lot of stuff on my mind.” He had almost slipped up and said shit instead of stuff, but his mother would have grounded him faster than you could say “a lot”.

“Stuff as in what, Logan? Hurry up and spit it out, because I haven’t got all day.” She tapped her foot impatiently.

“Just stuff like school and grades. Stuff like that. I kind of have to be passing all of my classes to even tryout next year. If I want a scholarship, I have to be getting all straight A’s.” He muttered. In reality, that was a good answer, but not the truth. The truth, that he would never tell his mother, was that he had been thinking about Sadie constantly. Even before that kiss earlier, he’d been plagued with thoughts of her.

“Oh, well, then maybe you wouldn’t have a problem doing some tutoring, so that you can get your grades up a little faster and be able to put in more effort throughout these practices. Jack said that if you keep up, you could very well be cut from the team. And you know the kinds of sacrifices that we had to make to have you make the team…” She trailed off, her attention shifting to her Blackberry. Frowning, she typed a quick message and looked back up to Logan expectantly.

“Sure, I guess I could use some tutoring. That’d be fine, whatever. Was that all you wanted?” He shuffled gently. Something in his mother’s gaze made him uneasy all of a sudden, mixed with the mention of their string pulling. He was the star player now though, they wouldn’t cut him. Would they?

“I suppose so.” She hummed, typing away at her phone again. She placed it to her ear and started yammering on with some important business person. Taking that as his cue, Logan started backing up the stairs. When he noticed she wasn’t yelling at him to get back there, he turned around and fully disappeared.

“Who are you talking to now, Marianne?” His father’s deep voice carried towards his mother. He had always called her Marianne. Once he was old enough to know that most parents called each other Honey and stuff like that, Marianne and David just seemed awkward and artificial.

“Oh, nobody David. Just go back to your study. I’ll be fine at my business dinner alone.” Logan could imagine his mother waving her free hand at her father while still talking on the phone at the same time.

“Like hell it’s nobody Marianne. You’re giggling. You haven’t giggled since we were in undergrad school.” Logan froze. We’re his parents really getting into it about who his mother was talking to on the phone. Everyone in the house knew that the only people in her contact list were people from her business firm.

“Oh stop it David. You know I’ve laughed since then.” She snapped and with that a full blown argument ensued. He knew that if he didn’t get out of the house he would get pulled into it. It happened every time that they argued. They always ended up bringing up their “superstar’’ son.

“Where are you going?” Mackenzie asked from his doorway as he ruffled through his stuff looking for his phone that he’d just had.

“A party.” He muttered, flipping things over and searching behind things.

“Why?” Mackenzie asked. She was still standing in the doorway. “And what in the world are you--.”

“Found it!” Logan exclaimed lifting up his iPhone victoriously. From the doorway he could see Mackenzie roll her eyes. “What do you want?”

“Geez, don’t need to get snappy. I was just wondering why you were going to a party. Is there any specific reason other than to get drunk and screw as many girls as you can get your hands on without Audrey knowing?” Man, my sister knows me too well.

“I need to get out of this house before that fight escalades and engulfs me in its flames.” He smirked. The answer seemed to suffice Mackenzie, but then she went sad.

“So, you’re leaving me? In the middle of their fight?” He almost flinched from the broken expression that her eyes contained. “You promised when we were younger that we’d stick together no matter what. You’ve broken that promise way too many times Logan. You’re not getting away with it this time.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I feel bad every time that I leave you alone with those two. I seriously feel like shit and completely regret it and just everything. I just can’t be around those two when they fight. They fight over stupid things.” Logan sighed.

Mackenzie sighed from the doorway. “So, what are you going to do?” She asked.

Logan thought for a moment before a thought popped into his head. He was definitely going to end up in some serious trouble for it, especially is she ended up drunk or anything else happened to her, but what the hell? He smirked at her, “Do you want to come to the party with me?”

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