A Little Bit Of Magic

By masteroftheworld5678

93.8K 2.8K 2K

Haggar cast's a spell that hits Lance and turns him into a child. Updated every sunday More

part 1
part 3
part 4
part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

part 2

11.5K 342 341
By masteroftheworld5678

"Palladins, There has been a distress signal from the planet zepanoc, get your armor on and get into your lions." Shiro looked over at Lance who had only just fallen asleep in Keith's arms, snoring quietly with his face squished against Keith's chest.

"What about Lance?" Keith asked, eyes not leaving the peaceful toddler. "He can come with us, Corran will be busy and I can look after him. We do need him so that his lion will open her barrier." Keith looked reluctant to leave Lance but handed him over nonetheless, careful to not wake him.

"Ok, let's get going then." Allura walked over to the blue lion, barrier going down with Lance's presence. "Thank you blue. I hope its alright to pilot you. Lance clearly can't." The blue lion seemed ok with this and Allura stepped inside, eyes skimming over the controls before she sat down and followed the others, going slower to make the ride smoother.

They landed on a planet every similar to earth, wild trees covering the planet while the other half was filled with sand and water. "Pretty!" Lance called out, looking out the window with a wild smile. Allura stood up, carefully holding Lance at a comfortable position.

"Are you ready? You have to be a good boy ok? Then Hunk will make you cookies when we get back." Lance clapped his hands together and nodded enthusiastically, enjoying the idea of cookies. "Uh huh! I'll be good." He squirmed in her arms excitedly as she met up with the others and aliens came out to greet them.

"Hello! You must be Voltron. My planet is unstable but our ship is broken and we are unable to flee! If we stay for too long the planet will kill us all." The alien wore a crown made of metal and had a slightly orange tinge to her skin. Lance looked saddened at her plea of help and began to cry.

"B-but this place is pretty!" He whined into Allura's shoulder and the alien looked at him sympathetically. "I did not know there was someone so young on board Voltoron." No one really wanted to explain so they just nodded while Lance looked over at the alien queen, a smile on his face as he saw her earings.

"Pretty! Pretty!" The queen swooned over how adorable he was and Allura let her hold him, Lance perfectly ok with this as it meant more attention. "We'll be able to fix your ships in just a tick, no problem." Pidge said confidently, looking to the others before the queen guided them to the ship, Lance still in her arms.

"Thank you Palladins. I will look after the little one for you while you fix it." Lance had a thrilled expression on so the Palladins agreed, Keith slightly reluctant.

"What if he gets hurt? I want to be there to protect him." Keith blushed after realising what he'd said and quickly walked away, pretending that had never happened. "Lets just fix the ship." He said dismissively, face as red as his armor.

Everyone laughed and began to work on the ship together, Keith and Shiro finding spare parts while the others worked at the malfunctioning engine.

Keith was the first one to be by Lance's side after they'd finished and was holding him gently, Lance grabbing his hair in a fit of giggles. "Keef!" Lance was adamant about calling him 'keef' and it made Keith chuckle depite the fact that he missed Lance. Adult Lance.

Lance sneezed a small cute sneeze and Allura took him out of Keith's arms for the short trip back to the castle.

Hunk and Lance made cookies together when they'd gotten back just as Allura had promised. They were sitting in the living room when Lance toddled in on unsteady feet, carrying two cookies in his hands as carefully as he could.

He was about to trip up when Shiro caught him and placed him on his lap, both sitting on the sofa. "What have you got there Lance?" Lance gave a cheezy grin and lifted the cookies into the air proudly. "Cookies! One for daddy." Shiro looked down at him amused and asked. "Who might that be?"

Lance fell into another fit of laughs as if Shiro had said something hillarous and said. "You, silly!"

Shiro could barely respond as a cookie was placed into his hands and Lance continued on. "The other is for my boyfwend! Keef!" At this Keith was blushing a deep shade of red, stuttering wildly as he took the cookie, imbarisment making him pull his hood up.

"Hahahaha, Keith is in love!" Pidge called out to tease him. Lance smiled and planted a small kiss on Keith's cheek, eyes sparkling as he sat back and relaxed into Shiro's hold, the man still overwhelmed at being called a dad.

Lance closed his eyes slightly and coughed into his hand, going limp slightly and making Shiro worried. "Lance! Are you ok?" Lance barely moved but nodded sluggishly making everyone confused at the sudden lack of energy.

"I feel fuzzy." Lance responded slowly, relaxing against Shiro and falling asleep almost instantly.

"He probably just exhausted himself and fell asleep. I wouldn't be surprised, he's been hyperactive all day." The others chuckled at that and Shiro stood up carefully.

"I'm going to go out him in his bed, I'll be back in a minute." The others nodded and Hunk began to make dinner while Shiro put the sleeping toddler to bed, tucking him in gently and giving his hair a ruffle before leaving the room silently.

Shiro wouldn't admit it but he loved acting like a dad to Lance, having someone look up to him and rely on him; It was a nice feeling that he wasn't looking forward to losing. He knew that Lance would be back to his usual self soon, they had a job to do and baby Lance was unable to be a palladin.

When Shiro walked back into the living room everyone was chatting and laughing causing Shiro to smile, he loved his space family.

(I didn't have time to spell check so sorry, got the house to myself for the first time in forever despite my brother being here. We're watching all the Iron man movies, chilling on a couch.😄)

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