Part 11

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No one's POV

Lance held Keith's hand tightly as they walked down the corridor, lights turning on as they walked, much to Lance's delight.

They made it to the living room and the lights were on, Signifying that someone was in there, Keith hoped it was Shiro and was relieved that he was right once he saw him inside.

"Dad!" Lance giggled as he saw Shiro, letting go of Keith's hand to run up to the father figure and jump in his lap. "Oh? Hello Lance, aren't you supposed to be in bed right now?"

Lance giggled and hugged Shiro as best he could while sitting. "Nu uh, I wanna say g'night first and I want a hug." Shiro smiled down at the younger, putting the book he was previously reading down on the arm of the chair. "Okay, goodnight Lance." He wrapped his arms around Lance in a hug then pulled away, planting a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Be a good boy and let Keith put you to bed ok?" Lance nodded eagerly, happy to comply. "Okay, night dad." He walked back over to Keith, who was leaning on the door frame and grabbed his hand, walking back out of the room as he waved goodbye.

"Okay, let's get you to bed now Lance." Lance pouted at the thought of going to bed, still not feeling very tired. "But we haven't said goodnight to Hunk yet." Keith sighed but let Lance drag him to the kitchen where sure enough, Hunk was.

"Hunk!" He turned around at the high pitched tiny voice and looked at see lance, who was down at his feet making grabbing hands at him. "Hey Lance, what are you still doing up?" Lance smiled as Hunk picked him up, looking back over at Keith for a second. "I came to say goodnight!"

Hunk raised an eyebrow and looked at Lance. "Is that so? Well, then I suppose this little monkey better be ready..." He paused before tickling his waist. "...To be tickled." Lance shrieked loudly at the fingers tickling him, squirming with bursts of laughter.

"Noo, stop." He managed to cry out and Hunk ended his fun assault with a grin. "Goodnight Lance." He set Lance down after he'd finally caught his breath and Lance waved goodnight with a smile. "Night Hunk."

Once they were out the room Keith took Lance's hand in his again, walking back in the direction of his room. "Okay, you've said goodnight but now it's time for bed."

Lance pouted and shook his head. "We haven't said goodnight to Pidge yet." Keith sighed bit have in once he saw the puppy eyes Lance was giving him. "Alright, but let's be quick okay?" Lance nodded and skipped over to Pidge's room, stifling a yawn under his hand.

Pidge heard one quiet knock on her door before it swung open and she saw Lance. "Oh, hey Lance." She shut the top of her laptop and Lance jumped onto her bed with a slightly tired smile. "Night night Pidge." She ruffled his hair affectionately. "Night lil' bro." She looked up to see Keith in the doorway, arms crossed with a gentle smile on his face.

Lance patted Pidge on the nose with his small hands, saying "boop," out loud before giggling hysterically and rolling so he was touching her side with his legs.

"And now I'm gonna go find 'Llura and say goodnight." Keith shook his head fondly at Lance's words. "Are you sure you aren't just stalling so you don't have to go to bed?" With a grin Lance shook his head and got off Pidge's bed, walking back over to Keith and shutting the door. "No." There was certainly something mischievous about that word but Keith didn't say anything at it, in fact, he didn't mention the fact that he could defiantly see Lance's small yawn as well.

"One last stop okay Lance? Then it's time for bed." Lance nodded and walked alongside Keith to Allura's room, knocking before going in. "Good evening Lance, what a pleasant surprise." She said, watching as he walked into the room and gave her a tiredhug. "Night 'Llura." He yawned once again and closed his eyes as he leaned into her, going slightly limp. "Goodnight, Lance."

They left and Lance dragged behind Keith slightly, yawning widely as he spoke in a tired voice. "Can we go say goodnight to Corran now?" His words tumbled over each other and were laced with tiredness. "I think you're tired Lance, let's get you to bed." But Lance still shook his head a little. "I don't wanna."

Keith stopped to pick him up bridal style, letting him get comfy in his arms. "Goodnight Lance." Lance's eyes were only partly open and he was looking at Keith with hazy vision, mumbling out a good night of his own.

The only sound was the quiet click of Keith's footsteps as he carried Lance down the hall, a smile on his face at the adorable yet mischievous nature Lance had.

And then there was the sound of slow deep breathing, quiet but definitely there and Keith looked down to see that Lance was asleep in his arms, a smile placed across his face.

Trying not to coo at the sight Keith brought him back to his room, laying him down on his bed and pulling the covers over him. He wanted to give Lance a hug but he was asleep, so he just left him and quietly exited the room with a smile. 

(I found this today and realized I hadn't actually published it for some reason so here ya go. Also, poor Corran, he never got a goodnight from Lance.)

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