My classmate's a vampire

By darkloving_

284K 12.2K 1.2K

He's different. Really different. She liked him but once she finds out his dirty secret she's not so sure. Sh... More

The Hot New Guy
Lunch and Matt
The Jump
What just happened
answers and more.....
Why me
I like you......
Beach time
Wow what a day
Vampire crap
My happiness
My Heart
That kiss
Dinner Party
Dads other home
Home again
The truth
breakup part 2
Forgive ?
100k ?!?


5.6K 244 4
By darkloving_

3 years later........

Anna's P.O.V

"Babe, Jasmine is here!" Darren called my name and I ran downstairs. My soft feet felt the cold marble floor as they touched. That was one of the cool things about being a vampire.

You think, feel, and see what you didn't as a human. You find life more meaningful then you did as a human.

Jasmine ran up to me as soon as I came down. We hugged for a long time. I haven't seen her in 3 years because of training and feeding. I still don't like the way I feed but I have to live with it.

"Holy shit I feel like I haven't seen you in decades. " Jasmine laughed letting go of me.

"I know right." I said but then looked behind Jasmine. I saw my brother a few feet away from us with tears in his eyes. He was still mad about what happened.

Sam had to keep him away from Darren because he threatened to kill him. He couldn't unless he had a stake but I know he would find one.

Jasmine stepped out the way to let me get closer. I slowly walked up

to him, my face inches from his. I watched a tear fall out his eye and wiped it for him.

His brown eyes locked with mine and for a moment I thought everything was frozen.

"I can't live thinking you hate me" I said starting to cry.

"I don't hate you......I hate the bastard that made you this way. " He said giving Darren a dirty look before looking back at me.

"What you hate me for saving your sister's life" Darren gritted through his teeth.

"We could have tried something else!" James yelled.

"If there was another damn way I would have used it!" Darren yelled moving off the wall.

"You didn't have to turn my sister into a monster like you!" James was pissed.

"I didn't want to change her! I didn't want her to live unhappy!" Darren yelled back.

"Fuck you!" James started to walk out but I jumped in front of him.

"Listen, I can't live this way! I don't want to live a life were I'm unhappy but here I am. I'm unhappy because my older brother and my husband can't get along! You know what Fuck both of you if you don't care how I feel!" Tears were streaming down my face.

I ran in vampire speed up stairs. I slammed the door to the room almost breaking it. I sat on the floor and curled into a ball. I just let everything out that I had been holding in.

I heard someone coming up stairs knowing it was Darren. He lifted my head. My blood shot eyes looked into his Chocolate brown eyes.

"Baby I'm going to make this work ok.....He just needs to accept the fact that your a vampire. " I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You sure." I asked as he kissed my forehead.

"After all the shit we've been through we can make it through anything." he laughed and I smiled.

We both stood up and he pecked my lips. I smile grew on my face and one grew on his. Darren grabbed my hand and held it tight. I knew hr was serious about this.

We could make it through anything as long as we have each other.  That's why I'm glad I'm his mate, best friend, and wife. That he is my mate, best friend, and husband.

We walked out the room hand in hand, knowing that times were going to be tough. We will make it through this no matter who or what stands in our way.

I'm glad that I'm a vampire...........because now I can spend eternity with the one who will be there for me. For eternity. .......

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