Forever sequel to our love Do...

Par MyAngelAliza

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Dom and Emily's relationship has gotten better they both love each other Emily has gotten her memory back and... Plus

Emily toretto
Dominic toretto
Their children
The race and the surprise
The betrayal
Hobbs goes to prison
Why dom????!!!!!
Dom finds out
Off to New York
New York
The case
The guy in the alley
"Were going to russia baby!"
"Were going to die, or maybe not. Dont know yet"
Kicking some ass
No one hurts my women!
Baby rescue
Your mine you asshole
Michelle and brian

Elenas death

458 13 5
Par MyAngelAliza

Emily's point of view
We were back at the base I had my head in my hands I felt weak I felt stupid. Why did he have to be my weakness god damn it! I saw my dad walk over to us. "Anything?". He asked. "They're gone and DOD confirmed it was a nuclear bomb". Steve said. "He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes I don't know what it is that they're building but they're building something". Steve said. "Deckard?". Dad asked. Where was he by now I would hear his big ass mouth around. Steve shook his head "he didn't make it". He said. Oh god and I was starting to tolerate him. That's sucks and I think dad was starting to like him too.
I saw dad get up and walk away not before hitting the wall which left a dent in it. I sighed running my hands through my hair what are we going to do now?

Doms point of view
I was back on the plane I was walking toward where they were keeping my kids and Elena. I walked up to the glass. "I'm disappointed in you dom when push came shove you were going to let Emily just walk away with the codes". I heard the blonde bitch over the speaker. I clenched my hands into fist. "You got the codes!". I yelled. "Rhodes got the codes you made the choice to let her go and now I have to make one of my own". She said. She walked up to the light. I clenched my jaw now I wanted to kill her she was holding my kids in her hands she wasn't going to kill them she wasn't she already has a death wish by holding them she was going to die!
The lights came on I saw Elena sitting in a chair tied up and have tape over her mouth she struggled to get out of the restraints. That's it she's going to have a slow death a very slow death. "They are adorable little things aren't they". She said to my kids. Oh hell no this bitch better not hurt my kids I looked at my kids so little my baby's my little girl my little boy she better not she fucking better not touch them. "God I hope I don't hurt them". She said. I looked at her. I wish I was on the other side of this glass I'd beat the shit out of this bitch. "Look psychotic I did exactly what you told me to do don't do this". I said. "This is your doing". She said. I then flipped. "My doing?!!". I yelled at her. I looked at her in rage and in anger. "Da-da-da". I heard my little girl. I looked at both of them they looked just like Emily please god please don't take them. "Please don't hurt them I'm begging you". I pleaded. I would have hated to do this if made me weak but when it's your kids on the line I would beg and beg if I had to. If anything happened to them I would never forgive myself Emily would never forgive me. "I don't want you to beg I want you to learn". She said. "Learn what?!!!". I yelled at her. "I understand why you did what you did I really do". She said. I looked at her with rage anger and sadness. I looked back at dawn and Carlos. I wanted to hold them so badly my baby's I haven't even held them. They reached out toward me I held my hands to the glass I hated that this glass was unbreakable I wanted to hold them so badly I really did. They looked at me wanting me to hold them. "Da-da-da". They said. It crushed my heart. "But it was the wrong choice this is the consequences os that choice". She said. "No No No". I heard Elena say behind the tape. I saw Rhodes take out his gun. My eyes widened oh god no not them please. "W-Wait". I said. But then he pointed it at Elena. NO elena!!!!! "Save them!". Elena yelled. "NO NO!". I yelled. I pounded on the glass. "NO!". I yelled. I heard the gun shot. No! I could hear dawn and Carlos crying oh god no. I looked at her in shock and in sadness I'm so sorry Elena. I could hear the blonde murderous bitch shushing my kids from crying. My body went cold if they could do this without hesitation they could do this to my kids. I couldn't let them do this I promise you elena I'll get them out of here I promise I'll get them home to Emily I'll make them safe again. 

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