Then I met him

By some-pampkin

2.8K 226 167

Everything was fine. Then I met him. Samuel dreams about this guy. He doesn't know he's not a dream. --- I w... More

Dictionary Of Concepts
He's Looking
He's Disappointed
He's Scared
He's Writing
He's Right
He's Sad
He's Dreaming
He's Late
He's Reading
He's My Friend
He's Back
He's Having Real Fun
He's Alone
He's Running Away
He's Late Again?
He's A Wizard Harry
He's High
He's Angry
He's Jealous

He's Dreampassing

81 10 12
By some-pampkin

King's POV

"Okay, let's go into someone else's dream. But to do that first we have to get out of your dream." I booped Sammy's nose, I wanted to do that from the moment I met him.

"What about that ninja guy? Didn't you say he could track you when you enter someone's dream? Do you really want to take the risk just to help me with Reynolds?" He looked concerned.

"Yeah, I actually forgot that when I came to your dream... Welp, it's already too late." I shrugged and stood up.

"So, how are we going to do this?" He asked excited.

"Remember that door from the last time we were inside your dream?" He nodded.

"Now that you're aware that you're sleeping you have more control over your dream, and that means you can do whatever you want. But you really just have to appear your dreamdoor."

"Okay, I'll try." He closed his eyes and focused.

"Good, you just have to think it's there and it will be just like you wanted."  And when he opened his eyes there it was.

"I did it!" He looked so cute when he smiled. "What now? Last time you tried to pass my hand through it, it didn't came through."

"I... Don't know. Let's just try different stuff I guess."

I showed him how I passed and tried to explain that it was like jumping from one pool to another. He tried to pass his hand through, but as expected it didn't work. He then tried to run through it, but he just bounced off it and bruised himself. Still he was very determined.

"I think I know what's blocking you." I went behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Try this, close your eyes and focus on the real world. On your friends and family, all the things that make you happy. Got it?"

"Yup. What next?"

"Good. Let it all go. Forget about them."

"What?" He tensed up and looked at me angry for some reason.

"Easy, just trust me. Your attachment is keeping you trapped. I'm not saying you have to get rid of them completely, I'm just telling you to forget about them for now, so you can focus on this world. Trust me."

He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. I took his hand and moved it closer to the doorframe. Then I tried to pass it through. Now's the big moment...

Samuel's POV

" Open your eyes darling" I did as he said. The first thing I saw was him standing on the other side.

He was standing in my dream while I was... On the other side!

"George I did it!" I was so proud of myself and happy.

He also came through the door and closed it behind him.

"Welcome to what I call the Hallway!" He smirked.

I looked around. There floor was white and gold, while the walls were a dark shade of red. The hallway seemed to never end. It had hundreds of different doors on each side.


"You like it? I decorated this part myself."

"It's so out of this world and fascinating. Do this doors lead to every person's dream?"

"You guessed it. If someone is awake they dissappear. The Hallway actually always changes."

"How are we going to find Reynolds' door then?"

"Worry not my tiny friend," He dug in his pockets and took out something that looked like a pocket watch. "We'll find it with this, a dream compass. It'll bring us to the right door."

He opened the lid up and walked to where it was leading. I followed him still looking around. While I walked I saw a purple door with macaroni for a handle, and it immediately reminded me of Thomas.

We finally stopped in front of dark red door.

" We're here!" George exclaimed. He kicked the door open and for a second I was scared he was going to cracked them. He went inside, but I felt scared. Not only I was about to come inside someone's dream, but it was the person I was scared of in real life.

"You're coming or what sweetheart?" George called from the other side.

I took a deep breath and steeped inside his messed up head. The door closed behind me and disappeared.

I looked at my surrounding.

We were again in my school, but this version of it didn't have a lot of sense. There were no lockers, most of the stairs led to nowhere, and most of the doors were missing.

George inhaled like a wolf chasing his prey and smirked.

"I know where he is. I can feel it." He started walking and I followed him. He opened the door to our right.

It led to a classroom, inside which Reynolds was sitting smileing surrounded by a crowd of people praising him, and saying how much they liked him, or are proud of him.

"Do you have a plan what to do or something?"

"I thought that we could turn his pleasant dream into a nightmare." He snapped his fingers and cowered my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I heard a laughter, then Reynolds squealing and running away.

"I just made him naked in school. I didn't think you'd like to see that." He chuckled and let me go. I also laughed, yeah, that's what Reynolds deserved for making fun of others and being mean to them.

"Don't worry honey, it's just the beginning." He grabbed my hand and led me somewhere. "You see the trick is to make him scared, but not enough for him to wake up."

We stopped at the rooftop. The clouds suddenly covered the whole sky and it started to storm. It was raining everywhere except for where we stood, and there was a lot of lightnings.

" Scarry, right?" He smiled still holding my hand reassuringly.

"Watch now." He giggled and pointed down.

There I saw Reynolds running away in just underwear from a bunch of wolves. I laughed at him as he ran away until I heard him scream for help when the wolves almost got him. He looked really terrified.

"George... Maybe we should stop?... " I said quietly. He apparently didn't hear.

"You're going to love the next one." He snapped his fingers again and the school went away.

Everything filled in with dark water, Reynolds was struggling to stay on surface, while George and I were just watching him. It stopped being funny anymore.

"George... maybe that's enough?..." I looked at him. He was enjoying watching him, smiling while he drowned. I looked him in the eyes, his usual kind pale blue eyes dissappeared for a moment replaced by angry looking slightly red ones. His grip on my hand got tighter, it felt like it was under a rock.

"George, please stop! You're hurting me!" I tried to make him let go of me. I felt tears in my eyes.

He looked at me confused and snapped his fingers once more. We were standing on a roof of a skyscraper in a big city.

Everything went back to being calm. He looked ashamed of himself.

"What the heck George?! You didn't act like yourself back there, you were acting like some kind of monster!" I was furious at him.

"I-I'm..." He looked down. "I'm sorry... I don't know what happened, it just... That bastard hurt you and I wanted to make him pay, and I stepped over the line... I just wanted to help you, to be a good friend. I never had a friend before and I wasn't sure how to act. Please don't leave me alone. I'm sorry." He started to cry to my surprise.

He looked so weak compared to seconds ago. Even if he was a king, he acts all flirty and sometimes cruel inside he is just a scarred, lonely man. I calmed down and wrapped my arms around him.

" It's... okay, I'm not going to leave you. Just don't do that again, okay?" I felt him nod.

After a while he let go of me and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry if he won't leave you alone..."

"It's okay, you tried to help and that's enough. I'll think of something." I smiled, but actually I had no idea how I was going to survive.

"Wait! I have an idea how to help you!" He was back to being his own fabulous self.

I looked at him sceptical seeing how his last idea how to help me turned out.

"Don't worry honey, this time it's okay." He closed his eyes and sniffed around for a bit like a dog. It looked kind if ridiculous and silly.

"Aha! Reynolds is scared in bunnies!" He smiled. "You can wear bunnies to keep him away, or just tell him that you'll tell everyone about his fear if he won't leave you alone!"

"You can smell someone's fears? And thanks, that's actually helpful."

"Yup, not smell exactly, but I know my way to find someone's deepest fears. You for example-" A ninja star stuck just an inch in front of  his legs. He turned pale like a ghost.

Real fear filled his eyes as he quickly looked around. And there he was on another building- the ninja dude.

Woah that's a long chapter!

~1550 words

Also thank you all for over 500 reads, 60 stars and almost 50 comments! :D

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