Bite Me Kitten | ✔️

By byebyesasha

6.1M 188K 123K

"Don't underestimate me, Hunter." I gulp, trying to sound unaffected by our close proximity. His lips are in... More

Author's Note
Chapter one- Nut Loving Arse Clown
Chapter 2 - I am a Badass.
Chapter 3 - Is she Trying to Seduce me?
Chapter 4 - Naughty Scarlet;)
Chapter 5 - Fucklets and Grassholes.
Chapter 6 - Cupcake Killer.
Chapter 7 - Rage
Chapter 8 - Definitely a Werewolf.
Chapter 9 - Buisness Trips In Hell
Chapter 10 - A Game
Chapter 11- Long Story
chapter 12 - Taming the Beast.
Chapter 13 - Mother.
Chapter 14 - Scarlet (Hunters P.O.V )
Chapter 15 - Saving Scarlet (Hunters p.o.v)
Chapter 16 - Together in the Womb, Together in the Hospital Room.
Chapter 17 - Naked Butts.
Chapter 18 - Goddamn Farm.
Chapter 19 - Strangers In bed and Deep talks.
Chapter 20 - Guys...I Think I'm in Love.
Chapter 21- Hunter Snow Brown
Chapter 22 - That's One Way of Shutting Me Up.
Chapter 23 - The Tradition Doesn't Control Me
Chapter 24 - Honey... Im not your girlfriend.
Chapter 23/24 - Hunters POV
Chapter 25 - "Shelby What??!"
Chapter 26- Even Prince Charming Needs a Bathroom Break
Chapter 27- Only him.

Chapter 28 - You're Doing Great Sweetie (The End)

49.9K 1.1K 366
By byebyesasha

A/N bless yall for sticking with me through this journey. Hope you guys enjoy this last chapter:) considering it took me over a year to get out...Enjoy. 


We stayed in the cabin a bit longer after that adventure with Nicole, and when I woke back up, it was dinner time. Hunter stood in front of the mirror as I was coming back to my senses. The grey sweater he wore made him look so much older than he really is and the dark bags under his eyes weren't helping. An 18-year-old boy should not be this tired, that was probably all my fault in the first place but I can't help but feel incredibly sorry for him. I don't know the troubles he goes through every day and I've been adding issues for him since the day he met me.

For the record, he did go for it willingly.

Even after noticing that I'm awake he keeps going along with his usual routine, putting on a sort of cologne and walking over to the other side of the cabin. I observe him as he gets 2 glasses of orange juice and walks over to me.

"Thank you," I say as he waits for me to sit up and grab the glass from him before he sits by my waist on the side of the bed.

A moment of silence passes us and I can't help but wonder how this boy can still look so good after everything that has happened. I figure out the entire time Nicole and I were gone, Hunter didn't rest for a second and although our adventure wasn't that significant beside my damage to her face, it took a toll on him emotionally. Maybe I should bring dinner here, he deserves to sleep a little longer.

Setting my glass down, I reach over to take his glass away too and set it on the little wooden table by the bed. Now, how do I trick him into laying down? The man doesn't rest.

"Come here," I whisper unsurely tapping the spot on the other side of the bed. His eyebrows raise in surprise at my change of attitude towards him. Really, over and over again he has shown me how much I mean to him and proven to me that I cannot just ignore the physical attraction between us. Maybe I am letting all those things he did, in the beginning, be forgiven too fast, but I just can't pretend like I don't want him anymore.

Nonetheless, he complies and lays down.

Hesitating, I reach over and brush his hair back, leaving my hand to play with his hair as he looks at me slightly confused, yet with growing peace in his eyes. He's so tired. I watch his eyes slowly droop while I continue the gentle movement and pray for him to relax enough to hopefully fall asleep.

"I know what you're doing." His quiet voice breaks the silence. "And it's working a little too well."

I hum in response and shift to lay down beside him more comfortably. The moment he falls asleep I'll go get food but now I just need to take care of him. I don't did he manage to completely turn my opinion on him in a mere few weeks? How did he go from the strange kid in a hoodie to this sweet man in front of me?

"Are you a witch?" I ask. That must be the only reasonable explanation to how I was so blessed for my eyes to be opened to such a loyal, loving, hot as hell, potential partner.

A smirk lightly passes his lips before he replies with his eyes still closed. "Yes."

"I knew it.

He looks up to make eye contact with me just for a single moment. "You're a smart girl," and just like that, his head gets heavier and heavier as his body relaxes to finally rest. "But we have a dinner to get to."

I don't reply. He needs rest, it's my turn to take care of him after everything that happened. Thankfully he doesn't make another attempt to leave, which also tells me he is more exhausted than hungry, and a few seconds later his breathing evens out and he finally falls asleep.

Quietly getting up from the bed, I cover him with the blanket I was previously under and start making my way outside.


A few minutes later I find myself by the fire pit warming up my hands with my breath while everybody else mingles around and prepares the BBQ for dinner.

My mind is a complete mess right now. Looking back at what happened in my life since I moved here makes me realize just how insane everything has been. So many new people, experiences, and discoveries about myself and others. I just don't know how to go on without trying to organize everything that happened to me in my brain.

Here is the thing, I now understand that people like Nicole are not exactly my cup of tea. And that's okay, I can't love everyone. As much as she helped me out when I first moved, which is something I will forever be grateful for, I don't think that us constantly communicating will bring anyone much good. Adam is a different story, he is sweet and considerate which is something I value lots, but with everything that's going on in his life- with Shelby, Nicole and figuring himself out, I think I will let him decide how much time he actually has for me.

I guess it's important for me to understand that it might take a few tries to find my people. I've moved enough times to prove that theory.

Hunter on the other a complicated man. Only now I finally realize how badly my brain has been calling for a connection with someone and Hunter seems to be that someone. With his passion and dominating presence, I can't wait to see how things progress between us. He is straightforward and tells me exactly what he wants but unfortunately, in a relationship I will need a little more than that. I need respect and to be treated as more than just a goal in life. Although I have a feeling Hunter is trying, for me.

Hopefully, he isn't too tired of the chase.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I hear before someone pushes me a little to the side so they can sit down.

"I'd hope my thoughts cost a little more than a penny, bud."

Nicole scrunches up her nose in disgust at the nickname. "Ew, don't call me 'bud'."

I just shake my head. "You're impossible," I say. This girl is insane. But she is still a good person, protective over her brother and wouldn't dare hurt a fly. Her intentions were never I'll, and I'm glad I had her for a little bit.

"Look, we gotta talk." She starts in a serious tone, "I have a clue on why you hit me, and I'm sorry. You know me, I think out loud and don't consider how it affects others sometimes and I'm sorry about that. " I notice her fidgeting with the sleeve of her jacket as she waits for my reply.

"I appreciate that, and I'm sorry for hitting you." I'm not sure what else to say but that's a good start, right? "I think we were both very stressed. But that doesn't excuse me hurting you."

"Eh." She just waves me off. "I'm over it."

Looking at each other, we smile and for a second I think, 'Who knows? Maybe we will be okay after all.' But instead of bringing anything about our friendship, I lean in closer and ask, "Have you talked to Adam?"

She looks away for a moment, her eyes trying to find a place to stick to while she tries to organize her thoughts. "Yeah, I did. I kind of understand where he is coming from and I hope he is not doing it just to please Shelby. I won't know if she is sincere about him until I see them together but it's kind of weird even thinking about it. That's my ex-best friend and my brother after all."

"Hey, it'll be okay. You guys are growing up, figuring yourself out. For a bit, I even thought Shelby was gay-"


"Don't worry about it." Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I continue. "I guess what I'm trying to say is you just gotta watch what happens next. It's not exactly in your hands so all you can do is be observe and decide if you will be supportive or talk to Adam."

She laughs but nonetheless replies. "Easier said than done. But yeah, I will try not to stress for a bit."

We just sit together for a minute. My arm around her, her head on my shoulder and both of us just enjoying nature. Even if we aren't meant to be best friends, I'm sure we will be okay.

"Scarlet?" She whispers. I hum urging her to go on. "What's going on between you and Hunter?"

I'm not even sure how to respond. I don't even know if I'm hesitating because Hunter was so forward with his advances or if I'm just scared to open up and officially consider us as partners. As a team.

"I'm not sure. I feel like I want to give him a chance, as well as give myself a chance to finally experience love towards someone else other than family. But...I feel like I've been pushing him away for so long, that maybe he deserves a girl that won't be scared to be affectionate. That will take care of him as much as he takes care of me."

She laughs, leaving me puzzled. I don't think I said anything amusing. "What you laughing for? I'm opening my soul up right now, you devil."

"No, no, no." She shakes her head sitting up straight. "You're just so..." not being able to decide on a word she just jumbles some gibberish before continuing. "Scarlet, where is Hunter right now?"

"In the cabin, I made him sleep. He was really tired after today adventure."

"Okay. You see anything interesting about that?"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I just shake my head. What's interesting about a boy sleeping? Well, I guess since it's Hunter...No, inner Scarlet, shut up. "Not exactly Nicole. Where are you going with this?"

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "You are just spending so much time and energy on thinking about how bad you are, instead of seeing that in reality, you're pretty dope."

"I'm not, you're ju-"

"Scarlet listen to me." She interrupts me. "Stop trying to prove to yourself that you don't deserve Hunter. Realize, that you already have him and he doesn't seem to mind one bit."

I think about that for a moment. Is it time?



"I gotta go somewhere."


I waited a little longer before heading back to see Hunter. First of all, so that the boys had time to finish the food and I could pack it to bring it back. Secondly, so Hunter can get at least an hour or two of sleep. Lastly, so I can rationalize my thoughts before I finally confronted all my emotions at once.

Now, on my way back, I'm carrying a plate full of meat and vegetables, debating if I should even do this. What do I say? 'Hi, I know I was pushing you back and forth like you're an elastic band, but I kinda like you. Do you wanna do this thing or did I stretch you too much?' or is 'You, me, now together.' a little more in my style?

I don't know.

But I know I want this. I want him. I want to feel like I deserve him and I want to be happy. There is no way to tell if I will be happy with him unless I try, right? And I want to try.

Before I know it I stand in front of the cabin door, something holding me back from opening it. Is it fear? Excitement? Hesitation? Probably a good combination of all of them. But I want to do this so bad, for so many reasons. I list them in my head over and over again, yet they seem to be drowned out by the fear of rejection. What if all he wanted was a good chase and now he is over it? As these thoughts battle with each other, I remind myself that he has already demonstrated how caring and honest he is. With that thought in mind, I slowly twist the handle and step inside.

And there he is. In the hour and a half that I was gone, he managed to throw all the blankets off the bed and spread all his limbs to cover the entire freaking bed. His sweater no longer on him, as he is only wearing a t-shirt. Hardly that too, he moved around so much that his shirt risen up and is now exposing half of his torso. How he isn't cold is a mystery,

The sight makes me smile for a single second before the anticipation sinks in, nervousness following right behind it. I stand in front of the bed, eyes wide as my overthinking is going at full speed. Before I freak myself out too much, I remind myself once again...

I can do this.

Just do it, Scarlet. Put the food down, wake him up, tell him you are sorry for hurting him before, and tell him that you want him, kiss him or something, I don't know. You're basically an adult. Use your words.

Here it goes...

Setting the food, I slowly walk towards the bed and sit down by his waist. I'm definitely close enough to see that he needs to get his eyebrows done. I bring my hand up and carefully trace his features, trying to be gentle and not destructive like I usually am.

I can't help but imagine what he would say if he was awake. Maybe something like "Now who is the creepy one."

Ha. That would be funny.

So funny.

Freaking hilarious.

It takes me just a few more seconds to realize that he actually said it.

So, so funny.

Once I realize that I was successful in waking him up I quickly take my hand away and bring it into my lap. Step one- done. At least that's a good thing. Now how do I get to step two? The talking part.

"Ehhm, Oh, I-I didn-how.." You're doing great sweetie. "I-I'm sorry that I woke you up but I brought food." there we go.

The only response I get is a hum from him as he lazily takes my hand and brings it under his face, gently kissing the palm of my hand bringing me to lay down by him. Now that I fully acknowledge my attraction towards him, that action is enough to send my heart into a frenzy.

"So, you should get up and eat Hunter," I whisper, trying not to be too harsh since he just woke up.

An "Mhmm." is all I get once again.

Okay Scarlet, just get to the point. "Also, I have to talk to you, Hunter. "

"Hmmm." freaking Christ.

"I guess you are a man of few words, but many sounds yeah?" I say, softly smiling at him. Oh God, give me the strength and bravery to do this.

"Many, many sounds." He replies hoarsely, opening one eye just slightly, protecting himself from the light in the cabin.

Oh man.

"Okay, I just want to say I'm sorry and thank you for saving us." I test the waters, see how he responds. Unfortunately, all he does is close his eyes again and mumbles something that I can't make out.

I guess since he is not paying attention I can just rip off the bandaid quickly right?

"Hunter I want you."

Not even a second passes before his eyes snap open meeting my nervous glance. Guess he wasn't asleep after all. He blinks a few times, looking at me intensely before asking me, or himself, I can't really tell "This isn't a dream right?"

I finally breathe. Seeing that I'm not the only one affected by this. The difference is, Hunter seems so natural when it comes to caring and being affectionate while for me it's all new territory.

"It's not-" before I can finish my sentence, Hunter's lips are on mine. His body covers mine, pinning me to the bed, not physically, but his kiss is so gentle I'm scared to move too harshly. At this point, my heart has officially left the chat. Relief flooding my system and happiness taking over in ways I can't even describe. 

He pulls away, his eyes brighter than I have ever seen them be.

"It's not a dream." We both whispered at the same time.

It's just a new beginning.

-------The end. -------

Y'ALL what the heck. I did it? 

Not gonna lie. I started this book at age 13 and I just turned 17 a week ago, this book took a lonnnggg time. And to be honest I'm not a fan of the first 20 chapters. But I'm so excited to write again and this time be proud of my work. 

I'm finally back;) 

What did you think of this chapter? 

What did you think of the book?

Any questions\ comments\ concerns? 

I realize there might be some loose ends and the book is not at all edited, I might come back to it and fix it up, but I'm really ready to move on at the moment. As you can tell this took me years. 

Ugh, hope to see you in my future books:) thank you for sticking around for so long. 

Love you all so much. 

Bye bye


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