Let Me Love The Lonely

By simpforsatori

36.5K 743 218

Y/n and her father were moving to Los Angeles. Which meant a new school for y/n. She didn't have a lot of fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
A/N: (edited)

Chapter 12

1K 23 11
By simpforsatori

*Jonathans pov*
She walked out. She left my side and my life. I couldn't stand to watch her walk away from me like that. I sighed and just left the room. As I left, I saw Tyler pacing back and forth. I went up to him and patted him on the shoulder. He pushed my hand off of his shoulder and glared at me. "Jonathan what the fuck?" I looked at him confused. "What Tyler?" "Y/n was fucking crying! Why do you always make her cry? She loves you dude! Why can't you see that!? Is it because of Amber? Why do you like her? She's a total bitch! Leave her ass and get with y/n before anyone else does Jonathan! You guys were meant to be together." I started tearing up when he said that I should be with y/n. I want to be with her but she keeps pushing me away. That's why I do things with Amber. I hurt her by getting her attention. I hate to see y/n so hurt. I looked at Tyler and gave him a smile."What?" "I need a suit for the dance along with a song to play, a big bouquet of roses, a big teddy bear, and the girl that stole my heart from day one." He smiled when I said that. We left the clinic and got in Evans car. Evan had a date so he let Tyler use his car. When we got in the car, his phone went off. It was Kyle but he put it to voicemail. He texted her saying he was helping me with things. We left to the suits store and looked for our outfits. I wanted to get something that would match y/ns dress but I didn't know how her dress looked or what color it was. I asked Tyler to text Kyle so he can tell me. He nodded and got his phone out. They must really love each other because they replied within a second. He smiled then put his phone away. He looked up and cleared his throat. "Okay so, y/ns dress is black that's all I can say." I smiled as I pictured y/n in her dress, although it was hard because I only knew the color and not the style she had. I looked around and found this awesome cool black suit. I quickly grabbed it and went to go pay for it. Tyler came back with a light pink suit. He paid for his suit and we left the store. We then went to the pharmacy and found the biggest teddy bear and the biggest bouquet of flowers. After I found them I went to go pay for them. Me and Tyler went to go get some food. Then we went to Tylers house. I decided to stay the night for the weekend. I put my things in his room and went back downstairs. Then I remembered that Evan was on a date. "Hey Tyler?" "Yeah Jon?" "Why's Evan on a date when he's gonna take y/n to the dance?" He looked at me with a concerned look then chuckled a bit. "Evan went out with Heather." "What? Really?" "Yeah, y/n told Heather that Evan liked her, so she told y/n that she liked Evan too, so y/n set a date for them and now that they're dating each other. They're going to the dance together." "But what about y/n? Is she not going anymore?" "Yeah she is, this boy named Jake asked her." "Jake?! Jake what?!" "Uh I think his last name's Harrison. Why?" "Shit! That's Ambers boyfriend. I have to tell her something before Amber tries to do anything stupid." He looked up quickly and stood up. He ran to get the keys and we ran out the door. We got in the car and were ready to drive to y/ns house. But before we left, Tyler put on the radio. The song that was playing was called 'All of Me' by John Legend. It was a remix though. It sounded pretty good to play at the dance for y/n, but I wanted something really special just for her. I didn't realize that we made it to y/ns house until Tyler closed his door. I looked out the window and saw that y/ns lights were off. It was only 7:30 pm so I didn't know why her lights were off. I was worried so I quickly got out of the car and ran to her front door. I started pounding on it while yelling out her name. The door suddenly opened itself. I slowly went inside with Tyler behind me. It was dark in her house so it was kind of creepy. I saw a light and noticed it was y/ns room. I quietly made my way to her room and heard muffled noises. Her door had a creak so I opened it slowly. I saw y/n tied up with a blindfold on and tape on her mouth. I went up to her and took the tape off of her mouth. Then I untied her and took the blindfold off of her beautiful e/c eyes. Her eyes widen when she saw it was me. I hugged her tightly as she hugged me back. "Y/n, what happened?" I heard Tyler ask y/n. She stopped hugging me and hugged Tyler while crying. "Me and Kyle came from shopping, and she wanted to get some clothes from her house so I dropped her off then came back to get things ready for our sleepover. Then I heard stomping and water splashing from my backyard. So I went to go check who it was, and saw Jake with two other guys. I asked them why they were at my house but they just laughed and Jake told them to get me. I ran up to my room and ran in my closet. They ran in my room and found me. They tied me up then blindfolded me and put tape on my mouth. I heard Jake saying that he need a camera so he can send Amber pictures of me like this but they heard pounding on the door so they ran out through the backyard. I'm just happy you guys are here. Why are you guys here anyways?" I kissed her lips before answering her question. She kissed me back and held my face. I heard Tyler say 'aww' and snapped a photo. We broke the kiss and looked at Tyler. We smiled at him and went downstairs. Then I decided to answer y/ns question. "We're here because Tyler told me that you and Evan aren't going to the dance with each other anymore and said that Jake asked you so I panicked and we drove here." She smiled and hugged me. I started tearing up when she hugged me. I love this girl so much and I'm not going to let her go.

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