The Devils Backbone

By Skipology

204K 11.2K 2.7K

Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys. [Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing] ... More

CAST: The Hatfield Clan
CAST: The McCoy Clan
Across the River
Looming Airs
Blacker Berries
Cotton's Soup
Rain Water
Hogswagglers Jury
Chores to Do
Election Day
Rose on the Doorstep
Too Far Gone
Counting Seconds
The Shack
Up to the Timber
Untitled Blooms
Was There Peace in the Valley
Chill Down the Spine
Hammer and Nails
As Blood Sets the Table
In the Dark
Like Rain in the Sky
One Crossed the River
Lambs Last Mercy
Blood Toucheth Blood
Ever On
Trouble with Peace
Autumn Rain
Fire Starters
Laughter in the Dark
A Call to the Wilds
Comes A Knocking
Changing Winds
The Begining
Smoke Before The Blaze
How Deep the Water Runs
A Cabin in the Hills
High Alert
Heat the Frying Pan
Day in the Life
A Wild Ride
No Bells A Ringin'
For Want of a Nail
The Things You Sew
Start of a Charge
New Faces
The First Night
The Pine Box
When All Goes Right
Now's About Time
A Snake in the Roses
Quiet Thunder
The Color of Blood
Where the Apricots Grow
The Gut You Trust
Road to New York
At Ease
Something New
Adder in the Garden
Fibs and Folly
The Dream Deferred
The Get Away
The Way Back
The Nerve
Mother May I
Daddy Dearest
Quiet Gatherings
Good Bad Spine
Rock Bottom
Cold Dark Morning
Lost and Found
From The Pit
Winter's Sigh
A Wing to Mend
Two Came Knocking
Hard Luck, Shared Blood
For the Better?
A Merry Secret
An Unclever Ruse

Killing Season

1.7K 100 19
By Skipology

Cap got up early with Jim. At the crack of dawn, before even Anse had woken up for the day. Levicy sat in her rocking chair by the fire, rubbing her growing stomach. She wondered if she was getting too old for this yet.

Cap crept down the stairs not wanting to wake his siblings. "Psssst, Ma." He whispered. Levicy looked up at him, beckoning him closer with her hand. "What you need Cap?" She asked. "Well... You an' Chyna carry on pretty well. I was hoping you could keep her tied up for a while?" Cap asked. Levicy gave him a hard stare "sure, how long ya need and why?" She questioned. "Half the day..." Cap muttered. Levicy looked at him for further information "....y-you see me an' Uncle Jim was gon' go and....get Jefferson..." Cap said timidly.

He hated even saying, he wasn't sure how he was going to be able to actually do it. Cap hated the look Chyna had given him the night before and even if it was just catching Jefferson and carting him off to the sheriff, she wasn't gonna like it.

"Nancy will tell her, you know what you're riskin?" Levicy asked him in a slow caution. "I know ma...but this family needs the extra greenbacks. We head for the hills soon. My cabin still needs furnishings and supplies an' as a whole we need ammo and other things." Cap said releasing a long sigh.

"I'm scared to hell 'bout this, but I need to do it. For her and for all of us. An' who knows...maybe I'll get lucky and Nancy will show her true colors." Cap felt like he was rrying to convince himself, not his mother, of all this. "Alright, I can keep her busy for a while, but be back before dusk. You're Pa needs your help movin things." Said Levicy

"Me an' Jim is leavin right now, should get there by 10 hopefully." Cap said, he gave her a kiss on the cheek "thank you, ma." He said the gratitude dripping from his words. Levicy nodded and watched as Cap took a slice of bread from te table and headed out the door.

Jim waited outside for Cap chomping down on his chewing tobacco. "You ready?" He asked Cap with a bored expression. Jim was an old hat at catching people, he was one of The Wildcats durning the war, never actually faught but tracked down Yanks that entered Confederate territory and turned them in, sometimes alive.

Cap wished je could say the calm that was on his uncles face was calming. But it wasn't, it was the same glassy look Jim would get when he spoke of the dark terrible things he'd done in his past. Its what told Cap that no mater what he told himself, what they were doing was wrong, for the first time he felt like an actual crook - on the wrong side of justice.

"But - law says I should turn him in." Cap told himself. The real question in his mind was, did he actually believe himself?

"Miss Levicy? I know you said you needed my help today but I was wonderin if I could go to town for a bit?" Chyna asked. Levicy turned around from making the kids breakfast as Chyna entered through the back door. "I don't. See why not. Take your time." Levicy said as casually ordinary as she could. Chyna blinked, and then blinked again "oh...thanks ma'am. I wont be out to long." Chyna said, taken back, that seemed too easy.

"I said take your time, and stop by to see if any male came in the post, Andersons waitin on a letter." Levicy said. Chyna bowed her head a bit "yes ma'am" she said.

Chyna mounted Cap's former horse "been a while since you got to leave no where huh?" She asked it. He seemed happy to have his gear put on him again. "Come on, we got a nice ride ahead of us." Chyna said, she wasn't the best rider but she knew how to ride just enough to get a well tempered horse were she needs it to go.

When Chyna made it to town she was thrilled to find Luella was standing outside the Saloon. Chyna had never been inside during the daytime and wasn't sure she had the gall to just stroll inside.

"Chyna!" Luella called waving her over. Chyna rode the horse near the hitching post.  Luella tied the horse there for her while Chyna dismounted. "Got me shocked right out of my shoesb seein you here in the daylight." Luella said playfully. " ain't you just. I came here because - well I need your help." Chyna said. Luella could see the worry on her face.

"Not out here, up to my room." Said Luella leading Chyna inside. The girls drew little attention to themselves as they moved carefully through the bar and up to the rooms. It was hard to get used to the sounds coming out of the rooms.  It was far more active up there during the day than at night, seemed odd.

Once inside Luella's room, with the door locked, Chyna told all. From the poisioning, to Nancy and Johnsey's marriage. Luella crossed her arms and scowled "dont trust that McCoy Bitch!" Luella said roughly. Chyna sighed and chose to ignore it "I came here to ask you to write down a letter for me. I cant do it myself...I was wondering if I tell you what to write, would you write it?" Chyna asked.

"Depends...who's it goin to? I ain't gone help Johnsey's marriage to this....thing." Luella hissed. "To Calvin." Chyna said. "Why? He poisoned you didn't he?" She asked. "So says Nancy...and then he asked her to too. But, to be honest I'm not sure who to believe." Chyna muttered. "You believe the folk who have had your best intrest in mind the most. Figure out who that is cause they won't lead you wrong." Said Luella.

Her words made Chyna's stomach knot up. She already had the answer to that and its not one she wanted. Luella fetched a quill and paper. "Alright, so start whenever you like." Luella said dipping the feather tip into th ink. Chyna sighed and closed her eyes.

"Dear Calvin,
I am aggrieved to have to send such a letter. I had hoped we had parted as friends. An' as my friend, i'd like to trust you, so I ask you this directly -"

Chyna spoke watching Luella write down her words in beautiful curly words.

"-did you or didn't you attempt to pioson me on your last meeting. I have gotten word that you have threatened and forced miss Nancy to play part in it. If this is so - make your piece with the lord and confess the truth now. For you and I are neither innocent, but I will not charge the losses this has caused to you. As I have learned of vengence and it is a bitter fruit. You will live with all the things you have done til they commit your body to the ground. For if it was or wasn't your idea, you played part. - Signed a friend" Calvin read.

Calvin shuddered, with all the comotion with the feud the mailmen had been delieving letters far faster than usual into pikeville. It was only a little past 11:30 and yet new mail had come. Calvin stood alone in the post office, he must have read the letter 3 times over. "Nancy" he growled quietly stuffing the letter into his coat. Calvin walked out the post office and headed for home. He had a letter to write. He wasnt going to be Nancy's sacrificial lamb in all of this.

Nancy was inside the small cabin still sleeping. Ever since she moved out into the cramped one roomed cabin with Johnsey, she hadn't been getting much sleep. Atleast thats what she told herself.  It wasn't the fact that night and day her mind reeled about the Hatfields,  and her stomach burned with acid like anger when she thought of her mother and father. Thoughts of what could have been, what should have been.

No it was that shack, it was drafty and over crowded. Thats it. It wasn't the growing fixation that circled about her mind, her dreams.

Jefferson tipped quietly out the hut, as to not wake his sister. He was aware his criminality was taxing on her and he felt a bit of guilt when sobriety kicked in. Just more reason not to stay too sober. He walked out into the bushes were Johnsey hid a large milk jug of of his shine. Looking about to make sure Johnsey had not returned from his visit with his family, Jerfforson thurned up the large Jug and drank the shine as if it had been water.

"I think that theres a Jefferson McCoy!" Jim shuted out. He and Cap sat side by side on thier mounts.  Jefferson paniced nearly dropping the jug. "Wh-who's sayin that?" He asked turning to face them. It had been a long while since Jefferson had laid eyes on any member of the Hatfield family, his half drunken eyes couldnt focus enough to tell who he was speaking with.

Which seemed to amuse Jim greatly. "Johnsey Hatfield's Uncle Jim Vance, and that theres his little brother Cap." Said Jim, at the sound of Jim's name. Jefferson sobered up quickly, he side glanced at the hut, what a day for Nancy to sleep in.

"Whe-wherecs Johnsey?" Jefferson asked, he smiled but it was shaky. Maybe the marriage made themm peaceful? Jefferson could only hope as he looked over to Cap, who held a dry expression across his face.

"Johnsey went out huntin' with his pa." Jim said spitting out a bit of tobacco. "Sooo," Jefferson sang "what are you doing here?" He asked, nothing was adding up and his head was throbing from the lack of alcohol. "Oh we're here to do a little huntin ourselves." Said Jim.

Caps hand rested over his pistol,  he didnt need to shoot to kill, but he did need a firearm to scare Jefferson into giving himself up. "Welp, not much huntin' to be had out here." Sang Jefferson a wide nervous grin on his face. "Place is all. Shot out of deer - an' such!" He said with a bit to muc cheer.

But neither Cap or Jim moved and gave him blankbstares. "Oh theres still plenty of critters in these parts, one criitter in particular has a handsome reward on his head." Jim said slowly. Jefferson's face paled a whole 3 shades lighter as Cap drew out his pistol.

Before Cap could get out the words "you're under arrest" or even fix his mouth to open, Jefferson had dropped the jug and tore off running towards the hut's stable. "Nancy!" He shouted, Cap cursed and hopped off of his horse, making chase. Cap was taller and faster than Jeffersonb hevgained on him quickly and tackled him to the ground.

"We don't wanna hurt ya, just come peacefully and we'll take you to the Sheriff in Pikeville!" Cap grunted as he struggled about in the dirt with Jefferson. "Like hell I will, you demon Hatfields! You'll shoot me dead if I do!" Jefferson shouted.

Jim made sure the horses were perocupied enough to stsy put before going to Cap's aid. "That aint true." Cap said but Jefferson wasn't buying. "Nancy!" He hollared out again.

Nancy woke with a start and ran out the hut in her night gown "what are you doin to my brother!" She shouted. When she laid eyes on Jim a new breed of rage coursed through her tiny body.  "Do somethin! They ain't gonna take me in!" Jefferson yelped rolling about with Cap.

"Get off!" Nancy yelled at Cap advancing towards them. "get back in that cabin, Miss McCoy. And get yourself dressed proper." Jim said stepping in her way.  "Get off of him you ol' coot!" She shouted, ignoring anything that came from Jim's mouth.

"Don't let them take me,sis!" Jefferson hollered.  At Jefferson's pleas Jim smirked and eyed Nancy up and downblike she was two feet tall "what the hell you gonna do?" He mocked her. Nancy bared her teeth and growled as Jim turned his back to her.  With an indignant huff, Nancy snatched the horse whip off the hut wall and swung it.

Whipping Jim where ever she could get. "Nancy!" Jefferson called as Cap had finally managed to hold Jefferson's arms back. Jefferson lay against the ground, Cap on his back. "I said get off!" Namcy shouted, Jim took the brunt of the whip, unwilling to let her get at Cap with it. But his anger was riding with each cracking sound. "Get off!" Nancy shouted again.

Jim reached out both hands and grasped Nancy, he lifted her into the air and threw her down hard into the hay of the empty horse stallb kicking and screaming. Still Nancy lashed the whip around. "I'll show you!" Jim barked "come on." Cap said to Jefferson, using all his body weight to hold him down, he tried to talk him into giving up and coming peacefull again but Jefferson was hollering to loud t even hear him.

With all the thrashing Jefferson was doing, Cap was suprised he hadn't knocked is hat off his head. "Get up Nancy!" Jefferson called out.  "Get off me! Now you old-" with a sharp. Crack the whip connected with Jim's face. And just as quickly he reached for his ridding crop from his back pocket and smacked her acros the face with it, several times.

"You little witch! Good for nothin! Bitch!" Jim shouted in anger, Nancy was screaming at the top of her lungs as he struck her over and over, the sound echoing. "Wanna use a whip? You need some whipping, girl!" Jim roared.

"Don't let him do that too you!" Jefferson called figting Cap harder. Cap looked up to see what was going on, he couldnt let Jefferson go and hopped Jim would stop and calm down soon. "I bet you like that you mean little-!" Jim said. He has no intention of stoping, Nancy hollared and sobbed. Hr skin was turing red and welts, cuts and bruises were left by the crop.

"No no no." Cap thought wided eyed. Chyna, at this rate. She'd neverwanna see him again. "That's enough, Uncle Jim!" Cap shouted, but Jim was to enraged to quit, if he could whip her body into bits he would have.  "Get off of her!" Jefferson shouted.  "Stop it, Jim!" Cap tried again.

Jim wasn't listening, all he could hear was the rage in his head, white hot rage. So sound you fell deaf. Cap heaved himself off of Jefferson and launched himself at Jim.  Knocking him off of Nancy. "JIM!" He shouted, grabbing his shoulders and shaking them "stop!" He said.

Nancy rolled about in the hay, her body hurt even worse now that the whipping had stopped, she could feel the stinging everywhere. "Stop it thats enough!" Cap shpited franticly as Jim now tried to fight him in order to get back to whipping Nancy.

Jefferson, took this opportunity. Scrabling to his feet he yook off running down the dirt worn road. Cap rolled off of Jim and tried to catch him but Jefferson was already halfway down the road. "Damn, he's getting away!" Cap called turning around fast and running for his horse.

Jim threw the whip Nancy had down on her and spit the rest of his chewing tobacco on her before
Going to his horse as well. Jefferson abandoned the road and ran through the trees. He had to get to Kentucky soil, luckily the river wasnt too far, if he could hold out long enough.

But behind him Jim and Cap were comming up fast. Cap holding onto his hat with one hand, and leaned forward to avoid tree branches.  Jefferson took the clearing across Floyd Hatfields Farm and prayed that Flotd would not see him or Jim and Cap chasing him. He didn't need another Hatfield on his tail.

The river was in sight, and the trip through the trees held the horses back slowing Cap and Jim down. Jefferson headed down a steep hill jeading for the Tug.

Cap slowed Pardon near the hill, watching Jefferson start to cross the knee deep river.  Cap had had enough, he pulled his riffle from his back and got down on one knee, taking aim. Jefferson fell into the river splashing around. "Come on Cap we're gonna lose him!" Jim said dismounting.

Cap started to realize there was only onevway they were taking Jefferson. "Why not? It's all gone to far already..." He thought. Cap locked and loaded his riffle. "Stablize me!" Cap called back to Jim as he stood back up.

Jefferson swam and crawled across the river, cursing himself for chosing the wide part to cross. He was soaked from head to toe in its freezing waters. But held a victoties smile on his face as he stood on the otherside, looking at the two Hatfields far off in the distance on the hill. "I aint drown!" Jefferson sjouted at them throwing his hands in the air.

"You Hatfield pig shit morons!" Jefferson shouted. Jim stooped infront of Cap as Cap rested his riffle on Jim's shoulder. Jim held the riffle in place by its barrel with his hand. Jim took a deep breath as his aner rose again at Jefferson's faint far away insults.

"Come get me, ya goddamn pecker pullers! Whats the matter with you? Can't swim!" Jefferson hollered with a grin and much laughter.  He was past 100 yards away a half Mile away he figured. "Go on shoot! You fog-eyed, half blind bastard! Here I am!" Jefferson jeered dancing around in a circle.

Cap remained calm and continued to check his aim and align his barrel.  "Nigger loving Mudsill! One eyed ape!" Jefferson shouted. "One remark to many" Cap hissed in a near silent whisper. "Here I am!" Jefferson called again lifting both hands into the air middle fingers raised.

Cap's riffle popped, and Jefferson's body whired around before he fell dead into the river, a hole through his head, right between his eyes.

"Yeah-h-h!" Jim cheered. He turned around as Cap removed his riffle from his shoulder and smaked Cap's arm playfully. "You're good boy! You done real good!" Jim praised in laughter. Cap laughed as well, that felt better than he thought it would. "Consequences be damned, the boy deserved it" Cap thought.  Jim and Cap mounted thier horses and headed for the river. All thst was left was to pluck Jefferson from its waters.

Meanehile, Johnsey on his way home from visiting his folks watched it all from a distance "shit" he cursed, he knew he had no buisness telling anybody about Jefferson's bounty or that he was staying with him and Nancy. Moving along quickly, Johnsey headed for his cabin, trying to figure out how to break the news to Nancy, her brother, last of her immediate family was dead.

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