Love and other disasters (A Z...

By SigneLarsen1

5.5K 204 450

Zaina is 30 years old and work as a head chef in a trends restaurant in Austin Texas. She is a preachers daug... More

An unexpected date
Dating advice from Dean Winchester
The size of his balls
Karaoke night
He has one bad habit.. he steals bacon
Big muscles and sounding kinky
Gummi bears
Harder than it seemed
Walking funny
Girl talk and boy talk
When your blind date is Tom Hiddleston
The problem with spooning
Jumping from rooftops
Romantic and heated mornings
To the waterpark with Sam and Dean Winchester
Half a calender of hot men
When the earth starts shaking
Real life heroes
Check ups and deep feelings
Weird images and hot passion
Mom meets the beast
Leaving her broken
Meeting dad and comforting Avery
All that pain
Heroes and villains
Feeling lost
Who's the devil here
I got a fever of 103
The big reveal
Writers note

Caught in limbo

153 8 36
By SigneLarsen1

1 week later
"Are you ready darling ? The car is picking us up in 10 minutes". Madison comes into my bedroom, wearing tight designer jeans and an even tighter top showing of her voluptuous breasts. Her blonde hair is styled to perfection and the makeup flawless.

I am laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling, lost in my own thoughts. I sit up. "Yeah, I just need to put on my shoes".

"You don't seriously mean that you are going to wear that ?" Her eyes running over me, a look that can mostly be described as disgust on her face. "Everyone is looking at us".

Getting up from the bed I stretch. "It's a photo-shoot right ? They are going to dress us up at the studio aren't they ? So what do it matter what I wear now ?" I look down at my trustworthy worn out black jeans and the dark blue sweater.

"And I told you to shave.. you look borderline homeless Tom. You and me both know that there will be paps outside and at the studio. You are trying to humiliate me right ?" She throw out her hand theatrically.

I close my eyes for a moment, swallowing the words I really want to say. "There are paps waiting because you made sure they knew about this darling. I feel comfortable like this".

"But you look like an idiot and you make me look like a fool". She snaps. Then she mumble to herself as she walks out. "How on earth that man keeps getting voted best dressed is beyond me".

Making a face at her back, I let myself fall down on the bed. I don't even want this, doing a photoshoot together, showing the world how much we love each other. I want to throw up. I open my drawer taking out a necklace with an A in it. She had asked me to put it in my wallet when we went to the waterpark, so she wouldn't lose it, but I forgot to give it back to her. I clutch it to my heart. "I am sorry my love, so very sorry".

"Get your ass down here Tom, the car is here". Madison calls from downstair. I press the little A to my lips, before placing it back in the drawer and walking downstairs.

I put on my best smile, taking her hand in mine as we walk outside, knowing there will be paps. There almost always are these days. She makes sure there is. Me I just want to be left alone.. no scratch that, I just want to be in Avery's arms in her small flat in Texas, forgetting the world outside.

"Oh stop it". Madison says giggling, waving her hand. "Why is it so interesting, I mean it is just me and Tom walking to a car, to go to our photoshoot".

Yeah she plays the part well, very well. Me I just nod and smile, like a trained monkey or a soulless robot. These days I don't know which I am more like.

The chauffeur opens the door and Madison climb inside after a last wave. I crawl in beside her, letting myself fall back in the seat as the door closes. At least I get a little break, before I have to put on another round of charades.

"At least try to look like you are enjoying yourself Tom". She hisses at me, but I choose to ignore her, closing my eyes to the world.

We drive for a while in silence, then I feel her hand rub my thigh. "Why don't you just relax and enjoy this Tom. We could have a lot of fun if you wanted to".

"Madison take your hand of me, I don't like you touching me. And you and me we aren't going to have any kind of fun as you put it". I say without opening my eyes.

She huff annoyed. "Funnily before you went to Texas you didn't mind that part.. as I remember you called it a bonus. But then you ran into little miss inbreed farmgirl and suddenly no one else is good enough".

"Do not call her that.. don't mention her at all. You are not worthy to even think of her". I hiss at her, feeling the anger run through me like a searing liquid.

She roll her eyes at me. "I wonder what tricks this girl had up her sleeve to turn your head like this. What did she let you do to her ? I bet she she was a real kinky.. you know with..".

I grab her her throat almost lifting her of the seat. "Shut up.. shut up right now or I swear to God..". I realise the chauffeur is staring at me in the mirror and I let go. "Not another word Madison".

"Are you sure about this love ?" I ask nervously as we walk to the front door. We are going to have sunday lunch with Zaina's parents, and I am about to freak out.

She takes my hand. "Don't worry. Ian is going to be there too and just ignore my mom if she comes with any stupid comments".

"I just wished she didn't hate me or that I knew how to make her see me in a better light". I say with a sigh as she rings the bell.

Her mother opens the door, looking down her nose at me, her expression clearly telling me that to her I am filth. "Hi Zaina, come on in".

"Hi mom". She say, looking down.

Okay I need to be the bigger person here, so I smile at her. "Good day Mrs Robinson, it was nice of you to invite me".

"I didn't invite you, if it was up to me you weren't let in the house". She say and turn on her heel. And I wish I could say it didn't hurt.

"Mom !" Zaina looks shocked and hurt, she squeezes my hand. "I am sorry Zac, but please ignore her. Someone forgot to tell her about Christian charity".

I nod, this is going to be long and painful, but I am going to do it for Zaina. Hopefully if I remain graceful here, if I am the bigger person, then her mom will see that I am not a monster. "Don't worry love, I am used to.. less than friendly mothers".

Inside we are greeted by Ian and their father, whom are both friendly. Then the doorbell ring and her mother smiles. "Oh by the way sweetie, I invited Michael. I know you always had a soft spot for him".

"Michael !? As in the guy who stood me up because I didn't sleep with him on the fourth date ?" She says shocked, and I feel my toes curl.

"Well he probably saw what kind of underwear you wear and logically expected you to put out". She turns and go to let in Michael.

Zaina quickly grabs me as I am about to walk after her mom. She can say whatever she want about me, but I am not listening to her putting Zaina down. "No Zac, ignore it".

"I am with Zac here, that was uncalled for. Someone should put mom in her place". Ian say, looking at their father.

He sigh. "Your mother is not always a kind woman. But she has her own reasons. She is misguided. So please bear with her. And Zac, I apologise for her behaviour, you have done nothing to deserve it".

Her mother and Michael comes walking in. He is a fairly good looking man, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is a couple of inches smaller than me. He comes over shaking my hand. "Oh so you are the one who stole her from me".

"Stole her ? Hmm as I remember it she was stood up.. but hey your loss is my gain, so thanks for doing that". I tell him with a friendly smile.

"I think it went pretty well, I mean taking everything into consideration". I says as we leave the house after two hours. I am not really meaning it.. I mean it could have been worse, Zac for one handled it well.

He looks at me with one eyebrow raised. "Well yeah I guess you can say that. If we overlook that Ian and Michael almost got into a physical fight and that your mother made the sign of the cross everytime she looked at me by accident".

"Yeah okay. Honestly I can't believe my mom invited Michael. Like she really think I would have any interest in him whatsoever". I shake my head.

Zac tenses up. "Hadn't I had so much respect for your father and it being his house I would have kicked his ass. To bad Ian didn't do it. The way he flirted with you and those comments, like you should be grateful he wanted you, uhh I would have loved to put him in his place".

"I am proud you kept your cool. You are coming out as the good guy here". I tell him. I know it hadn't been fun for him.

He smile softly at me. "Everything for you love. And by the way, it was kind of worth it to see you mothers face when Ian told that he was going to make a weekly show with sex advice".

"Oh that was priceless, I literally thought she was going to faint". I giggle. My brother loves to wind up my mother at times.

Zac puts his arm around me, pulling me into his side. "I kind of felt sorry for your father, trying to keep control with all of you".

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