
By youngdeviant

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'with great power comes great responsibility'. Starting a new school where you have no clue what's going on... More

Chapter 1~New Year
Chapter 2~Meet and Greet
Chapter 3~ The heist
Chapter 4~ First day
Chapter 5~ Drama in Drama
Chapter 6~ The proposal
Chapter 7~ Fly's boyfriend
Chapter 8~ Cheerleading
Chapter 9~ The secret
Chapter 10~ Costa
Chapter 11~ Taylor and Nash
Chapter 12~ Motionless
Chapter 13~ Awake
Chapter 14~ Tell me!
Chapter 15~ A nice walk
Chapter 16~ THE Taylor Canniff!?
Chapter 17~ Why are we awake?
Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 2)

Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 1)

231 11 6
By youngdeviant

~~Fly's POV~~

The shrilling and loud bell sound rang through my ears meaning the end of classes had finished. I had been waiting for this time for ages and science was just damn right boring. I quickly packed my things while Treacherous, Chantelle and Hazel crowded around my table. I walked out quickly and efficiently when our Teacher, Mr Geaney said we could leave.

"Whoa, calm down. It's only a little play date." Chantelle pointed out. I gave her a hard look.

"Yeah, but it's THE play date. I can't wait to see him again."

"Aww, little Fly has a crush." Treacherous cooed at me. I looked over to Hazel who wasn't joining the conversation and who looked like she wasn't intending to either.

"Are you okay?" I asked her concerned.

"I still don't approve in this. We will get caught, I can feel it. Do you know how much trouble we will be in Fly?" Hazel vented on. I sighed. It was like my mum all over again.

"Yes. I get it." I sighed.      

"Good. You better." Hazel said crossing her arms. I didn't get why she was so mad anyway. It wasn't like we were actually going to get caught. I'm pretty sure that if we did anyway, the school wouldn't make such a big deal about it.

We reached our room in literally a minute.

"Someone get their keys because I can't be bothered to get mine." I said while everyone started to dig through their bags to find their keys. Treacherous was the first to get them and so she opened the door. I looked at the gold clock we had hanging across the room to see that the time read eleven past three. We had to meet them in pretty much twenty minutes.

I had to wait in here for Infinity and Ella to come. Infinity and I had cars so we were going to take one of them. I had the original Mini cooper in red and Infinity had a cute, little white mini countryman.

I sat on my bed and fished out my phone from my bag and started to text Infinity because I already knew Ella was on her way. Her class was literally next to ours. Why didn't we wait for her?

Fly: I'm waiting in our dorm or should we meet up someplace else?

She replied almost instantly.

Infinity: no that's okay. I'm on my way there anyway. See you in 2. ;)

~~Chantelle's POV~~

As soon as Treacherous opened the door I sped in. I climbed up to my bed with my bag which was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be and I grabbed my nokia lumia phone from it and looked at my call log. I had only gotten two new phone calls from my Angelina which made me smile.

I decided to call her first. I tapped on her name and the phone rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello?" I could hear her voice say. She sounded way younger than she is. She is in her sixties but she sounds like a woman of twenties.

"Hi grandma." I said as sweet as I could.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doin'?" She asked me and I looked over to the other people in the room before carrying on. I decided that I would leave because I could tell I was being loud. I hopped off of my bed and started towards the door.

I opened it and closed it as soon as I was out and to a non-surprise Ella was just a few feet away from me heading towards the door with a key in hand and Infinity by her side.

I waved a slight wave over to them and they waved back with smiles as I started to wander around the place with my phone to my ear. It wasn't crowded or anything, many people were in their own dorms and stuff. We were on the room side of the school other than the classes.

"I'm doing fine actually. How about you?" I asked politely.

"Great dear, I'm feeling quite good actually. I hear you are at a new school." She said and I smiled. She always seemed to know what was happening with me. It made it more of a comfortable conversation without me having to explain so much.

"Yes actually. How do you know?" I asked.

"Are you liking it so far? Tell me something, have you made any friends?" She asked dodging my last question. I decided to brush it off because we had more important things to talk about.

"Yeah I am liking it I guess. It's really fun, I'm not gonna lie." I replied.

"Tell me more! There has got to more than that. I haven't spoken to you in a long time!" She bellowed.

"Five days isn't exactly a long time Angelina." I giggled over the phone.

"Well it is to me." She said. There was a faint noise in the background but it was constant.

"Are you driving?" I asked.

"Yes." She simply replied. She was always running errands and I really wasn't interested in hearing them now. She was probably going to go and get her nails done or go see a friend or something.

“Anyway, can I trust you with a secret?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Yeah, what’s on your mind?” She asked and I took a long deep breath before talking.

“This is going to sound really crazy and weird and stupid and I’m not actually supposed to be telling you this because I bet you now that I will be in a heap of trouble with many people if I tell you this but I am going to tell you anyway.” I said in a few breaths.

“Chantelle I know what you are going to say.” She stopped me over the phone. I giggled quietly before speaking.

“No Angelina, you don’t.” I told her knowing that there was no possible way that she could have known what I was about to say.

“Try me. You have gone to a school that you thought was going to be a regular high school for you to finish but it turned out that you were actually at a supernatural boarding school. You have a superpower in you that you had literally just discovered when you got there and now you are at a place where you are surrounded of people like you.” She backfired.

I was astonished.

And scared.

And shocked.

I tried to say something but no words ran out of my mouth. What was there to say? She had pretty much covered everything that I was going to tell her so this conversation was practically over.

“How…do you know that!?” I quizzed over the phone. Angelina chuckled a little before talking.

“Check out by your office and wait by the front of the school. I will see you in five minutes.” And before I could say or ask anything, she had hung up.

I had only just noticed my mouth was still agape so I shut it closed before anyone came along and started to think I was a weirdo-which I am but not that I would want people to be getting that first impression. Speaking of impressions, what impression do I want to give out to people? Do I want to come across as weird or wait until I’m known enough to start acting crazy? What if everyone else is crazy and then I will come off as the boring one and I am rambling on again…

I guess I was now going to the office which I had no clue where in the school it was. I sighed before I walked back into the room to see Fly, Ella and Infinity doing their hair and changing their clothes.

“Can someone show me where the office is? I need to check out” I asked to see no one jumping to my commands.

Hazel sighed before getting up from the stool she was on. “I’ll go.” She volunteered before walking out with me to the direction of the office.


I had already checked out at the office and Hazel had left two minutes ago. Angelina should be arriving here to pick me up any time now because she did say five minutes. I really need her to explain all of this. How does she know?

~~Fly’s POV~~

“I’m ready.” Ella notified us while we carried on fixing ourselves up.

“Me too.” Infinity muttered applying lip gloss evenly on her bright red lips.

“Wait a second.” I said with a hair band in my mouth. I quickly tied my hair up in a simple pony tail before grabbing my trusty side purse and following them out.

I fished out my phone from my purse and quickly went to mine and Taylor’s text log.

F: We are on our way there, see you 10 mins.

T: Okay, hurry because we need to leave.

F: What are you worrying about? The sun is blazing outside and in summer it doesn’t get dark until like 9.

T: Yeah, I know. Just hurry. Remember that you’re our tour guides. J

F: Haha, kay whatever. See u soon. :b

“Bye guys.” We all said in unison to the one’s left in the dorm before we closed the door and started hopping off to the student parking lot after we signed out by the office.

“Whose car should we take?” Infinity asked.

“Can we take yours because it’s bigger?” Ella asked. I agreed with her. My car was quite small and in need of a good clean.

“Yeah okay.” Infinity expressed before we all ran in our Vans to her Mini.

We hopped in and buckled up before Infinity sped off to the direction of their hotel room.

~~Ella’s POV~~

We reached the Holiday inn the boys were at and we walked inside finally after looking for a parking space for ages. London is always busy because of all the tourists and stuff.

I quickly looked at myself up and down before walking in with Fly and Infinity. I couldn’t wait to see Nash again even though I totally embarrassed myself in front of him last time I saw him. I will never forget that but then again it’s not like you can’t forget that. No one just forgets that they were in a coma.

“Hi can we go to room…” Fly started but had to go on her phone to remember the room number. “64?” She asked. “Please.” She added and the man at the counter smiled before dialling on a phone behind that counter of his.

“Hello? Hi, three ladies here are asking to visit your hotel room……okay I will send them in.” It’s on floor five, to your left.” He directed us and we thanked him before going into a nearby lift up to floor five.

The elevator bell made that ‘TING’ noise while opening its sliding doors so we could walk out. We walked down the corridor following the series of numbers of every suite we passed in search for the door 64.

We finally found it and we all checked ourselves before Infinity knocked on the door. We only had to wait a few seconds before a happy looking guy opened the door.

He had dark hair and dark eyes and he looked a little tan. I looked over at Infinity who was smiling over the top.

“Hi. We were just about to leave actually. Come in, we can wait a few minutes.” He stepped to the side so we could walk through. I was still looking at Infinity who looked like she just saw Niall Horan.

“I never thought this day would actually come.” She said in what she thought was a mutter when in real life it was actually loud enough for us to hear. The guy at the door started laughing while we walked into their suite.

“Hi I’m Cameron.” He introduced himself. “If you didn’t already know me.” He said looking over to Infinity who was just blushing. I smiled while Fly giggled slightly.

The room was lit up by the natural light coming from out the window and it had four beds inside. The suite was bigger than our dorm, and it was definitely roomier.

I saw Nash on a bed smiling at me. I waved over to him sending a smile back. He got up from his place and walked over to me. He lent in for a hug which I returned. It felt nice. He smelt of after shave cologne and on him, it was literally the best thing ever.

“Hey” He said while hugging me.

“Hi.” I returned and he let go.

“Sooo… are you okay? I mean referring to last time I saw you. Only if you want to answer that or should I have not have brought that up. I’m sorry; I really shouldn’t have said that rig-”

“No, it’s okay! I’m fine.” I stopped him in mid sentence. “I’m fine.” I repeated but this time it was more to myself. 


You don't know how sorry, I am for making you wait for like EVA! But I can explain, this is not what it looks like. Okay, It is exactly what it looks like! I have been spending more time on O2L Imagines. I'm sorry, I have been cheating but I think we can work this out. It was never that book, It was this one. I can be better! I CAN CHANGE! 

But the truth is, I wanted to give you guys an eight page long update but I was taking too long and I felt like I was losing you and I am sorry so I updated this short one but part two will be out soon and that is a promise. 

Yours truly,



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