DYW2KMS: Jessi Casket (Book 1...

By The_Revenant_King

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(This book needs to be rewritten. If you read it before I do please try to ignore the grammar. It is ad thoug... More

1.Change Happens
4.It All Begins Now
8.Time Out!!!
9.Nightmare Pt. 2
10.Wait What?!
11.Welcome Home
12.Just A Piece Of The P.I.E
13.Uh Oh, Spaghetti O's.
14.Who knew videos could keep secrets
15.Psycho Moment
16.New Arrivals
17.An Old Friend
18.Now a Spookster
19.Enemies Appeared
20.Nightmare Pt.3
21.A change in Perspective (Ghost)
22.Nightmare Pt. 4 (Ghost)
24.Transfer (Ghost)
25.What's with this QA? (Jimmy)
26.Acid Blood (Toast)
27.Black Veins (Ghost)
28.JOHNNY!!! (Toast)
29.A Heart to Heart (Toast)
30.Silver State (Ghost) <End>
Alters: Darks Manor

2.Madness is Contagious

76 7 0
By The_Revenant_King

I woke up to the maid screaming in my room. I have no idea what was going on but considering whose in there, I didn't wait to find out. By the time I got there, the maid was running down the hall yelling profanities and praying at the same time. Odd combination, but whatever.

The first thing I noticed was he was gone. The second was his tag, just like it was at the shop. He must have found my paint. Why did she react to this? The police wouldn't have released this to the press. The third thing was... I WAS HOLDING HIS KNIFE. I didn't realize I had grabbed it, but there it was in my hand. And god it felt good... Like I was finally in control. I was wasting time I didn't have, so before anyone could ask questions I left, ran right out the door. I ran to the only place I know he's been, but the only people at the shop were the police. Damn it!

I was on my way back home to decide what next when, BAM, I was surrounded. These people were members of that stupid gang I beat the crap out of last week. If it were a few I could do it again but this time they brought the whole damn group. Great... Timing... They were obviously out for blood. You didn't have to be physic to see that. I was starting to get a little scared. They weren't going to stop till I was dead, and all I had was a knife I couldn't properly use. But I took it out anyway. The minute they saw it, their rage became unbearable. I couldn't move. I could barely stay standing. I was terrified, and out of every one I know I chose him. It was barely a whisper. But I called to him... to Jimmy Casket.

That's when I felt someone gently take the knife from my hand. All I saw before I finally fell was a smirk. Just that smirk was enough to make my heart race. He looked around at everyone, and the longer he looked the bigger his smile got. The bigger his smile got, the faster my heart raced. It was pointless to deny what was happening. I was falling... falling hard for the man with a secret. This can't be happening AGAIN.

"Okay... You, macho man, I've got one thing to ask you." Every one of the men looked at their leader, Chris, and then back at Jimmy. I knew what Jimmy was going to ask, but they didn't. This is going to be interesting. He glanced over and winked at me, and I knew immediately that none of them stood a chance. He was complete and utterly bloodthirsty, in fact, I was surprised they weren't already dead. It made me happy to think he came, and if I'm being honest, to see him kill.

"You gonna say it or you gonna keep us waiting?" Chris was getting very annoyed, but I didn't care and neither did Jimmy. Jimmy glance once more at me but saw nothing but a familiar smirk. And realized I was just as bloodthirsty, even if I didn't know it... yet. It was as it had flicked a switch, he walked right up to Chris, still hiding the knife in his sleeve, and smiled the biggest smile ever. Leaned right up to his ear and whispered just what I knew he was going to say.

"Do you want to know my secret?" the knife was then plunged deep into Chris's heart. But he didn't stop there. It was as if he were dancing, every stroke he made with his knife was perfectly choreographed with the movement of his body. He never stood still, always moving, blocking, and killing. No one knew what was going on. And his speed, no one but me could keep up, he was faster than anything I had ever seen. In the midst of the chaos, one of the men tripped and fell on me trying to flee. In a matter of seconds and without even thinking, I felt his head in my hands, and heard his bones break, as I snapped his neck. That's when I lost it, by now I was no longer paralyzed, so I grabbed his gun and joined in. Someone had run to get reinforcements when they realized that they couldn't take him. So I focused on them while Jimmy was behind me getting the rest. Every time I pulled the trigger was like one more lock broke. Like with every person I killed I was freeing my self. Finally, I found someone I could be me with, and to heck with everyone else and morality. They can all die. When one magazine ended I pick up another gun and resumed shooting. It didn't take long, every shot I made was an instant kill. I'm pretty good with a gun. By then Jimmy had finished and the police sirens were sounding.

They were going to surround us so the only logical exit was up. So I grabbed Jimmy by the arm and dragged him to a ladder. It took him a couple seconds but he figured it out. In no time we were on the roof. I managed to shoot the ladder down right as they arrived at the scene, unfortunately, they saw, so I grabbed him once again and didn't stop till we jumped to the next roof. Jimmy had realized what I was doing, so I didn't have to drag him anymore. I let go of his arm around the third roof. I was reluctant but I still did it. We managed to jump into an open window. They're going to be checking every house, so we stole some clothes, I put my hair up, and left as soon as we could. The minute we opened the door, we saw the police. There were coming right to us. So I reacted the only way I could. I took a hold of Jimmy pushed him to the wall and kissed him.

It was like fire and ice. Time had stopped moving, and everything had disappeared except me and him. I guess that's what happens when you find someone you love. I finally pulled away when I noticed the cops were gone. Jimmy just stood there frozen. I could tell that Johnny was resurfacing again. So I took him to a hotel. It wasn't the best but it was out of the cops radar and had enough room for both of us. I was so tired from what had happened, but I was afraid to close my eyes. I didn't want to find out it was all a dream. To wake up in my room, and that none of this had ever happened. That the kiss never happened. Though it didn't take long for me to fall asleep even if I didn't want to.

"Did we really kiss?" it was all that took to wake me up. "I don't know why but I... have ... I don't know" I was stunned. I thought things that happened when he was Jimmy he couldn't remember when he's johnny. I was scared what was he going to say. I was trying to get a read on him but it was all muddied. I couldn't grasp onto anything, and He just stared. "I'll take that as a yes. Toast is going to kill me."

"It wasn't like that!" Ouch. Why did I just say that? Of course, it started out as a way for the cops not to see, but it felt like so much more. Damn what is happening here. I cant be with my brothers best friend it's just not right. "I mean it wasn't at first, I mean it wasn't for you. I mean... God Damn It why is so hard to talk to you." Johnny sat down as he tried so hard to piece things together. Its hard to see him in any way other than his usual cheerfulness. I guess that's what made me fall for him so long ago. I tried so hard to get over that crush, but here I am again head over heels. God, I am such a child.

"Johnny we were in a bit of trouble so to not get caught I might have kissed you. But it was all my idea I kissed you not the other way round." I was killing myself. Every word I said just made me feel worse. But it's the truth even if it's not the whole truth. Not to mention that its better if I don't know the whole story, and that includes my feelings. "It was all just planned. It meant nothing, you have nothing to worry about ok. It's about 5 so if you want to take a nap before dinner that's fine." He looked as if he wanted to say something but I left before he could.

I needed to get home before my grandmother starts freaking out, but I cant leave johnny alone not after this. I saw as my tears fell into the bathroom sink. The farther away I am from him the better it is for the both of us. Who knows the effect I would have on him, and I already know of his on me. I heard the door slam shut, and I knew what that meant. He made up his mind. It's just who he is, he heard me cry and left to alleviate the pain. Damn you! I... Just... I guess he solved the problem for me. I decided to just spend the night in the hotel. I was so tired I curled up in the bed and passed out. It was not a peaceful sleep.

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