Wrong Number lol

By Mystiq_Mystery

7.9K 360 82

who is this? "It's me" "ur best friend?" "u know" "besties for resties" "till deathties?" "friend till the en... More

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223 11 9
By Mystiq_Mystery

5 years later

"Are you sure you wanna go to the church dressed in that?" Camille asked her sister who wore a puffy dress that looked similar to a tutu but rather than pink, the dress stood out in multiple different colours. It was like a dress for a costume party.

"Definitely." Cassie said with pride. Camille shook her head at her older sister. Even though they were 4 years apart, with Cassie being the older one, Camille still felt like a mother to her. 

"It's a wedding, Cassie." Camille said and pulled out a white gown from her cabinet. "I think this would suit better." 

"But Cami-"

"You are wearing this dress."






"Atta girl." Camille said and tossed the gown to Cassie. Just at that moment, Ava popped her head in the girls room and came in. 

"You guys ready?" Ava asked with a sweet smile as she closed the door behind her.

"Not really." Camille said and jutted her thumb towards the rainbow in the room with a deadpanned look. 

Ava smiled at the amusing siblings. Even though Ava looked happy Camille could sense that she was also very nervous so she smiled at her encouragingly.

"It's going to be fine." Camille said and Ava scoffed. 

"Oh I'm not worried about me. Calvin's probably a stuttering mess." Ava said and Camille and Cassie laughed. 

"That's true though." Cassie said as she tried to fit her body into the gown but it was rather difficult. "What is this? Size xxs? I'm not a child!" She protested. Ava came over to try and help her but Camille gently pushed her aside. 

"No. You can not ruin your dress." Camille scolded. Ava smiled in amusement as she watched Camille try to help Cassie with her dress. 

"You're. So. Fat." Camille said as she tugged onto Cassie's dress. Cassie gasped on mock offence. 

"Excuse me, I just ate a salad for your information. I am not-"

"Cassie-" They heard someone outside knock on the door. "you in there, love?" 

The girls went silent fora moment hearing the newcomer. Cassie's face turned crimson red.

"D-DON'T COME IN!" Cassie yelled, her voice getting higher and her neck and cheeks flushed.

She heard a deep chuckle on the other side. Ava and Camille smirked at Cassie who was ready to crawl into a big hole and die. 

"I'll be downstairs." Noah said.

"Ok!" Cassie said in an overenthusiastic tone. 

Cassie stopped breathing until she heard the sound of retreating footsteps. She breathed a sigh of relief once the footsteps subsided. 

"Honestly, Cassie, why don't you just tell him?" Camille said rolling her eyes. 

"Tell him what? That I like him? As in like-like him? Hell no." Cassie said stubbornly. 

"Why not? He's cute." Ava said and Cassie subconsciously glared at her. "Hey I'm the one getting married here." She said and held her hands up in mock surrender.

"I just don't wanna ruin whatever friendship we have... the last time he asked me if I liked him, I told him we were better off as friends and I'm pretty sure he's already moved on." Cassie mumbled and fingered her dress. Ava and Camille looked at Cassie sadly. 

"How are you so sure he's moved on?" Camille asked curiously. 

"Don't you see the look he gives Daphne?" Cassie asked as if it were obvious. 

"Don't you see the looks he gives you?" Camille said and poked her shoulder. "He's in love with you, sis." 

Cassie looked at her hands in despair. "No he's not." 

Ava sat down next to her and pulled her into a side hug and let her rest her head on her shoulder. "Sweet...." she said sweetly. "Can we figure this out later- we have a wedding to catch." Cassie couldn't help but laugh. "Now there's the smile." Ava said and hugged her tightly before standing up. 

"Let's get this wedding started!" Cassie yelled but tripped on the colorful tutu lying on the ground and face planted on the carpet. "I'm ok!"

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage...." 

"After this I need to ask you something." Cassie heard Noah whisper into her ear. She shivered.

"Sure." She said and gave him a quick smile before paying attention to the priest. 

What could he possibly ask...? She wondered as she stared at the matrimony being held. 

"Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend..." 

Cassie could see Calvin wink at Ava by the altar and couldn't help but smile at how cute they were being. Ava just shook her head at him as she tried not to smile. 

".... and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish...."  

Calvin took Ava's hand gently as if she were going to fade. She tilted her head to the side curiously. He mouthed the words 'I love you' and she smiled and mouthed back 'I love me too' with a wink. He coughed trying to cover up a laugh. 

An hour later, finally, the priest says the final words "You may now kiss the bride." 

Calvin carefully lifted the white veil and revealed a very beautiful woman who was soon going to be his wife. She smirked up at him sensing him staring at her a few more seconds than necessary. He placed his hands on either side of her face a planted a soft kiss on her lips. The crowd erupted in cheers. When they finally separated, he smiled and said "I told you I'd make you mine." 

"Shut up, Belaire."

"Oh you're talking to yourself now?"  Calvin teased. 

Cassie smiled at the happy new couple but that was short-lived because she was suddenly dragged away from the scene by non other than Noah. 

"Are you okay?" Cassie asked Noah who looked as nervous as a little boy going to school for the very first time. 

"I'm great." Noah finally said as he paced in front of her. 

"You don't look so great." She said with an amused smile. Seeing him stressed out wasn't amusing her but the way he paced around like a lost boy was so cute she couldn't help but stare. 

Finally, he sighed and stood in front of her and said "I'm really sorry."

She frowned in confusion. "For what?"

"For having feelings for you.... I-I really like you, Cassie. I can't stop. I'm trying but it's really hard. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep these bloody feeling inside? It's frustrating. You're frustrating." He rambled as he held her hand. He looked into those deep blue eyes but couldn't decipher what she was feeling. "If you don't want to speak to me anymore, I understand." He said looking down like a sad puppy that was being scolded by his master. 

All Cassie could do was stare. The boy in front of her was pouring his soul out but all she could do was stare. 


"No I understand. You don't need to say it." He gave her a tight-lipped smile. 

"No, I-"

"Cassandra, it's ok."

"BOY, STOP TALKING- OH MAH GAWD." she suddenly yelled, slightly scaring Noah. "Can't a girl get a word around here?" She muttered and Noah smiled. 

"Apologies, go right ahead." He said and gestured her to speak.

"Well, Noah, if you hadn't interrupted me I would've said I think you're super adorable and that..." she trailed off when he caught her eye. "I..."

"You...?" He said and urged her to continue. She held her breath before she spoke. 

"Ilikeyoutoobutijustdontwannaruinourfriendship." She said those words so fast but Noah heard every bit.

"Our friendship will never be ruined." He said slowly and felt Cassie's hand tighten around his. 

"You don't know that." 

"I'll make sure of it." He smiled. She couldn't help but smile back. His smile was definitely contagious. 

She let go of his hand before wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his chest while his arms snaked around her waist. 

"Does this mean you like me too?" He asked.

"Why are you even asking?" She laughed. "Yes, Noah."

"Then... would you, Cassie Belaire, give me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" He asked and pulled away from the hug to see her expression. 

"Well, first, I'd like a date." She said as Noah fished something from his pocket. She looked at him curiously. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a date, love." He winked and gave her a pack of raisin like fruits. He literally gave her dates. She started to laugh.

"I love the way you think." She said when her laugh subsided. 

"Does that mean you'll say yes?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

She smiled but her smile faltered. "What about Daphne?" She suddenly asked and Noah frowned.

"Who's Daphne?"

"That girl you hang out with? The one with blue streaks in her hair?" She asked as Noah tried to remember.

"Ah yes... that's her name?" Noah wondered. "I never knew." He said guiltily. "I apologize. I don't have the brightest memory when it comes to names." Cassie just giggled. "So um... what's your answer?"

"It's a yes." She smiled and then opened the box of dates, hoping to eat some snacks as the after-party started. Sh looked in the box and her eyes widened. "Oh my god..."


She held up the date box and inside it were pictures they'd taken throughout their friendship. He smiled modestly.  "You... did this...?" She asked as she looked through the pictures like a booklet inside the box. He shrugged.

"Had some help from your siblings." He said.

"And- oh my god are these tickets to Paris?" Cassie asked her eyes widening when she reached the end of the booklet. 

"It's for the summer." He said kicking a small pebble on the sidewalk. "Do you like it?"

"I love it..." she said as she stared at a certain picture. "You're just full of surprises..." she said and looked at him from the side and smiled.

"Well I am God after all." He winked.


"Hey, where were you guys?" Cathy asked as she picked up a macron from the buffet table.

"Um... out." Cassie said and Cathy shrugged and said ok before heading towards her parents. Noah's parents were right by their table engaging conversation with the Belaire's. 

"Didn't your dad say that you were supposed to get married?" Cassie asked and picked up a cupcake from the table before moving aside to let others eat. 

"He said it could wait." Noah said as she stared at Cassie with a loving smile. "I would've waited forever."

"No you wouldn't." Cassie scoffed. "Can't contain all those bloody feelings." She mocked and Noah laughed and pulled her into his chest and nuzzled his head into her neck.

"I love you..." He whispered.

"Y-you're squeezing the cupcake, Noah." 

"Sorry, cupcake."

(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ THE END! 



AYEEEE o(≧∇≦o)


Anywhoooo this is dedicated tooooo

Kaito_Rin_the_otaku ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ

<333 thank you so much for voting and reading and overall keeping me motivated into finishing this story!!

to all my readers: ily fam (ik im cringy af)


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