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why r people so mean

what happened?

i got tripped by this b*tch 

and who is this b*tch?

im not saying any names 

that's fine

what else did she do?

oh a sh*t load of things

I don't even know where to begin

she must be one hell of a b*tch

she is

and even tho i don't show it

im kinda hurt


ok very

i always step up to her and sound confident

but dam 

people really can't read me

have you told anyone you're hurting?


why not?

because it doesnt matter

even to your best friend?

at this point i dont trust myself when im saying something personal to him


because i might blurt something out


well you could always text him?

we usually call 

we havent texted in ages

you could start?

i dont feel like it

well okay then

i wont pressure you


ur really nice...

which makes me question something


r u a 50 year old man trying to get into my pants?

...well thats totally not random

im sorry

it's just something my brother told me 

strange family you got there xD

nah it's just my brother xD


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