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you owe me something

what may that be?

an introduction 

of myself?

NooOooo oF tHe PlAnT bEsIdE yOu- yes of yourself

i dont know whats scarier; 

introducing myself or the fact that theres actually a plant beside me

lmao really?

i didn't know i swear

you're secretly stalking me arent you? >_>

noooo im not 

I don't even know who you are!

lol if you say so

getting off topic here

what do you want to know?

i need your name, age, birth date, address... etc

dam straight to the point

investigating takes too much time

you mean stalking 

i prefer investigating

wow ok

im just kidding xD

well i won't say my real name 'cause who knows what you could find with that 

lol that's okay

and im 17

born on march 26

address is classified 

oh that's cooool 

u have the same birthday as my sister-in-law

well- future sister-in-law


ur birthday's in two months!

i know

so what do you want for your birthday?



and your best friend getting together


;) didn't see that one coming did you?

shut up


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