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Noah's hand reached for his phone but just as he did, there was a knock on the door. 

"Noah, dear, the Belaire's are waiting." He heard the sweet voice of his mother calling from the other side of the door. He sighed in annoyance and grabbed his phone and checked to see if someone had texted him. A certain someone called 'Cassie'. 

Surprisingly, Noah didn't find it weird that a random girl had texted him. He was one of the most richest and popular guys in his private school; Blue Rose High. He got random anonymous texts from girls but never one's like Cassie's. He smiled at the thought of her first few texts she'd sent. A plan to steal a bunch of puppies from a puppy-eating monster. He found it adorable.

He didn't have time for silly messages but he found himself replying to her immediately even if he knew it was wrong. He could tell he was starting to like her more and more as they texted. He wanted so much to hear her voice and he made a bet with himself that she had the voice of an angel, the cutest giggle and the most beautiful smile. Alas, that was just some fantasy he'd made up. This wasn't the only problem though. 

1) Cassie has a crush on her best friend - Noah made this his motivation for diminishing his likeness for her but so far it just made him stressed

2) He was supposed to get married to someone called Belaire

He stared at his phone expecting a ping to come but it never did. Cassie was probably busy, he thought and put the phone down. He stared at his reflection on his black screened computer and messed up his soft chocolate brown hair. He pulled his signature smirk out but rolled his eyes at how stupid he looked and the smirk turned into a small smile. He sighed.

"Let's get this over with..." He muttered and stood up from his black rolling chair and made his way to his closet and pulled on a black sweater before heading downstairs.

"....- Belaire." He heard his dad say. "It's a pleasure doing business with you."

"Likewise." Another man said.

When Noah made his way down the stairs he spotted a brunette with the bluest eye's he'd ever seen. She was more focused on her feet than anything else. He assumed she was the shy type. He stopped walking for a second entranced by her beauty before his father called him out.

"Oh Noah, it's about time you joined us." His father said snapping him out of his dream state. He nodded and walked the rest of the way down.

His father held him by the shoulder and introduced him to the Belaire's.

He gestured towards a man that looked in his mid 40's. "This is Connor Belaire, a good friend of mine." He said and then gestured towards the short looking maiden that had caught Noah's eye. "This is... ah.. what's your name again, love?" 

"Cassandra. Cassandra Belaire." She said and looked up and her eyes twinkled when she spotted Noah. "Wow you are ho.... holy." she coughed. Their fathers were already headed towards the meeting room to notice Cassandra's mistake. 

Then again, she didn't sound very shy, he thought. "I'm... holy?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at her, amused by her outburst.

"Yeah, are you a catholic? You look very catholic is what I meant. I mean not all catholic's look the same. I'm not stereotyping them! It's just that you got this look..." She rambled. 

Noah chuckled.

"And laugh. It's a very beautiful catholic laugh might I say." She said and smiled at Noah.

"You are very strange, Miss Belaire." He said and looked at her beautiful eyes.

"Am I?" She asked. "I'd say you're the strange one with your very posh accent." She said saying the last part in a British accent. "And um... don't call me Miss Belaire. Cass is just fine."

Cass? He thought and frowned. "Cass, you say?"

"Yes I say." She said and tried not to laugh then her eyes darted around the living room. "Ouuu you guys have a really big pool." She said when she spotted the pool outdoors.

"Would you like to go for a swim?" Noah asked, a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Would I?" She asked and looked back at him with the same glint in her eyes.



"Whoops..." Cass muttered and was tempted to hide herself by drowning but she knew the clear waters wouldn't be able to hide her. She turned to Noah who was next to her with the same petrified expression.

"Well... we're both very much in trouble." Noah said and looked back at Cassie- to be more specific, Cassie's clothes. "You shouldn't have worn white clothes, Miss- I mean, Cass." He smirked.

"What are you-- oh.. welp." Cass looked at her obviously pink colored bra underneath her white top but she didn't look discouraged. She just shrugged. "It's just a bra, no one cares."

"On the contrary..." Noah said. "Guys love-"

"Yes. I know. I'm not dumb." She rolled her eyes. "Y'all are just desperate." She whispered. "NO ONE DESERVES ME! I AM A WORK OF ART!" She yelled and Noah started to laugh. "I AM A SEXY MAGNET!" Cass bellowed as she got out of the pool.

"A sexy magnet?" Noah asked and a loud laugh followed afterwards.

"Don't judge the sexy magnet." Cassie said and grinned and adored the way his eyes sparkled when the water reflected against the sun.

Noah blinked wen he realized a similar conversation had went between him and another Cassandra. "Cass?" He asked, already feeling his heart beginning to beat faster.

"Yeah?" She asked as she squeezed the water out from her hair.

He opened his mouth to ask something but her dad was already getting impatient. "Nothing. Just leave before you get grounded." He said and sent her a tight smile.

"Will do, lammy."

"Lammy?" He frowned.

"You shouldn't have worn white shorts." She winked. He looked down and indeed he was wearing boxers with lamb print. His face turned pink.

"I'll uh get you a towel." He said clearing his throat, averting the topic.

"Thanks." She said and walked into the living room shivering while he ran up and got a fresh dry towel and a T-shirt.

"Here." He said and wrapped the towel around her shoulders and gave her a clean shirt.

"Thank you..." She muttered. "But you can keep the shir--"

"No it's okay." He said with a smile. 

"You're sure?" She asked.


"Suit yourself..." She said and removed her white top shamelessly and put on his T-shirt. Noah just gawked at how unfazed she was by a guys presence. A moment later, he averted his eyes and blushed slightly. She heard her soft laughter and turned back. "You're so cute." He heard her mutter but he knew he wasn't supposed to hear.

"Thanks for the T-shirt, Lammy." She winked.

"No problem, Pinkie." He said smirking back at her.

They looked at each other and shared a smile before they heard Cassandra's dad calling from his car.

Cassie sighed. "Wish me luck..."

"Good luck Cass."

"Till we meet again." She said in a British accent as she walked backwards. Noah tried to hide a smile and waved goodbye to the strange girl. She turned around and resumed walking properly.

"What a extraordinary girl." Noah heard his father said with amusement laced in his tone. "I take it you've taken a liking to her?" He asked and looked at his love-stricken son next to him.

"Yes..." Noah said shyly as he watched the Belaire's car drive away. "Indeed I have..."

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