Short stories

By Little_Lee543

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Pretty much the title, I most likely will use my OCs and maybe a few characters from different animes, I migh... More

The Little Mermaid retell Pt. 1
The Little Mermaid retell pt. 2
TLMR (pt 3)
TLMR (pt. 4)
TLMR (pt. 5)
TLMR (pt. 6)
TLMR (pt. 7)
TLMR (pt. 8)
TLMR (pt. 9)
TLMR (pt. 10)
TLMR (pt. 11)
TLMR (pt. 12)
TLMR (pt. 13)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt. 14)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt. 15)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt.16)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt. 17)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt. 18)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt.19)
The Little Mermaid Retell (pt. 20) *Final Chapter*
Sparks of Hope (pt. 1)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 2)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 3)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 4)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 5)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 6)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 7)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 8)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 9)
Spark of Hope (pt. 10)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 11)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 12)
Sparks of Hope (pt. 13)
Random one shot type thing
A little NeKa one shot
Inu x Nichelle one shot
Bit of backstory
What's happening to my Sparks of Hope story
Helpless one shot!
Better than I know myself
The Dragneel Sisters!
The Heart of a Book
Is Matthew Gay or European?
Dangerous kind of love
Stay Alive (Reprise)
My Hero
The Side Only She Knew
Cell Block Tango
The Heart of a Book (pt. 3)
Not So Sleeping Beauty
Room of Answers
Meet me in the band room
I'm the one who cleans out your dream catcher
First Burn one shot
My Fairy Princess
I'm the bad guy
Work of Art
First Burn one shot (#2!!)
Slipped Through My Fingers
Haylee's capture
Fnaf continuation
*insert creative title because my mind wont work right now*
Why did i write this?!

Slipping Sanity

9 1 24
By Little_Lee543

I rubbed my red eyes which had black bags forming under them, my face fully illuminated by the computer screen. I just couldn't bring myself to close the screen. I had been writing and working on this story for the past few hours and I got so into it that I didn't realize how much time had passed.

My imagination keeps me up for days on end and every time a new idea came to mind, all I wanted to do was write about it. The crazy and sometimes horrible things that my characters did were not only fun to write, but when I read them over I was able to see and feel everything that they were. The characters that I created were more than just fictional people. They became apart of me.

Nichelle was my cruel side which I don't like to admit that I have. I try my best to hide it, but every so often it comes out. It is the most misunderstood side of me. The one I usually kept in the dark, but every so often, someone would stumble across it.

Axe was my driven and calculated side. The side that most people feared about me, for once I make a promise or have an idea, I do not give up until I fulfil that promise. This may be good at times, but it leads me into trouble at times. People see that side of me and immediately steer clear.

Lupus is my happy go lucky side, the one that most of my friends know and love. Once you gain my trust, I become a bright and bubbly person that's very hard not to get along with. Even if you are a very disagreeable person.

Luna is my cold and focused side. This side comes out often in my school life. Whenever I'm given a project with others or when I'm with someone I don't know, this was the side that I showed. The emotionless one with only one goal in mind. This side of me didn't have time for fun and games.

Ella is my selflessness and childishness. This side of me very few people know about, only a few close friends and my family. This was the part of me that loved seeing happy endings between people, even if bringing a happy ending to others did not give me happiness. I just overall really enjoy seeing others happy.

Jax is my silent and awkward side. The side that most people see when they observed me from afar. Silent is the only word they can really use to describe me. Never raising my hand in class, never doing my best to keep a conversation going, and always messing up when the teachers call on me unexpectedly.

Matthew is my shy side. The one that all of my teachers witness. Always getting flustered when asked my opinion on something and trying my best not to cause a ruckus. Always stuttering during presentations and when giving an answer. This is something that some teachers admire and others despise.

Kyle is my mischievous side. Only my siblings and one or two others know about this side. Secretly, sometimes I do want to sneak out of my house and do something fun. Other times I want to prank someone to death. These thoughts normally don't get very far because that's when my Matthew side comes in and tames his twin.

Alicia is my pride and judgemental side. I try not to be, but I can't help it. I am prideful in my work. Even though people's compliments make me blush, I can't help but yearn for more. I have been judged all the time on my looks and because rumors were spread about me. Because of that, I started doing the same because I was surrounded by it. I'm not proud of it, but it is still a part of me. One that I am trying to get rid of it.

Lynx is my polite side. This was another side that most adults see everyday and enjoy me for it. I always did my best to be polite to others. Yes, even when people annoy the crud out of me which is no easy task. Especially in the school I go to.

Athena is my motherly side. I have many younger children in my life that I have to care for and through that, I've gained a strong sense of compassion and responsibility. I use these gifts to care for both my friends and family.

Lastly was Haylee. It was hard to describe what Haylee was or really did for me. Haylee had a little bit of everything that I had and I could relate with her the most out of all of my other creations, not that I enjoyed them any less. Haylee was just the glue that brought all of the others together.

There was a piece of me within every character that I created and I love and care for them all, but it was days like this that they drove me mad. I have been awake for most of the night, not being able to go to sleep because all I wanted to do was continue the story that I had been writing. The one that I poured my heart and soul into. The one that explained the creation of my characters.

I stared ahead, the pitch black of the night outside made me sigh to myself.
"Admin. Stop looking over there and focus on us," A sultry feminine voice rang out, making me jump and whip my head around with wide eyes, wondering where the sound had come from.

"Yeah, c'mon. Who needs school anyways?" This time it was a male's voice that spoke. It was strong, but had a teasing tone to it.
"Quiet down. We don't want to alert too much attention to ourselves." It was a monotone voice this time.

A lump formed in my throat and my palms became sweaty. My anxiety was getting to me, but I didn't have time to really take care of it. My breathing came out in soft pants as I continued looking around, trying to find out who was speaking. Is someone in my room? What are they planning? Are they trying to hurt me?

I then shook my head, thinking that it was just my sleep deprivation. My mind was probably playing tricks on my. I needed to stop doing this. I'm starting to go mad.

But then I heard it again.

"Dear Admin, is something the matter?"

Another male voice and it was calculated and mysterious. It reminded me of... no. That was impossible. There was definitely someone in my room and I had no idea what they wanted.
"M-mom!" I finally called out. It was probably just me. My mother was used to this sort of thing. She knew how to calm me down after an anxiety attack. I began to get out of bed before hearing another voice speak.

"M-miss Admin, p-please don't get scared. It's j-just us."

"Yeah Admin! Did you hit your head or something? If you did, I know a spell that'll patch you right up!"

My mind was going a million miles per second and I began to panic even more. I didn't know who the voices belonged to nor where they were coming from. Hell, I didn't even know if they were real. Each one reminded me of someone, but it just wasn't possible.

"Uh oh guys! She's having a panic attack! We have to do something to help calm her down!" One voice, which sounded oddly like my own commanded.

"Everyone, I think we scared the poor girl enough. Let's let her sleep."

With those words, the room became silent except for my soft panting and the light wirr of the fan above my head.

I quickly shoved my laptop off of my bed and pulled my blankets over my head, squeezing my eyes shut. This did nothing to help my anxiety and I remained awake the whole night.

The next morning I told my mother about what I had heard, but she seemed to wave it off as just a dream and that I needed to relax.

That was not the last time I heard these voices. They continued to haunt me even after my mother told me and they only became worse. I started hallucinating, seeing my characters standing beside other people. They would talk to me and I would ask others if they saw it. They all looked at me like I was crazy, but I knew that I wasn't.

I started losing friends, one by one because they thought I was going nuts. Even my closest friends left me... the ones who promised that they wouldn't... they promised...

One day I was doing my homework in my room and Athena was standing beside me, trying her best to help me until I finally snapped.

"Why do you continue to torture me like this! Everything thinks that I'm crazy! I lost all of my friends because of you! They're all scared of me now! It's not just you, it's all of you! Why are you here! How are you even alive? It's not possible!" I screeched before throwing my pencil off to the side and gripping at the sides of my head.

Haylee walked over to me and placed her hand onto my shoulder, but I shoved it away and pulled at my hair. "What if I really am going crazy? Oh my gosh! What do I do!" I yelled as my pupils dilated.

I heard loud feet running towards my room until the door slammed open. It was my mother and father and they were both staring at me, worried looks present on their faces.

My father walked over to me slowly and I could see Athena give him a sharp stare. That's right... Athena wasn't very fond of men, mainly because she was abused by her own father once her mother left.

As much as I hated them at the moment, I didn't want them to suffer. I was able to calm myself down enough to say, "D-dad. Don't come any closer. Athena is here and she doesn't really like men."

My father shot my mother a look when he heard my response, but he stopped walking towards me and sat down. "We need to have a talk. Aren't you a bit old to have these imaginary friends?" he asked and I sighed deeply while running my fingers through my hair.

"They're not imaginary and I don't know if I could really call them my friends," I said while shooting Nichelle and Alicia a sharp look. "They're characters from my stories. They're here, in this room. I don't know how it's possible, but that's what's happening."

My father was about to speak again, but I cut him off. "I'm not going crazy! They're here and they have provided much more emotional support than you and mom have!" I snapped while hugging my knees. "Ever since my friends left me they have been the only people supporting! All you ever do is brush my problems aside and say, 'it's just a phase. You'll be fine and you'll find more friends.'" I said mockingly, rage boiling inside of me.

This time, my mother spoke. She placed a hand onto my father's shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look. "We're not here to fight with you about it. We have a doctor here though who wants to take a look at you."

My breath hitched and my eyes went wide. A doctor... a whitecoat. My friends couldn't handle that. My mother and father stepped away from the door to reveal...

He had that same evil smile on his lips and his eyes ran over my face. I let out an ear piercing screech and scrambled backwards along with most of the other experiments. "No! How are you here? How can they see you!" I yelled. "You're not real! You shouldn't be here! They shouldn't be able to see you!"

My mother quickly walked over to me and tried to comfort me, but I quickly crawled away from her. "You don't understand! He shouldn't be alive!"

Axe gave me a sadistic smirk (which my parents seemed to have not notice) before turning to look at my parents. "She's not in a good condition. She is going to have to come with me for a while. You will be able to visit her, but she won't be able to come home."

My parents gave a sad nod. "Anything that will help her," my father said softly.

"Please come with me, little Admin." (Another thing that they didn't seem to notice. He didn't call me by my real name...) Those sharp red eyes bore into my own and I freaked.

"Don't let him take me! He's not here to help! He'll kill me!" I cried out hysterically, but Axe and my father grabbed me before dragging me out, kicking and screaming.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!"

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