Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how...

By xXGalaxieXx

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"I told you, can't feel right!" The feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster jolted your stomach as yo... More

Falling In
Going Out
Out of Reach
You had Doubts
He Decided to Help
You Tried as Well
He Wouldn't Accept it
Your Heart Started to Swell
The First Sparks
They Formed a Fire
Were You Going Insane?
The Flames Rose Higher
Rainy Weather
It was Only a Dream
The Journey was Rough
Things Weren't What They Seemed
He was Confused
You Were Too
You Wanted to Say Something
But What Could You Do?
You Were Ready to Leave
It Was Then He Confessed
Secrets Remained
They Were Kept for the Best
The Dust Had Settled
It Was All Okay
Hope Shone Through

It Was Here To Stay

3.6K 130 221
By xXGalaxieXx

-Your POV-
You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. Groggily, you turned on a light and grabbed your phone and looked at the screen. Someone was calling you. Reluctantly, you pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" you murmured.

"Is this (Y/N)?" the voice on the phone asked, and you immediately recognized that it was Toriel.

You perked up, excited. "Yes! It's me. How are you?" you asked.

"I'm doing just fine," she chuckled. "Anyways, I was thinking that maybe you'd like to come over to my place? To see Flowey, of course. Frisk is here too, and they're curious about you," Toriel offered.

"Of course, that would be great! What time?" you asked, feeling your heart flutter just at the mention of Flowey.

Toriel answered, "Whenever you're available. I don't want to rush you. I know you just got back to the surface, dear. It must have been exhausting."

"Maybe we could invite some of Frisk's friends too," you said. "I would really like to get to know them. And I'm available pretty much anytime. It's Saturday, and I'm excused from everything so that I can relax."

"Great idea," she replied happily. "Is noon a good time? I'm making some butterscotch-cinnamon pie, and it'll be ready by then. We could have lunch, too."

You nodded, even though you knew she couldn't see that. "That would be great!"

"Do you need me to pick you up?" Toriel asked.

You snorted slightly. "I'm not a nine year old. I'll just walk. It's a beautiful day," you told her, glancing out the window to see the sun shining down upon everything.

"Suit yourself," she replied. "Well, I'll see you then. Goodbye."

"Bye!" you said cheerfully, now fully awake. You were excited to see Flowey, even though you had only been apart for less than twenty-four hours. You stretched lazily in your bed and opened the windows, breathing in the cool, fresh air. You checked the time on your phone. It was 9:30. You usually didn't sleep this late, but you weren't really surprised that you had slept in.

You got up and got dressed, putting on shorts and a T-shirt since it was so nice outside. You tied a jacket around your waist just in case it got chilly. After that you went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and breakfast. After you were finished, it was only 10:00.

You filled up the next hour by answering your friends' texts and chatting a little. It was relaxing. You were glad to be back, and even though you weren't a big fan of school, you were kind of excited to get back. Your family had said good morning to you but hadn't pestered you, which was appreciated.

When it was finally 11:40, you decided you had better get going. Toriel had given you her address and your phone had calculated that it would take about fifteen minutes to get there. You were kind of surprised that you ended up living so close, but pleasantly so.

The weather was nice and you enjoyed the cool breeze. It felt kind of weird to be walking down such familiar streets after being caged up in a hole for a while, but it was nice. You could hear birds chirping, another thing that you had missed.

You almost skipped Toriel's house, having to walk back once you realized the house numbers were higher numbers than that of Toriel's house. Sighing, you turned around and walked back, quickly finding it. It was a cute one story house with a tidy garden. You walked up the door and rang the doorbell.

"Oh, hello, (Y/N)!" Toriel opened the door almost instantly.

"Hey," you smiled, looking behind her for Flowey.

Toriel chuckled. "Sans and Papyrus are here as well," she told you, and you nodded, still smiling. You were excited to get to know them. "And Flowey's been waiting for you."

You blushed.

"Come on in," Toriel said cheerfully, opening the door and letting you step inside. It was a nice house. "Make yourself at home. The others are in the dining room."

"Thank you," you replied, walking through the hallway to what looked to be a kitchen. You turned the corner and saw Flowey, Frisk, Sans, and Papyrus in the dining room, waiting for you. You locked eyes with Flowey, and your heart fluttered. Flowey.

Sans waved. "Heya," he said casually, smiling.

"Hi," you replied, looking for a seat. Frisk suddenly got up and dragged a chair over from the kitchen, pulling it forwards until it was right next to Flowey's. You smiled at them and sat down. "So, you know about... us?" you guessed awkwardly, gesturing to Flowey.

Frisk shrugged. She looked about eleven or twelve years old. "Who doesn't?" she chuckled.

Your face flushed, and Flowey's did too.

"I've got some butterscotch-cinnamon pie," Toriel walked into the room, carrying a dish with a sweet smelling pie. You smiled.

"So..." Flowey murmured, smiling sheepishly. "How are things?" he asked.

You met his gaze. "Good. I, uh, I missed you, though," you admitted, feeling your lips perk up in a smile.

"Me too."

Everyone sat and ate, chattering and joking. You felt happy for the first time since you had come home. Not that you were unhappy, it was just... life seemed a little boring. After you were accustomed to the adventures of the Underground, you wanted more. You wanted more in life.

Dragging you back the present, the doorbell rang, and a minute or so later, Undyne and Alphys came into the room, greeting everyone.

"Ohmygod!" Alphys squealed when she saw you and Flowey. She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry, you two are just adorable together!"

You blushed wildly, and Flowey did too.

Undyne snorted. "Alphys has been waiting to meet you all day," she said, putting her arm around Alphys's shoulder. She nuzzled up against Undyne, and you guessed that they were together.

"Come take a seat," Sans offered, dragging two chairs across the floor and stopping once they were at the table. They both did, and the playful chatter continued.

You found yourself smiling the whole time.

The little get together continued until dusk, and gradually everyone started leaving. You stayed though, sit wanting it to end. Finally, it was just you, Frisk, and Flowey.

"Wanna go get some fresh air?" Frisk suggested, and you agreed.

The sky was beautiful. Orange and purples blended together like a watercolor painting, and the stars that were beginning to dot the sky looked like someone had sprinkled glitter over the whole thing. It was then you realized how much you had missed the sky. It was a perfect night.

You sat in the grass, plucking blades out and flicking them away. Flowey sat next to you, and you were almost touching.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Frisk murmured, looking at the sky.

"It sure is," Flowey answered. You felt him lean against you, and you smiled.

Gazing across the night sky, you gasped as a shooting star streaked across it, its tail long and white. "Did you see that?" you asked, glancing at Flowey.

"Wh... what was it?" Flowey asked, his eyes wide.

"It was a shooting star," Frisk answered. "They're kinda rare, and people usually make wishes on them."

Flowey looked back up at the sky. "Can I make a wish?" he asked.

"No one's stopping you," you chuckled.

He took in a breath. "I wish... I just want everyone to be okay. I wish that there are no more wars between monsters and humans, and that this turns out alright. I hope everyone can forgive the things I've done in the past. I hope they can see that... I've realized that life is a valuable thing, and I couldn't bear destroying it. I hope they can see that... that (Y/N) changed me. (Y/N) taught me how to feel."

You scooted closer to Flowey, and suddenly vines sprung up from the ground, embracing you. You hugged him back and planted a kiss on his cheek. He flushed, and you smiled. You could head Frisk giggling in the background, but you didn't care. This was your moment.

"I love you," Flowey whispered.

"I love you too."

-Author's Note-
There you have it. Thank you all so much for all the support. It's really helped me. You have no idea. These past months of my life have been a wild ride, but seeing that people cared about what I had to offer to the world helped me get through all of that. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all. Completing a story and having hundreds of people read it and react to it is a beautiful thing that I hope every writer gets to experience. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity.

I don't really know how to wrap this up, but since I've been going through some times of doubt I want to offer everyone else who might be some support. Things get better, and there are people who love and care about you. The world can be a cruel place, but there are beautiful things in life that make it worth living. Like you. You are beautiful, and know that I love you and appreciate you.

Thank you so much, again, for supporting me along the way and reading the story. It really means a lot to me. See you next time <333333

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