The Dragon Awakening

Oleh MariahBrotzman

187 3 1

Lebih Banyak

The Dragon Arise


32 1 0
Oleh MariahBrotzman


                It was a dark, damp cell underground. The walls were slimy with goo. A young women sat slumped against the wall. She had long, black hair down to her shoulders. There were dark shadows under her eyes and her face was sunken in from hunger. Her gray dress was ripped and torn from days of wearing it. The dress was covered in dried mud and crusted with blood.

              A moment went by and then SLAM! The door was pushed open. Standing in the opening was a short man covered by shadows. An evil grin spread across his ace as he gazed down at the women.

"Hello, my prisoner," He said, with a cold, cruel laugh.

"Shut up," The women spat.

"Tut, tut. Watch the attitude. I came to give you some good and bad news." He scolded her.

"What would....that be?" The women asked.

"Good news: I brought you supper." He stated.

"The bad news?" The women asked.

"Bad news for you is: your childeran are going to come to try to find you . They won't get past me though." He said coldly.

"No, never." She growled.

The man dropped the plate of chicken noodles in front of the women. He laughed cruelly before exiting the room. The door slammed shut again, leaving the room in total darkness.

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