Pregnant by a zombie (a zombi...

Oleh thegirlybooks

195K 2.5K 689

[FINISHED]When Addison and Zed sneaks out to have fun, zed mistakenly gets Addison pregnant. How would everyo... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 2

9.3K 119 14
Oleh thegirlybooks

                      Zed's POV

I sat at the lunch table and wondered to myself. Why would Addison run off like that?

It's been 30 minutes and she's still not back. I'm starting to get worried.

"Zed!" Eliza called. "What?" "Where's perfect princess gone?"
"I don't know."

I got up from my lunch table and went to look for her. I have to be sneaky because zombies aren't allowed everywhere like humans. We're lucky we can eat in the cafeteria.

First I checked the gymnasium just in case she had cheerleading practice but she wasn't there.

Then I checked the class that she had last because who knows, she probably forgot something. Still no Addison here.

I checked her locker, outside, the zombie safe room, all the hallways but she wasn't there.

I walked back into the cafeteria expecting her to be sitting at our lunch table but she wasn't. I sat down.

"Did you find her?"
"No." "So you've checked everywhere?"
"Yes." "Are you sure?"
"Eliza! I said yes."  She didn't speak after that.

A few minutes after, I felt this weird feeling as if I lost something. And not like anything, but I felt like I lost something important. Like when you loose something you love.

Eliza elbowed me and forced me to look up. There was Addison. Walking in with a bright smile on her face.

A wave of relief came over me. She sat down. "Sorry, I took so long but I'm back."

"Where were you?" "I was-" she paused for a moment. "I- uh.. it's not important."

What is Addison not telling me? We tell each other everything. That feeling came back. Does she not want to be my girlfriend anymore?

Lunch was over and Addison was walking next to me. "Addison." She looked at me, her eyes so beautiful, her smile full of joy. "Do you not want to be my girlfriend anymore?" Her smile faded. "Why would you think that?" "Because I'm a zombie and you're a human. And you didn't tell me where you were."
"Zed. The reason I didn't tell you was because it actually not important. Bucky just wanted to speak with everyone about cheerleading. I love you Zed." She kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you too, Addison."

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