I Didn't Ask For This Life (K...

By Purplepulu

86.3K 3.7K 782

++This fic has been dropped as of 2/7/19. A rewrite of it with the same name has been published so please rea... More

My New Life As Sawada Tsunayoshi
Home Tutor Reborn!
FIGHT With My Dying Will!
A New Puppy
The Broken Rain
The Crybaby Cow
Poison Pizza, Anyone?
A Flicker of Hope?
A Glimpse of Hell
The Carnivorous Skylark
The Dateline Draws Near
Special Chapter: A Mother's Love
The Calm Before The Storm
Onwards to Battle
The Kokuyo Gang
The Misunderstood Mist
Hyper Dying Will Mode
A High-Risk Deal
Pineapple Dream
The Other Half of The Mist
No Time Left
Mysterious Figure
Not Really An Update...('-')


3.1K 137 18
By Purplepulu


Sorry the last chapter was a little dark. Fear of the unknown turns people into monsters. We always want to find someone to blame for our problems; be it God or another person.

Anyway, I'm going off point here. Here's a light-hearted chapter for you guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Thanks so much for your votes and comments!!<3


-Tsuna's POV-

I couldn't sleep a wink after that. Who could? Not after remembering that excruciatingly painful memory from the distant past that I thought I've long forgotten.

Seeing how the sun is already up, I decided trying to go back to sleep again would be pointless. So I got dressed and ready for school before walking out the doors for an early morning stroll to calm myself down. The morning air is crisp and the sun is shining warmly onto me, filling me with its warmth.

I breathed in a breath of fresh cool air and for a moment, let my body relax in its comfort. Since it was early in the mornings, there was not a person in sight in the neighborhood. There was only silence in the air with a occasional chipping of the birds in the skies. I take in this serene sight before me and sighed in content.

These past few days has been filled with constant events happening till I don't even have a moment to myself. But I won't say that all is bad. I find myself quite enjoying the company of Yamamoto and Gokudera. Even though they are constantly bickering, the voices of people surrounding me is a nice feeling compared to when I was alone before.

Of course, that doesn't mean I don't need some time alone to myself occasionally.

Additionally, my dreams of the past have become more frequent lately ever since the hitman came into my home. I don't think much of these dreams except that it could be a sign of trauma or fear but something tell me that that is not the case. Could they mean something else? If so, I wish these dreams could talk to me directly instead of plundering me from my precious slumber.

I was too into my thoughts that I didn't notice the sound of running footsteps coming from around the corner. Thus, I did not manage to react in time and accidentally collided into a brick wall, sending me onto my butt.

Wait-no. Not a wall, but a person. The person didn't even move at all even as I bumped into him hard but stood there unmoving like a stone.

"Oops! So sorry! Didn't see you there!" A rough voice said and a hand was extended out towards me.

I looked up at him and saw that it was none other than Sasagawa Ryohei. I accepted his hand and he pulled me up with no effort at all.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"OOOHH!!" He suddenly yelled, startling me. "You're Sawada!"

"Yes....I am...." I answered hesitantly, unsure of what he meant by that.

"AWESOME!! I wanted to talk to you!"

I winced at the loudness of his voice. 'Seriously, can't he tone it down a little? My eardrums are hurting....'

"SAWADA!! JOIN THE BOXING CLUB!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, his eyes burning with fiery passion.

"No." Was my immediate answer.

But he was unfazed by my answer. "NO!" He shouted. "You HAVE to join the boxing club! You'd be EXTREMELY prefect for it!" He got right up to my face and clutched both my hands in his. "Come! Let's go right now!" He yelled and started sprinting towards the school.

"H-HEY!" I yelled but his grip was strong against my wrist and I have no choice but to be dragged along with him.

In minutes, I find myself in front of the school gates. It was still early morning and the only people streaming in are the ones who have morning activities.

I bend down and panted in exhaustion. I have never run that fast before in my life and it was for no apparent reason at all. Ryohei turned to me with admiration in his eyes, his hand still not letting go of my wrist.

"OOOHHH!!! You're just what I expected! You even managed to keep up with my extreme speed! You extremely need to join the boxing club right now!!" He yelled and proceeded to pull me towards the building where all the extracurricular activities are held at.

"W-Wait Sasagawa-san!" I tried to protest but his persistence was too much for me to handle.

"No need for formalities! Call me Ryohei!" He gave me a thumbs up and I was stunned by his cluelessness.

"Onii-chan!" A cute voice called out towards us.

Kyoko-chan ran towards us with two bags in her arms. "Mou Onii-chan! You forgot your bag again!" She chided.

"Haha! Sorry about that Kyoko!" Ryohei sheepishly laughed and scratched his head.

I sighed happily. 'Well, at least this day isn't all that bad... At least, I got to see Kyoko-chan.'

She noticed me standing there and gave me a beaming smile that almost blinded me. "Ah! Tsuna-kun! I hope my brother isn't bothering you too much." She bowed politely.

"A-Ah....N-No. He isn't!" I waved my hands in a fluster, wincing inwardly at my stupid stutter.

"Of course I'm not Kyoko! I just want Sawada here to join my boxing club!"

"Mou Onii-chan! Stop hounding people to join your club!" She pouted and then turned to me.

"Sorry Tsuna-kun. I know how persistent my brother is. Let me know if he keeps bothering you." She smiled again, a shy one.

My heart melted at the sight of her smile. 'She's just so cute when she smiles....' I swept a glance at her brother. 'I wonder how such a cute girl could have an extreme brother like him....' I sighed.

The school bell rang while we're still standing there at the gates and I notice an annoyed Skylark coming our way.

Seems like Ryohei noticed it too because he gave me a wave before dashing away.

"See you after school at the club Sawada!!" He yelled as he ran.

'But I never agreed to it!' I wanted to scream but refrain from doing so because Kyoko-chan is still with me.

"It's been a while since I saw Onii-chan with such a happy expression on his face. I don't know what you did but thank you Tsuna-kun." She bowed before heading towards the school building.

I did too but not before escaping a deadly swipe from the prefect's tonfa and then running off into the safety of the classroom. I faintly heard a annoyed 'Tsk' as I ran. Guess I managed to escape another day of sparing with the Skylark. I bet he's definitely not happy about that.


After school ended, I found myself standing in front of the boxing club's doors, debating whether to go in or not.

What Kyoko-chan said just made it even harder for me to reject Ryohei's offer to his club. I REALLY don't want to go but I'm afraid of letting Kyoko-chan down.

As I stood there thinking, the doors suddenly opened and Ryohei stood there.

"OHH SAWADA! I knew you'd come! A man never backs down on their promises!" He yelled passionately.

'But I never made any promises! Urgh! Talking with him is exhausting....'

I didn't offer any resistance as he dragged me into his club where a few members were already inside and practicing.

"Hey guys! This is Sawada Tsunayoshi. He's going to be joining the boxing club from today onwards!" He shouted excitedly.

'Don't just decide that on your own!' I yelled in my head. This is nuts! Never in all my reincarnated lives have I ever met such a persistent, stubborn person who live life at his own pace. I'm absolutely flabbergasted at his behavior and am unsure as to how to deal with this type of person at all. Just talking to him won't work as I've tried and failed. Maybe I need a different approach....

"Sasagawa-senpai?" I called for his attention.

"Oh! What is it Sawada?"

"I'm not going to join the boxing club." I stated.

"NO CAN DO SAWADA!!" He shouted. "We EXTREMELY need you in the boxing club!"

As expected, talking is not going to solve this. He dead set on wanting to recruit me in his club.

"If words aren't getting through, why don't you use action?" A high nasally voice said from behind me.

I turn around to face an infant in boxers with a elephant hat on his head, with another green elephant on top of it.

"MASTER PAOPAO!" Ryohei greeted.


"Sawada! Let me introduce to you Master PaoPao. Upon hearing your reputation, the Elder Of Muay Thai came here all the way from Thailand to see you. How EXTREMELY popular you are Sawada!"

'Elder Of What? From where?' I'm not even fooled for a second. That is definitely Reborn in that stupid elephant costume. What is he planning?

"Come on Sawada! Let's spar! That's the best way to judge your boxing skills!"

'What! No way! I've never boxed before. But then again, maybe this could work in my favor.'

"Okay. But, if I beat you in a boxing match, will you promise to leave me alone?" I suggested.

"OHHH! A boxing match! What an extremely manly way to settled this! Sure!!" He pumped his fist in the air in excitement and jumped into the ring.

I followed after, wondering what did I just gotten myself into. I've never box before nor have I watched anything related to boxing. I only knew that the fighters hit each other with boxing gloves in the ring until one of them is down. Is that right?

Well, nevertheless, as long as knock him unconscious, that should count as a win.
I think?

Someone handed me a pair of boxing gloves and I slip them on as well as the headgear that they insist I wear. Ryohei only put on the gloves, not bothering with the headgear. I guess he doesn't need that. That shows how much confidence he has in himself to fight without protection.

We each stood in our corner of the ring and got into our fighting stance. Silence ensues as we stared at one another, looking for an opening.

He is good, I'll give him that. Well toned muscles, abs and all, even his fighting stance leaves no openings at all. I guess that's why he's called the 'Boxing Champion' in Namimori. He definitely deserves that title.

But I'm not giving in that easily either. No matter what, I'm staying in the 'Going-Home club' for the rest of my school days. I'm definitely not going to join his boxing club.

Seeing me preoccupied with my thoughts, he saw an opening and went for it.

"EXTREME RIGHT!!" He yelled and threw a punch with his right arm. I easily sidestepped to the left but he wasn't letting up. Withdrawing his arm with such speed that astounds me, he threw another punch at my head. I quickly raised my arms to my head to block his rain of punches. Even though I succeeded in blocking his punches, my arms sting due to the force of his punches. It's like being hit with a hammer. And I should know how it feels like since I've been constantly hit by one.

"EXTREME UPPERCUT!" He stopped his punches and did an upward punch that might have knocked me out if I wasn't wearing the headgear. My surroundings went blur for a second and my I felt a wave of dizziness swam over me. I quickly backed up from him in order to get my bearings; he knew what I was doing and smiled. He knew that he's overwhelming me and I'm at a disadvantage.

But I'm not giving in so easily just yet. I backed up till the edge of the ring, trying to get some space between us. I absolutely do not want to get hit by his punches again.

He came rushing at me, cocking his right arm back, he aim for a punch. I saw that coming and instead of dodging to the sides, I jumped. I timed it so that when he threw his arm forward in a punch, I would be in the air. I grabbed his arm and used it to propel myself behind his back. Before he has the chance to turn around, I did a roundhouse kick to his head.

One hit and it's over. I put enough force behind my kick to throw him out of the ring and into the wall. But I'm sure he's fine. His body can take the hit; I intentionally aimed for his head in order to knock him out.

"Ryohei's out." Reborn-Master PaoPao-announced.

I blew a breath of relief once the fight is over and proceed to check on the boxer. To my amazement, he got up from when he collapsed with a wide smile on his face.

"EXTREMELY AMAZING SAWADA!" He yelled. I'm the one who was amazed. He doesn't seem worn out by the fight earlier at all. It's astounding to see him even standing after taking my kick full force.

"As promised, I'll not be joining your club Sasagawa-senpai." I reminded him.

He seemed crestfallen but reluctantly nodded.

I proceed to walk out the door triumphantly when he stopped me.

"OHHH!!I'll not give up! I failed to get you to join my club today but tomorrow will be different! I'll get you to join the boxing club one of these days, Sawada!!" He yelled passionately.

I felt sweat dropping on my head as I walked out of that room, never to look back.

'Well, looks like I've picked up another weirdo.'


"Fighting is not good Prince. You must always be calm and composed. Violence is never the answer."

"Shut up Knuckle-nii. Don't preach to me about fighting. You're only a few years older than me, plus I know you're the undefeated 3-minute champion in boxing. Not sure why you stopped though, you could have made a living with boxing as your career but you gave it all up to become a priest. How boring...." I yawned.

We were out in the gardens, relaxing. It was a peaceful day and the two of us were lying on the grass, enjoying the cool breeze in the air. This was one of the few peaceful times we have together. Knuckle was like a older brother to me. A confidant and a close friend. I enjoyed every moment I have with him, albeit short.

"Prince, you know the reason why I gave it all up and I don't regret it one bit. Being a priest has its benefits y'know." He smiled, not in the least insulted by my comments.

"Yeah? Like what? I don't see how great it is to stay in the church all day and talk about some non-existence God to old grannies and uncles."

Again, instead of being insulted, he chuckled. "Well, for one thing, I get to spend more time with you."

I froze. "I can't believe you said something so cheesy...." I muttered.

He chuckled again. "Just wanted you to know how much being with you means to me li'l bro."

"I know." I felt my cheeks turn red and quickly turned away.

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