Jealousy ||⚣ ~Namseok


12.6K 476 190

"Hello. I'm Kim Namjoon." The guy said coldly with a lollipop in his mouth, turning it a few times. -/- Sta... More



4.5K 115 87

6:30 ..

I look out of my window, seeing the sun rise up after all these hours I've been staying awake. I needed to finish my homework but damn, it took a lot of time. I didn't have any time left for sleep. I closed my laptop and put my books into my school bag. My bag was black and it had pretty & colorful flowers on it. I liked colorful and fluffy things. That's why I have thousands of stuffies on my bed, oops.

I poked my pens with wobbly kittens on top of them in my pencil case and in return I picked one of my baby-blue pencils out of it. I opened my drawer and slipped my diary out of it. It had all kinds of pretty things on it. It was pastel colored and it had many fluffy things on it.

I opened it to the last page I had written yesterday. I wrote down the date and time.

Saturday, 6:43 p.m.

Hi there diary.
Today there's gonna be a new guy joining my class.
I really look forward to it!
I hope I can be friends with him... Maybe he's even gonna be a hottie..
Haha, I never know!
Maybe it's like a real swagger, with a leather jacket and he gets annoyed by everyone.
Or it's a Uke...** Oh god, that would also be pretty fun! We would talk about boys together!
Well, I'm gonna eat breakfast and get ready for school, I'll write in you later!

Your Hope.

I picked a pastel colored hoodie, the middle color was pastel green, one sleeve was baby blue and the other sleeve was pastel pink. It had the words 'baby boy' written on it and I matched it with blue jeans who had two rips at the knees. I had white socks under it with platforms which had fluffy colors. I ruffled my pink hair a bit and smiled.

*{An uke is a guy who's a guy who's a bottom and they can be really fenimine but ofcourse they don't have to be like that, every 'uke' has different personalities.}*


"Goodmorning cats~Snowy and Blackberrie! And ofcourse, goodmorning my rats, Iko and Ichoto." {Lmao, I'm sorry I didn't know any names so I just chose these and I'm sorry if you don't like rats, I love them.}

I waved and patted my kitties heads while they layed on my big bed. I picked both of my rats out of their cage and they calmly crawled to my shoulders. I walked out of my room, taking my bag with me. I stepped on the stairs and walked down one by one. I laid my bag in the hallway and I stepped into the kitchen to see my little sister with my dad.

"Goodmorning Laura, dad!" I said happily.

"Goodmorning Hoseok, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah! I slept like an angel." I said with a big smile, not wanting to worry my dad since I didn't sleep at all.

I sat down at the eating table and I ate my sandwich. I slipped my iPhone out of my jean pocket and scrolled through my Instagram. I had pretty many followers and I'm mostly known for my personality at school and my Instagram, ofcourse. I don't really do much, I just pose and someone takes pics for me.

I walked back upstairs and put my rats back into their cages, giving them more water.


7:30 ᗩ.ᗰ.

"Bye dad, bye Laura!" I said while giving them both a kiss on their forehead.

I put my earphones into my iPhone and put on some music. I lived kinda close to my school, I only had to cycle for a bit. I slipped my red dragon bomber jacket on and I slung my bag onto my back. I waved to my little sister and dad and gave them a soft smile while they smiled back.

I walked out of the door and closed it. I picked my bike and slipped my keys into it. I slowly stepped on my bike and began to cycle, moving my head to the music.


7:48 ᗩ.ᗰ.

I stepped of my bike and saw one of my friends, I waved at her.

"Yah! Hoseok~ah!!!"

Meet one of my best friends, the straight up, loud mouth, hot headed; Byeol.
She has black hair with dip dye that has the color red, she most of the time wore her hair in a bun or ponytail.

She ran to me, hugging me tightly.

"Well, hi to you too!" I giggled.

She waved her boyfriend who had a sweet personality but yet a rough look since he had piercings in his eyebrow and lip that most of the time weren't allowed {but he didn't give shits} and he had dark blue hair, like really dark but it looked good.

Oh and by the way, my friend group is the kind of group that's different from those really normal 'boring' kids. Not to be mean, I like all the people but we are different from them.

{I wanna give Hoseok a piercing somewhere! Please comment what would be a good place on the face. He already has one in his belly button but please comment on where he could get one in his face ;)) }

"Let's go find Binnie Oppa." Byeol said with a big smile while she hooked our arms together.

I smiled back and giggled; "Sure~"

"Binnie Oppa!!!" Byeol shouted through the school hallways.

I laughed and shushed her a little since I already felt that she was getting annoyed by not finding him.

I picked my iPhone out of my pocket and kakao talk-ed Binnie.

Bin Hyung, where are you?

At school, duh.

Binnie: Jkjk, I'm in front of class 21.

K, watch out for Byeol, she's annoyed cause she couldn't find you.

Bastards, you guys know you're all talking in the group chat right?!

Binnie: Kk, come find me.

Byeol gave me a small slap and i giggled.

"Let's go find Binnie now!!" I said, she nodded and chuckled.

Byeol started running, pulling me with her.

"Jeez, how are you so hyper?" She chuckled to me.

It didn't take long before we got to Binnie.

A introduction to: Hong-Bin most of the time called Binnie.
It's a free guy that doesn't care about much and he's a really chill person and likes to do his own thing but also likes to do things with friends, he can have a lot of moods at one time. He has light green hair and he always puts makeup on that has something with freckles or stars.

"Wassup people." Binnie says while chuckling.

I smiled; "Nothing much. BUT, did you guys hear someone new is coming?"

"Whot? Really?" Byeol said with a surprised look on her face.


"Ooohhh, can I claim him already?" Said Hana bitchily.

"Nope, I was planning on taking him." I said to her, giving her a smile.

Hana chuckled;"That's okay, I have my own boy."

We all laughed, turning away from her.

"Ugh, can I rip her hair out already?!" Byeol said with a annoyed tone in her voice.

Binnie hugged her, swinging her around. It calmed her.

Ato, ato, ato*

*{the sound of kakao talk when you get a message}*

Goodmorning everyone, where y'all at? 👋🏼

Yeah, I'm looking for you guys too!! Where you atttt?😫

Ooofff, don't forget me! I wanna meet you guys too. 😤

We're at class 21 come at usssssss 👊🏼 jkjk



"We had to walk so many fucking stairs, holy Jesus." Yeon said while Kun just harshly and loudly huffed.

Sam chuckled while he pulled Kun closer, swinging his arm around his shoulder.

"You lovebirds, damn. If I just had my honey here you guys would be fucking screaming in disgust! And with you guys it's okay?" Byeol started to complain.

"Byeol~ahh! Calm down already." I said while squishing her cheeks while she pouted.

The ball rang and we all walked into our class and i was excited for the new student.

I sat in the middle of the classroom and Binnie sat next to me and Byeol sat next to Binnie, in front of me were Sam and next to Sam there was Kun. Behind me there is Yeon. We all had separate tables but sometimes we were allowed to sit together.

The teacher walked in. We all stood up.

"Goodmorning teacher!" We said while bowing.

"Goodmorning students, today there's a new student."

I fastly looked up, smiling brightly.

"Come in please."

A cold looking guy walked in, he had a leather jacket, black ripped jeans and Doctor Martins under the outfit. He had a purple lollipop in his mouth that he turned around a few times once he walked in, he had a eyebrow piercing and he had tattoos on his hands, a rose in black ink. He had blonde hair that was modeled in a prefect way for his face.
{Do you guys have any better colors? Please say them, I'm clueless about which color I should give to Joonie.}

{Sorry, if you don't like things like tattoos or piercings please don't read this book. :))}

We all looked at each other.

They all pointed to me.

"He's yours, goodluck with that!" They all whispered to me and I smiled.

"Could you write your name on the chalkboard please."

"Sure." The guy said with a deep voice.

"Cute~." I whispered, chuckling.

김남준 , Kim Namjoon.

"Introduce a bit about yourself."

"Well, as you can see, I'm Kim Namjoon. I'm 17 and I live in my own villa cause I'm rich." He chuckled.

"I'm joking."

"Okay! You can sit next to the boy in pastel colors. Jung Hoseok, known as J-Hope."

"Okay." Kim Namjoon said plainly.

'His new name is gonna be Joonie.'

"Hi! I'm Jung Hoseok." I gave him a soft smile.

"Good for you." He said while totally ignoring me.

"Ahhh, why so cold~?" I said while I pouted.

"Be quiet, I wanna listen to the lesson." He said after he pulled his lollipop out, only putting it back in not soon after.

I giggled, he looks kinda cute but cold at the same time.


"OPPPAARRRRR JOONIE, where are you~?" I said, cringing at myself.

I was in the canteen and my friends had ran away when I shouted the first word. I ruffled my hair nervously and coughed.

"Damn, why the fuck would you shout my name like that? Disgusting rat."

"Ooofff! Don't fuck with rats you bastard." I said while giving him a push but he didn't even move.

His face changed from normal to mad. I sacredly stepped behind.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said while Joon came closer.

He passed me and gave me a shoulder bump. My legs were about to give up cause I was almost peeing my pants since he looked really scary... Damn.

"Yah, Hoseok-Ahhh! Get your ass here!" I hear Byeol shout.

I slowly walked to the table where they were sitting at.

"Oofff, what happend to you boy?" Binnie asked me.

I chuckled.

"Namjoon looked really scary just now, I was bout to fucking pee my pants."


Last class.

I walked to Joon's table that was next to me.

"Joon? Joonie? Yah?! Joon?" I shouted since I didn't seem to get his attention.

"Yah! Don't believe I won't fucking punch you."

"Oh, I can be punched by you."

He ignored me.

"Joonie! Yah? Joooo-"

I felt a harsh hit against my nose.

My head flew backwards and a warm liquid flew out of my nose. My eyes started to get glassy because of the pain.

"Uh... I'm sorry." Namjoon said with a bit of worry hidden in his voice.

I tried to give him a smile with my glassy eyes.

"I-it's okay." The liquid was all over the bottom of my face and I tried to stop the tears.

Namjoon looks really worried, cute~

"Yah! Hoseok! Are u okay?" Yeon said while Byeol angrily walked to Namjoon.

"It's okay, don't hurt him. I'll be fine."

"It's the first time I saw you almost cry, this bastard!"

"Byeol!" I said with hidden anger in my voice.

"Please don't use violence... It's okay, it'll heal!" I said while patting her on her head.

She gave me a soft smile and nodded.

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