Dibs On The Quarterback |Ongo...

By HailStormXx

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Being in love is hard. Being in love with your best friend's older brother is harder. Especially when the s... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Just Another Day.
Chapter Two: Dammit, Why Can't You Obey The Law Of Physics?!
Chapter Three: Now We Have Matching Tattoos.
Chapter Four: Is It Possible To Hate Someone At First Sight?
Chapter Five: Are You On Stupid Pills?
Chapter Six: Don't Look At Me Like I Belong To Planet Cuckoo!
Chapter Eight: My Heart Depletes Quicker Than A Punctured Balloon .
Chapter Nine: I Swear I'll Crush Your Pea-Sized Brain And Make You Choke On It.
Chapter Ten: Buckle Up, Buttercup. You Just Flipped My Bitch Switch!
Chapter Eleven: You'd Give Away Any Secret With One Insult To Your Height.
Chapter Twelve: An Octopus Is Over-Dramatic. I'm Not.

Chapter Seven: Of Smiles That Could Put Stars To Shame.

218 9 11
By HailStormXx

Hey there! Here's the next part. Hope you guys like it! Above given is a picture important to this chapter! ^^

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Have an awesome weekend everyone! 

"Always be the first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of someone else." - Judy Garland.

Chapter Seven

The week that followed was filled with the latest gossip: The golden couple had broken up. Amicably, of course. Any other sort and it would have been a different kind of gossip altogether.

My mood was slightly noticeably obviously chirper. Dawn was giving me sly looks 24/7 to which I of course blushed. Kiara looked at me weirdly before dismissing it as one of my crazy bouts. Even Travis commented on my overflowing happiness.

Why did Jason always bring out such a nauseatingly girly side of me?

Another reason for my happiness was that Jason now treated me like a friend. An actual friend! Texts and talks included. I was literally on cloud nine.

In fact the first time he texted, I wasn't able to believe it was him. Then he sent me a screenshot in which he had my name saved as midget. And just like that my shock turned into annoyance and my sarcasm came back in full force.

Nothing better to sober you up from the spell of love than an insult. Works wonders, trust me.

Oh and for the sake of my sanity, I decided that I really definitely liked Jason. Anything further discussion was currently kept on hold.

I glanced at my phone as it vibrated from an incoming message from Travis.

>>Almost there.

Finally. Dawn, Kiara and I were waiting for him at the ice cream store near the class where I and Travis usually came. It was now nearly deserted due to cold weather. Christmas was just next week after all. And by the look of it, it was going to be white.

As soon as I mentioned Travis to them, they pestered me for not telling them about him from the very beginning (Kiara was a lot angrier when I described Travis's physical appearance. That girl, I swear) and asking me if I had a secret boyfriend all this time. As if.

Travis and I were strictly just friends.

His Royal Highness arrived almost half an hour later than the decided time and Dawn was going on and on about the value of punctuality. But the moment she saw him enter, her rambling cut off instantly and mouth opened in a gasp.

I raised my eyebrow. Travis was definitely not Dawn's type, was he?

He had tattoos for crying out loud!

I watched carefully as he approached our table with a friendly smile. I greeted him back and introduced him to others. As soon as he saw Dawn, his eyes widened just a tiny bit before going back to normal and he just a bit closer to her than necessary.

Now that was interesting.

We chatted for a while. Travis mixed in well with us like he was always there. Clearly he didn't need to worry about school after the winter break. He had two solid friends now beside me (especially Dawn, I added mischievously).

Kiara seemed to have given up after witnessing the chemistry in the air. She turned to me, suddenly excited. "Oh I nearly forgot to ask you. What are you bringing to Christmas this time?"

Dad and I always celebrated Christmas with the Hendersons. Clara prepared a grand feast every time and dad and I took his famous deserts. We also took presents for each one of them and they also got us presents.

"I have no idea. Dad told me he'd take care of it." I muttered. She pouted, impatient. She always was partial to sweet.

I resumed watching Dawn and Travis and smiled impishly.

Both of them better be ready to be interrogated later.


We had a white Christmas this year just as I had suspected. Kiara, Dawn, Travis and surprisingly Jason, Trent and Mason spent hours in the snow with me making snow angels, snow mans and let's not forget the snowball fight. (Jason heard that Kiara was coming over and tagged along with her with his friends. At least according to him.)

Now that was EPIC!

I didn't remember having that much fun in a long time. Even though our girls' team lost. (Travis joined the guy's team. The traitor.)

After that dad called us in from our winter wonderland and made his special hot chocolate (Mom's recipe, actually) making it the best Christmas morning ever.

Now it was just getting darker. Dad pulled the car in the driveway and I dreaded getting out in the cold.

I tightened my jacket around me. It was freezing. The puff of air from my mouth was making pretty swirls in the air. I pretty much ran from the car to the door and knocked with my freezing fingers.

Clara opened the door and quickly ushered us inside. The delicious aroma from the feast filled my nose and instantly my mouth began to water. There was no doubt that Clara knew how to cook. That woman could make a frozen dinner and it would still taste better than others. If I was a dog, my tail would be wagging endlessly right about now. Unfortunately, Kiara didn't inherit this particular talent. She always called me whenever she missed breakfast after oversleeping due to a sneak out night.

I sometimes did wonder how she manages to pass with great grades every single time.

I entered the room that was decorated so Christmassy that I was surprised that no little elves were running around. The tree looked absolutely breathtaking. So did the pair of idiots fighting under the tree while arranging the gifts. Siblings, I swear.

I and dad greeted everyone and put our own presents under the tree. One glance at the pile and it was already hard to wait for the morning.

By the time we finished our little feast (with Kiara bouncing in her chair when it was time for dessert), it had started snowing lightly.

"We'd better get going before the snow piles up." Dad mumbled, looking worriedly outside the window. I nodded and excused myself to go to the washroom.

I quickly did my business and was about to make my way back towards the room when someone grabbed me from behind. The attacker quickly wrapped his hand around my mouth and dragged me to the nearest room while I was trying to kick backwards.

Just as we entered a room, he let me go and I quickly turned around ready to use all my knowledge from the self-defense classes dad made me take. Never had I been as thankful for that as I was right now.

My eyes widened when I saw Jason standing in front of me with a sheepish grin.

"Jesus, Jason! Were you trying to give me a heart attack?" I scolded, while putting a hand over my heart to calm it down. I could have seriously harmed him for heaven's sake.

"Come on, Midget. You didn't think someone would try to kidnap a little thing like you in a house full of people?" I narrowed my eyes at the mischievous glint in his. The nerve of this boy, he was trying to goad me.

I just huffed and looked away. "Can you at least tell me why did you bring me here before I decide to repay the favor of almost getting a cardiac arrest?"

He looked like he didn't believe I was capable of doing that but decided to let it go. Good for him I say.

"Just turn around." He ordered carelessly.

I glared back. I didn't take orders from a guy who just tried to kidnap me. "No."

"Aww come on, Midget. Please?" He made the most adorable puppy eyes known to mankind. Adorable enough to melt the ice queen.

I just sighed before doing as he asked. Suddenly, I felt a weight settle on my neck. I looked down and saw a beautiful locket. It was a circular glass with a silver ballerina inside with a pink gem heart. It was surrounded with diamonds studded in silver.

It was beautiful.

I turned around and just stared at him open-mouthed. For once, I wasn't able to find something to say.

"That's for making me realize I was being a wuss." His cheeky smile was making my heart skip multiple beats.

"B-but I didn't get you anything speci-"

"Shh. Your friendship is more than enough. I have a feeling I'll need you around." He winked.

My answering smile had the power to put stars to shame.

That's how bright it was.

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