One Direction Sickfics

Por 23kowgirl

1.1M 13.4K 2.1K

Sick fics for all the boys of 1D Más

Harry gets seasick
Liam gets seasick
Louis gets seasick
Harry gets food poisoning
Niall sick on your anniversary
Liam gets food poisoning
Harry goes to the hospital
He's sick at school (Harry)
BSM He's sick (Liam)
BSM he's sick (Harry)
Harry High fever
Sick on the bus (Louis)
Sick on the bus (Louis) part 2
Niall sick on wedding day
Harry sick at work
Sick on stage Niall
Sick on the bus
Harry and Niall sick
Niall and child are sick
Niall panic attack
Niall Sea sick
Niall migraine
Niall sick alone
Niall gets drunk
Liam and Niall food poisoning
Niall carsick
Niall gets a cold
Niall takes care of you
Niall high fever
Niall chest infection
Niall Hypothermia
Niall gets hurt
Niall Tonsillitis
Niall Airsick
Louis Stomach Flu
Larry food poisoning
Larry food poising (part 2)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Niall)
Food poisoning on Honeymoon (Liam)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Harry)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Louis)
Louis Chest infection
Harry asthma attack
Louis High fever
Sick at work (Niall)
Sick at Work (Liam)
Sick at work (Louis)
Niall Strep Throat
Oldest son sick at school (Niall)
Niall sick on Tour
Happy birthday Niall
Niall sick on his birthday
Harry Stomach Flu
You and Harry are sick together
Niall sick alone
Louis's oldest son sick
Niall's son Strep throat
People are curel
Liam Stomach virus
Harry sick on break
End of OTRA
Louis sick (part 2)
Made in the A.M.
Louis Stomach Virus
Niall Stomach Virus
Harry sick from nerves
Liam and Wife both sick
Harry sick on Thanksgiving
LiLo stomach virus (Part 2)
Requests/Update/Thank you
Wisdom Teeth (Niall)
Wisdom Teeth (Liam)
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)
Wisdom Teeth (Louis)
Niall hungover
Larry (Harry) Strep
Niall's son sick
Liam's son sick
Harry's son sick
Harry Bronchitis
Harry sick at the AMAs
Louis sick on his Birthday
Liam sick on the bus
Harry ear infection
Liam sick but the others don't believe him
Louis sick from junk food
Louis sick at school
Harry sick at school (part 2)
Larry Harry sick at studio
Louis upset stomach
Niall bad stomach flu
Harry allergic reaction
Louis sick on New Years
Louis's daughter sick
Louis Anorexic
Harry bad stomach flu
New Book
Harry 'I'm too busy to be sick'
Harry notices scars
Harry sick but other think he faking
Niall sick from junk food
Narry Niall sick at work
Kind of a rant
Louis bad stomach flu
Liam migraine
Niall head cold
Harry head cold
Niall sick but no one believes him
One Direction shared sickness
Niall 'Lazy Weekend'
Harry migraine
Narry sick (Part 2)
Louis sick but no one believes him
Not so Happy Birthday Harry
What do you guys think?
Larry Louis upset stomach
Niall Knee Surgery
Quick Explanation
Larry Harry upset stomach
Niall gets jealous
Larry Louis Migraine
Harry sick on the bus
Harry sick on tour
The guy next door
Niall Pneumonia
Severe writers block
Louis cares for Hannah
Niall Migraine
Niall catches Harry's sickness
Overdo it did we?
13 facts about me
Liam bad stomach flu
Nialler is actually sick
Power outage
Harry sick during interview
Little sick Liam
No I'm not sick
BSM Niall's sick
BSM Louis sick
This Town
I'm Sorry
Harry Sick at School
Just a bit of a rant
Niall Sick at School
Lilo Sick day
Larry Harry Tummy Troubles
Niall Flu Bug
St. Patrick's Day Dilemma
Taking a break
A Narry Weekend
Louis Part 2
A college life for me
A college life for me 2
A College Life for Me (Alternate)
Niall Flicker
Niall Sick
Harry for Aynsnstryi
Larry for styleskiiwi
Liam Seasick for ItsBerryAllen
Do me a favor
New stories!
Harry fakes sick
Louis's son sick
The End...(but not really)

Niall fakes sick

3.9K 67 12
Por 23kowgirl

This was a request I got from laurenbeare22 originally then I had several people ask for something similar so I combined a few together to make this story. Hope you guys like it.

       When Niall went to bed in his hotel room that night he had already started to hatch a plan for the next day. The boys were so exhausted he wanted to get some time off. They had a concert the next day and several interviews he was dying to get out of. If he faked sick he could get out of the interviews and get better for the concert. It was perfect. He went to sleep with the perfect plan for the morning.

     Liam's alarm went off early the next morning and he got up and started to wake the other boys. Harry's room was next door so he knocked on his door first.

      "Wake up Hazza we've got to get going," Liam called through the door.

       "I'm up," Harry called back. He was always easy to wake. Louis door was next. He knocked on the door just like he did was Harry.

        "Rise and shine Lou." He heard Louis groan on the other side. When he came to Niall's door he knocked on the door. "Morning Nialler. Time to get up."

        "Liam," Niall called back softly. Liam frowned with concern. That wasn't like him.

        "Ok Niall?"

       "No," he called back. Liam opened Niall's door walking into his room.

       "What's wrong buddy?" Liam asked walking up to his bed.

       "I feel sick," Niall groaned. Liam gently put his hand on Niall's head.

      "You feel a bit warm," Liam told him. Niall had to hide a smile. He had previously soaked down a rag in hot water laying it across his face so it was feel warm when he knew Liam would check.

       "My stomach is killing me," Niall groaned. Liam felt terrible looking down at Niall. The boys always felt more protective over Niall.

      "Do you feel like you might throw up?" Liam asked. Niall nodded covering his mouth for added effect.

     "I'm super queasy. Have been for hours," Niall told him.

      "Aww mate," Liam sighed. "I'll call management. Maybe we can get out of a few interviews." Niall once again had to force away a smile. He couldn't believe it was working. "Let me call management and see what they say. You just stay in bed ok?"

      "Yeah ok. Thanks Liam," Niall said trying to sound weak.

       "Hang tough mate. We'll get you fixed up." He left Niall's room got to call management. It took everything Niall had not to jump out of bed and start dancing he was so excited it worked. He sighed closing his eyes going back to sleep.

      Liam had managed to get ahold of management who agree to cancel the first two interview they had that morning with the understanding that all of the boys would go to the last one later in the afternoon as well as the concert that night. He gave the other boys the news Harry felt bad Niall was sick Louis was relieved they were able to get some more rest. He didn't want to say anything now knowing Niall was sick but he wasn't feeling great himself. His head pounded and his stomach flipped making him feel queasy. He figured there was no point in telling anyone because he had already seen what they were going to get with Niall being sick. So he decided to not say anything and enjoy the time he did have.

       The boys still had to get on the bus and make there way to the next city. Liam and Harry stay close to Niall who was still milking the sick act. He would groan every once in a while putting a hand on his stomach even faking a gag. Louis was steadily feeling worse. Once in the bus he went straight back to the bunks to lay down. Niall stayed up with the other two loving all the attention they were give him. He was lying in the couch with his head and Harry's lap as Harry played with his hair.

         "Where's Louis gone off to?" Liam asked looking around for him.

         "He's been awfully quiet today. Must be tired. He's probably enjoying this extra time to sleep," Harry added. Liam nodded.

        "How you doing Nialler?" Liam asked. Niall groaned putting his hand on his stomach. "Yeah I bet the bus isn't helping your stomach buddy." Harry scratched Niall's scalp making Niall smile. He loved that.

        "That feel good Nialler," Harry asked. Niall nodded. Harry chuckled looking up at Liam. "We should be there soon right Liam? Then maybe when the bus is sitting still you're belly will start to feel better."

       "Yeah we should be soon. Think you're going to be ok for the interview the afternoon?" Liam asked. Niall was loving this attention he was getting from the boys. Maybe if he faked it a little long they'd cancel the last interview so they could stay like this.

      "I don't know," Niall started "I feel like I might throw up."

      "Sorry Nialler," Harry sighed. Niall knew he'd need to take it a step further. He shot up covering his mouth faking a gag.

      "Whoa hey, easy bud. Let's get you a bucket or something," Liam said quickly jumping up. He quickly grabbed their designated sick bucket bringing it back to Niall. He was stuck now. He didn't actually need to throw up. Instead he forced a few more gags closing his eyes trying to make it look real.

       "You're alright Niall," Harry whispered gently rubbing circles on his back. Niall swallowed hard taking a few deep breaths.

        "I'm ok," he said putting the bucket down.

         "You sure?" Harry asked pulling him back down across his lap. Niall nodded wrapping his arm around his stomach. "Maybe you should call again Li," Harry told him looking up at him. Liam nodded pulling out his phone and calling management again.

       Louis had been sound asleep durning all of this. He headache had not gone away and he had a fever that was steadily rising. He woke up feeling hot and sweaty. His stomach flipped making him gag. He got up making his way to the bathroom at the back of the bus. He shut the door turning on the light and fan. He didn't look as bad as he felt. He was definitely paler than normal but other than that he looked ok. His stomach churned again causing his mouth to water as a horrible taste settled into his throat. He groaned kneeling down in front of the toilet only having a few moments before beginning to throw up. He coughed and gagged for several minutes before knowing he was finished. With the fan on in the bathroom he wasn't surprised the other boys didn't hear him. He flushed away his dinner standing up on his shaky legs and going back to his bunk.

       When Liam got off the phone again with management he came back to the other two.

     "Ok so they said Niall can skip the interview. The rest of us still have to go but you have to do the concert buddy. I'm sorry," Liam sighed. This was not the outcome Niall wanted. He only wanted out of the interview so the boys would stay and baby him some more.

      "I think I'll be ok for the concert," Niall told him trying to make his voice sound weak. Harry had resumed playing with Niall's hair which made him sigh contently.

       "I hope so mate. Sorry you're so unwell," Harry told him softly.

      "I'm starting to feel better," Niall told them knowing he'd have to miraculously get better for the concert.

      "Hopefully with a little more rest you'll be just fine to do the concert," Liam told him. Niall nodded. When the boys got to the interview site Liam went back to get Louis. He was a little concerned Louis had been asleep all day. "Lou. Hey Louis." Louis opened his eyes.

      "We there?" He asked his voice sounding weak.

      "Yeah mate. It's just you me and Harry. Niall bout threw up hour ago so management said he could sit this out but he had to do the concert." Louis felt a little cheated that Niall could sit out this interview when Louis actually did throw up. He knew it was his own fault for not telling anyone he was sick.

       "How's Niall doing?" Louis asked sitting up slowly.

      "Think he's feeling a bit better. If he sit this out he thinks he'll be fine for the concert." Louis wished he could say the same for himself. He felt like even if he sat out the interview he'd still feel like crap for the concert.

       "That's good," Louis said standing up slowly. He felt a little light headed causing him to stumble a bit. Liam looked him up and down. But Louis just shrugged him off before walking to the front. Harry had left Niall on the couch covered in a blanket.

       "We'll be back soon Nialler. Get some rest," Liam told him as they got off the bus. Once he was alone he sat up.

       "Well now what do I do?" He sighed to himself. He decided now would be a good time to eat. He had pulled the whole upset stomach act so he hadn't eaten all day. He went to the kitchen area and grabbed everything he could find filling his belly. When he was finished he threw everything away so the other boys didn't see all the wrappers and containers he had gotten out. All he could do now was wait.

         Louis just barely made it through the interview. He told the boys he was hitting the toilet before they went to the concert venue. Harry and Liam didn't think twice about it both being concerned about getting back to Niall. Louis rushed into the bathroom covering his mouth as he gagged. He just made it into the stall before throwing up again. His stomach ached and his head pounded as he threw up again. When he was finished he had to take a minute to catch his breath. He knew he needed to get up and back to the bus. He forced himself to his feet and back to the bus.

         "There you are Lou. Ready to go?" Liam asked. Louis nodded. The ride to the venue didn't take long. Niall was up and moving around claiming he had taken a nap and woke up feeling better. Louis on the other hand was feeling much worse. It was far too late at this point to say anything and he figured the boys wouldn't believe him anyways. When they got to the stadium they boys went in to get ready all taking their turn getting hair done. Louis was the last to get see Lou.

          "Hello love," she smiled as Louis came in.

         "Hey Lou," he said weakly.

          "You alright Louis," she asked as he sat down in her chair. He figured at this point there was no harm in telling Lou.

        "To tell you the truth I'm really sick. I've thrown up twice. I'm so tired and weak." Lou felt his forehead feeling heat right away.

         "You're hot love," she informed him. "Why haven't you told anyone?"

          "Niall was sick earlier. Figured it didn't really matter."

          "He seemed fine to me," Lou told him looking skeptical.

           "He's better now. It was just earlier," Louis explained.

           "I just think it's a bit odd you're sitting here feeling like crap and Niall was in here bouncing off the walls not ten minutes ago but you're telling me he'd been sick all day." Louis stopped and thought for a moment. Niall's behavior was odd. He wouldn't really fake sick would he? "I'm going to tell the boys you're sick."

          "Why? It doesn't really matter we can't cancel."

          "It does matter. They need to look out for you." Lou didn't give him much time to argue before leaving the room. She went to the teen room where she knew the other three were.

        "What's up Lou?" Liam asked as she walked in.

        "Did you three know Louis was ill?" She asked. All three boys went silent. Niall's blood ran cold.

        "What? Niall was sick earlier," Harry explained.

       "Yeah that's what Louis said too. But he's sick now. He's got a fever and told me he's thrown up twice today." The three boys looked at each other. Niall had gone pale. He felt terrible. Louis had been sick all day and he knew Louis didn't say anything because of his act all day.

         "Is he ok?" Liam asked.

         "He's really not well," she told them. Niall sighed.

         "I'm the worst friend in the world," Niall said.

        "What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

       "Guys I've been lying all day. I was never sick. I just want some time off. Then you guys were paying so much attention to me I wanted to keep it up." Liam and Harry sighed. "I know I know. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far."

        "No we get it Niall. I just feel terrible none of us knew Louis was sick," Liam sighed.

      "I'll send him back," Lou told them.

       "I feel like a complete dick," Niall sighed sitting heavily on the couch.

        "We all were tired. You did get us some much needed time off. We're not mad at you," Harry told him. "I just can believe none of us noticed Louis." Louis came back into the room at that time.

       "You ok Tommo?" Liam asked quickly going to him. Niall jumped up letting Liam sit him down on the couch.

       "I'll make it through the concert I just feel like shit," Louis explained.

       "Lou I'm so sorry. If I had any idea you were really sick I would've dropped the act," Niall told him getting tears in his eyes.

       "Hey you gave me some time to sleep. That's alright by me." Louis managed to crack a smile.

       "Sure you'll be ok out there?" Harry asked.

       "I'll be ok."

       "If you're not you just tell us we'll cover you," Niall told him. Louis smiled.

      "I know you will."

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