A Dish That's yet to be Serve...

By PremiumxTrash

86K 2K 166

Together Yukihira Saika and her brother, Yukihira Soma, embark on a journey to the vast unknown lands of cook... More

.: Author Note :.
.:OC Profile:.
.:Chapter 1:.
.: Chapter 2 :.
.: Chapter 3 :.
.: Chapter 4 :.
.: Chapter 5 :.
.: Chapter 6 :.
.: Chapter 7 :.
.: Chapter 8 :.
.: Chapter 9 :.
.: Chapter 10 :.
.: Chapter 11 :.
.: Chapter 12 :.
.: Chapter 14 :.
.: Chapter 15 :.
.: Chapter 16 :.
.: Chapter 17:.
.: Chapter 18 :.
New Cover
.: Chapter 19 :.
.: Chapter 20 :.

.: Chapter 13 :.

2.4K 73 5
By PremiumxTrash

Copyright and Disclaimer:

I do not own Shokugeki no Soma, or any of its characters, sadly. It all belongs to, Yūto Tsukuda and Yoshitomo Yonetani. Only the character Yukihira Saika belongs to me.


"Isshiki-senpai?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, hello Yukihira-san." He said, waving at me.

Isshiki-senpai was wearing jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. He had a pink bear apron on.

"Who's that Sai-chan?" asked Soma pointing to Isshiki-senpai. "He is one of the people that I had to cook for to get accepted." I replied, still confused. "Ah Fumio-san, this is the person aia told about. She is really good." Isshiki-senpai said coming over to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "You think she is capable, Satoshi?" Fumio-san. "Positive."

"Okay Yukihira-san, you may enter the dorm. Welcome to the Polaris dormitory. You will be living in room 220." She said, handing me a key with a tag with the number '220' on it. "Awwwwww" I said with a pout, "Me and Soma were about to go all out on our twin power teamwork thing." I started to act out some sort of weir actions with my hands and feet. I guess this is the outcome of living with two guys for most of my life. "Well, I guess you could still cook with Yukihira-kun but you are guaranteed to get in anyways." said Fumio-san. "Nope, I want to see how this idiot does without my help." I said gesturing towards Soma. "Hey!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at me. I then skipped out of the kitchen dragging Isshiki-senpai with me. "See you later Nii-chan.... If you get in."

"Here is your room," Isshiki-senpai said, "And it is right next to mine, so if you need any help just knock okay?" I nod. "Also it is the girl's time in the shower right now. If you want to go I can lead you there." "Yes please, just wait a moment while I get my things." I say and walk into my new room. I place my two bags down and get a towel and a fresh set of clothes. I walk out the room. "Let's go." Isshiki-senpai then leads me to the showers. "I heard you have quite a reputation now, Yukihira-san." He said still smiling. "Please don't remind me." I said looking down at the floor. He just laughed it off. "The girl's time will end in about 30 minutes so don't take too long." He told me. "Thank you Isshiki-senpai." I say then smile. He smiled back and walked away.

I enter the showers and placed my clothes in a basket. I take off the clothes I am wearing and placed them in the small basket next to it. I walk into the actual shower room and in the middle, there was a big tube filled with water. The entire room was a bit foggy due to the hot water. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and get into the tube. I place my towel on the side. I sigh out loud, sinking even deeper into the water until you could only see my nose and my closed eyes.

I suddenly felt something poke my nose. I opened my eyes and in front of me was a yellow rubber duck. "A-Ah, I'm so sorry about that." said a timid girly voice. I front of me appeared a girl about my age. She has long dark blue hair tied in a bun like me and yellow coloured eyes. She seem to have a petite figure. "Nah, it's fine." I said waving it off, "My name is Yukihira Saika, you?" "M-My name is Tadokoro Megumi, and I already know y-your name." I was confused for 5 seconds then I realised I already have a scary reputation at this school. "O-Oh yeah..." He sat in awkward silence. I just sinked back down into the water and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later I heard a familiar voice. "A hot bath!" 'Oh no...' I thought to myself. Suddenly the glass doors slide open and standing in front of me was my brother...... Naked. Once he saw Tadokoro-san and I there was a few seconds of silence. Then a scream radiated from Tadokoro-san's mouth. He instantly slammed the glass door shut. I could hear him rushing to put his clothes on. After that traumatising experience, Tadokoro-san still had tears in her eyes while covering her chest area. "H-Hey, are you okay?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder. "Eeek! Don't hurt me." she said as she rushed out of the tub with her duck to the changing area.

That just reminded me of one of the most awkward times of my life. Soma and I always had baths together until we were nine years old. The time when dad explained to us that we can't have baths together anymore. I cringed slightly to myself at the thought of that memory. That was more embarrassing than anything.

I then decided to get out of the shower. I dried myself with a towel and got changed into black sweatpants, a white shirt and a grey hoodie. I walked back to my room to dry my wet hair.

My hair is now dry and I am lying in my bed staring at the ceiling. This is the first time I have lived anywhere else besides the restaurant. I haven't been this far away since...... Now that I think about it, I haven't been this far from home before.

It was all quiet until I heard a tapping sound coming from the ceiling. 'Are there rats up there?' I thought to myself as I sat up. Suddenly a tile in the ceiling moved. 'Rats can't move ceiling tiles! Or can they?' I thought to myself. "Hello Yukihira-san," said Isshiki-senpai sticking his head through the hole. "OH MY GOSH!

What the hell is he doing in the ceiling?!


Author's Note: 

Sorry this took forever to write!!!

I appreciate all the comments and likes I have gotten while I was away for a bit.

Please comment, vote and share any suggestions you might have!

(Word Count: 954)     (24th March 2018)

- Vina

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