The lost princess of earth [2]

kittycatlover23 tarafından

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WARNING READ RAINBOW MYSTERY BEFORE THIS ONE....... Last year was nothing but crazy for the Winx, they found... Daha Fazla

The start of a new year
Practically Family
The decision of a lifetime
The boy of mysteries
More crazyness
The reunion of family
The Decision
For you
The madness of knowing Frieda
The battle
The task
The strange rope and Eric's temper
Who cares about being reckless
And the fighting continues
Drama, drama, and more drama
The Questions
The causing of more drama
Well isn't timing just great
Wattys2017 and a suprise for you guys!
Everything is falling into place
Changing History
The gift of destiny
Piecing everything together
Past, present and more friction
Reunited At Last
Important please read or you will probably be confused
Meeting up with old friends
Bringing back magic
Don't waste time unless you're wasting it well
A little bit of laughter can always help
Finding my way
The bad choice
Almost Insane
Greetings and Realizations
The freeing of The Earth Faries and The Drama Under The Sea
The Proposal of the Wizards
Sibylla's cave
Bringing light to the situation
The judgement day
The final battle
Characters Tells All
The third book is up!!!!

Revisting old memories

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kittycatlover23 tarafından

The winx sat in Love and Pet once more whispers from one to another could be heard from out of the hall. The girls were discussing what had happened that day and what happened to Frieda.

It doesn't add up Roxy said to the girls obviously frustrated it doesn't make sense that Frieda fainted.

I know Roxy we're trying to figure it out as well, Musa said with a tired look it's been two hours since they returned from Tir Nan Og and the girls have been huddled up in the room trying to figure out what happened. Yet all the girls were curious to see what was going on down the hall in Frieda's room where Jame, Eric and Violete currently where trying to figure out a way to heal Frieda.

Flora sighed softly she hoped Frieda was okay. Flora started outside and looked at the rainbow in the sky, realizing the rainbow moon would be over soon. Um guys the rainbow moon is going to be over in a few minutes.

So what asked Stella obviously not putting two and two together.

Well I don't know maybe it's the fact that when it's over Frieda has to make the rainbow again and how will she do that if she's unconscious, Flora said.

She won't Bloom said realizing what Flora was talking about. Guys come on if we do a convergence heal it may be enough to snap Frieda out of unconsciousness.

The other girls nodded in agreement sprinting out of the room they where in the ran to Frieda's room throwing the door opened.

On the bed laid a pale Frieda the color drained from her face. The winx gasped as they saw they're friend.

Is she okay Aisha asked?

No but hopefully she will be Eric said. He then pointed to James and Violete, they've been trying any spell possible but nothing is waking her up.

Eric, Tecna said talking rapidly the rainbow moon is going to end in exactly 5 minuets if they can't heal her by then.....

Yet Tecna was cut of as Violete screamed and pulled away. Yeah James that spells not going to work, she said clearly exhausted.

James stayed silent as he tried to think of a spell that could work.

What about a convergence Bloom suggested if all of us pitch in we might be able to heal her.

And before the rainbow moon ends too Flora stated.

Roxy looked at Violete, how are you using magic if it's a rainbow moon?

That sword Frieda had she said pointing to it, somehow it had magic engraved into it. You can use it to do spells so I took a little so I could help try and help her. Violete sighed but nothing has worked yet and I don't have much left. We could wait for the rainbow moon to end; but that's very last minute and if we aren't able to heal her the rainbow won't be made and you girls know how important that is.

The winx nodded, take a break Violete we'll try a convergence. What do we have to lose Bloom said.

I'm okay with it. It's at least worth a shot. Violete said she turned to James your going to join in on the convergence.

James nodded.

Alright then come on Eric, Violete said dragging him with her out of the room.

Wait what... yet Eric didn't have time to continue his sentence as Violete pulled him out of the room.

You alright James, Flora asked.

Yeah, James said snapping back to himself. I'm just worried she should have woken by now.

I know, we're all worried. But let's hope this work if not we'll worry about it after; Flora said.

Are we ready Bloom asked? When everyone agreed; they all joined hands. Tecna how much more time do we have.

Not more than two minutes maybe even less, Tecna said.

Well then let's do this, Bloom said.

The six Winx, Roxy and James all held hands as they did a convergence heal. When the spell finished everyone put all there attention on Frieda hoping that she'd wake.

Violete and Eric walked back in. Violete looked at her sister, did you do it, she questioned the group.

Aisha nodded in answer to her question.

Come on Frieda, Eric said quietly under his breath. It was Frieda she'll be fine, she'll be fine Eric kept saying under his breath.

Only one minute remained before the rainbow moon would be over and suddenly Frieda started shaking.

Violete's eyes went wide, what's going on, Frieda, Frieda. The sister called out to the girl. Violete begged her sister to wake her up.

Flora went to Eric and spoke in a whisper, take Violete out of the room she can't handle seeing Frieda like this.

Eric only nodded he took Violete by the hand and pulled her out of the room.

Flora and Stella try and keep her still, Bloom said as she frantically turned to James, yet before she could even tell him something he was making his way to Frieda's side.

She's still shaking Stella called out, what's going on.

That's what I'm going to find out but I need you two to hold her down as best as you can it's time I try and get the answers from Frieda herself; James said.

And how are you going to do that Musa asked.

Simple James said I'm going to enter her mind but you need to stabilize her. And you might want to hurry because this rainbow moon is about to be over.

The rest of the girls decided to let James to it so they all held Frieda down they looked up to find James doing a spell. After finishing the spell he disappeared.

Do you think he made it inside her mind, Stella asked?

Well we won't know until he comes back will we Roxy said.


James entered Friedas mind to hear voices. He slowly made his way to the voices and he saw and older woman speaking to a younger girl. James quickly realized he was in a memory.

Frieda go hide, they're coming.

James froze as he watched, he heard Frieda tell the story many times but this is what happened.

But mom, I want to stay to help please.

Frieda go!

James watched the young Frieda hide where she could still watch the events. He no longer wanted to watch, he knew what came next.  Yet the memory stopped for some reason.

Hello James, fancy seeing you here, Frieda said.

James turned around and he saw Frieda, hello Frieda could say the same to you. Are you alright?

Yeah Frieda said. I don't know why I fainted it doesn't make sense.

I know we've been trying to wake you up for a while. The rainbow moon is almost over James said.

Realization hit Frieda the rainbow moon, shoot she said as she began pacing. I've been trying to figure out myself what was wrong and why non of the heal spells you guys did we're working and then memories started playing she said.

James my brothers they Frieda said yet James cut her off

They ran off after you fainted we couldn't go after them James said.

Frieda nodded slowly she opened her mouth to say something yet a sudden shaking happened and once again the memory began to play.

Rose, a male voice called out then there was a flash of green and a body laid on the floor unmoving

Daddy! The young Frieda called out in tears.

Frieda, go! Rose Frieda's mother said turning her head to face the young girl. Go my baby girl I'm proud of you.

A cruel voice was heard from the other side and once again a bright flash of green and Rose laid on the ground unmoving.

Mommy the young girl called out in fear, she began to cry and scream.

Frieda got back up on her feet and shut the memory. Sorry about that Frieda said, it's always that memory for a reason, it likes to haunt me.

Was that James asked but he knew the answer.

Yeah those where them, my mom and dad. Frieda shook her head not wanting to think about it. So why are you here James.

To help you why else, James said and to that Frieda smiled. Do you know why the spells we're using aren't working?

Let's see Frieda said closing her eyes her body started shaking again and the girl pulled back opening her eyes. I'm perfectly fine I'm not hurt in anyway in the beginning it was my strength but it's almost back to normal other than the fact that my powers are about to be returned Frieda froze at that statement her mind racing. What if, what if the moment I got my powers back something else came like a healing spell if it enters the same time of my magic it may be enough to wake me up but if it doesn't we have the problem of the rainbow. Frieda said conflicted. The rainbow moon end in 30 seconds we have no time to try anything else she looked up to James I hope to see you soon. And just like that James disappeared.


James opened his eyes to see he returned back into the real world.

He's back Bloom called as she jumped to her feet. What happened James?

It's a long story that we don't have time for the rainbow moon will end soon and we are going to try a convergence once more the second it ends. Got it James asked.

Bloom nodded, as the other girls agreed.

She stopped shaking for a while and then it started again she she's okay for now Flora told James.

We're all here Tecna said as some girls walked in the room we have exactly 10 seconds.

Everyone hold hand and get ready to do convergence heal on the last second, Bloom said.

That's going to cut it really close Aisha said if it doesn't work......

Well then let's hope it works Musa said cutting her off.

Five seconds, everyone get into position and start the spell but don't let go until the last second Tecna said.

The group all held hands as they began the spell the seconds flew by and finally the last second had been reached and they all let go. The spell had reached Frieda the same time her powers.

Frieda felt her powers come back and not even a second later came the heal spell her whole body began shaking again yet Frieda could feel herself returning to her senses. And she closed her eyes took a deep breath and reopened them. Frieda no longer was in her mind but in Love and Pet with the Winx Roxy and James by her side. Frieda quickly sat up and raised her hand to make the rainbow and breathed out in relief. After the rainbow had been completed Frieda was pushed back down on the bed. Frieda rose her voice to protest but decided against it.

Alright guys let's leave her be Flora said. You can all question her later she said dragging the Winx out of the room with help from Roxy; leaving James and Frieda alone.

You don't think she did that purposely do you Frieda asked with a smile on her face.

Maybe she did maybe she didn't James answered. Are you alright, he asked?

Yeah I'm good. I'll be back to myself before you know it Frieda said with a smile yet it disappeared as she thought of something.

James could tell something was bothering her, alright spill, what's bugging you?

James someone was supposed to die today but they didn't somehow it was prevented but because of that I fainted.

That or you were using magic before that without knowing, James said.

What are you on about James, Frieda questioned him?

That sword he said pointing to the sword she handed him that morning, apparently it has magic engraved in it. It's possible that while you held the sword you used it's magic James said.

I didn't know that, Frieda said can I see the sword.

Sure James said picking the sword up and handing it to her.

Frieda examined the sword turning it around her hands. She then scanned the sword to see how much magic was in it. She was surprised to see a lot. Where had all this magic came from. Frieda then realized, of course!

What is it James asked?

I think I know how this magic got in here. This was the same sword I used a year ago against my cousin, Valtor. At the time I was naive and he stole my powers. So when the Winx showed up I got myself this sword and dueled him. The deal was if I won I'd get my powers back if I didn't I wouldn't, as you can tell I won. I got my powers back the second I did Valtor tried to sneak his way into winning so he threw a powerful spell towards me, I put the sword in front of me and the magic was absorbed after being trapped in a light weapon for a whole year must have changed the power from bad to good not to mention I was tinkering with it last night so I added I little of my own into it.

James opened his mouth to reply but the door was flung opened followed by a scream, she's my girlfriend if I want to see her I'm going to see her!

Eric calm yourself Flora begged him.

Yet Eric grabbed Flora by the wrist and pushed her out of his way, throwing her into the wall.

James, what's going on out there Frieda asked not being able to see or hear the full conversation as James was blocking her view.

Nothing Frieda, get some rest, James replied.


Yet he cut her off, Frieda please, get some rest.

Frieda agreed and closed her eyes and tried to block out the screaming she heard from out the hall and slowly the rainbow fairy fell asleep.

Hello! I'm back! So I'm late, again. I promise guys I'm trying my hardest to be on schedule but as you can see I'm failing, hopefully this book will be finished by the end of this month start of next month (we probably have one or two more chapters (possibly more) then characters tell all) and then I can work on a schedule for the third book but until then please be patient with me I'm trying my hardest.


Ask The Cat!!!!!!

Q: Do you have any older siblings?

A: Nope I'm the oldest

But any ways guys that is all for this week

I hope you guys have enjoyed and if you did smash that star

Don't forget to comment down below and tell me what you guys thought I love hearing what you guys have to say

And I'll see ya all next time :)


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