I Can't Do This, Not Without...

By -kawaiiships-

895K 21.3K 17.3K

It isn't until a drunken event at a party that turns Calum's world around in ways he would have never imagine... More

I Can't Do This, Not Without You (Cake Mpreg)
Information and Disclaimer (And an Apology)
Really Long A/N (PLEASE READ)
Character Ask.? [Closed]
Character Ask.
Updates On My Fanfics, Me, and Stuff
New Cake Vampire Fanfic. :)
Sob Note...Haha jkjk
One Shots Book Update.
One Shots Book.!
First One Shot Update!
Sequel is Up!
Bromance Awards.


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By -kawaiiships-

If you read the A/N in the previous chapter you know what's up. If not, I suggest you read it. Oh, for the chapter song, you could either play it while you read through the chapter or you can start it when you see the A/N I put in. Enjoy! 

Chapter Song: Can I Have This Dance sung by Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron.

- Gabie :)



*Two Weeks Later* 

Today could be Calum's last day in the hospital, which makes me happier than anything. It was also a Friday afternoon so I thought it wouldn't hurt to miss another day of school.

Overall, since Calum's been here, I skipped eight days of school, including today. But, for all of those days, my mum called the school and said I was dealing with a bad cough, sore throat, and high fever and that I was sick in bed. But in reality, I was in the hospital, keeping Calum company.

I told my mum and my whole family that me and Calum were dating and how much I cared about him and his condition. Even before we started dating, they knew how much I cared about Calum. So my family, especially my mum, eventually agreed to let me skip school.

But when there were days I actually I went to school, I would usually skip Chemistry, the last class of the day, to go be with Calum. And besides, Maya and Peter were in that class and I was still mad at both of them, so it was best if I didn't go at all.

Ashton and Michael did tell me and Calum that Maya requested sit with Peter. So when Calum and I did get back to school, we'd be sitting with each other, with Ashton and Michael behind us. 

Since the incident with Peter, Calum's hallucinations have been on and off and the nightmares kept him up at night but I kept my promise and helped him through every step of the way.

Usually I stayed at the hospital at night and just watched Calum, to make sure that he stayed asleep and that he was resting peacefully. If Calum ever did wake up from a nightmare, I'd be there to tell him that I was there and that I was going to protect him from whatever was going to hurt him.

After he saw me there, comforting him, I'd give him a kiss and he'd fall back asleep. And after that he'd have a peacefully night's sleep.

During the day, I wouldn't be able tell you how many cups of coffee I drank or how many times I dozed off in the hospital chair.  

It also helped that Aaron told the doctors that Peter shouldn't be allowed to see Calum. The doctors listened and Peter wasn't allowed anywhere near Calum. Last I heard he tried to come in yesterday but he was stopped by doctors and security.

It wasn't a restraining order but it was just a request to keep Peter away from Calum so he could recover.

Was that a restraining order? I'm not really sure.  

But for the past couple of days, Calum's been slowly going back to his happy normal self, which relaxes me. He's been laughing and smiling more since he's been in the hospital.  

Today also marks the two week point in which Calum and I started dating. I know it's only been two weeks, but it's been an amazing two weeks.

Since then Calum and I have kissed many times, more than I can count. We've shared countless hugs and cuddles. And we talked about everything and anything, like best friends. Nothing I had with Maya could compare to what I had with Calum. 

"Lukey...stop it!" Calum laughed as I tickled his sides. Calum was tossing and turning around the hospital bed, trying to avoid my hands.

"Say 'Luke you are the sexiest boy to ever walk this Earth' and I'll take my hands away. It's shouldn't be that hard Cal," I teased. 

"Okay okay L-L-Lukey you are t-t-the sexiest boy t-t-to ever w-w-walk this E-Earth!" Calum laughed. I pulled away and sat down back in the hospital chair next to his bed. "See that wasn't so hard was it?" I asked. "Of course not. You're my hot boyfriend. I can't resist," Calum told me. 

"Of course you can't. Even if you did, I'd seduce you," I told him, wiggling my eyebrows. "Oh I wouldn't be able to resist you," Calum replied. 

"You wouldn't be able to. I have my ways," I told him.

Calum laughed, knowing it was the truth, and I found myself staring at him. The way his black tousled hair matched his brown eyes. The way his smile and laugh lit up a room. The way his perfect jawline-

"Luke, you're staring again. I'm not all that hot though. I've been in a hospital bed for two weeks and I haven't done much," Calum pointed out.  

"God Calum you are hot...even though you've been here for what feels like forever. I don't even care that you're in a hospital gown or if you're hair's all over the place. Or the fact that you haven't showered in the past couple of days. You're so hot," I breathed. 

"Luke if you want a kiss all you have to do is ask for one," Calum teased. I moved the chair closer to Calum and leaned in, our faces inches apart. 

"Calum..I would love a kiss from you, my hot boyfriend." 

"Like you said Luke, I can't resist you." 

I smiled and lean in, pressing my lips against his. I grabbed his chin and held his head up, making it easier to kiss. I felt Calum smile against my lips and soon enough he started to kiss back. 

I pulled away and left him another quick kiss on his soft lips. 

"Is that enough? Or should we kiss more?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe we should wait until you get home. Then I can push you against your bed and kiss you as much as I want," I replied. "Violent now are we?" Calum asked. "You know me," I replied, teasing him as Calum laughed. 

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door and I instantly pulled away from Calum. The door opened and I saw Dr. Kawr and Aaron walk into the room, talking and discussing about something...maybe about Calum's condition.

Dr. Kawr then grabbed a chair and sat on the other side of Calum while Aaron closed the door and sat on another chair on the other side of the room.

"Hello Luke. Hello Calum. How are we feeling today?" She asked. "I feel better. A lot better. I noticed that I haven't had any hallucinations since Monday and I haven't had as much nightmares too," Calum told her. "And it's Friday today right?" Dr. Kawr asked. I nodded.

"I'm just going to do one last check up on you Calum. Then, if everything's alright, I'll give you and your dad the 'okay' to take you home. Alright?" Dr. Kawr asked. Calum nodded.


Dr. Kawr check on Calum's blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, eyes, ears, basically all the vitals doctors usually check on.

"Alright Calum, It looks like everything's okay. You're ready to go home," Dr. Kawr told him as Calum and I smiled.

"But, Ms. Care has requested that you and her have your last therapy session here. But she did say that your dad and Luke can join you for this one. Then you and your dad can decide if you want to continue them throughout these next couple of months. Alright?" Dr. Kawr asked.

"That works out," Calum said as Aaron nodded.

"Alright. Ms. Care will be here in a couple of minutes for your therapy session. Oh, and Mr. Hood, feel free to call me if Calum starts acting up again," Dr. Kawr said, giving Aaron her card. "I will. Thank you," Aaron replied. Dr. Kawr nodded and walked out the door, closing it behind her. 

"Is Ms. Care nice?" I asked, holding Calum's hand.

"Yeah she's really nice. She's a really good listener and listened to me tell her about my situation with Peter. She even told me that she was a victim too and that she went through what I'm going through now. So it was really easy for her to relate to me and help me as well." 

"Really? That's good that she can relate to you Cal," I told him, squeezing his hand. 

Suddenly another women came into the room. She had softly curled, blonde hair resting on her shoulders. Her green eyes smiled with her mouth. She looked to be slightly younger than Dr. Kawr, in her late twenties at least. She carried a clipboard while wearing a thin lab coat over a pink dress she wore. 

Aaron then moved his chair to sit next to me while the women sat moved a chair and sat on the other side of the hospital bed. 

"Hello Calum. Do you mind introducing me to your dad and friend?" She softly asked, motioning to me and Aaron. 

"No not all. That's Aaron Hood, my dad. And that's Luke Hemmings...my boyfriend," Calum told her slyly.

She looked at us holding hands and smiled, showing no sign of disgust. "Don't worry Calum, Luke. I have nothing against gays and lesbians so you don't need to worry if I'll be disgusted or anything, I'm completely fine with all of it," she told us as I sighed in relief. 

She then looked at me. "But you're the famous Luke. I'm glad that I finally get to meet you. Calum talks about you quite often," Ms. Care told me.

"Oh really?" I asked, looking at Calum, who was turning beet red. "It's awfully adorable though. He's admires you so much Luke. I thought you should know that. How long have you two been together?" Ms. Care replied, asking a question right after. "Two weeks today," I replied as Ms. Care nodded.  

"So Calum, I know it's been a few days since we've last talked. But...has everything been going okay? How are you feeling?" She asked. 

"A lot better. The hallucinations haven't appeared as much and the nightmares are almost gone. In fact..." 

Calum gripped my hand even tighter. "Luke helped my nightmares go away. He's been spending a lot of time with me in the hospital and he...he was there with me when I had nightmares and he stayed up to make sure I slept okay, or that's what he told me." 

"You did this for Calum...Luke?" Ms. Care asked, looking at me. I nodded and smiled. "Calum's my whole world, as cheesy as it sounds. Even when we were just friends, I hated seeing him upset and stressed," I replied. 

"I had no idea you did that Luke," Aaron told me, shocked. I nodded. "You went home when I did this. It's fine though. It was worth it. For Calum." 

Aaron smiled. "Luke, you are the right guy for Calum. I can't see him with anyone else but you."

"So do I. So Calum...do you feel better? Do you feel like you've won...over this mental struggle and shock?" Dr. Care asked. "I think I did win. I mean, I have Luke with me. And ever since we started dating the nightmares started to go away. In a way, Luke's like...my guardian angel," Calum replied, looking at me in admiration. 

"That's good Calum. It's good to have someone, besides a parent, to turn to when you're struggling to overcome situations like this. I'm glad to say it's Luke because he seems like he cares about you a lot," Ms. Care told Calum.

"I'm glad it is too Ms. Care. Even if Luke and I weren't dating, it'd still be him. He's one of the only people I trust besides my dad and my other friends, Ashton and Michael." 

"Trust is a hard thing to build with people. I know how hard it can be. But it's good to know you can put your trust in one person," Ms. Care said as Calum and I nodded. 

"Alright. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Ms. Care asked. "No...I think that's all that needs to be said. Thanks for helping me Ms. Care," Calum told her. "You're welcome. Here's my phone number in case you need to talk again," Ms. Care replied, handing Calum a card. 

"Well, I think Dr. Kawr gave you the okay to go home now Calum. It was a pleasure being talking to you these past two weeks. Feel free to call and say hi, or if you need to talk," Ms. Care said as she walked out.

We all waved to her as she walked out and closed the door. 

"Alright Calum. I think it's time we go home," Aaron said as Calum nodded eagerly. I handed Calum some of his clothes so he could change. 

He got out of his bed and stumble. Before he could fall I quickly caught him, and helped him stand while he changed. He's been lying down in a hospital bed for two weeks with almost chance to walk around so I understood that he'd wobble around a little bit.

He took off the hospital gown and changed into his dark washed skinny jeans, a loose gray tank with a band name on it, and his black vans. 

Aaron opened the hospital door for us and we walked out. I held Calum's hand to help him balance as we walked towards the lobby. Aaron wrote down all the contact information then went to write down Calum's information. 

We walked out of the hospital and I swear at that moment Calum would've bowed down to the grass in happiness. His face when we walked out made it seem like he was a little kid walking into the biggest toy store in the world. 

"It feels great to be outside and out of that hospital room," Calum told me. "I imagine why. You were stuck in that room for two weeks," I pointed out. "But you were with me. So it wasn't so bad," Calum insisted, gripping my hand. 

"I'll meet you at home Cal," Aaron told Calum as he climbed into my car. "Alright dad. I'll see you soon," Calum told him. 

We all got into our cars and drove off. 


Once we got to Calum's house, I opened the car door and helped him out. I closed the door behind him, locked the doors, and walked inside with Calum. 

Aaron got home before us so the door was unlocked when we turned the doorknob. 

We had taken six footsteps before Niko came running up to Calum and tackled him to the ground, licking his face and barking in happiness. 

Calum laughed as he let Niko lick his face. "Hello Niko. Yes I missed you too. Hopefully dad was taking good care of you while I was in the hospital." 

"Of course I took care of him Cal. Don't worry," Aaron yelled from the kitchen. Calum laughed and was able to get Niko off of his body. He then led me to his room and closed the door. 

Once he closed the door I grabbed him and shoved him against his bedroom, pressing my lips against him. He was surprised that I had kissed him but quickly kissed back. I felt my lip ring rub against our lips as we kissed. I licked his bottom lip, hoping his lips would part. I felt him smile against my lips and soon after he granted my wish. He slightly parted his mouth and I slipped my tongue inside. Our tongues met and danced together gracefully. I wrapped my arms around Calum's waist, pulling him closer to me, as Calum ran his hands through my blond hair. 

I pulled apart so we could both breath, and rested my forehead against his, panting.

Before Calum could say anything, I placed my pointer finger over his lips, telling him not to say anything, yet.

"I'm not done yet. That was just the beginning."

And with that I started placing kisses down his neck. I then reached my collar bone and started to suck lightly, leaving a dark red hickey as Calum yelped in pain. I kissed his new hickey, to help with the lingering pain. I then gave him one last kiss before I rested my forehead against his, gazing into his brown eyes.

"I can't tell you how much I wanted to do that," I breathed. "Well you got your wish. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't waiting for you to do that," Calum whispered, placing another kiss on my lips. 

Our moment was interrupted when I felt my phone vibrate. I sighed and reached into my pocket to see who had sent me a text. 

I looked at my phone to see a text from Ashton. 

Ash: Mikey, Lillie, and I are here. You can bring Calum out now. 

I smiled and put my phone back into my pocket. 

Calum saw my smile and raised an eyebrow. "Luke...what are up to?" 

"Cal...I have a surprise for you." 


"Cal...I have a surprise for you," Luke told me. 

I raised my eyebrow. Well this was something new. "Well...what is it?" I asked. Luke smirked. "Well you'll just have to find out yourself won't you?" He teased.

I smiled. "I suppose so." 

Luke smiled back. "Follow me." 

Luke opened the door to my room and led me down the stairs. He told me to put on my shoes so I did. I slipped on my Vans as he did. I looked back to see Niko and my dad sitting on the couch. My dad seemed to have a...smirk on his face. A smirk? Since when does my dad smirk? Some thing was up. 

Luke led me outside the kitchen door and into the backyard. I noticed my dad and Niko was slowly following us but I didn't really bother thinking on what that could mean.

Once Luke brought me to into my backyard, what I saw it transformed into amazed me. 

The trees were decorated with lights that went across the yard, connecting each tree with a string of lights. It was already dark out so the lights lit up the night sky, not leaving a single place in the yard dark. There were two stools on the side with three microphones on their stands while a picnic blanket with a picnic basket sat on top. (A/N Picture on the side)

The two people that occupied those three stools and microphones were none other than Ashton, who was sitting on his drum box, Michael, who was holding his guitar, and Lillie, who was simply sitting on her stool. They all had microphones on their stands, waiting for them to be used. 

"Guys...did you plan all of this?" I asked. They nodded, smiling. "And you too dad? You were in on it too?" I asked, looking back, who nodded.

"Do...do you like it?" Luke asked shyly.

"I...don't think like is the right word. I...I love it Luke. This is amazing. How did you plan all of this?" I asked.

"I...I wanted to take you out on a proper date Cal, ever since we started dating. But I couldn't, obviously, because of your whole hospital situation. So, wile you were resting at the hospital, I got together with your dad, Ashton, and Michael and told them my plan and they helped me plan all of this. Lillie didn't find out until yesterday though because I asked her to sing. She has an amazing voice so I thought it'd be nice to add a feminine voice to the song they're singing for us later. Since it has been two weeks, I thought this was a good idea. Is this alright?" Luke asked.

"Of course it's alright. This is perfect," I replied, looking around the yard. 

"Anyway guys, we came and sat out here just to see Calum's reaction. So we'll go inside now. Luke call us when you need us again," Ashton told Luke as he nodded. 

They all proceeded to walk inside while Luke lead me over to the picnic blanket. We sat down and Luke opened the picnic basket, exposing all the food inside. 

He pulled out sub sandwiches, chocolate-covered strawberries, a bag of chips, a container full of cookies, and lemonade to finish it off. 

"You put my dad up to this didn't you? I'd recognize his cooking anywhere," I pointed out, observing all the food laid out in front of me. "I know him well enough to ask him so. He didn't mind. He was actually pretty excited to do it. He told me he had help from Al too," Luke replied, taking a sub sandwich. 

"You didn't have to do this you know," I told him, grabbing a cookie from the container. "Why do think that Cal?" Luke asked, as he bit into his sandwich. "I didn't really need all of this. I would've been okay with just Netflix, popcorn, and a cuddle," I honestly told him.

"I wanted to do all of this for all of you. No doubt. I know you've only been my boyfriend for two weeks but you're also my best friend. You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And I want to do and be the best for my boyfriend and best friend," Luke told me. He had finished his sandwich and was now holding out a chocolate-covered strawberry for me to eat. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"I'm sure. Cal, you've spent the last two weeks in the hospital because of something Peter did to please himself, not you. And besides, you were stuck there with some pretty shitty hospital food. I wanted you to have a good time, with good food, when you were able to go home." 

I smiled and leaned in, grabbing the strawberry with my mouth. I recognized the taste of the chocolate first. My dad has his own recipe for chocolate that tasted a lot better than chocolate you could buy in stores.

I swallowed the food and lightly sighed in happiness. I had dreamed for this moment to happen for as long as I can remember being gay, and here it was. The boy of my dreams, Luke Hemmings, was feeding me chocolate-covered strawberries. And I couldn't ask for anything more. 

The next half hour consisted of us talking about random topics that came up in our conversations, like usual. We had talked our relationship, pizza, FIFA, school, music, and everyday life.

"Luke, that tasted amazing," I told him as we finished our food. "Compliments to the chef Cal, also known as your dad," Luke told me.

"Fine. Thanks to you and the chef," I corrected. "I should get a kiss for...planning a good dinner," he told me in a convincing tone.

I rolled my eyes then smiled. I grabbed his chin and left a small kiss on his lips. 

"There's your kiss," I teased. "Cal, don't I get a few more kisses?" Luke asked, using his puppy eyes. "Nope. Not yet. Maybe later," I told him. Luke sighed in defeat as I placed once last kiss on his cheek. Luke then looked at me and smiled.

He then stood up. He held out his hands and helped me stand up too.

"Cal...we're not done yet," Luke told me. "What else do you have planned?" I asked.

Luked smiled then held out his hand. "Calum...will you dance with me?"

"Lukey...I don't know how to dance though," I told him. "I know a thing or two. Maya kind of taught me how to dance..." Luke trailed off, "Anyway Cal, will you dance with me? I'll teach you. It'll be fun and you'll love it."

I sighed then gave in, putting my hand in his. "Alright. I'll dance with you, as long as you teach me how to dance." 

He smiled and lead me away from the picnic blanket and basket. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ashton, Michael, and Lillie walk out and take their place in their chairs. 

"So...how do we do this?" I asked. "So...I put my left arm around your waist as you put your left arm around my neck. Then we hold our right hands out, like this," Luke explained as I proceeded to follow his directions. 

"Now Cal, use your right foot and take a step behind you. Then use your left foot and move to your left, then to you right," Luke explained.

"Then what?" I asked. "You do the same thing, except you switch with your feet. So you're moving in a box," Luke explained.

"What's after that?" I asked. "Then you follow me...because I'm leading us. I'll occasionally dip and spin you as well, but you'll know when I do," Luke told me as I nodded. 

"So basically...I'm the girl in this relationship," I said, after he taught me what to do. "Well...yeah. If you don't mind I mean," Luke replied.

"It's perfect. I mean, you're probably the more dominant one in our relationship. And besides, I'm dancing with you. That's perfect enough for me," I told him, smiling. 

After a few minutes of frustration, I finally got the footing together and was able to move with Luke, who moved perfectly. We were dancing around the yard before we finally decided to add music to our dancing. 

"Alright. Music," he said, cuing Ashton, Michael, and Lillie. They nodded and Michael started to play soft chords as Ashton started to play a soft beat on his drum box. (A/N You COULD play the chapter song now if you'd like.) 

I quickly recognized the chords and beat a song, 'Can I Have This Dance', from High School Musical.

"High School Musical...really Luke? Out of any song we could dance to right now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well yeah. I thought the song would match the moment. I mean, for a slow song, it's nice," Luke replied. "Well it does. And...I like it because it matches us...now," I replied.

As Lillie started to sing, I was mesmerized by her voice. Even for a weird and interesting person, she had an amazing voice. I had no idea for someone as weird as her, could have a musical talent such as singing. Once Michael joined in their voices came together perfectly, as if their voices were meant to be together. Soon Ashton joined in for the chorus and the song felt more complete. Their voices fit together perfectly and it made a beautiful song for me and Luke to dance to.

We looked above us to see a starry night above us and the lights around us. "It's beautiful tonight. It's amazing," Luke sighed. "You choose a perfect night to have this," I told him.

"Nope. You just choose the right day to get better. Considering what you've been through, you're a fighter. You're a survivor. You deserve this perfect moment," Luke whispered. 

"A perfect moment wouldn't mean anything without you. You would've needed to be here for it to be perfect," I told him as he slowly spun me. "I know what you mean Cal. I can't even imagine having this moment with Maya. All I want right now, is you, me, and the music helping us dance," Luke said as he quickly dipped me.

He quickly helped me up as I gripped his hair. And soon enough we were dancing again.

Ashton then started to sing the second verse as Luke and I sent him a small smile. Ashton shyly smiled back at us and continued to sing his solo. Ashton always thought he had a horrible voice but it sounded amazing to the guitar Michael was playing and the beat Ashton was providing. 

We stopped moving around the yard and slowing stopped and danced in one place. "I wish it was you singing to me right now Luke. You have an amazing voice," I told him, resting my head on his chest.

"If I sang to you, how would I dance with you? I can't do both. Besides, your voice is a lot better than mine," Luke replied.

"They do it in the movie, and your voice is better than mine. Period," I pointed out, ending our argument.

"Cal, this argument isn't over. Just so you know. Now isn't the time to argue," Luke told me.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Anyway, this isn't High School Musical, even though I wish it was," Luke told me. 

"No, you don't need to wish that. This doesn't need to be a scene in a fake reality movie. This is real. You're real. This relationship is real. I prefer this moment more than any scene in that movie," I told him.

"This is one of the many reasons why I love you," he replied. 

Before I knew it, I heard Ashton, Michael, and Lillie singing the last chorus, signaling that the song was almost over. I lifted my head up and we spend the last minute in silence, just gazing into each other's eyes and letting our thought cloud our minds as the music went by.

He spun me before the last lyrics of the song, slowly guiding me into a soft, smooth, spin under his arm.

The song ended with me and Luke gazing into each other's eyes. His blue eyes met my brown ones, making our stare loving and memorable.

Luke grabbed my chin and leaned in, the tips of our noses touching.

"Calum...I am never going to get tired of saying this. And I'm stupid for not realizing it earlier. I know now Calum. I know. I love you. And no one's going to change that." 

"Luke...I've loved you for as long as I can remember, being gay anyway. And now that you're here and that I'm here, I could ask for anything more. Luke, I love you too.

And with that, I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. He seemed surprised because I was one that kissed first, but he quickly kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling our bodies closer together.

I pulled apart for a second to breath then kissed again. Our lips hungrily kissed each other, wanting more than it had gotten the first time, trying to satisfy the need for our lips to be able to touch and taste each other.

We pulled apart and rested our foreheads against each other.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," I whispered.

"Me too Cal. Me too. For now, let's just...live here in the moment. Let's just...forget everything and everyone. Right now, let's just focus on you and me. It'll feel just like forever."

I nodded and we kissed again.

And at that moment, I wished that this moment with me and Luke could last forever. No issues, no drama, no worries. 

Just me and Luke, living in this moment.



Vote if you got Cake feels and comment how bad they got. I might just dedicate the next chapter to you. c; If they got as bad as mine..well we'll see. 

- Gabie :) 

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