Platinum Obsession (Dramione...

By gabbiebrogan

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Chapter One - First Glance
Chapter Two - Tracks Back to Hogwarts
Chapter Three - Explain Yourself
Chapter Four - New Rules & Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter Five - The Divination Classroom
Chapter Six - What is this Magic?
Chapter Seven - Late for Class
Chapter Eight - Insights and Misconceptions
Chapter Nine - Decisions and Heartbeak
Chapter Ten - Pizza, Neck Ties & Virgins
Chapter Eleven - Damaged
Chapter Twelve - Guilt and Bruises
Chapter Thirteen - Shopping At Andromeda's
Lit for Life
Chapter Fourteen - Halloween Sleepover
Chapter Fifteen - The Wrath of an Old Friend
Chapter Sixteen - An Unlikely Betrayal
Chapter Seventeen - Prison Breaks and Underwear
Chapter Eighteen - Steamy Shower Anyone?
Chapter Nineteen - Breakfast Conversation
Chapter Twenty - Narcissa's Predicament & Ron's Revelation
Chapter Twenty-One - Bad Moves
Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Be Such A Pansy!
Chapter Twenty-Three - What Have You Done?
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Burrow
Chapter Twenty-Five - He Loves Me
Chapter Twenty-Six - A Cherry Popping Christmas
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Gift
Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Strawberries, Lies And A Game of Ties
Chapter Thirty-One - Valentine's Day Pt. I
Chapter Thirty-Two - Valentine's Day Pt II
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lucy's Sticky End
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Aftermath
Chapter Thirty-Five - Harry's Tribulation
Chapter Thirty-Six - The Trip Must Go On
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Camp Training With Bordeaux
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Legilimency and the I.W.I.A.
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Finals and Aunty Ginny
Chapter Forty - Graduation
Chapter Forty-One - Falling
Sequel Antics and Thank You's

Chapter Thirty - Bellatrix, Hermione and Fiendfyre

9.8K 232 94
By gabbiebrogan

Hermione POV:

Since the day Neville had told me about the Game of Ties, I had been spending a lot of time with Draco just talking and cuddling. There was nothing wrong of course, I realized that just when I felt like I was beginning to know this complex soul a little more, he sprung something new on me.

Something else had also lingered in my head. He was the Slytherin King. I had always heard him referred to in that way. I just never knew where it originated from. After all, I was the Gryffindor Princess. A name I had been given by other students and I swear it was for a completely different reason. But the fact still remained. He was THE Slytherin King. He managed to seduce thirteen girls in ONE day. He could have any girl in the entire school if he wanted. And even a fair few guys. But he chose me. And I him. 

I smiled at the thought. I sat down at my desk as Madame Hooch entered the class room and began writing on the board. I was very anxious because today was the day we got our mid-year results back and this was the subject I was most nervous to receive markings for. It was a week before Valentine's.

I stiffened in my chair as I certain cologne wafted towards my nose. 

"Hey gorgeous stranger. Mind if I sit here?" he asked taking a seat.

Draco and I never really sat together in classes because we felt it was important that we maintain a bit of normality in our lives and that we don't spend every waking moment together to reduce chances of insanity.

"Um, sure. Don't let my boyfriend see you though. He may just hex you while you sleep." I played along.

He laughed. "I'd never hex someone in their sleep. I'd like to see the lights leave their eyes." he said roughly. He covered his remark with a smirk but something told me he was more than half serious.

I didn't know whether to be flattered or worried. I'll admit, I was definitely more flattered. As scary and dangerous as Draco may be sometimes, he was a good person at heart and he would never hurt anyone who was undeserving of it. Yes, he was capable of doing seriously gruesome things and in his head the way he saw it, as he had specified many times to me: 'If you fuck with me or mine, I'll fuck you right back...ten fold'. I was surprised at how okay I was with that. 

He also had quite an eager interest in the Dark Arts but I knew he didn't wish for any kind of world domination or weird stuff like that. He also wasn't into immortality or extending his life in any sort of magical way like Voldermort was. I was glad to learn that. One horcrux hunt was enough for me in my lifetime. I think it was just the uncanny eeriness, peculiarity and mysteriousness that drew him in. As it did to almost everyone who took an interest in such things. 

I found from time to time, I'd also ask him questions about things we were forbidden to learn in school and nine times out of ten, he was able to answer me. It was weirdly interesting sometimes but I guess for me it was just the allure of an undiscovered territory.

"Miss Granger, perfect theory. Your practical however needs improvement." Madame Hooch set my exam papers in front of me. "As you need these marks in order to sit your end of year exams, I will be running a reassessment exam for all those who didn't quite reach the required mark. Both theory and practical." She announced to the class. "Resits will be at the end of the week."

"Argh." I grunted as I shoved the papers in my bag. "I knew that stupid boggart would get me." I said in a huff.

"Love," Draco called gripping my hand. His serpent ring on his ring finger felt cool against my skin. "What parts of the practical did you find difficult?"

"Well done Mr Malfoy." Madame Hooch said congratulating him and handing over his papers. Top marks. She moved on. He shoved his papers aside without once looking at them and turned to me waiting for an answer.

I sighed. "My boggart got me and uh," I whipped out my paper again. "I lost control of my Fiendfyre Curse."

I growled and grabbed at my hair, wanting to tear it out. In truth I was afraid of the Fiendfyre Curse.

"Mione, stop." Draco reached up and pulled my hands out of my hair. "Meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight. I'll teach you."

I stopped fretting and looked at him. "Really?" 

"Really really." He smiled at me.

I squeezed his hand and smiled back.

* * *

After dinner in the Great Hall, Ginny and Luna headed back to our dorm and I headed to the Room of Requirement.

I began pacing the corridor and when I entered the room, I saw Draco standing by a mirror in the corner.

He looked up when he saw me and a shadow hung over his pale face.

"Draco are you okay?" I asked.

"I have horrible memories in this room. Too many. I've spent a lifetime in here mending that godforsaken cabinet and all for what?" He growled.

"All for life. All for survival. All to be here with me today." I said embracing him.

"A real man in my position would have died instead of expose innocent people to danger like that." He rasped.

"There's nothing wrong with being smart. What would your death have achieved? Someone else would have been assigned the role you played as soon as your body was cold? You did the best you could under the dire circumstances and you know now who you are because of it. It all helped shape you so if you refuse to embrace it, at least accept it. I know what you've done and I love you more for it. Why? Because you are a real man Draco. My real man."

He frowned and kissed me passionately. The kiss lasted a lifetime.

I pulled away gasping for breath. "Now, the boggart. And Draco, I have to warn you. It's, well, it's your-"

"I know." He said quietly. He braced himself and opened the closet door with the boggart inside.

Bellatrix Lestrange stepped out of the closet and her bulging eyes rested on me. She stumbled forward towards me. "Yuck! Disgusting mudb-"

"Riddikulus!" I yelled. My heart beating faster with every step she took. She dodged the spell and carried on towards me. "Riddi- Rid- Ri- Aaaaaaaahh!" I screamed as she grabbed my arm. Her talon like nails dug into me.


"Hermione! Hermione! Oh fuck baby I'm so sorry. Hermione!"

Draco's tear stained face loomed into view.

I sat up dizzy. The boggart nowhere to be found. "Where's-"

"Back in the cupboard." He said. "Are you okay? I shouldn't have let it get so close to you. Are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "Just traumatized." I half laughed standing up.

The grip on my arm felt like it was still there. I shook it off. "Again."

Draco looked at me unsure.

"Again." I said firmly.

He sighed and opened the closet door a second time.

Bellatrix's long, black painted, fingernails curled around the door as she stepped out again. Her neck craned round to face me, her black, heavy lidded eyes piercing me with a malevolent stare. She threw her head back and let out a deafening cackle. She walked towards me.

Drawing all the energy I could, I walked towards her, determined not to back down this time.

"Stupefy!" I yelled. She was blasted back into the closet and Draco shut the door.

"Whoops." I said dropping my wand.

Draco bent over double laughing.

"That's one way to do it." He said between copious amounts of laughter.

"It's not funny!" I said picking up my wand in a huff.

"I'm sorry love. I've just never seen that before." He said wiping his tears in his eyes.

"Stop being a pratt Malfoy." I jibed. But as I said that, I started to laugh.

He straightened his face before we both fell about in hysterics.

"Oh God, I'm never going to get this!" I said crouching into a ball frustrated.

"It's fine love. Rome wasn't built in a day." I straightened up at his very muggle inspired quote.

I pecked his cheek.

"I'll tell you what goes through my head. Maybe it'll help some." He brandished his wand and stood in front of the closet. I stood at the door intrigued by what was going to come out of the closet.

He nodded at me to signal he was ready and I opened the door.

I held my breath as I prepared to see Voldemort or Lucius step out of the closet but what stepped out was a completely different thing entirely.

It was me.

In my school uniform looking very well put together. My face however held an expression of disgust and hatred.

Other me walked towards Draco. "You. You worthless scumbag. You good for nothing coward. It's because of you Dumbledore's dead. It's because of you everyone's dead. Voldermort never would have attacked the castle if Dumbledore lived. You singlehandedly killed them all. You're less than the ground they walked on. Who could ever love you?"

I gapped in horror at the things Other Me said.

"Focus Hermione." Draco spoke quietly but clearly. "Focus on the spell you're about to cast. Block out what's in front of you. Envision a blank piece of parchment." He stepped towards the raging Hermione spewing insult after insult at his face. "Picture something funny" he said raising his wand. "Riddikulus!" He shouted.

My doppelganger jumped back in shock as her body was replaced with bulging, fake-tanned muscles all over her body and a tiny fluorescent pink mankini covering a miniscule bulge in between her new man body.

I couldn't help it. I busted up. Squatting down laughing, I let out a shrill laugh.

The boggart looked horrified and ran back into the cupboard.

I slammed the door and banged on it as I laughed. Draco began to laugh with me. Once we had laughed all we could, he turned serious.

"The boggart has nearly been finished." He said. "One more go will do it." He lifted me off the floor. "Your turn." He handed me my wand and kissed my forehead. "You can do this."

I walked to stand in front of the cupboard. I let my mind clear, only remembering everything Draco had just said. I nodded at him and he opened the door once more.

For the third time, Bellatrix Lestrange stepped out of the closet. Think of the spell. I told myself.

Her eyes narrowed and an evil snare set into her features. Picture the parchment. I saw a blank parchment appear in my head. Bellatrix's jibes were incoherent at the moment.

Think of something funny. I raised my wand. "Riddikulus!" I cried.

Bellatrix's sinister looking attire was replaced by a baby bib and diaper. Her chicken legs, pale and skinny, stood naked and bare and her bushy hair stood on end like a scared cat as she looked at the rattle in her hand. Draco howled with laughter and I joined in.

The laughter was too much for the boggart to handle and it exploded into dust.

Draco looked at me and I returned his stare. I ran into his arms. "I'm so proud of you. My aunt was one freaky looking lady. I can't imagine what that must be like for you." He murmured. "That's enough for one night."

I bit my lip as he spoke. "Draco?" I spoke quietly. "Am I really your biggest fear?"

I felt him stiffen. "Yes." He whispered. "You hating me scares the living daylights out of me."

I hugged him tighter. "Never in a million years." I whispered back.

* * *

Every night after dinner, Draco and I practiced the Fiendfyre Curse. It was difficult because if I lost control of it and Draco failed to grasp control over it, we had to quickly run out of the room and seal off the Room of Requirement.

The night before my exam, Draco and I sat practising again.

"Your wand movement and technique is perfect, love." He told me. "You have to remember that the Fiendfyre Curse is actually Dark Magic. I was shocked when I found out we were being assessed on it to be quite honest. I guess it is one of the less evil curses out there if managed but regardless, any Dark Magic operates differently to other kinds of magic. Just as each strand of magic is in turn unique in their own way."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He smiled. "Dark Magic stems from within. It is harnessed by your feelings, manipulated by your thoughts and controlled with your will. You must bring it to life by pushing your magic into the spell. For example, the Fiendfyre Curse. You must birth it, keep it under your control. Then inflate it till it is at a great strength. Once it is at full strength, you must dominate it. Willing it to obey. Only then will you be able to fully control the flames and have it do your bidding. It would attack only those you wanted it to then." He brandished his wand. "Dark Magic takes a lot of inner strength and that's why so many wizards over the years become somewhat unhinged."

"Infernus Ardemonium Maxima." Draco growled. A string of bright orange flames issued from the end of Draco's wand. He maneuvered his wand in a fluid, calm motion, building it up and turning the string to a thick rope. As the rope of fire got bigger, it began to take the form of a serpent. Draco began to use his free hand as well as his wand to manipulate the snake. As he strengthened the fire he closed his eyes summoning and releasing power into it. As the serpent rose into the air it hissed. Draco opened his eyes and swirled his wand over his head. The snake slithered around the room, now nearly twenty feet in height.

The heat from the blaze was intense and scary. The flames roared with power as it swirled around and around us whipping my dress in the air. I looked at Draco as he gave me a cheeky grin. He flicked his wand and the serpent soared to the ceiling another fifty feet above us and floated patiently awaiting it's next command. The room was lit with an orange light from the raging fire and despite the death fire circling above us, I leaned over to kiss Draco in this romantic lighting. He returned my kiss but when I deepened it, he smirked and pulled back.

"As much as I'd like to finish that, I can't afford to lose focus with this over our heads. If the snake senses a break in my dominance, it will act of it's own accord." Draco summoned the snake down and it shrunk as it got closer to him, it's tail disappearing into the tip of his wand.

I looked around. I couldn't see a thing. I felt blind. Standing in pure darkness I felt Draco's hand clutch mine. "Your eyes will adjust in a moment."

"That was brilliant." I breathed. "Draco everything you've said tonight makes total sense and the craziest part is that I never would have learnt this in class."

"Snape taught me most of what I know." He's the only teacher I felt really understood the Dark Arts fully. I have no time for teachers who don't know shit but teach it anyway. Hooch is just lucky I agree with some of the stuff she says. Vaguely." As my eyes adjusted his face came into view. He looked apprehensive. "It's your turn love."

I took a deep breath and looked at him. He gave me a reassuring nod. I nodded back and began my wand movement. "Infernus Ardemonium Maxima!" A flame shot from the end of my wand and I jumped a little, it bursted out and flowed faster.

"Don't fear it!" Draco yelled over the growing blaze. "Control it."

I looked at the fire pooling dangerously close to my legs. My wand started to vibrate as the flames spilled out the end at a frightening pace.

"Reign it in Hermione!" Draco yelled.

I closed my eyes and thought of a gushing water faucet. In my mind, I slowed the water flow in the tap and as I did I felt the magic in my body flow slower.  I opened my eyes to see the fire calming around me.

"Now pour your magic into it, slowly and steadily." Draco said able to be heard a lot better now.

As I did so, the vision of the water faucet stayed in my mind and helped hugely. My Fiendfyre began to take form. A huge Griffin rose from the flames and roared.

"Dominate him Hermione." Draco said. "Don't let him see any weakness or fear. Make him fear you. Intimidate him."

With all Draco's words in my head I began to push these vibes onto the twenty foot Griffin above me. He bowed a little and I smiled as I waved my wand, watching him follow where I held it. I sent him to the roof and his wings licked the walls as he took flight. He idled up there, looking down for his next instruction.

"Well done baby." Draco said "Now slowly and steadily reign it in. Like a full sink of water draining down the pipe. But not too fast, or you'll cause ripples on the surface of the water."

I knew exactly what he meant. I reigned the Griffin back in and watched him dissolve back into my wand.

We stood in darkness again as we waited for our eyes to adjust.

"So, your Fiendfyre is basically like a more hard to control Patronus?" I asked him.

"Essentially, yes." He held his arm out for me and I took it gladly. "I think now that you understand the dynamics of the curse, you'll be fine tomorrow. How about we sneak out to Hogsmead for a late night pizza?"

"Sounds perfect." I said as he dragged me from the room.

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