runaway love / cha eunwoo ast...

By xdeelightx

167K 6.9K 1.4K

In which Cha Eunwoo has to make Lee Eunbi fall in love with him, all over again. ASTRO Fanfiction; Cha Eunwoo... More

status update
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see you again.


3.9K 180 57
By xdeelightx

a week later, eunbi officially began her first day as sm's trainee. she arrived at the company that morning and was welcomed by one of the staff.

lee seol, a woman in her thirties was the person in charge of handling trainees and she was bringing eunbi for a tour around the building.

by now, they almost reached the end of the tour. seol had showed her the gallery and exhibition room at the first floor, told her about meeting rooms and store rooms at the second floor, filled her with details about recording studios at the third floor and currently, they were on their way to the fourth floor where the practice rooms for trainees were located. practice rooms for the idols were a floor above and trainees were not allowed to go there without permission.

they just stepped out of the elevator when seol received a phone call and she needed to go, leaving eunbi to venture the whole floor by herself.

there were five to six rooms, with a small area of pantry at the middle of the hallway. there wasn't anyone in sight; maybe because it was still early to go for practices.

eunbi chose to enter the furthest room at the end of the hallway, hoping to use the room for one round of dancing and the moment she did, she instantly regretted her choice.

a girl was dancing in the room, though she stopped once eunbi came in. she shot eunbi a puzzled look, panting heavily as she ran her hands through her long hair.

eunbi gasped upon recognizing the girl. she didn't expect to see anyone, especially her, in this room. she quickly bowed down, apologising for interrupting her.

"no, it's okay." the girl beamed, gesturing for eunbi to come inside as she grabbed her water bottle. "i haven't see you around before. i'm guessing; you are a new trainee?"

"yes. my name is lee eunbi and i'm 21 years." eunbi introduced herself formally, bowing down. "nice to meet you, seulgi sunbaenim."

the red velvet's member just nodded her head. "me too, eunbi-ssi." she gathered her things and got ready to leave.

eunbi bowed once again when seulgi walked past her. it felt surreal to meet such a popular member of girl group on her first day as a trainee. she had to brag about it to hyunjae later.

"eunbi-ssi." seulgi suddenly called out from the door frame. eunbi looked up nervously, "yes?"

"this is my favourite practice room during my trainee days so i hope you will use it well." seulgi smiled her signature eye-smile, "fighting!" she said before disappearing behind the door.

eunbi was thankful for the simple yet meaningful cheer she received from her senior. after all, she needed it to face the upcoming days as a trainee.


astro was currently on their way to their first schedule of the day. as early as eight in the morning, the six guys had their make-up and clothes done, all ready to make public appearance.

while the members were having fun chatting and singing, eunwoo sat alone at the back of the car, a solemn look on his face as he stared into his phone.

he scrolled through the pictures of her and them together, feeling his heart clenched in longing.

he missed her, badly. up until now, even after four months had passed, he still couldn't get over the fact that she had left.

eunwoo closed his gallery and went to the dialer. he called her number, hoping that this time, she would answer him but it was useless. the call ended with the voice operator telling him the number was not in service anymore.

it happened everytime. eunwoo sighed, throwing his head back to the head rest in disappointment.

rocky had been watching eunwoo from the corner of his eyes, all these while. he hated to see eunwoo looking depressed because of her. he could still remember seeing eunbi with another guy, looking all happy.

at this point, rocky just couldn't hold himself anymore. "eunwoo hyung, can you stop moping around like a hopeless fool?"

eunwoo opened his eyes to look at the younger boy. the van immediately turned quiet. all eyes were on rocky, even jinjin turned around from the passenger seat in front.

thank goodness the manager wore his earphones at the loudest to even listen to them. maybe he had enough of hearing the boys singing girl group songs earlier.

"what?" eunwoo shot rocky a glare.

"rocky-yah, why are you being like this?" mj nudged rocky harshly, forcing a smile as he spoke through gritted teeth.

with eunwoo being emotional and sensitive these days, the guys knew better than to comment anything about him for they didn't want to get into his bad side. but rocky seemed to have forgotten that.

noticing the disapproval looks he received from others, rocky sighed. he toned down his voice as he spoke, "can you just forget about eunbi nuna and move on? she has left you and probably, gotten a new boyfriend for her own sake!"

eunwoo scoffed. he still looked pissed off with the latter. "watch your words, rocky. eunbi would never cheat on me."

this time, rocky was the one who scoffed. "hah, really? then, what about the time when jinjin hyung and i saw her with another guy when we have schedule at paju*?"

"yah!" jinjin shouted but it was too late; the words are out. the leader was so closed to strangling the rapper for blurting their supposed-to-be secret.

"what?" eunwoo's voice faltered.

"you can ask jinjin hyung if you don't believe me." rocky gestured to jinjin, which made the leader freaked out when the attention was shifted to him instantly.

jinjin glared at rocky, doing a mental note to kill the guy in his sleep tonight.

"hyung." eunwoo called out. his eyes were glassy as he stared at jinjin, "is what rocky said true?"

eunwoo didn't want to believe the news but he believed that his group members wouldn't lie to him. and knowing rocky, the boy looked dead serious about this.

jinjin scratched the back of his head awkwardly. his gaze shifting everywhere as he pondered over telling the truth or lie to eunwoo. at the end, jinjin sighed in defeat.

"yeah." he weakly answered, "we saw her and a guy walking to an apartment building that night."

and that was enough to break eunwoo's heart to pieces.


honestly idk anything about sm ent. building so i wrote whatever came to my mind.

**and paju is the only place (beside seoul and busan-- it's too cliche to use these two cities) that i know so that's explain the place.

and eunwoo, it's okay baby. i'm— i mean, we are here for you.

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