Suite 103. (COMPLETED)

By ArtistryByBadu

2.3M 77.5K 37.6K

Chris Brown fanfiction. Β© ArtistryByBadu This story is not to be copied, reposted, plagiarized in any form. More

Suite 103.
1. Moving Day
2. Neighbours
3. Introductions
4. This Bitch Is Crazy
5. Hey Neigbour
6. Sunrise
7. Photoshoots
8. Stay In That Position
9. New Beginnings
10. In My Dreams/ Stupid Me
11. Blow Up/ Galleries
12. Beach Is Better
13. Good Friends
14. Life Of A Celebrity
15. Pleasure then Regrets
16. Cut You Off
17. Come Thru
19. Bigger Picture
20. Revelations
21. Bitch Is Crazy Part Two
22. Mine
23. Drunken Nights
24. Jordan Pt. One
25. Jordan Pt. Two
26. Missed Calls
27. Engagement
28. Bad Ideas Part One
29. Bad Ideas Part Two
30. Leave You Alone
31. Treat Her Better
32. Anguilla
33. All We Do
34. Vixen
35. Baby Blues
36. The Birds Part One
37. The Birds Part Two
38. Drunk
39. Suite 103
40. Anew

18. Breaking

52.9K 1.9K 1K
By ArtistryByBadu

hey guys, I saw how many people were enjoying the last chapter, so I pushed myself to write this one as fast as I could.

almost every comment from last chapter, everyone was coming for Nia, talking down and calling her thots and stuff, but honestly, I know almost everyone of you would literally hop on Chris Brown if you had the chance, so before you read this chapter, think about that.

18. Breaking

Nia Riley

I walked back out onto the patio and sat back in my seat quietly, trying not to attract any attention to myself. I was so mad, I could break something. How dare he? How dare I let him?! I made sure my curly spirals were covering my bruised neck. God I was a whore. I needed help. I needed to get a grip.

“Did you find the restroom Nia?” Heather asked me when she noticed I was back outside.

“Yeah I did, but I’m gonna head out now, I’m really tired.” I responded.

“Aww okay, bye girl. I’ll text you forreal this time.” Heather laughed and stood up from her seat to give me a hug. I lightly wrapped my arms around her for a few seconds.

“Tell everyone I said bye.” I made sure I had my car keys and phone before walking back into the house and out of the party.

As I walked to my car I heard yelling from somewhere in the distance.

“I’m so tired of this shit man! We’re not even together! I can do whatever I want!”

“No you can’t! We’ve been through too much to just throw that away!”

The closer I got to my car, the farther the voices got. I just shrugged it off and hopped into my car. I was a little bit tipsy, but I could definitely drive home. I let the top of my Mustang down and let the Miami breeze do its thing.

As I drove down the highway trying to get back to the safety of my condo as fast as I could, I thought about my mom and what she’d think about what I was going through. About the situation I’d put myself in.

God I was so stupid. I was so dumb and wide open for this guy, who didn’t care! He only cared about one thing, and I’d given it to him so easily. I was a hoe.

“God mom, I’m sorry.” I mumbled.


Christopher Brown


“Shut up, don’t say shit to me! I hate you, I swear to God I hate you.” Mina barked as I pulled out of my nigga Michael’s garage. He’d thrown the party at his house, and he let me park my car in his garage so i wouldn’t have to worry about parking and all that.

“Shut your ass up Mina, what did I tell you about that yelling shit?” That was literally my biggest peeve, and it had been since I could remember. If my own momma didn’t yell at me, no one was gonna yell at me.

“Shut up.” She muttered. She lowered her voice though huh?

“I can’t believe you, you’re so grimey. First you let that ugly hoe Ginger talk to me any kind of way, and then you go to the bathroom and get a hickey from a random thot? You disgust me.” Mina spat. I looked over at her while I drove, cause she sounded like she was possessed.

I was confused though, how did I let Ginger talk to her any kind of way, Mina’s her own person, she can do or say whatever she wants.

“You should’ve stood up for yourself when she said something.” I shrugged. That was the only situation I could get out of. I couldn’t deny the hickey, she’d definitely seen that one. But luckily, I told her it was from a random fan, and not Nia. If I told her it was Nia, she would’ve went off twenty times worse.


“You don’t even care.” She mumbled and leaned her head on the leather seat of my Lamborghini.

“I do care Mina, but what do you expect me to do when you’re out here telling people we’re working on us, and I’m your baby? What did we agree to last week?”

I heard Mina sniffle. Damn she was crying, I hated when she cried.

“I know Chris, I know we’re not together anymore, it just feels weird not being with you anymore. I used to see you everyday, now I only see you if it’s about clothes!” Mina cried and turned to face me, tears streaming down her beautiful face.

“I’m sorry Mina, what do you want me to do?”

“Love me like you used to!” She yelled and broke down in sobs. Damn.


I just stayed silent until I pulled up in front of Mina’s loft that she shared with her best friend Seiko.

“Mina, wake up.” I muttered and shook her leg lightly. She sprung up and looked around her. I don’t know when she’d fallen asleep, but she was knocked out.

She grabbed her stuff and threw the car door open.

“You ain’t gone say goodbye Mina?” I yelled as she started to walk to the entrance of the apartments.

“Kiss my ass!” She yelled back, making me laugh. I shook my head as I pulled out of the complex. Tonight had been wild. Michael had called me at like 12 in the afternoon talking about throwing a party, and a few hours later there was over three hundred people in his crib!

Nia was one of those people, I didn’t even expect her to come through, but I was glad she did. I really liked Nia man, which had my head so messed up. I hadn’t known her for a long time, but every time I was around her, I felt so calm and carefree, it was so refreshing.

And she was gorgeous, she was so beautiful it stunned me sometimes. But I knew I couldn’t come back from what happened tonight. I had her pretty ass ready to give it up to me in the restroom, kissing on my neck and shit, and then Mina called me, looking for me just so she could nag about Ginger.

I answered, and made the big mistake of calling her babe. It was a habit, that’s all I ever called Mina.

She just pushed me away and got dressed and let without a word. I knew she wouldn’t forgive me.

I would definitely try to see what could happen with Nia and me, but I knew it’d never happen, cause she was always feeling guilty about Mina, and Mina was always feeding her bullshit.

I’d broken things off with Mina so long ago, but she just kept telling everyone we were working on us. There was nothing to work on.

I drove back to my condo and got there in less than half an hour. I made sure to park in the underground garage, and lock my car before I started hustling up the stairs to my home.

As I turned the corner onto my hallway, I started to think about if I should go see Nia and apologize. The longer I waited, the worse it would be. And I wanted to make things right with her, believe it or not, I really thought of her as a friend.

"Eff it." I mumbled and walked one door past my home and knocked on the wood.

I looked down at my rose gold Rolex watch for the time, it was 1:38, not that late.

"Who the hell?" I heard Nia's voice from behind the door. She lifted up on her tippy toes and looked through the small peephole before kissing her teeth and opening the door, obviously annoyed with my presence.

"What do you want?" She asked and looked up at me. I stared down at her and just looked at her. She was honestly one of the most beautiful girl in the world, right next to my momma.

"I want to apologize, but first I want you to let me in please." I smiled.

She rolled her eyes but moved away from the door so I could slide past her.

"Apologize and then go." She said and walked over to her couch and sat down on it.

"Damn ma, you're so hostile." I laughed and followed her to the couch. Nia just continued to look at me, just waiting for me to talk so she could kick me out.

"Alright I'm just gonna be honest with you. I like you Nia, but shit's so complicated right now. I'm not with Mina, I haven't been for weeks now, but I just can't let her go. We've been through way too much, but I have to, because it's making things worse. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel used, that isn't what I want. I want to try things out with you, but I have all this shit I'm going through right now." I explained.

Nia just sat there not saying a word, taking in everything I'd told her.

"I like you too Chris, even though I feel so guilty about it. Mina and I aren't the best of friends, but I've given her advice on her relationship with you, how am I just gonna basically take her man?" Nia finally said. I couldn't help but smile a little bit when she said she was gonna take me from Mina.

She could take me anywhere if she wanted.

"I get it Nia."

"No you don't get it Chris, cause I'm the one that looks bad and played, not you. You just look like a pimp or something, and I look like a big hoe." She exclaimed angrily.

Even though she was basically yelling at me, it didn't make me mad, it turned me on. I'd never seen Nia mad before.

"I told you I understand, but it doesn't matter what anybody thinks about us. I don't care, you shouldn't either." I told her.

"It's not that easy." Nia just rolled her eyes.

"Aye listen to me." I grabbed her by her chin and forced her to put all her attention on me.

"I like you, and you like me. Forget everybody, it's just Nia and Chris, okay?" Nia nodded her head.

"Good. Now come here." I muttered and pulled her face closer to me. I pressed my lips against her soft ones. Nia pecked me a few times before pulling away.

"Why're you playing with me?" I frowned and tried to pull her back, but she just smiled and shook her head.

"No kissing or sex tonight."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not gonna let you off the hook that easy. Even though you and Mina aren't together anymore, you called her babe, and I'm not gonna let you play like me that." She answered.

"Man, I call Mina babe like that's her real name, that doesn't mean anything." I huffed.

Nia shrugged. "Well now you know not to."

I just rolled my eyes and leaned more onto her couch. Since we weren't gonna do anything I might as well get comfortable. I wasn't gonna leave yet. I'd made that mistake last time.

"So what're we gonna do?" I asked her.

"We can talk, we don’t have to have sex all the time, I don’t even know anything about you.” She responded.

“We don’t have sex all the time, we’ve only had sex once, and I want a repeat. I’m not saying now though, we can talk for tonight, but the next time I see you,-” I pointed to her crotch area. "Ain't no talking."

Nia just rolled her eyes and laughed, but I could definitely see the lust and curiosity in her eyes.

"So Chris, what do you want to talk about?"


Mina Tran

"I love you Mina, you know I'll always have love for you girl, but this isn't working anymore." Chris said as we walked down Rodeo Drive.

"I don't get it. You were willing to give us a chance just a few weeks ago, what happened?" I looked up at Chris's golden skin as we walked side by side.

"I just don't think we're meant to be together Mina, and I've been thinking 'bout dating someone else." He shrugged.

Dating someone else? What the hell?

"Date someone else? Who is she Chris? I swear to God if it's Robyn."

"Chill out Mina, it's not Robyn. You don't know her." Chris told me. What did he expect me to do, just accept this and tell him good luck?

I'd been with this man for almost three years. I saw him every single day.

"So this is really it? No more Mina and Chris?"

"There's still gonna be Mina and Chris, we're just gonna be friends. This is gonna work, trust me." Chris said and pulled me into a side hug.

Trust me, my ass. I did trust him, and love him, with everything in me, and he just threw it away. I knew our relationship wasn't perfect, but damn, I just felt like he was giving up on us.  

“Mina, what’s wrong?” Seiko questioned as I slammed the balcony door closed after returning from outside. I’d just smoked a random doobie that Chris had left over, and I was feeling nice. Know I knew why Chris was always smoking weed, it made me not feel bad, just for a little bit. I was hurting so much, but for right now I had a goofy smile splattered on my face.

“Nothing’s wrong Seiko, everything in life is perfect.”

"Are you high? You don't even smoke." Seiko looked at me confusedly. I just shrugged and sat down on a free couch cushion.

"He doesn't want me anymore." I told her after a few moments of silence. Seiko sighed and looked at me.

"Y'all are gonna be back together by like next week." Seiko said. I shook my head, not this time.

"He said he likes someone else."

"Oh honey." Seiko moved over and pulled me into a tight hug.

"God you smell like weed." She said, making me laugh. This was the first time I'd really laughed in days. It felt good.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I love you." I pecked Seiko's cheek and stood up slowly from the chair, trying not to lose my balance and fall on my ass.

"I love you too."

I walked through the loft until I got to my bedroom. I grabbed my iPhone and checked my messages, hoping there was one from Chris. I'd texted him telling him I made it inside safe, but he still hadn't answered. I always texted him goodnight, even if we weren't on good terms, and I wasn't gonna change that just because he found someone else.

I love you, goodnight - Mina

I went back to my message inbox and looked at the text that I hadn't replied to. There was a lot from Twitter, and one from my friend Draya. I'd met her through Chris, and I watched her on Basketball Wives every week.

Hey girl! I was just thinking about you, we should get lunch and catch up! - Draya

I smiled at Draya's message. Draya was a known bisexual, her and Chris used to mess around back in the day, and when I came into the picture, we all had a weird friends with benefit thing until I realized that I was falling for Chris, and she found her a new man.

Aw Draya, we should definitely get lunch and catch up! Tomorrow? - Mina

Draya texted back immediately.

Definitely ;) - Draya

I locked my phone and threw it somewhere on the bed. I looked over at the clock I had right above my TV and read the time, 3:28. I needed to go to bed.

I climbed out of the bed before padding to the lamp that was currently lighting up my bedroom. Beside the lamp was a framed picture of Chris and I on the beach. That was from our first date, like two years ago. God I was so sprung on him.

"Fuckkk him." I mumbled and picked up the picture frame. Chris was looking down at me with a big smile on his face. He didn't even look at me like that anymore.

I dropped the frame on the hardwood floor, watching the glass break as it hit the wood.

Fuck him.

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