Born Lucky

By Shayde1

691 22 16

Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1

Chapter 18 part 2

27 1 0
By Shayde1

Devon had only brought one small suitcase, but she had also brought a make-up case, so after picking up her luggage, Dylan led her out to the parking garage and began the journey back to her Aunt's house once again.

The introductions went well as Dylan suspected they would, her family welcomed her with hugs and of course Connor had to state the obvious, "Wow, Dylan how'd did you manage to snag her, she's way out of your league." He said his accent thick with the Irish dialect.

Laughing Dylan looked at Devon and nodded, "I don't know little bro', but you're right, she is way out of my league."

"She is quite a looker." Aunt Katie agreed looking her over appreciatively with a big smile and rosy cheeks.

"Thank you all, but now that I'm thoroughly embarrassed I wonder if I might be able to go freshen up a bit." Devon said blushing.

"Of course, my dear." Aunt Katie smiled, "Erin, show her where the powder room is."

Jumping up Erin smiled, "Sure thing."

"Liam, why don't you take Devon's things to Dylan's room?" Aunt Katie suggested.

Nodding, Liam stood up and gave Dylan a wink as he headed for Devon's bags, which made Dylan laugh out loud.

As soon as they were alone, Aunt Katie said, "I do hope you know what you're doing, she does look high maintenance."

Raising an eyebrow toward her aunt, Dylan nodded, "Does she now?"

Waving a hand for her to follow her into the kitchen, she went on, "I mean, she's a pretty little bean, but her clothing looks mighty expensive."

Laughing at her Aunt's term for woman, Dylan said, "Yes, and she has her own job to afford them...don't worry Aunt Katie, she's not after my money."

"I wasn't saying that." She replied haughtily, but Dylan knew better. Aunt Katie still felt it was her job to make sure Dylan didn't get in with the wrong crowd or...the wrong relationship.

"She's a good woman Aunt Katie, it was her money I used to get Conner out here...mine was tied up in the restaurant." Dylan admitted, at least partly.

Turning to face her with a surprised look, she nodded approvingly, "Is that so...I knew I liked her for a reason." She smiled playfully.

The rest of the evening was spent eating dinner and conversing, and by ten, Dylan was a wreck. Watching Devon laugh as everyone tried their best to embarrass Dylan with stories of old, only made her desire for the woman grow more as even her laugh seemed to turn her on. Damn, she loved this woman! Devon fit with ease into her family and was even trying to learn some Irish, little did she know, the words they were teaching her, were Irish cuss words.

Finally, being able to take no more, Dylan stood up and taking Devon's hand in hers began to announce it was time for bed, so after hugs and kisses goodnight they headed to the bedroom.

"Bean Íosa Críost , I didn't think I was going to make it." Dylan stated pulling Devon into her arms as soon as she shut and locked the door.

Closing her eyes, Devon sighed and buried her face into Dylan's neck, "Mm, I've missed your smell."

Tangling her hand in Devon's dark mane, she pulled her head back and firmly planted her mouth on hers, in what almost seemed like a furious want, but was plainly just sheer need.

With a ragged breath, Dylan stepped away, "If you want that beautiful outfit to stay in one piece, I suggest you take it off..." she told her, not trusting herself.

Smiling gently, Devon reached out and cupped her face, "Rest easy darling," she started soothingly, "I assure you this is yours, all night long."

Swallowing deeply as she tried to gain control of her unbridled want, Dylan began to unbutton her own shirt, "And I intend to take it all night long."

Devon saw and understood the need that was washing over Dylan, she could see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice, and feel it in her was as if they had been apart for longer than just two nights, and they were dying inside. Devon, knew that it was a ridiculous thought but she felt sure that if she had not been touched by Dylan at the exact moment she had, some part of her would have withered and perished. Maybe it wasn't healthy to be so attached, but she was, and as Dylan refilled her soul with beautiful love as she caressed, and kissed her, she once again began to feel whole.

As Dylan lay languidly beside Devon after having made love to her for the last hour and a half, she felt Devon's hand slowly running across her flat stomach in a soothing manner, and she wondered how she had lived so long without the completeness of this touch.

"What are you thinking?" Devon asked softly as she brought her green eyes up to look at Dylan's face.

Closing her eyes, Dylan smiled a little as she soaked in Devon's warm touch, "It may sound cliché, but I was thinking how you complete me."

Leaning up a little, Devon brushed her lips against Dylan's jaw making her open her eyes, "I don't think it sounds cliché at all," She started, her voice still thick from the passion they had just shared, "I think it's sounds heavenly."

Wrapping her arms around Devon tightly, Dylan kissed her tenderly, "That's because you're an angel."

Devon's eyes clouded a little as she leaned back to search Dylan's eyes, "If I didn't know you better Dylan McKay-Walker, I'd think you were trying to get me into bed."

Raising an eyebrow, Dylan smiled again, "And you you'd be right..." She stated kissing her once more, this time a little more playfully, "I fully believe that if you weren't in here with me, my cousin and brother would be trying to do the same thing."

Laughing lightly, Devon put her head back down on Dylan's shoulder, "They are very handsome." She replied, "But, It's clear you got all the charm."

"Only charm? What about looks?" Dylan played along.

"Mm, definitely that..." She began, as she ran a hand down the middle of stomach to rest in the warmth between Dylan's legs, "You are by far the sexiest person I've met in your family yet."

Groaning as her fingers traced the vertical wet line, Dylan swallowed and willed Devon's fingers to slip in between the folds and touch her, "Stop teasing me woman."

Raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow, Devon responded by sliding her finger inside of her gently, "I'm not teasing you darling, I intend to return to the pleasure that you just gave me."

Reaching up to cup the back of her head to pull Devon's lips to hers, she felt a wave of pure ecstasy run through her body as Devon began to move inside of her gently. "We may be at this for a while then if you intend to keep up, because I'm not even close to being finished with you." She stated between kisses.

Breathing deeply, Devon closed her eyes and smiled, "I was hoping you'd say that."

The next day, Dylan and Devon went sightseeing, since Conner had never seen Boston or for that matter, anywhere, he was excited to get out and explore. Dylan's plan was to get a hotel for the night so she and Devon could at least have one night alone before going back home, but that was not to be. Aunt Katie had quashed that idea from the get go and Conner was none too excited about it either, so in the end, They stayed their last night at the house with her family and then the whole family packed themselves in the van to drive them back to the airport to say goodbye.

Dylan was grateful for the time and love shared by her family and after promising to come back out very soon, she and Devon boarded the airplane for home. It was a bittersweet goodbye because Dylan wanted to spend more time with her little brother, but she also knew that both she and Devon had to get back to work.

"Sorry that didn't turn out to be the romantic weekend getaway you had hoped for." Dylan told her once on the plane and heading home.

"Are you kidding, I had a great time," She said looking into Dylan's eyes as they sat side by side holding hands. "I loved being with your family Dylan, and the romance was there my darling, especially Friday evening." She added with a twinkle in her eye.

"Well, it wasn't exactly what I had planned."

"The only thing that mattered was being with you." Devon said leaning forward to kiss her, oblivious of the stranger sitting next to them. "Let's never be away from each other again."

"I think that goes without saying." Dylan smiled, losing herself in those beautiful emerald eyes.

Dylan had called Mark a couple of times to check on things and he had told her things were running smoothly, AND they were really bringing in the business. Sales were up and the restaurant was making money hand over fist at this point. It pleased Dylan as her dream was coming true, but in another sense, she felt like a woman without a mission. Now, that things were running smoothly, she knew she would have more free time and didn't know what to do with it. With Devon working again she knew she would have to find something else to get her through the day.

After helping Devon unpack, they relaxed for a while before she suggested they go to her place so Dylan could do the same.

"So, have you thought at all about moving in here?" Devon asked curiously.

Turning to look at her, Dylan took a breath, "Yes, a little," Dylan admitted.

"And?" Devon asked standing up to put her arms around Dylan's neck.

Shrugging, "And...I want to make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into?"

"Of course I do," Devon told her honestly, "I'm getting myself into the relationship I've always dreamed of."

"It's just that once you move in together, everything changes." Dylan stated.

With surprise in her eyes, Devon stepped back, "Most of the time for the better." She responded eyeing Dylan suspiciously, "Are you saying you don't want to move in?"

"No, I'm just saying that it is a big step." Dylan returned evenly.

Dropping her arms to her sides, Devon's eyes grew a shade darker, "I thought you wanted a relationship?"

"What? I do." Dylan acknowledged, "This isn't about whether I want to be in a relationship or not, it's about making sure you understand that I'm not an easy person to live with...I'm moody, cranky, and sometimes even rude."

"That may be true, though I've yet to see any of it," Devon started, "But, it wouldn't make me love you any less...Dylan my love for you is unconditional and I want to move forward in this beautiful dance of ours."

Searching her eyes, Dylan felt her fear disappear and as her body relaxed from the tense state it had been in for the last few minutes, she realized that she too wanted to move forward, "You went into the wrong line of work babe, you should've went into sales..." She told her, and then stepping forward to pull her into her arms she added, "Okay, I'll move in."

"Really?" Devon squealed in excitement as she threw her arms around Dylan's neck.

"Yeah, really." Liking the feeling of happiness that she had just because Devon was happy.

"Oh my gosh" she squealed jumping into Dylan's arm's, "That's wonderful; I love you so much..." She added peppering her face with kisses excitedly.

Laughing, Dylan put her hands around her, "I love you too babe, now can we at least go to my place so I can get some clean clothes?"

"Yes," Devon said exuberantly, "And we can start bringing some stuff over tonight, we can pack my car and yours too."

"Maybe I should keep my apartment for weekend getaways, I mean you've seen the view it's very romantic." Dylan said hopefully, part of her fear she knew was giving up her own place, she equated it with independence because of her father and her upbringing.

"Darling I don't care what you do with it as long as you call this home and sleep in our bed every night." She smiled lovingly.

Was she for real? And there it was!

"I've never loved you more than at this moment." Dylan stated leaning down to kiss her lips softly.

As soon as they walked into the kitchen, the crew welcomed them back warmly and then proceeded to pepper Dylan with questions about how it went with her brother. Nothing was a secret in this place that was for sure. After polite rhetoric, Dylan and Devon headed upstairs only to be stopped at the elevator as they were getting on and Cassidy was stepping off.

"Welcome home." She replied friendly enough.

"Thanks Cassidy, it's good to be back." Dylan told her but could feel Devon's body tense immediately.

"We sure missed you..." She started looking directly at Dylan before moving to Devon face and asking, "Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, it was wonderful meeting her family." Devon replied as she wrapped herself around Dylan's arm possessively.

"I trust Lisa has you all trained, are you alone tonight or is Mark upstairs?" Dylan asked.

Cassidy laughed lightly and reached out to touch Dylan's arm, "You don't think he'd leave me alone so soon, do you? He's upstairs crunching numbers." She replied tilting her head upwards to the office.

Dylan immediately felt Devon squeeze her arm tighter when Cassidy reached out to touch her free arm, but within a moment, she had removed it so it was useless to bring it up, "Okay, well carry on the good work...I'll go tell him I'm back."

"Alright, you two enjoy your evening and it's good to have you back." Cassidy smiled, again looking directly at Dylan.

Nodding, Dylan pulled Devon into the elevator and pressed the button up as she glanced over at her and saw the hard set of her jaw, but her eyes remained fixed straight forward.

"Breathe." Dylan commanded after a moment of silence and the elevator headed up to her apartment.

"I really hate her." Devon breathed out tightly.

"Hate is a very strong word."

"I really dislike her."

Laughing lightly, Dylan pulled her against her side, "Well, now that I'm moving in you won't ever have to worry about her."

"She still works for you." Devon pouted cutely, "and I swear I'm going to rip off her arm if I ever see her touch you again."

"Devon..." Dylan acknowledged with a smile as she stepped off the elevator pulling Devon with her, "while that is true the key word is 'works ' for me, that's it baby...she is my employee and that's all she will ever be."

Turning into Dylan's arms, Devon smiled as she reached up to touch her face, "And that's all she better ever be."

With a humph, Dylan shook her head, "As if I would ever be stupid enough..."

Shrugging, Devon smiled, "I'm just saying...she is very pretty."

"Beauty isn't everything, I mean look at us." Dylan joked and got promptly smacked on the arm.

"Ow." She laughed rubbing her arm.

"So I'm not pretty?" She teased eyeing Dylan suspiciously.

Taking her hands, Dylan said, "You my dear, are beyond pretty...I don't think there are words that even begin to describe your beauty."

Wrinkling her nose cutely, she smiled, "Try anyway."

Throwing her head back, Dylan had to laugh, damn, she loved this woman... "Okay, let's see," She started but Devon immediately silenced her by putting her mouth on hers.

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