Chapter 8

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The whole way back home and even after she had showered and made herself some lunch, Dylan felt miserable. She had let her selfishness control her emotions and had left Devon's feeling estranged. She knew she had acted wrongly, she knew it when she was doing it and then as she left, so why hadn't she turned around and gone back in there to tell Devon that, and give her an appropriate goodbye kiss? Why did she have to let Devon feel like she had done something wrong? After all, Devon did have a job and couldn't just drop everything because she had spent the night with her.

Dylan spent the better part of the afternoon going over the books with Mark and trying to take her mind off of what an ass she had been to Devon until she could call her later and tell her that herself. She busied herself in the office and then later down in the kitchen and then the club until around four p.m. when she headed back upstairs to her apartment to call Devon...something had slowly begun to unravel in Dylan's heart and she couldn't go any longer without talking with Devon.

Just as she stepped into her apartment and pulled out her cell phone, it rang in her hand.

"Hey Lisa, what's up"? She asked seeing the caller i.d. and knowing it couldn't be anything major since she had just been down there.

"You have a visitor, boss." She replied evenly and immediately felt her pulse race.

"Please tell me it's not Max." Dylan said putting a hand to her forehead.

"Nope, it's Devon." Lisa said cheerily.

Surprised, Dylan felt her heart skip a beat, "Really..."? She asked, a little stunned, "send her up."

Straightening up her shirt, she walked over to the mirror to make sure she was presentable and then headed over to the elevator to unlock it so the doors would open automatically for Devon when she came up, which it did.

Seeing her standing there, dressed in the same tailor made skirt and blouse she had worn this morning made Dylan's mouth water. She was so damn beautiful...

"Hi." Devon said almost nervously, as she looked at Dylan with unsure eyes.

Reaching out for her hand, Dylan wasted no time pulling Devon into her arms, "Hi yourself," Dylan returned softly as she lowered her head to brush against her lips, "what are you doing here"?

"I know I should have called first, but the truth is..."she began looking up into Dylan's eyes, "I've felt a little off today, the way you left this morning had me feeling a little...unsettled." She admitted.

Sighing, Dylan searched her beautiful green eyes and felt her heart sadden. She had done this, she had put that unsure look in Devon's usually bright eyes, "I'm sorry baby that was my fault..." She told her honestly, "I had expectations; I wanted to spend the day in each other's arms again," she started then taking her hand again, led her into the kitchen to pour a couple glasses of wine, "and then I woke up and you were gone."

"I'm sorry, I should have woken you to tell you I needed to get ready for work." She said stepping up beside her, "And, if it's any consolation, I would have taken it off to spend another day with you."

Turning to hand Devon a glass of wine, Dylan smiled, "Well, I'm sorry I made you feel bad." She told her seriously.

Without even taking a sip, Devon set her wine glass down and stepped up to put her arms around Dylan's neck, "Oh yeah," she said seductively, "How sorry"?

Born LuckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora