Psychopath [solangelo au]

By hafuck1010

246K 10.8K 36.6K

Nico has lived with that term all his life. Psychopath. He knew it was muttered behind his back when he walk... More

-How to breathe-
-How to meet new people-
-How to be present-
-How to laugh-
-How to be pissed off-
-How to be annoyed-
-How to fight back-
-How to panic-
-How to smile-
-How to mess up-
-How to make a friend-
-How to bond-
-How to fake it-
-How to be a bad friend-
-How to accept-
-How to move-
-How to Christmas-
-How to make a snowman-
-How to eat cookies. A lot of cookies-
-How to sleep-
-How to be surprised-
-How to forget important dates-
-How to communicate with people (badly)-
-How to make a difference in your life-
-How to be happy-
-How to hold tight-
-How to to have a perfect day ruined-
-How to be official-
-How to deal with a bad day (or how not to)-
-How to pack-
-How to fly-
-How to appreciate live music-
-How to return to normal-
-How to settle in-
-How to skip school the proper way-
-How to rest-
-How to speak-
-How to be watched-
-How to spend a sleepless night-
-How to run-
-How to throw a punch-
-How to be free-
-How to date-
-How to tell the difference between reality and dreams-
-How to stay awake-
-How to stay grounded-
-How to trust-
-How to love-
-How to be still-
-How to try and stay sane-
-How to quit-
-How to lose your mind-
-How to survive-

-How to vacation-

4.5K 170 944
By hafuck1010

March 11th, 2018

The end of the day was incredible.
We relaxed in the sun, got Pina coladas (nobody cared about ages it seemed) and went swimming multiple times. Most of the people in the town were locals. We didn't have to engage with other tourists which was a stress relief- but because we barely know Spanish we couldn't talk a ton in the first place.

Once the sun started to dip past the horizon we decided to pack up our stuff on the beach and get the salt water and sand off of us so we could go out for dinner. It wasn't like it was cold- because it definitely wasn't- but the ocean breeze was cool enough that I could wear jeans a light shirt. Sadly, my feet were exposed with flip flops that jenny insisted I would need.
I had come out of my room at the same time as Will who was sporting khaki shorts (wouldn't be surprised if it was the only thing he wore), sandals, and a muscle tee. He's the type of person that can pull off a muscle tee. Of course he is.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door with a smile, and didn't let go as we walked to town. At the end of our street, where the hotels and houses turned into shops, we found a cute restaurant with tables out on the road, fairy lights strung across the tree beaches over head and soft music playing from the outdoor speakers. It smelled incredible.

Obviously we got fajitas, and while I decided I wouldn't have any more alcohol, Will got a beer.

About half an hour into our dinner a group of street dancers arrived. They danced in a way I had never seen before. We tipped them.

Then we walked across town and strolled down the beach back to our place. The moon was rising red. It would be full in two days.

The time change made it seem like an hour later than it was, so after sitting outside to look at stars, we went to bed.

March 12th, 2018

The next morning, birds woke me up. It was 7:30, and morning light was filtering through my blinds.
I snatched my phone off of my bedside table groaning. I'd have to shut my window next time, which was annoying because I liked to listen to the waves as I fall asleep.
On my phone, Jenny had texted me good morning and to have a good day. I smiled softly, eyes full of sleep, and sent her a quick reply. I threw my phone onto the bed and pulled myself up.

I left my room, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Across from me, Wills door was also open.
I shuffled over sleepily and peered inside cautiously, but he wasn't there. How early does that boy wake up? It was basically dawn.
Frowning, I turned to look around the open space that held the living room and kitchen. Still no sign of Will, except for the opened mini box of mini-wheats on the counter and an empty bowl and spoon in the sink.

I realized my chest was bare, so, shivering, I grabbed a random shirt from my bedroom floor to throw on with my pj pants.

Back in the living room, I found that the curtains in front of the sliding doors were pulled back. If I had been more awake, I probably would have noticed noticed before. Or the fact that the sliding door was open. If I had been alone, this probably would have been a scene where I realized I had been robbed in the night. It would be funny because I would be completely useless. I didn't even realize the door was open.
I slid my feet over the tile to the door and shoved it open wide enough to step onto the balcony. As soon as I was outside, the morning sunlight washed over me, warming up my body temperature ten fold. It had probably only rose an hour ago, and it was already this strong.

I squinted my eyes at the brightness and peered out at the beach with a hand above my eyes. It was too early to be searching for my boyfriend. All I wanted was a hug, not a scavenger hunt.
The beach only held a few people. Adults going on early morning runs, walking their dogs, fishing before the beach gets busy. All I saw was the back of Will's head.
His feet kicked at the turquoise water lazily (his shoes disregarded in the sand above) with his hands in his hoodie pockets and his head tilted back at the sky. Honestly, that man was like a sunflower. Always facing the sun.
Wearing his stupid Khaki shorts, he looked carefree- I couldn't even see his face.
Without checking my appearance, I shoved my feet into my sandals and jumped over the balcony railing.  Thankfully we were in a condo on the first floor, or that would have ended badly.

I shuffled down the sand, kicking my shoes off beside his and bending down to roll up my pants.
He still hadn't noticed me. I crept up behind him, the waves masking my splashing as I joined him. Even once I was standing directly next to him, he hadn't realized I was there.
Until he opened his eyes.

"Jeez Louise Neeks!" He yelped, jumping and splashing the water over the both of us. I laughed and smiled at the sun. He stared at me with wide eyes and a hand over his heart, breathing heavily.
"You scared the crap out of me! How'd you sneak up on me like that?"

"You're sort of dumb," I flashed him a sideways grin. His jaw dropped and then quickly recovered into a pout.

"Ok, rude," He snatched my hand from my side, holding it as consolation. I chuckled and rested my head on his arm.

"It's so nice out here," I breathed quietly. A warm gust of wind from the water blew through us, catching my words and taking them away.

"It is," Will replied, squeezing my hand. I got a chill through me- not from being cold, but from the lack of human contact in my life, and not being used to it now.

The water was incredibly clear. A few feet away there was a little silver fish swimming around in circles. I pointed it out to Will, who watched it intently. He looked genuinely happy here.
He turned to gaze at me, and reached over with his other hand and ran it through my hair.

"You're so beautiful Neeks," Will mumbled, making me blush. He bent down and kissed me on the cheek. I flushed harder.

We stood in the shallow water and watched the waves breaking at the top of the reef. At the restaurant we ate at the night before, the guy serving us was Canadian but had lived in Puerto Morelos for the past 13 years, and told us that just out in front of our condo laid the second largest coral reef in the world.
We decided we had to go scuba diving on our trip.

I dug my toes in the blindingly white sand. I took a deep breath, inhaling the clean air, and with an unspoken agreement we walked back.

After cleaning the sand off our feet we headed inside. Will changed into a proper shirt while I changed int a pair of black swim shorts. Real clothes were too hot in Mexico.

Then, hand in hand, we left the condo with money in our pockets.
The sun rising higher in the sky and people were up and about. We passed colourful condos and houses into town, waving back at people who nodded good morning.

Some people smiled at our interlocked hands, while others grimaced and looked away. I tried not to feel self conscious, but... well, it was hard. I wasn't completely used to it. I squirmed, looking at my feet, but Will just pulled me closer to him. I glanced at him and saw him smiling at me brightly. He wasn't afraid. I could help but smile back slowly. If I wanted to improve, exposure therapy was the best way to feel less afraid.

We neared the end of the road that opened up to the town square, passing the restaurant we ate at the night before. Across from it on the other side of the street was a breakfast smoothie and coffee shop. The place was small, like most other places here, and painted bright robins egg blue. It was cute, all open wide, with plants everywhere. It smelled like fresh fruit and coffee grinds.
We passed by people sitting at patio tables drinking their morning coffee. Will inhaled deeply and sighed in relief. He was a whore for coffee.

We arrived at the counter where a friendly looking older lady was milling around. She noticed us immediately and grinned widely. 

"Hola! What would you like today?" The lady asked brightly. English was not her first language, and she had a strong Spanish accent, but she was better than the people that worked at the beach bar beside our condo.

"Good morning! I'll have a large coffee and Nico you'll have..." Will started, glancing at me expectantly.

"I'll have a mango smoothie please," I finished, trying not to blush and fidget. The lady nodded and began making our orders.

We sat at a table on the patio to wait for our drinks.

"So what do yo want to do today Neeks?" Will asked, folding his hands together with his elbows on the table. He rested his chin on top of his hands and stared at me intently. I shrugged, shuffling my feet on the floor and looking away.

"I don't know, we could do the scuba diving thing if you want? And then maybe we could do some shopping and see the town, 'cause we didn't do it yesterday? Or I don't know, go to the beach afterwards," I mumbled tucking my hair behind my ears. He nodded quickly, eyes bright.

"That sounds good! Also I agree, the beach is a must every single day. I need my tan back, I can't stand being pale," I laughed at him as he stretched out his arms and pouted. He looked so... alive here. Happier than in cold New York. I wanted to keep him here with me forever. No school, no work, no people like Caleb to worry about. Only sun, the ocean, and good food.

"I haven't had a tan in years, I don't even know if I can get one at this point," I giggled. I crossed my arms in front of me on the table and rested my head on them.

"Nico, you're Italian, of course you can tan!" Will exclaimed, pointing a finger at my face.

"I don't think you've met enough Italians if you think they all tan well," I muttered, crossing my eyes to stare at his finger.

"That's it! My new mission is to help you get your tan back! Take off your sweatshirt, I know you have a shirt under there. You need to let your arms breath Nico!" he cried dramatically. I closed my eyes and smiled softly.

"Your drinks are ready boys," the lady called from the counter. We thanked her, paid, and grabbed our drinks.

The sun was steadily getting hotter, so I gave in and did what Will instructed, stripping my sweater off and wrapping it around my waist.

Will and I didn't lock hands this time, but we stood near each other as we walked, bumping elbows.
We left the street and entered a four way intersection at the heart of the town. Looking each way, we searched for somewhere we could go. On our right was a long road that we entered the town from, on the left lead to more restaurants and a small grocery store, and straight brought us into the town square and branched off into two streets with shops. We could also walk past everything over to the beach.

For reasons I couldn't understand, I wanted to go to the beach and never leave. I never thought I would say that before.

"So... should we look around and see what we can do here? Or get groceries? Or...?" I asked, staring up at him. The sun lit up his hair as he looked around and pointed at a large souvenir shop. I found myself waiting for his words as his mouth hung open, looking for words. I was a wreck.

"That store says there's customer service! They can probably tell us everything we can do around here,"he said at last. He grabbed my hand and lead me towards it.
We passed a line of taxis and ducked inside the open doorway. From what I had seen so far, there weren't any doors to most of the shops in this town. Who needs heating or air conditioning in a place like this. There was always a natural breeze off of the water. It never seemed to be cold. It was perfect.

It was significantly darker than outside, from the lack of bright sun above us.
I chewed my straw and looked around.
This place mostly held key chains, magnets and weird statues. It had a weird vibe- quiet, dark and with a weird assortment of items for sale. It made me sort of uneasy.
Will walked me through the store with a hand on my back. At the back of the store was a wide counter, and behind it, a rack from the floor to the ceiling of alcohol.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the girl at the desk asked cheerily. She couldn't of been much older than us.

"Hi! We're here for the next 5 days and we were wondering if there was anything cool we could do while were here!" Will asked with a friendly smile.
The girl seemed to like his grin, and was flustered by it like I always am. She tucked her hair behind her ear nervously and smiled back. She was probably a local as well, and didn't know too much English from what I could tell. I understand how that feels. When I moved here from Italy, I was a mess. Thankfully, I was young enough to learn quickly. It's harder to learn a second language the older you get.

"Oh yes, there is a lot of things to do in Puerto Morelos!" she told us, grabbing a brochure from a stack beside her.
"We have scuba diving, tree top zip lining in the forest, and the underwater caves to explore, along with a few craft festivals coming up this week!"

"Ooh that's sounds fun, right Nico?" Will turned to me grinning. I chewed my straw and nodded.

"Not the zip lining, I already have to take a plane home. I'm good at ground level," I mumbled around my straw, scrunching my nose. The girl behind the desk laughed politely.

"Where are you two from?" She asked, fiddling with her hair and looking at Will. Our hands were clasped below the table and she probably hadn't seen. I squeezed his hand, frowning and biting my straw harshly.
It took me a moment to realize that I, Nico di Angelo, was jealous.

"Oh! we're from New York," Will grinned unaware of my new found jealousy. This time around, the girl didn't smile back, but slightly grimaced.

"So you have Donald trump?" She asked. I had forgotten about all of the stuff between Mexico and the U.S.A. until now. I tried to ignore him, because every time I looked at him I got upset. It would make sense if the locals hated us. Not that we ourselves had done anything wrong, but by association. I understand that.

"Oh no. No. Yeah, we hate Donald trump, I would much rather live here than New York right now," Will cut in quickly, grimacing.

"So... you did not vote for him?" She asked, twirling her hair again but with a skeptical look in her eyes.

"No, definitely not. We," Will suddenly lifted our hands without warning, shocking me into biting my tongue,
"Are together. Trump is hateful and rude. He does not deserve to run our country."

The girls face dropped when she saw her hands. She frowned, dropped her hair and slumped a bit before smiling. Will probably just crushed her hopes without realizing he had done anything wrong.

"Plus I'm not even American really, I'm Italian," I added in. She nodded.

"Do you have snow right now?" She asked hopefully. Will and I both nodded.

"I wish we didn't," Will laughed.

"I want to go there, or maybe Canada, I've never seen snow," she told us. I honestly didn't see the hype, but I guess for someone who has never made a snowman or thrown a snowball it would seem pretty cool. Magical even.

"That sounds awesome, you'll love it! Also thank you so much for helping us," Will told her. She grinned.

"Your welcome! Are you guys going to buy anything today?" She asked. I was going to shake my head and leave this weird shop, but Will put his finger on his chin.

"You know what, can we have that bottle of whiskey right there- yeah that one- thank you." Will unlaced our fingers and pulled out some money from his wallet while I watched him in awe. He was actually buying alcohol. Why was he buying alcohol?

"For sure, here you go," she handed him the bottle in a bag.
We left with my jaw hanging open, straw abandoned.

"What'd you buy that for?" I asked him. With the bag and our drinks we weren't holding hands anymore. I sort of missed it. How could I keep up my exposure therapy if his hands were occupied.

"I think we deserved it this week, it is vacation after all," he grinned. He was full of surprises.
I bumped his shoulder, smiling quietly.

"Ok, since there's festivals coming up we probably don't need to go to those souvenir shops down there, so why don't we get some food for the condo?" I said as we crossed the road. I was still amazed he bought actual alcohol for us. That he would let me drink.
I guess I have been doing well since we've arrived. Everything that happens in my brain has been quiet- it's been good.
Somehow I've felt happier- lighter- even though we had only been here for a day and a bit. In crowds I still get anxious, but I haven't had a single hallucination since we've arrived, and Bianca is quiet for once. Still there, but quieter.

"Let's do it, I'm starving and I want to go to the beach and swim all day again! Let's scuba dive tomorrow," Will said.
We arrived at the store, and I held the door for Will.
It closed with a ding as Will passed me a basket.
We wandered down isles together, each grabbing things we would need.

"Oreos for sure," Will grabbed a box, throwing it in. I grabbed a box of what looked like lucky charms but in Spanish.
We also grabbed a bottle of aloe in case we got a sun burn (which was more likely for me), a package of bottled water, and Will bought a 6 pack of beer for himself because apparently it was his 'favourite brand'.

"What about fruit and vegetables? Or eggs and milk and stuff?" I asked, while looking through different prices of chip brands.
Will was on the other side of the isle, wandering away.

"Over here Neeks, there's a door that goes to the refrigerated section!" He exclaimed like it was a miracle. I laughed and walked over to him after grabbing Doritos.

He was holding a glass door open to a whole other room.
I giggled nervously when he snaked an arm around my waist and lead me over to the fridges. Inside was the milk and eggs we needed.
After grabbing those we looked at all of the fresh produce. I grabbed a watermelon and apples, and he grabbed carrots, cucumbers and green beans.
Then we went to the check out.

"Wow! This is a lot of food, how long are you two staying for?" The man asked. I shifted uncomfortably and tapped Will's thigh lightly to reply.

"For about 5 more days," Will said brightly. The man nodded and put all of our food in bags.

We stumbled home with way too many bags. Our cups were thrown out, and we were both sweating and tired as we struggled to put the key in the door.

"That.. was the longest walk.. of my life.." I heaved the bags up onto the counter. Will laughed at me and lifted his own easily.
We began putting stuff away into the fridge and organized on the counter, casually bumping hips and reaching around each other. After we finished I poured two shots of whiskey into a glass of orange juice. Will frowned playfully but opened his own beer.
Then we headed down to the beach where we would stay the rest of the day.


The next night was a full moon, which means the beach bar was throwing a party, along with all the other resorts and bars down the beach.
It was also the day of scuba diving, so after picking up breakfast, we headed down the beach where there was advertising the day before. We had seen it on a walk at sunset the night before (very romantic blah blah blah- not really I fell in a hole some child dug in the sand).
On the walk over to it I realized that there were holes everywhere (one with a now empty beer bottle that was once mine. I picked up and threw out because littering is bad) and Will kept calling them cenoté's which didn't brighten the mood. One of those holes nearly broke my ankle.
We arrived with several other tourists at the boat, but it seemed Will was the only one with an underwater camera.

While I was short and scrawny standing in swim shorts and a t-shirt, Will was shirtless and gleaming in the sun. Had I mentioned how good Will looked in a swim suit? Because he looked like a god. It was unnatural.

A man walked up to us, with a large smile that was definitely fake, and what looked like his son, who couldn't have been older than 15. His son didn't even try to put on a fake smile. He stared at his feet with his arms crossed against his chest.

The instructor taught us the rules and how to use the equipment. I realized that we had been calling it scuba diving when we should've been calling it snorkelling. Scuba diving sounded a lot scarier.

Then the instructor drove us out towards the reef. On the boat with us was an older couple that was definitely from the US, a father and his daughter who seemed to be the same age as us, and a couple that looked like they were on honeymoon. They wouldn't get off each other. Literally. She was sitting on his lap.

"So, where are you two boys from?" The older couple asked us. My head whipped over to them. I had been looking at the view, and quickly glanced at Will- I didn't want to talk. He smiled at me softly.

"We're from New York, what about you guys?" He asked, with perfect manners. I wanted to take his hand but ours were both occupied with flippers and snorkels.
The daughter and father were conversing quietly, him smiling when she pointed at a hotel and whispered 'look that's ours!' And then at the glass floor at all the different fish. They had their own gear.

"Ooh New Yorkers! Hiding from the cold yeah? We're from Indiana, doing the same as you," The woman replied, l both her and her husband laughing. I smiled politely while Will kept talking.

"That's nice, how is your trip going?" He asked, fake smile on his lips. He looked antsy, like he wanted to look around and not engage in conversation. I leaned into him a bit.

"It's going great, the weather is wonderful! How 'bout you boys? it's March break for you, yeah?"

"Yeah, it is." Will seemed to be done with the conversation, and looked out at the waves. Then the husband decided to cut in.

"Must be getting lots of girls, yeah? That what I did every March break back in the day," the old man laughed and slapped his knee. The daughter and father were still quietly talking but it seemed the honeymoon couple were listening in.

"Oh no, no girls," Will chuckled. I actually smiled a bit. It was funny that my boyfriend was being asked about girls right next to me.
The husband looked surprised.

"Well why not? It's the perfect time for you boys, get into a little trouble. You're still young, and this is Mexico!" He was progressively getting louder. I was progressively becoming more uncomfortable.
The father and daughter had stopped talking to each other, and while the father wasn't paying attention, she was.

"Well, I'm um, in a relationship already so..." Will seemed kind of bothered by the conversation, and he obviously wanted it to be over. I pressed my thigh into his and stared through the glass floor. We were trapped with this couple on the boat, we couldn't exactly walk away to get away from the conversation.

"What does that have to do with anything? You're young, live it up, 'cause one day you'll be married," he laughed and slapped his knee once more. His wife also smiled.

"I'm not the type of person that would cheat," Will frowned, "and anyways, I'm with the person I'm in a relationship with right now. That's sort of an inappropriate conversation to have in front of him, or you know, ever." Will was not joking around or laughing. He wasn't exactly angry, but rather annoyed.
What he said make the older couple stop laughing. The girl our age seemed to be leaning forwards in her seat to see what happened next. I just wanted to go snorkelling.
The man looked at Will and then at me. I was practically shrinking in my seat under his gaze. The man looked back at Will again.

"Oh... you're one of them, homosexuals," he shook his head in disgust, wrinkling his nose. I had shrunk so far down he looked like a giant.
The girl next to us looked angry now- like she was ready to jump up and kill the guy. The other couple looked mad too. Will looked furious.

"Um, yes? Does it really matter? If you have a problem with it, just don't talk to us, there's no need to make a big deal out of it," Will spat.
The couple ignored him. I shoved my snorkel in between my legs so that I could take his hand. He was fuming. He glanced at me, and his face relaxed.
He squeezed my hand back and exhaled deeply. The man scoffed, causing every other passenger on the boat to glare.

The rest of the ride was quiet and kind of awkward.
Snorkelling was cool, once I figured out how to not drown. It took me a good 10 minutes to not accidentally breathe in salt water. It was amusing for Will to see me splutter and get annoyed.

The fish were incredible, there was literally every single colour of fish. It was magical, honestly. I had never seen anything so vibrant.

I almost had a heart attack when I saw a barracuda, and immediately made sure Will wasn't wearing his earring. A barracuda attack would definitely ruin our trip.

The old couple stayed far away from us.
Will took a million pictures, and kept telling me to pose, but more than half of the time I would just flip him off.

On the way back the honey moon couple told us we couldn't miss the full moon party that night. We knew we wouldn't.


After going out to a different restaurant, a bigger one with a live band that looked over the ocean, we walked back on the beach (avoiding holes).
Parties had already started even though it had only just become dark. People were dancing, drinking and singing together. I was beginning to get excited when I saw the bar outside our condo lit up.
Will and I locked eyes, smiled at each other, and ran.
We sprinted into our condo to change into clothes that wouldn't get ruined by spilled drinks and sand- aka swim shorts. Then we grabbed some money for drinks and went back outside.

In Mexico, there was hardly any light pollution, and we could see all of the stars and the faint shadow of the Milky Way. Will and I walked out the path and down the beach. The music was loud, but not loud enough to make me anxious. People were dancing already. There was an old guy with long grey hair and a beard that had been drunk and singing at this particular bar for the past three days. Most people were locals- drinking and singing to songs- while few were young tourists.
Will and I kept our shoes on in case there was broken glass in the sand.
We hopped up the steps of the gazebo the bar was in and up to the counter.

The beginning was a big blur. A mess of us screaming the wrong lyrics to songs, drinking together (I'm not even sure what) and Will spinning me and dancing with me. Neither of us knew how to dance.
Around 11 at night, an hour and a half after we got there, it was fair to say I was drunk. So was Will, which I had never seen before. It was funny- really funny. He was louder than usual and way clumsier, always tripping over his feet.
There were a lot more people now. I would be surprised if there was a single sober person.

"Will," I giggled into my cup. The bartenders were giving everyone plastic cups because we were all so drunk. I don't know what I was drinking, but it was good.

"Yeah?" He laughed, turning around. He was standing on the railing screaming the lyrics to ride by twenty one pilots. I'm not sure why it was playing but it was. It wasn't even a good song.

"You're gonna fall, dummy," I laughed, walking up to him. He was up so high that my eyes only went to his knees. My head was tilted all the way back.

"I will never fall! I'm the king of the universe!" Will yelled stretching his arms wide. Some people laughed and cheered him on. Then he took the last half of his drunk and poured it on his head. I keeled over, laughing my ass off.

"Will, you're gonna be all sticky!" I couldn't stop laughing. Will turned around again with a mischievous grin.

"Nico!" He exclaimed as if he had just noticed me,
"Come up here with me!"
I shook my head laughing, but when he reached his hand down, I took it.
He began pulling me up but someone ran by, bumping me, which made him lose balance and fall off the railing.
Thankfully it wasn't that far off the ground and he just landed funny. In the artificial light from the bar I could see sand sticking to him.
He looked up at me with a weird look on his face.

"Why is the sand sticking to me, am I a magician?" He asked. I laughed taking my last sip of my drink.

"You poured your drink on you!" I yelled back. Will started laughing insanely hard and flopped into the sand.

I turned around to go down to him. I went through all the people, bumping and giggling sorrys. They laughed it off. I jumped off the small flight of stairs like I could fly.
Then I skipped along to the side of the gazebo where Will supposedly was.
When I got there I saw Will, squatting to get up, with a girl pulling his face towards hers. His eyes were open and he looked kind of disgusted. While trying to push her away from his face he turned his head to the side and saw me.
He finally shoved the girl off. She laughed, got up and ran away.

"Nico I swear- I don't know what happened- she just appeared! She didn't kiss me- I'm sorry-"

"Willlllyyy, don't fret my dear, you looked completely grossed out," I laughed. He, who had gone serious (somehow, I couldn't) started laughing again and pulled me into a kiss. It felt natural and easy now, my hands cupping his cheeks (sticky and sand covered) and his hands on my hips. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. He gave me a disappointed pout.

"I want to go swimming," I announced. He threw his head back and laughed.

"Of course my dear," he grinned. I jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, as he took us to the inky black water. He splashed in clumsily, stumbled, and dropped me. I laughed and walked the rest of the way myself beside him. Other people saw us go in and came in too.
Everyone was swimming. 
I was standing, with the water going up to shoulders,  and watched Will dive under and clean the weird drink and sand off himself. He surfaced, shook his hair dramatically, and went under again. I couldn't see which way he went.
I looked around, skimming the water that seemed thicker than before. After 15 seconds and he hadn't come up for air, I got worried. I wasn't amazing at swimming, and I wasn't sure what to do in my state.

"Will?" I asked out loud. I turned in a full circle again, trying not to freak out, before I felt someone grab my thigh- the bad one. I yelped- and then quickly laughed when Will came out of the water in front of me.
I could tell he had touched the bandages, but he didn't let on that he knew they were there.
He was still laughing. There was just a lot of laughing. I wasn't sure if I had it in me to be afraid. After all, I was intoxicated.

The laughter though. That's one of the things I liked best about him. No matter the situation, he could always make me laugh.

He pulled me into another kiss. His lips were salty and wet.
Someone around us wolf whistled making me blush and pull away. I didn't like all the recognition.
And I was starting to feel tired. Any more drinks and I would probably throw up.

"Will, let's go back," I whispered, tugging on his soaked shirt. He nodded, smiling, and walked with me out of the ocean.
We couldn't find our shoes so we walked up to our room without them. I was starting to crash, and my bed was sounding really good right now. But, as I headed to our room with Will behind me, we passed the pool. It was lit up with soft blue lights, and glittered in the moonlight.

Without thinking twice, I jumped in.
When I surfaced with a carefree grin, Will was walking over, tripped over nothing, and fell in next to me.
He came up beside me, spitting water. We were both laughing.
The music was dull in the privacy of the pool, and you could hear the late night breeze. I laid on my back. Will did too. I shut my eyes and floated for a bit.

"Y'know, I really love Camilla, I should call her," I said. Will laughed quietly.

"You don't have service, dummy,"

"Oh darn, why not? Fine then I'll call Bianca and tell her I love her," I replied. Will didn't laugh at this. We were silent for a bit.

"We should probably head to bed Neeks, so we can do more stuff tomorrow," Will said. I flipped so I was upright. He already was, facing me.

"Ok, yeah, let's go to bed," I nodded.
We stumbled to our room, taking 7 whole minutes to figure out how to use the key.
We each dried off and got into our pjs.
We said good night and went to separate beds.

I couldn't sleep. My eyes wouldn't shut.
I had been staring at my ceiling for a good hour or two.

I checked my phone, it read 3 am.

I was still in a drunken haze, so I heaved myself out of my bed, stumbled and tripped on my sheets, and went over to Wills room.
I opened the door without knocking. Will was asleep it seemed, on his side and with his eyes closed. I shuffled over to his bed and crawled into it. I heard him groan. I was facing him and saw his eyes open a bit.

"Whatcha doin Neeks?" He muttered.

"I can't sleep," I whispered back. He didn't say anything else, just wrapped an arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. He was warm.
I finally fell asleep.


These chapters are so much fun to write I'm having a blast.
Sorry for being a day late, I was busy on the weekend going to the cottage show and then moving every piece of furniture in my main floor because we're getting floors done.
Book: perks of being a wallflower
Song: any acoustic song by all time low (somewhere in neverland,  for Baltimore, backseat serenade, the reckless and the brave)
Movie: airplane (don't get your hopes up but it's amazing if you pay attention and have a dirty mind)

Love you guys, also I'm gonna post more Mexico pictures on my tag account soon but my pictures aren't downloading rn sooo soon


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