Another Moment Passing by...

By sweetlikesugar1d

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About two months after Dani and Derek Manchester passed away, the gang decides a vacation is needed. But will... More

Another Moment Passing by...
Chapter 1: The Mirror Can Lie
Chapter 2: Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
Chapter 3: Sudden Silence, Sudden Heat.
Chapter 4: Guess That's Why They Call It Window Pain
Chapter 5: Me and My Stupid Pride Are Sitting Here Alone
Chapter 7: As You Walk Away I Count The Steps That You Take.
Chapter 8: You Love Me, I Love You Harder.
Chapter 9: So this is me swallowing my pride.
Chapter 10: I don't wanna talk about it.
Chapter 11: I hope I never lose that feeling.
Chapter 12: Think I Know Where You Belong.
Chapter 13: I'm Losing Myself.
Chapter 14: Pretending Someone Else Can Come And Save Me From Myself.
Chpater 15: You Are Pretty Down To Your Bones.
Chapter 16: A Drop In The Ocean.
Chapter 17: With You and Me All Alone, No One Has To Know
Chapter 18: I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 19: I Can Love You More Than This
Chapter 20: The Roof Caved In And The Truth Came Out
Chapter 21: They're More Like Tsunami Tides In My Eyes
Chapter 22: An Indication, Something I Thought I Lost Long Ago
Chapter 23: On The Outside Looking In.
Chapter 24: I've Got A World Of Chances For You (part1)
Chapter 25: I've Got A World Of Chances For You (part2)
Chapter 26: What A Sad, Beautiful, Tragic Love Affair
Chapter 27: Four Blue Eyes.
Chapter 28: Reality Ruined My Life
Chapter 29: Love Like A Tidal Wave
Chapter 30: Everyone Will Make Mistakes (And I Know I Have)
Chapter 31: It's cool 'cause we're just friends
Chapter 32: I just like hanging out with you
Chapter 33: Maybe I'm just not strong enough
Chapter 34: Wish I Could Freeze This Moment in a Frame and Stay Like This
Chapter 35: Summer Love
Extra: The Wedding
Last words♥
Translation (is that even a word)

Chapter 6: Like Shadows in a Faded Light.

1.4K 67 2
By sweetlikesugar1d

Chapter 6: Like Shadows In A Faded Light

*Haley’s P.O.V.*

I gripped Niall’s torso tighter and tighter with every shout. Tears were leaking out of my clenched eyes still, knowing it was all my fault. It was so horrible to hear them fighting like that, especially knowing there was something I could’ve done to stop it.  “Now let go of me.” After those words were spat there were only the sounds of slamming doors and soft sobs.

“Halez, you know this isn’t your fault,” Niall soothed, rubbing my back. I nuzzled my face farther into his neck, not believing him but not wanting to argue. “This is between them. You didn’t ask to be involved, Julia asked you to help her so, being a good friend, you did.”

“But I wasn’t a good friend to Lou!” I wailed, lifting my face from his shoulder. “And especially after all that he’s done for me…” I could’ve continued, but Niall shushed me.

“It’ll work out,” he stated, looking me in the eyes. I sniffled a bit and held his gaze. “You should get some sleep, okay princess?” I nodded and lay my head on the soft pillow, bringing some of the blankets around myself and leaving some for Niall. I felt him slide under the blankets as well and wrap his arms around my waist. I tried to relax and settle into his embrace, but I couldn’t loosen up. Niall could probably tell, so he kissed my neck in a more comforting than sexual manner. Still, I decided to try to lighten the mood.

“How am I supposed to sleep when you’re doing that?” I joked. He smirked against my skin.

“At least I’m not doing this,” he replied. I was confused for a split second before he started grinding up against my ass. I gasped, caught off guard. I forced out a giggle, obviously aware that he was just fooling around. I also didn’t want him to know how nice it felt… I lightly jabbed my elbow backwards and he chuckled a bit. “Don’t pretend you didn’t love it,” he teased playfully before settling back down. I smiled and kept it on, even though my mind started to wander back to Julia and Louis…

*Megan’s P.O.V.*

I rolled over between the cool, thin sheets, testing out my left side to see if that would be more comfortable than my right. I lay like that for a few moments before accepting that I was still uncomfortable and tried lying on my back. I stared up at the distant white ceiling, but it wasn’t the ceiling I was seeing. I was seeing Harry stumbling through the door night after night with a new girl and a few new hickeys. It wasn’t fair that he was blocking himself off from loving again. It wasn’t fair to him or to me, a girl who was silently falling for him, aching to take away his pain. It hurt me to see him do that to himself, he deserved so much better. I flipped over, stuffing my face into my pillow, trying to get the awful scene out of my head. But it was engraved there, and didn’t seem to have any plans of leaving. I tried out my right side again, facing Julia. She was asleep, as it was about one in the morning. She had refused to talk to me, which was predictable. Julez has never been one to talk about her emotions much. I shut my eyes for a couple seconds, but they flew open again almost instantly. It’s scary not being able to see what’s around you. I threw the sheets off of my body, thinking maybe the heat was keeping me up. But that just made me feel even more exposed and vulnerable. I wanted company, but I felt like no one around me could make me feel better. Well, there was one person, but he would never help me in the way I wanted. I sighed and covered myself in the sheets once again, protecting myself from feeling so alone. I shut my eyes, but all I could see was Harry. I heard the door creak open a bit and I froze. “Megan?” I heard a deep voice whisper. I slowly opened my eyes to a slight sliver to see a figure with curls on his head standing in my doorway.

“What?” I mumbled incoherently, pretending I had been asleep instead of wide awake thinking about him.

“Can I talk to you please?” he requested, almost unsurely. I flipped the covers off and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, eager to get out of the silent room that held my friend who was obviously pretty torn inside herself. I didn’t want to be in that room, there were bad vibes bouncing off of the walls.

I met Harry, the only person I wanted to talk to at the moment, in the doorway and saw that he was only wearing briefs. Well at least he’s not naked, I thought, smirking inwardly. I closed the door softly with one hand as he took my other, guiding me down the stairs. His grip on my hand was strangely tight, but I wasn’t complaining. His hand was big and warm, and very pleasant to hold. He sat me down on one of the couches and let go of my hand, running his through his curls as he began pacing. I frowned up at him, not enjoying seeing him upset one bit.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

“What’s not wrong?” he exploded mutedly. I reared back a bit, feeling a bit like a beaten puppy before considering his feelings. He sighed exasperatedly and joined me on the couch.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, resting his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. I rubbed his back as he continued to vent. “It’s just I’m still so shaken up about Dani, and now Lou and Julia are quarreling as well. And Jesse’s distant now, even though he’s trying to hide it. I also feel like you’re mad at me, which I wouldn’t be able to handle because I’m just so lost right now. I want to make Dani happy, but I can’t let go of her.” I shushed him, preventing him from rambling any further as I lay my head on his bare back.

“I know it’s hard, Hazz,” I replied quietly. “It’s hard for all of us. I understand that you don’t want to let Dani go just yet, but you’re going to have to eventually.” I lifted my head and he turned to face me, tears of mourning and frustration threatening to sparkled up in his emerald eyes. I literally felt an aching in my chest as my bottom lip began to quiver. “Don’t cry, Hazz,” I pleaded as I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting him to see my face.

“But what else can I do?” he wailed. I felt like he was more wondering aloud, but I still answered him.

“I think you need to look at the bigger picture,” I advised, trying to choose my words carefully. “Maybe look a bit harder, instead of picking up the first girl you see at the bar.” I kind of regretting that when I reared back and saw a hint of pain in his emeralds, but it was the truth. Or you could also look right in front of you, I yelled at him in my mind. But of course I couldn’t say that, he still needed time.

“You’re right,” he replied. I smiled, hoping he was getting the right message. “I’ll start looking a bit harder,” he agreed, testing out a smile. Even though it was slightly wobbly, it still made me have to practically hold back a swoon.

“Good,” I responded. He squeezed my hand quickly before escorting me back up to my bedroom. He thanked me sweetly before retreating back to his own bedroom, and I crawled back into bed with a hopeful smile on my face. 

Please look in the right places.


hey my lovely readers!

I'm back with a new chapter hope ya all liked it if you did PLEASE MAKE SURE TO VOTE and if you didn't like it I DON'T CARE JUST VOTE FOR THE HECK OF IT.

no I'm joking.maybe.or not.hehe.

okay, I'm gonna go!

Take care, love ya♡


FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGTAM: @1dinfectionone

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